Overlord: Sovereign of Mania

By GamingLichdom

16.6K 390 154

In the year 2138, the fictional online DMMO-RPG known as YGGDRASIL was about to end after 12 years of service... More

Character Index: Hasutā no Kokoro (Index)
Chapter 1: The End of YGGDRASIL
Chapter 3: The Guardians
Chapter 4: Carne Village

Chapter 2: The New World

3.1K 83 26
By GamingLichdom

(Warning: Any images used within this fanfiction are not my own work, except for the character sheets of my OCs, Lord Hasutā no Kokoro and Arachnias. )

(Warning: I do NOT own Overlord or the characters, the only characters I own are Hasutā no Kokoro and Arachnias. I recommend watching the anime and reading the light novels in order to understand the events that may change within this story.)

= Spells/Skills/Items

[......] = Notification/Information

{......} = Message spell

(......) = A shift in time

"......" = Characters talking

Text =
Character in deep thought/monologue

As the two players were waiting for the assured shutdown of YGGDRASIL's servers, they instead found themselves remaining within the large throne room of their guild base. With great uncertainty, they both opened their eyes and leisurely began to search the room for any indication as to what happened, but found nothing that could encourage any uplifting modesty within their hearts.

After a few moments of silence, both Hasutā and Momonga shifted their gaze upon the NPCs of Nazarick, mainly the Pleiades, as they noticed a look of shock and horror upon their delicate faces. Each battle maid of the Pleiades seemed to tremble at the mere sight of the two players, and outwardly attempted to open their mouths in, what seemed like, a desperate attempt to answer their lords' frightful stares. However, their attempts to accumulate enough courage to confront their masters proved pointless as they continued to ogle the two players with great dismay.

This unorthodox reaction from the NPCs only fuelled the two players' complete lack of understanding and tranquillity as they both slowly shifted their gaze towards each other, their fragile minds trapped in a moment of utter turmoil; the NPCs of their dearest friends were acting extremely bizarre, and they couldn't discover the source of this abnormal behaviour.

Hasutā: "Momonga!?...What!?...How!?..."

In a moment of monumental panic, Hasutā enquired Momonga as he appeared to be awestruck at the unique declaration that formed upon the Pleiades' faces, and could not comprehend the sudden advancements within the NPC's movements and expressions; they almost seemed like real people.

Momonga: "Honestly, I'm not too sure myself..."

It was abundantly clear that neither Momonga or Hasutā had any idea as to what they were currently experiencing, but they continued to devise different ways to discover what was going on with the game. As they continued, both players suddenly heard a soft, gentle voice call out to them, originating directly from their right. However, as they looked with mild curiosity, they were suddenly astonished to find the holder of the mysterious voice.

Albedo: "M-my lords, is there s-something w-wrong?"

Before them kneeled Albedo, who had lifted her head in response to Hasutā's sudden outcry from before, and she was now conversing with both players as though she was a real person. This made Hasutā feel extremely uncomfortable as he continued to stare at the quaking succubus.

Hasutā: "....N-no Albedo, everything is fine."

Hasutā attempted to offer the succubus a reassuring nod, but it seemed fruitless as she continued to shake out of, what seemed to be, a small inkling of fear. Hasutā began to wonder if maybe their fear originated from something he did, until he remembered his sudden screech from earlier when the servers didn't shut down:

(As the servers shut down: "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?")

Hasutā: Of course, no wonder they're all scared; I just started screaming like a fucking banshee! Maybe I should apologise to them, but how would they react to that?

However, as the creature in yellow found it would be best to return his gaze to Momonga, he soon found his friend attempting to push the air. This only filled Hasutā with even more confusion, until Momonga explained his new discovery, and it seemed to trouble the tall undead.

Momonga: "Hasutā! The [GM Call] function isn't working!"

The sudden outburst from Momonga made Hasutā stiffen slightly as he realised what this meant; they were all alone, with no way to contact help. This realisation made Hasutā shake his head profusely in a desperate attempt to distract himself from his newfound predicament. However, it did very little to help the player's mood.

Suddenly, as both Hasutā and Momonga continued to discuss their recent discovery, Albedo suddenly rushed towards them, quickly kneeling again as she did. This sudden movement caught both players off guard as they almost fell backwards in response, and the succubus was extremely quick to discern her lords' unusual characteristics.

Albedo: "With all due respect my lords, you both seem very perplexed! Is their something wrong my lords? Are you sick!? Is it something we have done that has displeased you?!"

The suddenly cries from Albedo spawned a quick reaction from Momonga, whilst Hasutā merely stared at Albedo with a look of surprise and stupor upon his face, which they thankfully could not discern due to his large, golden mask that latched to his head. However, he began to listen to Momonga's words as he attempted to reassure Albedo that everything was normal.

Momonga: "Calm yourself Albedo, we were merely discussing something personal that we do not wish to share with the residents of Nazarick."

Hasutā had to admit that he was very impressed with how calm Momonga was during this entire ordeal, but he was still hoping to discover what was going on with YGGDRASIL's servers. After Momonga had finished explaining everything to Albedo, Hasutā quickly took the chance to test the loyalty of the other NPCs within the throne room, those being the Pleiades and Sebas Tian.

Hasutā: "Sebas..."

Sebas: "My Lord?"

Hasutā was quite happy to hear Sebas refer to him as 'lord', as it seemed that he was still loyal. However, he had to be certain of the dragon butler's alignment by ordering him to do something, and Hasutā had the perfect way to confirm Sebas' loyalty whilst also securing the location of Nazarick.

Hasutā: "Sebas, I need you to go outside of the great tomb and survey the surrounding area. You may take Lupusregina with you in order to cover more ground at a faster pace. However, you are forbidden from entering combat with anyone, and will return if you encounter any creatures with hostile intentions."

As the entity in yellow finished handing his orders to Sebas, the butler immediately stood up and gave one last bow to him. So far, Hasutā viewed this as a good sign of their loyalty, and was hoping he would get the same results from the other NPCs within Nazarick.

Sebas: "Of course Lord Hasutā, I shall return soon. Come, Lupusregina."

As Sebas offered his regards to Hasutā, he quickly motioned towards Lupusregina, who proceeded to enthusiastically stand up and follow behind the butler. Once they had left the room, Hasutā gave a mental sigh of relief as his fear of betrayal was quickly negated, and he soon directed his attention towards the rest of the Pleiades who continued to bow before their lords. However, before Hasutā could issue them an order, Momonga quickly averted his gaze from Albedo gave them an order of his own.

Momonga: "Pleiades, guard the 9th floor from any intruders."

Yuri Alpha: "We shall do so immediately, Lord Momonga."

With their new orders, each member of the Pleiades quickly began to fulfil their masters' wishes and left to guard the 9th floor from intruders. However, as the battle maids began to stand up and leave the room, Hasutā noticed Yuri Alpha bestow a shy glance upon him before she continued to leave the throne room, the glint of timidity still staining her alluring face.

This sudden shift in demeanour did not go unnoticed by those present, but Hasutā quickly dismissed the mysterious attitude of the eldest maid before turning his head towards Momonga. However, as he began to stare at the undead overlord, he noticed him grasping Albedo's wrist in an uncanny manner. What surprised Hasutā even further was when Momonga slowly lifted his hand towards Albedo's chest, which quickly ensued with Hasutā slapping his friend's hand.

As Momonga fell back in shock, he quickly saw Hasutā's disapproving gaze before he suddenly began to yell at the undead, which naturally resulted in Albedo falling back down in fear. Momonga, however, was far more embarrassed than fearful as his friend continued to scream at him without remorse.

Hasutā: "I look away for 5 minutes and you're already trying to grope Albedo!!?"

Momonga: "W-What I-no Hasutā l-let me explain-"

Unfortunately for Momonga, Hasutā wasted little time before he began to forcefully swing his hand to-and-fro across the skeleton's fleshless face, unleashing a barrage of insults as he grew more and more infuriated by the second. Albedo was left speechless at Hasutā's actions towards Momonga, but knew better than to question the wrath of the Lord of Mania. However, that did not mean that she was contempt with this treatment of Momonga, but she understood her lord's intentions.

Albedo: "L-lord Hasutā, I am perfectly contempt with Lord Momonga's loving embrace! In fact, I would love for him to use me in such a manner."

Upon hearing this, Hasutā's eyes widened instinctively as he quickly shifted his blue eyes towards the succubus who seemed to be drooling at the very thought of Momonga taking advantage of her. This perverted gaze quickly met Hasutā's, and Albedo instantly realised she had left her lord dumbstruck at her words.

Albedo: "Hah! My deepest apologies, Lord Hasutā!"

However, as Albedo proceeded to bow in a desperate attempt to apologise to Hasutā, he quickly placed a hand on her shoulder in an act of reassurance. This act of contempt was quickly followed by Hasutā expressing his concerns and offering advice to Albedo, as he occasionally took heavy glances at Momonga, who would simply scratch the back of his skull.

Hasutā: "Don't worry, Albedo. I am not angry with you, I simply wish that you would not force yourself into such unnecessary situations in order to please us."

Albedo: "I....yes, of course, Lord Hasutā."

Most people would expect Albedo to hold a tinge of annoyance at his remarks. However, the succubus had a completely alternative reaction to the Lord of Mania's words; she actually felt relieved knowing that she had such a kind-hearted master like Lord Hasutā to offer her advice on situations that were undetermined to her.

Suddenly, as Albedo was still deep in her thoughts, she suddenly heard Momonga clear his throat, although that was quite unnecessary for an undead skeleton to do, before he quickly issued orders for Albedo to follow.

Momonga: "Anyways, Albedo, I have new orders for you to follow: Except for the guardians of the fourth and eighth floors, I want everyone to gather at the sixth floor fighting arena. Have them gather there in one hour."

Albedo: "As you wish, Lord Momonga."

With her new orders, the succubus quickly left the throne room to fulfil her master's desires, which left the two rulers alone. Momonga awkwardly waited in absolute silence as his friend slowly averted his gaze from the entrance of the throne room, and presented a viscous stare towards Momonga.

Hasutā: "So....I guess I can give you a chance to explain your perverted actions towards Albedo just now. Though, I doubt you could convince me, Momonga."

Momonga: "Listen, Hasutā, It wasn't what it seemed like; I was testing to see the results of performing an 18+ action, as doing so in YGGDRASIL would result in an 'error' occurring."

Hasutā had to admit, though he wasn't expecting very much from his undead friend after the little stunt he pulled, Momonga had almost won him over with that explanation. Almost. But the truth was that Hasutā had more important things to discuss with his friend, and so he was willing to forget about this ordeal altogether.

Hasutā: "Though I'm still not fully convinced, I'll let you off with a warning. Just ensure that this never happens again, understood?"

Momonga had to admit, he found it funny that he, the guild master, was currently taking orders from one who was technically below him. However, he quickly dismissed such thoughts from his mind; he had no intentions of degrading his friend's stature within the guild, and he felt disgusted by his own selfish contemplations.

Momonga: "Anyway, shall we head to the sixth floor, Hasutā?"

Hasutā: "That's probably for the best."

Momonga and Hasutā quickly indicated a nod of approval to one another before using their Rings of Ainz Ooal Gown to transport themselves to one of the entrances to the sixth floor fighting arena. Both players began to stare at their fingers whilst contemplating the efficiency of their guild rings.

Momonga: "At least our guild rings still work, but I'm still not convinced that our magic will function as intended. How do you feel, Hasutā?"

As Momonga enquired the entity of amber, he quickly raised his head and released a small chuckle in response to the guild master's concern for his health and wellbeing. Hasutā quickly established a friendly aura in company with his giddy attitude before offering a heartfelt response towards the overlord of death.

Hasutā: "Don't worry Momonga, I feel fine."

After releasing a heavy sigh of relief, Momonga quickly continued through the lustreless hallway, his comrade walking by his side as they took their first steps into the illumined battlefield of the arena. Once they were fully outside, they noticed the large, towering pillars that protruded from the walls of the arena, and the well-kept rock floor that remained unimpaired by the two great gods that walked gracefully across its surface.

However, as they both continued walking across the arena, Hasutā finally noticed the absence of two very important NPCs of this floor, and he began to shift his gaze anxiously across the entire stadium, hoping that they would appear. After spending almost 2 minutes searching for them, he finally gave up and inquired Momonga about their sudden lack of appearance.

Hasutā: "Hey Momonga, where are the dark elf twins?"

Momonga: "Hmm? I'm not too sure, actually...."

As both Hasutā and Momonga began to feel uneasy, Hasutā even more so, they finally heard a light, giddy voice originating from the VIP stadium post, and quickly shifted their eyes towards the upper floor. Suddenly, a small child with pointed ears and dark skin jumped down from the upper stadium and landed on the floor, gathering a heavy abundance of dust, before shifting both of her arms into a 'V'.

With the sudden appearance of this small child, both players began to chuckle quietly to themselves as the dark elf girl quickly ran towards them at super speed before finally stopping directly in front of them. She quickly raised her sparkling eyes towards theirs, a large smile creeping onto her face in the process.

This dark elf girl was Aura Bella Fiora, one of the guardians of the sixth floor, as well as the first NPC created by Bukubukuchagama, a mutual friend shared between Momonga and Hasutā.

As the girl stood before the two rulers, she gave an enthusiastic nod towards them whilst straightening her back. Both Momonga and Hasutā couldn't help but laugh at the adorable little elf attempting to look strong and independent in the presence of her superiors. After a few moments, Aura finally spoke with a welcoming, winsome tone that melted the hearts of the two players who stood in bewilderment, wondering how she could be so cute.

Aura: "Lord Momonga! Lord Hasutā!~ Welcome to the sixth floor fighting arena."

Hasutā: "Hello little one, I am overjoyed to see you so happy and joyful."

Aura became red in response to the kind words of her master, desperately trying to hide her awkward face behind her hands. As she continued to stand in front of the two lords, completely embarrassed by Hasutā's compliments, Aura eventually removed her hands from her face and reinforced her confident demeanour. Failing miserably in the process.

Aura: "U-u-uh....of course, Lord Hasutā! I'm f-feeling g-great!"

Momonga: "That's good to hear, young Aura. Nevertheless, myself and Hasutā shall only intrude for a moment."

Aura: "W-What! You must be joking, Lord Momonga! You and Lord Hasutā are the absolute rulers of Nazarick; there isn't anyone who would consider your appearance an intrusion, at least not among myself and my brother!"

The moment Aura mentioned her brother, Momonga and Hasutā instantly looked to each other before inspecting the arena once more, searching for the second dark elf the small girl is referring to. However, he was nowhere to be seen.

Momonga: "Yes, or course. But where is your brother?"

Aura's eyes instantly widened in shock before Hasutā also asked a similar enquiry.

Hasutā: "Ah! Yes Aura, where is your younger sibling?"

After her masters asked her about her brother, Aura began to ponder for a few moments before shifting her gaze towards the VIP section of the arena. Suddenly, Aura's usual happy face became one of anger and displeasure, which caught both Hasutā and Momonga off guard.

Aura: "MARE! Get down here, now! You're being rude to Lord Hasutā and Lord Momonga!"

Momonga: Wow! A little forceful, Aura...

Hasutā: Jesus Christ, kid! No need to be so demeaning!

In response to Aura's booming yell, a small dark elf boy, presumably Mare, appeared above the railing of the VIP balcony, watching nervously as the girl gave him a frightening glare. Sadly, however, this glare caused the small boy to flinch before timidly responding to Aura's demand.

Mare: "B-but sis, it's t-too high..."

Aura: "WHAT!?"

Once again, the girl's thunderous screech sent a chill down the boy's spine, before he finally offered a meek reply that was barely audible from where the three other beings were standing.

Aura: "Mare! Get down here, now!"

Mare: "O-ok, I'm coming!"

Mare quickly jumped down from the VIP balcony, stumbling in the process, before awkwardly running towards Aura, Hasutā and Momonga. As the young dark elf boy finally reached his sister, he timidly offered a small bow before welcoming his masters to the sixth floor.

Momonga watched as Mare slowly approached him, an innocent smile forming on the young boy's face and producing an aura of comfort. Alternatively, Hasutā stared at Mare with great confusion, wondering my the boy was wearing a skirt with leggings, but eventually lost interest in the subject. Lastly, Aura continued to pierce her younger brother with an intolerable gaze that portrayed her disapproval of his shyness.

Mare: "H-hello my L-Lords, It's an h-honour."

Momonga: "Uh...yes, of course Mare."

Hasutā: "Hm...greetings, young Mare."

Both lords greeted Mare with modesty and kindness, unlike his older sister, and quickly decided to explain why they had come to the sixth floor. Of course, Hasutā decided that Momonga should explain the details because he's the guild master, which resulted in the undead overlord responding to Hasutā's pitiful excuse with a choleric sway of his skull.

Momonga: "Well, myself and Hasutā are here to experiment in order to identify any issues regarding the use of magical spells. Could you prepare some dummy targets for us?"

Aura: "Oh! Of course, Lord Momonga!"

Mare: "Y-yes my lord."

As aura and Mare both left to gather practice dummies, Momonga and Hasutā began to discuss their opinions on certain matters, mainly regarding their sudden appearance as their avatar characters from YGGDRASIL. However, they both seemed to agree on one subject....

Hasutā: "So, I'm guessing we both agree that this world is no longer YGGDRASIL, right?"

Momonga: "Yes, I believe you are correct, Hasutā."

Hasutā: "Right, so the real question is; do we try to go back home?"

Momonga: "......Well, is there any point in going back?"

Hasutā considered Momonga's words for a moment. Though Hasutā did have a nice job that payed well, he still felt extremely lonely as he didn't have any family or friends. Of course, the only real friends he had were his guild mates, but most of them had left YGGDRASIL at this point and he felt it was rather unlikely that they would be in this world too. Overall, he didn't see much of a reason to go back to his old life, and felt he would be much happier staying in Nazarick with the NPCs.

Hasutā: "Honestly Momonga, I think I'd like to stay here..."

Momonga: "...."

Momonga didn't know what to say; he thought Hasutā would be on his knees at this point, riddled with tears, hoping to find a way back home. Yet here his friend was, basically saying 'fuck you!' to his original life, and he seemed completely contempt knowing he may never be able to go back and see anyone from his original world ever again.

However, Momonga wasn't saddened by this. In fact, the undead was delighted to know that Hasutā was willing to remain here and start a new life, and he couldn't help but mentally smile at the thought of his friend remaining here. Because, in all honesty, Momonga didn't want to leave either, and he would've despised staying here alone.

Momonga: "Well Hasutā, I can't say I feel any different. In fact, I completely agree with what you said!"

Hasutā: "Well I- Wait, really!?"

Momonga: "Well yea! Honestly, I don't have any reason to go back to my old life."

Hasutā: "Oh....well, if you're sure."

Momonga: "Absolutely positive!"

Both Momonga and Hasutā let out a hearty laugh as they wrapped their arms around each other's shoulder, holding the other close in a friendly embrace. They rather enjoyed the small moment of affection, which showed their bond as good friends, until Aura and Mare returned with a group of four Dragonoids, each one holding eight training dummies.

As the two dark elf sibling returned, they froze in shock as they observed the two lords holding each other tightly, laughing as they reminisced about the good times they spent within the guild. They both suddenly stopped and glared at the two siblings, who immediately looked away in pure embarrassment.

Momonga: "Ah! Aura, Mare. I'm glad to see you've return so soon."

Aura/Mare: "Y-yes Lord Momonga!"

Hasutā: "Alright, kids! Set up the dummies near the far end of the arena whilst myself and Momonga prepare to test our magic."

Aura: "No problem, Lord Hasutā!"

Mare: "O-of course, L-Lord Hasutā"

As Hasutā ordered them to prepare the dummies, both Aura and Mare told the Dragonoids to move them towards the other side of the battle arena, and they quickly obeyed. Once the training dummies had been set up, both siblings took a large set back as they prepared to witness the power of the two supreme ones.

As the two players were preparing their spells, Momonga quickly glanced at his friend, Hasutā, and asked an extremely important question regarding their magic. In all honesty, Momonga was surprised he hadn't thought of this earlier:

Momonga: "U-uh...hey Hasutā?"

Hasutā: "What's wrong, Momonga?"

Momonga: "....What do we say to Aura and Mare if our spells don't work?"

Hasutā: ".....Shit."

In truth, Hasutā also hadn't thought of this predicament, but quickly assured himself as he continued preparing his spells. As he focused on his magic, he could feel his spells, how powerful they were, and also how much MP he had. However, it was at this moment that Hasutā noticed just how massive his MP was, and he became very excited.

Hasutā: "W-we'll just tell them it was a test for magic safety, or something. I'm sure they'll buy it."

Momonga: "Uhm....well.....if you say so."

Hasutā: "Just in case all of my skills from YGGDRASIL were transferred, I'm going to cast a 1st tier spell, even though that will probably be extremely underwhelming."

Momonga couldn't argue with Hasutā on both fronts; on one hand, Hasutā having all of his YGGDRASIL skills -including both his racial and job classes- would make all his spells exceedingly overpowered. However, a 1st tier spell is still extraordinarily week compared to other forms of magic, meaning he could ultimately embarrass himself in front of Aura and Mare.

Momonga: "Well, I suppose we'll just have to see what happens."

Hasutā: "Yea, guess we will."

As Momonga finished preparing his spell, he glanced towards Hasutā, wondering who would cast their spell first. Surprisingly, Hasutā gave a nod of approval, insisting that Momonga goes before him. With no reason to object to this decision, Momonga immediately casts a random spell from his arsenal.

Momonga: "[Reality Slash]!"

Aura, Mare and Hasutā all watched as Momonga's 10th tier spell instantly pushed forward towards the dummies, instantly destroying 10 within mere moments before an abundance of dust began to enshroud the area of the attack. However, a few seconds later, the dust began to subside, revealing that there was nothing left of the previous dummies except a few chunks of wood. Aura and Mare stood in awe at their master's incredible spell, and began to applaud the undead for his amazing performance.

Aura: "Wow, Lord Momonga! That was incredible!"

Mare: "Y-yea, it was a-amazing!"

Momonga: "Oh, really? Why thank you. Anyways, Hasutā, it's your turn."

Hasutā: "Of course. I think I'll use a 1st tier spell, just in case."

Both of the dark elf siblings stared at Hasutā with bewildered expressions; 1st tier spells were extremely weak, yet their Lord was preparing to use one to show off his magical capabilities. Overall, both Aura and Mare felt very disappointed that they wouldn't be able to witness Lord Hasutā's true power, as they have never seen him fight before.

Aura: "Hey Mare, why is Lord Hasutā using such a weak spell?"

Mare: "A-aura! You can't call Lord Hasutā w-w-weak!"

Aura: "What!? I'm not! I was just wondering why he was using a 1st tier spell!"

Aura began to consider her previous statement before suddenly freezing in place. Her face went incredibly pale as she began to contemplate what her Lord may have thought if he had heard her statement.

Aura: Oh no! What if Lord Hasutā thought the exact same thing as Mare!? I hope he didn't hear what I said!

Mare: Sister really needs to be careful what she says; she may accidentally offend Lord Hasutā!

Both siblings were immediately withdrawn from their thoughts as they heard Hasutā begin to chant his spell. However, as they watched him cast it, they noticed how bright it was in his palm, and how it appeared to smoulder a vibrant streak of light that continued to expand into the size of his hand.

Hasutā: "[1st Tier - Flame Bolt]"

Suddenly, a small ray of hot flames shot out of his hand and began to move at incredible speed. The dark elf siblings watched in pure disbelief as the small ball of fire instantly made contact with the large group of dummies, only mere moments after the spell was launched, and immediately began to enlarge itself.

Within but a few seconds, the tiny spec of fire had suddenly expanded into a colossal ball of heat that enveloped everything around it before it suddenly exploded, producing a blinding light that lasted for over two minutes before it finally diminished. Once the light had fully dissipated, Aura and Mare both turned their gaze back towards the blast zone, only for them both to abruptly freeze in place, their mouths hung agape at the terrifying sight before them.

Hasutā's 1st tier spell....had destroyed the remaining 22 dummies.

Momonga stood behind Hasutā in utter shock as he also noticed the distinct lack of dummies left standing within the spell's attack radius. In all honesty, Momonga hadn't expected Hasutā's spell to deal so much damage, and thought that it could only take out 5 dummies at most. However, the skeleton suddenly remembered a specific class used by Hasutā, and how it influenced his 1st tier spell; his levels in [Artificer].

Momonga: As an [Artificer], Hasutā will naturally gain a +50% damage buff for each piece of armour that is legendary or above. Additionally, he will also receive a +15% buff to his spell speed. However, due to his obsession with breaking the game script and finding new glitches to increase his player skills, he managed to increase his [Artificer] class, as well as a handful of others, to 100lv.

Due to his inner monologue of Hasutā's special class, Momonga quickly began to rub his chin as he considered how his friend had many other classes just as broken as this one, and he wasn't looking forward to seeing them. Overall, Momonga was still amazed that Hasutā's spell could deal such a large amount of damage, even with the spell buffs, but he ultimately accepted the outcome of this unofficial competition; Hasutā was the victor.

Momonga: "I must admit Hasutā, I wasn't expecting your spell to be so powerful."

Hasutā: "Hahaha! Yea, neither was I, but I'm happy with the results."

Aura/Mare: "Lord Hasutā!!"

As Momonga and Hasutā were talking about the affects of the spell, Aura and Mare suddenly rushed towards the yellow being, stars sparkling within their nonplus eyes as they continuously attempt to comprehend how so much power could be stored within such a basic spell. Eventually, they simply began to scream in excitement about Hasutā's extraordinary power as they directed many questions towards the Lord of mania.

Aura: "Lord Hasutā, that was so cool!"

Mare: "Y-yea, your p-power was incredible!"

Aura: "How did you do that, Lord Hasutā!?"

Hasutā: "Uhm, I just cast the spell. I didn't do anything else, really."

Both dark elves began to gasp in astonishment in response to what their master had just said. They couldn't understand the power Lord Hasutā was able to control, even after they had just witnessed it before their very eyes. However, Aura and Mare suddenly became lost in their own thoughts, visualising the many incredible feats their Lord could accomplish.

Aura: Wow! Lord Hasutā's spell was so cool! I wanna see more!

Mare: To think Lord Hasutā is such a powerful being...

Momonga noticed the two siblings daydreaming and attempted to gain their attention. He let out a dramatic cough, which instantly grasped the two dark elf children out of their phase, and they automatically stared at their lord to receive his great wisdom.

Momonga: "Well, I believe Hasutā has displayed quite the performance. I am very impressed."

Hasutā: "I appreciate your praise, everyone."

Momonga: "In any case, I would like to try one more test involving the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. Would you two like to assist me?"

Aura and Mare instantly perked up at the idea of assisting their beloved master, and began to enthusiastically nod their heads in unison. Momonga took their excitement as a very certain 'yes' as he began to walk over to the crater caused by Hasutā's [Flame Bolt] spell. Suddenly, Momonga raised his staff in the air and began to use a summon spell, which seized the attention of the siblings.

Momonga: "Summon! [Primal Fire Elemental]!"

As Momonga finished casting the spell, a large surge of fire began to culminate within the crater, absorbing the flames from Hasutā's spell and increasing the summons power. However, Momonga had not expected such a reaction, and so he was surprised when he discovered the [Primal Fire Elemental] was Lv100.

Hasutā: "Uh...."

Momonga: "What the!..."

Both Momonga and Hasutā were completely taken aback by the immense power radiating from the creature, and they quickly turned to each other in a desperate attempt to confirm that they were not hallucinating. They both received a quick nod of affirmation from the other as they continued to gloat over their new creation.

Suddenly, they heard a giddy laugh echo from behind them as they saw Aura hopping blissfully with a large smile on her face. However, Mare looked absolutely terrified by the large monster before her, and attempted to hide behind Momonga's robes without him noticing.

Aura: "So cool! Can I fight it!?"

Momonga/Hasutā: Eh?

Mare: "W-W-WHAT!?"

Mare instantly began to whimper even louder as she desperately tugged onto Momonga's purple robes, praying that his lord will refuse his sister's dangerous wish. However, before Momonga could even give a response, Hasutā suddenly released a hearty laugh before replying to Aura's excitement with a look of encouragement in his sapphire eyes.

Hasutā: "Of course, Aura! Please, enjoy yourself!"

Aura: "Awesome!"

Mare: "U-um, I just remembered I have s-something really important to take care of. Bye!"

As Mare quickly attempted to run away from her new predicament, his older sister quickly grabbed onto his shirt, refusing to let him leave. In response, Mare simply gave out a desperate cry as he was dragged by Aura towards the level 100 [Primal Fire Elemental].

Momonga: Poor kid, I wonder what Hasutā thinks of Mare's crisis.


(~10 Minutes Later~)

Aura and Mare had been fighting the [Primal Fire Elemental] for roughly ten minutes, and they were slowly starting to get tired. As they continued to fight, Mare's magic began to drain exponentially fast, as he had to keep producing magic shields in a desperate attempt to keep his sister from harm.

Aura quickly began to take more damage as the fight progressed, and she was now at 60% HP. However, she still had enough strength left to finish the fight before her HP fell much further, and she had almost drained the beast's HP completely.

As the fight was nearing its end, Momonga and Hasutā were discussing the information they had gathered from their tests with magic. Overall, they were extremely confident that their other skills would work, as Hasutā's devastating spell buffs proved that their racial and job classes had also been transferred from YGGDRASIL. Now, they were simply making small talk until Aura and Mare had defeated the [Primal Fire Elemental].

Hasutā: "So, I guess we can say for sure that all of our skills work."

Momonga: "Indeed, but I'm still slightly worried about the other NPCs of Nazarick. Especially yours, Hasutā."

Hasutā instantly became quiet at this remark; he knew exactly who Momonga was talking about, and he wasn't really sure how he felt about seeing her again. Though he was confident that she would be loyal to Nazarick, he was uncertain whether she would pledge her loyalty to Momonga.

The main issue with this was that Hasutā affixed into her character description that she first became loyal to him when he defeated her, meaning that she may refuse to follow Momonga's orders simply because, in her eyes, he hasn't proven himself worthy to rule Nazarick. However, Hasutā will simply have to deal with her when the time comes, and hopefully he won't have to use violence.

Hasutā: I really don't wanna have to kill her....

As Hasutā was busy thinking about his creation, Aura and Mare had finally destroyed the elemental, and were now running towards the two lords. However, both Momonga and Hasutā could tell that they were almost completely out of energy due to how they were practically limping towards them.

Aura: "*huff*....*puff*...w-we...*huff*...did it my lords."

Mare: "I-I'm really t-tired..."

Momonga: "You two did very well against such a strong opponent. Well done!"

As soon as they both heard Momonga's praises, they instantly stood up straight in an attempt to look strong and energized, only to let out sharp breaths and shiver profusely due to their weakened muscles. As a result, they began to slowly fall down until they were slouched and sluggish.

Momonga: "You both must be thirsty. Here"

Suddenly, Momonga reached his hand through a small rift before pulling out a large jug of water, along with two small tankards. The undead then proceeded to slowly fill both tankards with water and handed the dark elf twins one each. However, as they were about to take a drink of water, they heard Hasutā begin to speak, and they each turned to look at him.

Hasutā: "I suppose you two must be hungry as well. Why don't you both have something to eat?"

Identical to Momonga, Hasutā suddenly lifted his hand into a small rift before removing it once more. However, once he had pulled his hand from the void, both Aura and Mare began to drool as they saw Hasutā holding two golden plates, each plate holding a slice of chocolate cake. Both dark elf children took one plate before offering a small bow towards Momonga and Hasutā.

Aura: "Thank you for your generosity, my lords."

Mare: "T-Thank you very m-much, my lords."

Momonga and Hasutā both began to laugh as the two dark elves sat down on the ground and began to eat their cake, occasionally taking a drink form their tankards filled with fresh water. Both Aura and Mare were blushing slightly at their masters' sudden laughter towards their actions, attempting to conceal their bashful expressions by turning their heads away. Eventually, however, they finished their food and drink, and proceeded to confront their lords regarding their personal feelings.

Aura: "Honestly, my lords, I thought you both would be really scary."

Mare: "Y-yea! I thought you w-would be scary t-too."

Hasutā: "Hmm, interesting observation, young ones. I suppose, if you wish, we could be-"

Aura: "N-no! I like you both how you are now; it's the best!"

Mare gave an enthusiastic nod to show how he agreed with his sister. However, this sudden response from both children caused Hasutā to let out another small chuckle at the adorable dark elves standing before him. However, as he was preparing a response, he suddenly heard a gate open behind them, and two figures began to walk through.

The first figure was a small lady with deathly pale skin, crimson eyes and sharp teeth. She wore a large bow on her head, whilst her dazzling silver hair was tied into a long ponytail. In her hand, she held a large, purple umbrella that complemented her lavender dress and made her stand out within the battle arena.

This mysterious lady was Shalltear Bloodfallen, a true vampire. Shalltear was created by another friend of the two players called Peroroncino, a thirty year old shut-in that was obsessed with creating illustrious anime characters. In all honesty, Hasutā thought that Peroroncino had a serious problem, but never really thought to bring it up with the guild.

As Shalltear walked out of the portal, she began to gaze around the arena, discerning that no other guardians from the other floors had arrived, other than herself and her friend. However, she continued to make her vampiric presence know as she proceeded to use a flirtatious voice in order to gain the acknowledgement of everyone currently within the large battlegrounds.

Shalltear: "Oh~ Are we the first to arrive?"

Everyone's gazes quickly shifted to the small vampire that appeared from the void, and they soon noticed another entity that seemed to slowly walk through the gateway. However, no one else seemed to know who this strange person was, except for the Lord of Mania; Hasutā quickly recognised her slim build, and the abundance of legs that protruded from her sides.

The second figure that began to walk out was a tall, grey-skinned woman with the lower half of a spider. She had long, spiked mandibles on each side of her head, whilst three conical spikes derived from her shoulders. Her spider-half consisted of eight large, domineer legs that prod against the stone floor of the battle arena. Her very presence practically oozed bloodlust...

This dangerous lady was Arachnias, the Mistress of Poison.

Both Momonga and Hasutā quickly froze as they watched Arachnias continue to walk out of the purple gateway. They cautiously watched as the slender cryptid leisurely, yet immediately, shifted her venomous gaze between the two lords before she bestowed a ferocious smile upon both of them, watching as they locked eyes with her. Aura and Mare both instinctively rushed behind Momonga and Hasutā out of fear, and began to shake furiously as the lady walked closer towards them and their masters.

Arachnias: "I have arrived....my master."

Hasutā: "That you have, Arachnias..."

[End of second chapter...]

Author's Note:

Arachnias will have issues with Momonga as the guild master, but she is still extremely loyal to Hasutā. However, many of the other floor guardians are not very fond of her, other than Shalltear, Kyouhukou, Demiurge and Entoma.

Also, I don't have any plans for Hasutā and Yuri Alpha as a couple, but I may change my mind if I come up with any good ideas. I'd most likely only give them an official relationship if there's a way that it can greatly effect the story, both positively and negatively. However, I might just give them a relationship because I feel like it, I'm not really sure but It could happen.

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