Cant I Just Be A Background C...

By bubblecakespattykiss

459K 19K 12.6K

All Suna Katsumi ever wanted to be was a background character. But fate has other things in stored for him... More

000; prologue
001; crisis indeed
002; the butler
003; The Past Of Collins Wright
004; a day with dad
005; brothers conflict
006; grounded
007; crown prince
008; this is not home
009; pretty little thing
010; vanilla
011; history with some salt on top
012; disgusted
014; a new beginning
015; sudden confession
016; Arumnia
017; forest

013; just an average day

18.7K 734 502
By bubblecakespattykiss


Trigger Warning! mentions of suicide and sensitive topics up ahead.

Trivia: George is a sadistic bastard, while Byton is more of a masochist.

Fun fact: this chapter was inspired by the music 'hitchcock' by yorushika.

Another fact: since coming to this world, Sumi developed suicidal tendencies which were not explained until now.

Once again, it was another boring day in school. Another day of trying to not stand out, but failing miserably, yet again. The white-haired boy took out his needed worksheets for the next period and put them in his desks, arranging them in an order so that it could be easier to take out for the next, next periods.

It was early in the morning, and Sumi was in quite a bad mood, which happens often, but today it was a little different. Today, he snuck into the kitchen and ate 5 cakes for breakfast, hoping to improve his bad mood. Coming to school with a satisfied stomach is very important, after all.

He knows the reason is because he's homesick.

Yes, again.

He doesn't know why, but he's starting to forget his real family who has given birth to him in his old world. Slowly, one by one, he's forgetting a piece of memory with them. And it terrifies him. To absolutely forget about his old life. What if he actually forgets about it all? No. He wont let it happen. He spent a good 15 years there, and only a few months here, there is no way he could forget but-

Just.. what if? Its almost like he's starting to accept life here, and that's terrifying.

'I don't think I am going to eat lunch. I'm pretty full.' The small boy thought as he patiently waited for the teacher to arrive. Seems that the teacher is running a bit late, which didn't bother the boy at all, the teacher could take all the time they need.

Suddenly, his vision became black as he felt hands covering his eyes. Sumi almost let out a sigh knowing that this is another one of his nuisance friend. The question is, which nuisance is it today?

It changes everyday.

"Guess who?" The mysterious man sang, his voice as soft as silk. Ah, its the other nuisance, Allen. Before Sumi could snarl back at the blue-head, another nuisance beat him to it.

"Allen, your back!" Phil cheered, slowly coming closer to the duo. Sumi took this chance and removed the small hands of off his eyes. "Glad to see you've recovered from the flu." Phil added. Sumi fought the urge to roll out his eyes and just pretended that they didn't exist.

"A measly flu wont do much to me. Right, Louis?" Allen blushed, looking at Sumi who had his elbow on his desk and head resting on his hand. Sumi didn't answer, but he nodded slightly, satisfying the aqua-head boy. Allen's smile slightly grew at this.

Ah.. puppy love.

The three of the boys came from distinguished families. So its obvious that the boys will be the center of attention of the class. Seriously, how did Sumi end up with these freaks?

Not only were they from respectable families, Sumi's new friends were also considered a pretty strong mage. Especially Allen, another magic prodigy aside from Louis. Phil was basically the next powerful mage aside from Allen.

Not to mention, Allen is pretty scary when he's mad.

Sumi likes to think that Allen is the 'fun mom' of the group, while Phil is just the annoying kid that needed attention 24/7. Of course, Sumi is the only normal one in the group (is what Sumi likes to think). They both are just so energetic that Sumi cant keep up. Someone get him out of this group. The people at home is already much of a nuisance, no need to add more.

If Sumi is not wrong, Allen is 2 months older, while Phil is just a month younger than Louis. That is quite a close age gap.

Now for the monkeys that are reading this book, you guys must be wondering, how did Sumi end up with these no-good people magnet cockroaches?

Well, let this author explain from the beginning.

"Sorry but I'm breaking up with you guys." The group of mini imps blinked. They were confuse, they thought that they had a good relationship on the youngest master of the Cliffard household. So for the infamous 'Louis' to come to them and say that he doesn't want to be friends anymore is really shocking.

But too bad. Louis is not Louis anymore. Louis is Sumi now.

"C-Come on now, Louis. Aren't we friends?" hmm.. friends don't talk behind each others back. Sumi's standards are just too high, sorry. Just as usual, Sumi intended on ignoring the low nobles, hoping that they wont create a big fuss about it.

It was so sudden, so Sumi guessed that they might need some time to process it. Anyways, spending time alone might not be a good thing, but it was better than hanging out with these people who only used him for fame.

"Louis, we could talk about this right?" One of the baron pleaded as he held Sumi's wrist. The baron held a nervous smile. Oi, these stupid low life nobles are not even supposed to touch someone of his status.

'Get your filthy hand off of me!' is what Sumi wanted to say to them, but he didn't want to risk his reputation. They are in the classroom, after all. Sumi thought that it would be best to do this publicly so that everyone knows that Louis is not in contact with them anymore.

The 'friends' Louis had associated himself with are known as delinquents. They have a pretty bad reputation, so they thought that they could stain naive Louis's reputation too. They are one of the reasons why Louis became the imp that he is now today.

He is in quite a predicament. What to do? Slap his wrist and look rude? Apologize? Hell no, why would Sumi apologize to a low-noble? It doesn't make sense and it would only make him seem weak. Talk this out? No. They don't seem like the type to listen. Sumi didn't know what to do, which is pretty unusual. But he considers himself an introvert, so he has no experience in these kind of things.

"Louis, what are you doing?" Suddenly a pair of arms hugged his figure, Sumi looked up to see a fellow classmate and another classmate standing just behind the fellow touching him. The figure had a cheerful smile on his face, while the other on behind him has a calm aura surrounding him.

"Phil!" The nobles exclaimed altogether. What's the infamous earl doing hugging the son of the duke? Also, the marquis boy was observing the interaction, making the group of low-nobles more nervous.

"I'm sure the duke wouldn't like it if you guys keep sticking to his son like a pest, won't he?" Allen smiled, looking friendly but his words said otherwise. Meanwhile, Sumi was uncomfortably shifting in Phil's arms. Great, now they are attracting more attention.

Sumi had only planned to break things off with them, not get another pest bothering him. Whatever, he needs a few friends he could walk around with anyways. It works in his favor.

The nobles scurried out, hoping that the 2 infamous nobles wont tattle on them and that the duke wont ever hear about this. Everyone knows that the duke dotes on his youngest soon. It will be bad if the duke were to hear about this.

"We saved the day, huh?" Phil sang, looking at his other friend, Allen. The reason why Phil saved Louis from the predicament was because Allen had a crush on Louis.

'Do you want me to say thank you or what? What is your motive, brats?' was what Sumi thought.

In the end, Sumi was forced to become friends with them. Sumi would like to think that their average, but they were so far from that.

That is how Sumi ended up with the 2 nuisance.

Its quite a nice story if you think about it. A damsel in distress saved by 2 handsome-

Anyways, Sumi caught on Allen's crush. He noticed that Allen would be super, super nice around him. Well, he's always nice, but he pays more attention to Sumi when he's in the same room.

"How about it, Louis?" Allen snapped Sumi out of his daydream. Ever since Sumi had caught on about Allen having a crush on him, he tried his best to not get close. "How about what?" Sumi questioned as he didn't hear what the other 2 were saying.

"Jeez, were you even listening?" Phil complained, a frown placed on his lips. Allen sweatdropped assuring Phil that its alright and that he will explain everything again to Sumi.

"Do you want to eat the cake my chef baked? We just got a new chef, and he's pretty popular around these areas. I'm sure you'll love his desserts." Allen baited him. But its honestly too bad, Sumi is not in the mood to eat sweets, which is pretty rare, since he's always in the mood to eat anything sweet. But he's in a really bad mood today.

Anxiety and all other negative emotions are filling him up.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'd have to pass up on it." Sumi politely declined. The two boys that were standing infront of Sumi's desk had their mouth agape as if someone had committed a crime.

"Louis declining s-sweets?" Phil stuttered.

It seems as if Sumi declining Allen's offer shocked Allen the most as the aqua head felt his heart snapped. To be honest, in his perspective, it felt like getting rejected by your crush and having a mental breakdown at the same time. Okay, maybe Allen was slightly overreacting.

"Pft- Allen, you kinda just got rejected!" Phil joked as he hit the now pale aqua-head in the shoulder. It seems as if Allen is in shock right now, so Sumi wont bother him for today. Well, not that Sumi had ever initiated a conversation with Allen first.

How long is it before the teacher starts the class? Sumi cant stand another second with them.

As Phil and Allen were arguing, Sumi was spacing out. Sumi is not the type to always space out. Today, he's just thinking about his family back home.

He almost forgot about it, his grandfather had cancer.

It almost left his mind that his grandfather was sick. He was not particularly close to his grandfather, but he remembered that his grandfather had always played with him when he was a toddler. But he has gotten too old, and he couldn't go with Sumi to vacation anymore. So naturally, Sumi visited him less over the summer.

Sumi was 13 when he heard the news that his grandpa could die anytime. Moreover, his grandpa never cared for his body and always smoked and drank. He's a good guy, but that's why because of this, Sumi distanced himself from his grandpa and never visited him in the hospital.

Since Sumi is not even close to his grandpa anymore, he forgot about him, which made him guilty, and only remembered him when he met an old man walking in the streets when he was riding a carriage back home.

Despite his memories now being scattered, he still remembered fragments of his childhood and memories of his parents.

Guess when he first came here, he was so focused on his parents that's why he didn't even think about anything else.

What about his pet fish back home?

One of his friend's was diagnosed with depression, is he okay? Will he be sad to hear about Sumi's supposed death?

He missed his mother's cooking and his father's ranting.

Life can just be so unfair sometimes. If only he had said goodbye.

He doesn't even know how things worked in this world. How will he be able to support himself when he becomes an adult. He's not the heir, after all. Being the heir sounds cool, though. What is he suppose to do in his life here other than avoid getting killed?

Or maybe he should just die? Living is causing him pain either way.

"Alright, class. Please sit down in your respective seats." Sumi snapped out of his daydream.

Ah, finally. Something else he could focus on.

Since Sumi has been having these thoughts for months now, he decided that it would be the best to have a talk with his father about his future.

Albeit, not probably the best idea, he decided that it would be better than to keep things bottled up.

Only after coming to this world to die again, has he become scared of what his future will be like. If there is one thing not cliche about this game is that the heroine has a badass attitude and doesn't care about nobles. Which is weird because if she offended a high-rank noble, then she would be out of this school in asap. But maybe its cause of the power of the heroine that she wasn't expelled in the game. Perhaps it was because she's pretty, that she had all the boys in the school court her.

Sumi would like to reincarnate into a beautiful girl in the next life.

He doesn't even need to knock at his father's study as he is already welcomed there. As Sumi stepped inside the study, he took a deep breathe. Just what will be Byton's response? Sumi is curious.

"Lu-Lu~ You actually visited me!" Byton grinned coming in for a hug but stopped as he sensed the gloomy aura around Sumi. It was only then Byton's face grew serious. Usually, Sumi's aura has irititation and boredom, and though its not noticeable, it has some hint of sadness in it too.

But right now, the aura surrounding his son had grown black. Meaning that something bad has happened and that his son is probably in some kind of really bad situation or something.

"Son, what's wrong?" Byton asked with a caring tone, visibly worried for his son.

"Say, dad.. I need to talk about my life plan." Byton blinked. The older seemed confused, but he motioned Sumi to sit down infront of him. Byton finally got a new chair after the old one has been burnt.

Sumi did as he was told.

"Dad, tell me. When I grow up, what am I suppose to do? Down on which road am I meant to decide? What path should I take?" Sumi expressed his worries.

Sumi is in a really vulnerable position right now.

It was actually just today that he suddenly felt really sad. He was literally fine two days ago. To help himself feel a little better, he tried his best to think that he was just in a vacation in a foreign land alone without his family.

But now- Its just a little too long. Its like they've been far apart for too long. And, if this keeps on happening then.. then what? Sumi doesn't even know.

Listening to Sumi, Byton rested his chin on his hands. Its rare for the the duke to actually be serious around his son. Byton only showed this side to him when he's in trouble. He does not really have a good experience with this side of Byton. That's why he felt a little nervous.

Byton had always thought of Louis to still be in a mentality of 6 year old. So for Louis to be talking about life in the future, worries him. Why is his son thinking about this? His son is still young.

"What are you talking about? The path is yours to decide-"



Of course, Sumi knows that he should decide the future himself. But he cant help but think that his father is dumb. Byton is the one not letting him grow.

"Don't just tell me that no one knows that and I'm suppose to decide for myself. Even I know that!" Sumi snapped, clenching his fists.

In a few years, if Sumi could not avoid his death, then he will die. Its not like he wants to die, it hurts to die. Sumi already died once. Sumi didn't muster up the courage to talk with Byton only to hear some stupid advice. Living is already a pain.

"Tell me, father. Tell me something valid. You know for yourself how incapable I am. Your not gonna be here forever, and I'm not gonna stay here forever. So I'm asking you this, when the time comes, are you ready to let me go?"

"I-i.." Is this how much Louis had been suffering? All Byton wants is the best for his child. He knows that what he's doing is wrong. But he just cant admit the fact that his son would leave him just like his mother.

Byton clenched his fist. He's so useless.. he cant be a good father, not to Louis or to George. He caused both his sons to suffer all for his selfishness. He knows that, but-

"I don't know." This answer shocked Sumi, but Sumi didn't show it in his face.

"Your not going anywhere, Louis. I'll keep you safe. I promised her, I promised her that I'd protect you." This only angered Sumi more. The old man cant even say her name, does he even have the right to be in control of Louis? Get this in your thick skull, Byton, Sumi is not the type of person you could keep inside forever.

"Are you kidding me? Father, you cant even say her name anymore! Do you think you have the authority to keep me here forever?"

"Enough, Louis. Go back to your room." Byton's bangs covered his eyes.

"No! I don't understand it! Why wont you let me go? All I wanted was to go outside, yet you kept on distracting me before I could even confront you about this!" This is for the original body too. Its not only for Sumi, but for Louis.


"No, No, No! I'm not leaving until you give me a valid reason. Why wont you-" Sumi is just so done with everything that Byton has done.


Sumi's eyes widened as he held his right cheek that stung. Due to the friction, Sumi's head turned to the side. Sumi thought that Byton would never hurt his son at all. He's only telling him about his opinion.. What did he do to deserve this?

"I made you." Huh?

Byton's pupils grew smaller as he stared down at Sumi's small figure.

"Without me, you wouldn't even exist! Haha! Now your telling me that you want to leave? Get that stupid idea out of your head, its not funny." T-then why were you laughing? Why do you have such an aura behind you? Byton, your such a monster.

Before Sumi could talk back, his white hair was pulled and his torso had hit the desk, the desk serving as a barrier. Once Sumi made eye contact, his eyes wary as he saw Byton's dull eyes.

Never would Sumi thought that Byton would slap Louis.

"Don't you know? I'm your father. I will love you forever, Louis! You should always listen to me. Who changed you? Tell me their names! I will kill them for putting such idea in your small brain!"  Small?! For your information, Sumi's smarter than you! How rude!

"Let go!" Sumi groaned as he hit his father's chest. Only after that his hair was let go. His chin was soon lifted up and he was forced to maintain eye contact with his dad.

"Tell me."

"No one! I just realized that the things you were doing to me was wrong, okay?!" Sumi lied, hoping that Byton would believe him. It took a moment of silence when Byton hummed, seeming to believe what his son had said. No one would dare say that the duke is wrong, that's why Byton believed him.

"It's not wrong. I only want the best for you, my son. Get that filthy idea out your pretty head." Byton let go of his chin. Sumi's head was soon patted and Sumi grit his teeth.

But- If there is actually someone filling these ideas in his son, then they would personally be decapitated by Byton himself.

Once Sumi left the room, Sumi sighed. Talk gone really wrong. He never got the answer to his question, and he's left with a mark on his cheek. It was as if he had done something really wrong.

He didn't do anything wrong. Byton acted like he killed someone or something. For some reason, a pang was felt in his heart. No one is here to listen to him. He's surrounded by so many people, but none of them even tried to listen to him. So, for how long?

Sumi cant endure it any longer.

The small boy bit his lip, trying to keep his tears in. The world is so unfair. Why does he have to suffer like this? He didn't even do anything wrong. All he wanted was just a normal life!

"Young Master?" Sumi gasped at the voice, he looked up to his butler as a tear fell at that perfect timing. Super dramatic.

"What happened?" Sumi wiped the tear away. Even if Sumi tells Collin, its not like Collin could do anything about it. "Tell me, Young Master. What happened?" Even though Sumi feels bad, he doesn't want Collin to get involved, or he could end up hurt too.

"A mere servant like you shouldn't get involved with family business." Collin felt his heart shattering. Is a mere servant all that Collin is to Louis? Ah, he should already been used to this by now. He has gotten too comfortable with his master's new attitude. Such words cant hurt him too much.

Im sorry, Collin.

Sumi's lips quivered. "Even if I tell you, its not like you could do anything about it." He added.

Before Collin could even say anything, Sumi walked away dramatically.

In his room, Sumi silently cried. Tears falling down his face one by one. It just shows how much he's suffering and in despair. He has learned how to make no noise when crying. It came in bendy, as now no George would be able to hear him cry from outside of the room.


Sumi had died once.

He doesn't want to die again.

But even if he does, then he wont be too mad.

Sumi will live until he has to die, even if living became a pain. He wont be scared of anyone anymore. And, no matter what, he'll try to find a way to get back home. It might be impossible, but he has to try.

Living in this world, after all, would only break him more.

After that day, everything returned back to normal. Well, you can't really say normal, no day is normal in this world.

Byton acted like himself again after a few days. It seems as if even Byton wanted to pretend as if the incident had never happened. If Byton wants to play pretend, then Sumi shall join in the pretend party.

Collin tried to be more careful with his master, feeling a little bad as he saw the mark on his master's face.

While George..

"Who marked your face! Tell me! I'll kill them!" Sumi sweatdropped. Yeah, George wont be able to kill the one who slapped Sumi cause the one who slapped him was the father himself.

Sumi deliberately ignored George's ranting as he ate his ice cream. Having snow powers.. comes in handy.

Once again, its just another day in the Cliffard household.

Arc 1: New life in a new world. 

Status: Finished.


Hot daddy 😏 Thats what i imagined Byton to look like

By the way, im sorry for not mentioning this sooner, but none of the arts in this story is mine. Im terribly sorry, i forgot to inform you guys. 🙏🏻

Please credit the owners for all these amazing hot boys. I had already put in my desc that all these drawings are not mine.

I have no talent in drawing at all, though i did take drawing classes for 2 months.

And ive finally finished Arc 1 yayyy!! It felt like yesterday when i only published the prologue. Weewee cant wait for more journeys!  ITS A TIMESKIP FROM NOW IM SO HAPPY THAT HES GONNA BE OLDER

By the way, i just wanted to tell you guys that some of these actions in my book are toxic. Please dont do this to someone, and if someone does it to you, END THE RELATIONSHIP.

You guys deserve better.

These behaviours of obsessiveness are not meant to be fabricated irl.

Thank you for staying with me throughout this journey. It means alot.

Before starting arc 2, i would like to take a small break since exams are approaching. It will probably only be like a month? Dont worry, ill definitely update, this book is precious to me.

EDIT* so because im taking a small break, in that break, ill also do some editings, making sure that the book is perfect for yall to read

I already thought of an ending for the book and such, but of ofcourse, its a longggg way til the ending.

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