The Most Beautiful Moments In...

Von MinPsyche23

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People say that we experience different moments in our lifetime. Every single moment can be perceived as one... Mehr


Seoul Final

70 6 0
Von MinPsyche23

The air was filled with excited energy. It is the last day of the tour, a very long one. I know everyone was beyond happy that we're back in our own country, it's been days since we've been here but it feels that we have just arrived home. It was a successful tour, we've sold out the venues, the stadium tour has been a dream come true.

It all felt surreal that after years of hard work, perseverance and team work, we are finally here. We've shown the world how incredible the boys are, we've shared to them the love that the fans has shown us from the start. This last tour before taking a break would not be the end, it's just a start of something bigger and we are already preparing for a new one.

The boys were in the dressing room and I was preparing some light snacks for them to munch on while they talk about what would happen during the concert. I have one of the staff with me to carry drinks while I balanced a tray with my hands. As we approach the room, I could hear Hobi saying something about pulling someone towards the stage. That's new, because that has never been part of any of the concerts that we've done.

The staff opened the door fully and the conversation just stopped, I looked around and saw the guilty faces of the younger ones and the face of Hobi, paling as if he saw a ghost. "What's with the look? Do I look like a ghost?" I asked him.

"Uh. No! I was just surprised." He said, "You know how I am noona. I get surprised easily." He added, laughing awkwardly. I giggled at him, looking at Hobi, remembering the first time I met him, noting the physical changes that has happened, but still seeing him as the super sweet boy. I put down the tray and immediately all of them snatched up some food.

"So, what have you guys been talking about? Carry on, I'll just be fixing some of your stuff here or else once the pandemonium starts, various items would be misplaced and it would be hard to find them." I said giving them a smile.

"Well, we already finished talking about it. Why don't you try to relax first too Alexa?" Jin suggested. Through the years, he has been a big brother and also a younger brother to me. It never fails to surprise me how he can change from the caring one to the outrageous one. I patted his arm to tell him that I'm okay with what I'm doing.

"Noona, have you seen this?" Kookie asked from his cellphone. I headed towards him and Taehyung who were busily watching something. I peered over their shoulders and it was actually one of the series that we've been watching. "They've just released it and do you want to watch it with us?" He asked me, his doe eyes looking so cute. He has really grown into a man from the boy that I've met all those years ago. Still a bit boyish but you can see the hint of maturity in him and how he wants to prove that he's not a kid anymore.

"I'll perhaps watch it tomorrow Kook, there's still a couple of stuff that I need to finish." I said, ruffling his hair.

"If that's the case, I won't watch it yet. I want to watch it with you." Tae announced, looking determined. This one, remembering how he and his dad arrived at that small apartment of ours, being such a good kid. And through the years, his dad treating me as one of his own as well.

"It's okay Tae if you want to watch it now, but you can watch it again with me tomorrow." I said, kissing his cheek.

"But you'll be too busy tomorrow to watch anything." He grumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You'll be tired from this concert and I'm sure you'll be sleeping all day." He said quickly, not looking me in the eye.

"I'll make time for you." I told him.

"I won't hold you to that promise." He mumbled again, I smiled at him, knowing that he's being a pouty one now.

"Where's Joonie?" I asked.

"Bathroom. Where else?" Jimin answered jokingly. "Have you eaten noona?"

I nodded my head at him, "Yes, I took a few bites while I was preparing that." Pointing to the tray. "You should eat too Chim. Is there a particular food that you want to have later after the concert?" I asked him, knowing that these boys would definitely be hungry. Jimin looked at me and I remember seeing his dance video years back, how he has grown into this beautiful dancer.

"Ah, I think Jin hyung already prepared where we're going to eat." He answered me.

"Oh?? Did you guys want to eat somewhere?" I asked.

"Manager Sejin already made arrangements Alexa." Jin answered me.

"Ah. That's great then." I said.

"Babe, come here." Yoongi called out to me, coming closer to him, he pulled me to his lap and cuddled with me. "Why don't you rest for a bit?" I snuggled into his arms and did just that. "You're staying with Bang later right? Not backstage?" He asked me quietly.

"Yes, I would be watching with the family." I said, confirming to him what has been a tradition of sorts, I would be watching in the audience section with Bang and the boys' family. It's like the last hurrah for the tour and I wanted to watch them as their fan and friend and not as their manager. They've joked about it that I should be buying their tickets whenever I watch, although what they didn't know is that, I do pay for my ticket.

"And I'll see you here once the concert is over?" He asked again.

"Babe, what's all this?" I asked, giggling. I really find it cute how he would like to confirm these type of things. Over the years, I find it endearing that he would ask me as if I would one day not be there. I keep reassuring him that he would have to kill me first before I do that.

Yoongi tightened his arms around me, almost squeezing me. "I love you." He whispered. I kissed him on the lips and answered him back.

I have already changed into my outfit for the concert, nothing too fancy since I would still want to be comfortable and with my ever dependable chucks, I want to the dressing room to check on the boys one final time before I go out to the audience area.

"Are you guys excited?" I asked them as I entered the room.

"Of course!" They all said in various tones and voices. I couldn't help but giggle, they still haven't changed. Sure, they've matured but the playfulness and the antics are all still there. As they put up with the finishing touches, I watch them all carefully. I couldn't have been more prouder of them, they've really come a long way and I've seen all the tears and laughter. The fights and the bonding moments, I've seen them at their worst and at their best and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"I'm so proud of all of you. I know you'll all kick ass in this one, and I'll be there outside cheering you on." I said to them.

"Manager, don't get cheesy. Come here and give us a hug instead." Joonie said, he pulled me towards them and we all hugged each other. I tried so hard not to get too emotional during the last day of the tour but still I can't help but shed a few tears.

Yoongi held my hand as I walk towards the door. "I'll look for you there babe." He said. I kissed him on the lips and smiled at him.

"I'll be the one screaming the loudest." I said.

As soon as I arrived at the VIP area, I could see the boys' family. I greeted them and of course, Yoongi's mom hugged me and kissed me. "Oh Lexie, you're are looking even more beautiful. Are you excited for today?" She asked.

"Thank you so much. And yes, watching these boys always make my heart race." I said, looking at Bang who was smiling as well. "I wish Yuna's here and my little brother." I told him, he nodded his head.

"She wanted to come, believe me, she fought me with it but the doctor said that complete bed rest up until she reaches the second trimester. She's much more sensitive with this pregnancy than with Jiho's." Bang said shaking his head and at that exact moment, his phone rang, "I promised a video call though so she won't miss a thing." He added as he answered the call with a smile.

After waving hi to Yuna and Jiho, I then saw my two best friends. "You guys made it!" I screamed as they made their way to the seats behind me.

"You think I'll miss this?" Charlie said, hugging me.

"Well, honestly we almost missed this because a certain someone kept on looking for a blouse that was non existent. She kept on running around the house and blaming me when she couldn't find it." Siwon complained which made Charlie stare at him and pinch him on the side. "Eventually, she realized that she didn't buy it, she just dreamt of buying it!"

I laughed at this and gave him a hug, he kissed me on the cheek and smiled at me. "I missed you guys." I said.

"We missed you too." Charlie said. It was a pleasant surprise that these two came together. I sent a box of presents while we were on tour two years ago and when Siwon went to get his stuff from Charlie, they saw each other and then fell in love. It was a love at first sight and now they've moved in together much to Siwon's mom dismay because she wanted him to marry Charlie first.

As the lights went out, the scream of army could be heard all over. I squeezed Bang's hand and he patted my own in return. We watched, mesmerized at home amazing and breathtaking the boys were. They never fail to capture my heart every single time.

It was almost the end of "Make it right" and time for the boys to say their last words to army. I was already tearing up. Normally, I would be getting up from my place, but Bang told me to stay and continue to watch them.

Joonie, being the leader that he is, started to speak. It was all very emotional. I could see a lot of army crying and as the other members started to speak as well, I could only feel my heart swell even more with pride at how far my boys have gone. It was weird though that they are not doing it in their usual order.

And I was waiting for Yoongi to speak, finally, after all the other members have been given the time to talk to army, it was his turn. I sat up straight and listened intently. "ARMY!" He shouted, I couldn't help but smile at the response they give him. He waited for them to quiet down before talking again, "This is such a special day. Some of you here may have been with us right from the start, some may have recently joined our journey, but either way, I want to thank all of you for the love and the support you have given me and my brothers."

I couldn't help but sob a few tears because I know the struggle that they have endured. "Aside from our families, you have been our constant and we can't thank you enough for always being there for us. In all of the ups and downs that we've been through, you've shared it with us. You've treated us as part of your family, as part of your everyday life. And with that being said, there's no other way to do this but in front of my whole family." Yoongi said. I was now confused as this is not what he normally says during the ending statements.

Suddenly, he was looking at something. I realized that he was looking at me. Watching the other members, big goofy smiles on their faces, and a spotlight roving around our area, I immediately felt that something is going on. "I would like to ask everyone to quiet down for a little while." I felt Bang tugging on my hand and Yoongi's mom giving a squeeze on the other. Bang pulled me up and led me towards the stage, I was trying to ask him, but he just smiled at me.

Leading me towards a set of stairs, he gently pushed me and made me go up. I could see the boys in a line behind Yoongi who was standing slightly in front of them. "You all know who she is right?" Yoongi asked the audience, to which they shouted "Manager A." The name that they've given me since they said that Alex was a man's name.

"Yes. My Lexie." Yoongi said, pulling me towards him. I was biting my lip and trying to subtly ask him what he's doing and why I am on stage. I was getting nervous because I don't belong on stage, I belong behind the scenes. "You all know how we started right? How everything came to be, how we announced it and how you've witnessed most of our best moments. And of course, the best is yet to come." He said to the audience.

Yoongi then faced me and spoke to the mic, "I wanted to do this intimately, but then I also wanted to let my family be there with us. And what better place and time but to do it here and now." He smiled at me and held my hand to his lips, giving it a kiss which made the fans erupt in screams. I tried to hide my face, but he pulled it away.

"Lex, I made a promise to you, three years ago that I would do it properly." He started, I immediately knew what he was trying to say and I couldn't help my eyes water at what he is saying.

"Oh my god Yoon!" I said, smiling while trying to fight off the tears.

"You said, three years ago that you were the lucky one, contradicting me. I beg to differ, you see, I was lucky because I met you. I was lucky because you got sick that week after Christmas and I was lucky because I stayed and we became us. I am lucky because you trust me. I am lucky because you believe in me. I am lucky because you love me." Yoongi said, his voice cracking a bit and I couldn't have loved him even more, showing this side to everyone.

He then proceeded to kneel down in front of me, presenting a ring to me, "Lexie, will you make me the luckiest man on earth and be mine forever?" I couldn't hide the tears streaming down my face anymore and I could only nod my head at him. Throwing my arms around him and nuzzling his neck, "Oh god! Yes Yoon!" I said to him.

The members as well as everyone watching us erupted in cheers but I didn't hear any of it. I could only hear Yoongi saying he loves me and that he's the luckiest person.

He took my hand and placed the ring on my finger, kissing it and then kissing me passionately. After a few throat clearing behind us and Hobi's laughter interrupting, we pulled apart and faced the audience, "She said yes!" He said, giggling and I couldn't help but join him. Then we were engulfed by the boys, their arms around the two of us. Laughing and crying all at the same time. They each gave a kiss on my cheek, congratulating us.

As the intro of "Mikrokosmos" start to play, Yoongi looks at me and pulls me towards him. Kookie started to sing and everyone followed suit, as they sang their part and waved goodbye to army, Yoongi never let me go. He held on to me and I held on to him, this night. And we'll forever hold hands every single night of our lives.

Author's Note:

Lexie and Yoongi's story is complete!

Thank you so much! You never know how much I truly appreciate each and everyone of you. Thank you for the support and the love you've given me. It took me a while to get back to writing but you all helped me in being where I am now! I do hope that we'll meet again.

I'm currently doing a collab with one of my army sisters, title is 7 rings and our shared account is ot7wives, so if you want to check it out, please do!!!


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