Love Me.

By NeetaHalai

103K 9.2K 2K

He is calm and composed, she's loud and bubbly, It's like they fit into each other's lives perfectly, but he... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57

Part 4

1.9K 165 29
By NeetaHalai

Three days into the wedding planning and everything was going so great, according to my plan and schedule.

The work at the garden was going pretty well too, slowly as everything was coming up together, I could tell I had worked really hard on putting it all together, of course it wasn't just my work but also all of my employees too.

Today, the first thing I had to do was visit the florist and make orders for the flowers, I had to change them according to the functions daily, so I needed a lot of them and in different colors, which of course I had to make an order for at least a week earlier so I could get them on time.

Visiting the florist had to be the most exciting part of this, I loved flowers, so much, I was literally obsessed with them like I was obsessed with Darshan Raval. I mean can you see this craziness, not a day went by without me mentioning him.

Anyway, I smiled happily as I drove to the florist early morning, I couldn't wait to just look at all those beautiful flowers, get to smell them and oh... the way they always smelt, so heavenly, it was just so beautiful.

Someday when I was going to get a boyfriend, I was going to make sure he gets me flowers daily, or I was going to get him flowers daily because that's how much I loved flower.

Okay maybe not daily but at least once a week would do. God, are you listening?

After a short drive, I finally arrived at the shop from where I usually purchased my flowers, I parked the car outside and stepped out of it as I quickly rushed inside the shop.

It was this really huge flower shop with all sorts of flowers, it was owned by a young couple who had just started this business the same time I started mine and since then we've always been working together.

I walked in and looked around, there were so many flowers I wanted to take them all home, I walked through aisles of different flowers while deciding in my mind which ones would be the perfect picks for the decoration.

"Please, I really need them." I heard a familiar voice.

Seriously this wasn't possible was it? I peeped through the spaces between the shelves and saw Arnav standing on the aisle that was on the opposite side of the one I was standing in.

Was this just a coincidence? Why did I keep seeing him everywhere I went? First of all accidentally going into his room, then meeting him at the temple and now here. Why were these coincidences happening now?

"I am not sure if we'll be able to find it, let me just check with my husband once again." The lady replied as she turned around dialing a number on her phone while Arnav looked at her impatiently.

What did he want from them? Well I mean they owned a flower shop so maybe he wanted some flowers, but for what?

Jeez Khushi, stop being so curious.

"He got them, he's just coming with them." The lady turned to look at Arnav and smiled, Arnav smiled back happily.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me. I literally went to all the shops I could, but couldn't find them anywhere." Arnav said.

"No worries, next time just inform us a day or two earlier and we will have them ready for you, that is if you want them next time."

"Yes, every month, same date please. Make sure you have them on the 21st of every month I will come take them myself." Arnav said.

"Sure Mr. Raizada."

I stood there listening to the whole thing and just getting more curious. Why did he want specific type of flowers, why did he want them on the same date every month?

Were they for someone? Maybe his girlfriend? Did he have a girlfriend?

Okay, I dint want to overthink this neither did I want to sneak around, whatever he needed the flowers for was his business, why was I acting like the aunties that spy on their neighbours?

"Hey." I smiled at Arnav as I walked to the aisle where he was standing.

"Miss Khushi. We meet again." He smiled at me.

"We do Mr. Raizada." I smiled back.

"So what brings you here?"

"Your brothers wedding actually, this is where I get my flowers for decoration from, I just came to place the order. Now that you are here and you have an idea about what Sonali likes, you can help me pick them."

"Sure thing. So what flowers do you have in mind?" he asked.

"Okay so I was thinking these yellow and white ones for the haldi function? And then a mixture of these few colorful ones for the Mehndi?"

I like them, but the colorful ones, can you pick pastels like pastel pink, green and blue and whatever colors you want? Sonali isn't a fan of bright colors, but she would love the pastels." Arnav said.

"Okay, I'll pick pastel colors, what type though?"

"Any are fine, you are the wedding planner I'm sure you know better."

"Great... for the wedding day I have something in mind but I'll have to speak to Sonali personally and confirm if she wants that. Anyway thanks for your help, I decide on the flowers and place the order." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." He smiled as we both walked to the counter where the lady was.

"My husband is on his way, he will be here in less than ten minutes." She said to Arnav.

"No problem, I can wait." He smiled at her and the sat down in a corner waiting.

"Khushi. Another wedding I guess?" She smiled at me.

"Yes, I just came to place an order for two functions and for the wedding day one I'll have to talk to the client and then come back later in the evening, I just thought I should get done with these ones.

"Okay so have you picked them already?"

"Yeah, I just need to see a few more different types, would you be having any that are not placed on display here?"

"So many, I'll show you pictures." She smiled as she pulled out her phone and started showing me the pictures, we selected a few and then I placed the order all together.

Just as I was done, her husband arrived holding a bouquet of white and blue cherry blossom flowers, they were so gorgeous and actually very rare to find.

"Oh My God. Thank you so much." Arnav said as he stood up and rushed to him taking the bouquet from him, he touched the flowers with his fingers and smiled, as for me I just stared at him, how great he looked with a smile on his face and now he was holding flowers in his hand, it was impossible not to feel attracted towards him right now.

I really wanted to ask him who they were for but I thought I would be invading his personal space, the last thing I wanted was for him to think that I was nosy.

"I'll get going, see you around Miss. Khushi." He smiled as he grabbed his walled pulled out a few notes and placed them on the counter.

"Keep the change." He said as he quickly walked out of the shop, while I followed him with my gaze until I could no more see him.

When I turned to look at the couple, I found them giggling.

"What are you giggling about?" I asked.

"Your crush on him is so obvious." The lady laughed.

"I don't have a crush on him, can we please pick the flowers." I rolled my eyes trying to brush of the topic.

"We already did that. See, it's that obvious." She laughed teasing me again.

"Whatever, I'll get going, you better place an order for the flowers and I'll call you back in the evening with more details." I rolled my eyes as I blushed slightly while I walked away.

"Sure, pass more details about your crush too, incase anything happens." She continued teasing, I just laughed without turning to look at her and walked outside.

So, I had met Arnav a few times and now I even had a crush on him? Why was this happening so fast? Like I dint even know the guy, I knew nothing about him. What if he had a girlfriend? I dint want to have a crush on someone that was taken, that was going to be a heartbreak.

Arnav's behavior had me really curious, if you'd look at him you would see a normal but rich guy with a good life, he dint seem like he had any worries or anything, he also came across as a good human being. But then seeing him that day at the temple, I knew there was more to him that just want I saw, there was some kind of sadness inside him.

And then seeing him buying these flowers today, I couldn't stop wondering who they were for. Did he have someone in his life? Why were this specific flowers important to him? Maybe they were for someone else and not specifically a girlfriend but whoever they were for must be really important for him to be trying so hard.

This guy was like a mystery to me, and I wasn't always the kind of a person that would be interested in solving mysteries, but he was a mystery that I was dying to solve, like seriously.

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