The Outcast Obsession (Park J...

By Taenya297

108K 5.8K 2K

" You're intoxicating. You're like a drug to me. I'm obsessed with you. I'm obsessed with everything about yo... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18

Ch 19 (Final)

5.7K 314 183
By Taenya297

Y/n and Rose sit at their usual spot in the canteen while Jimin sits at a table really far from them, where he's been sitting for the entire month.

Y/n digs into her food while looking blankly at the floor. Jimin's behaviour towards her has been really affecting her. No matter how hard she tries not to care but it still bothers her. She was the one who created this distance between them but still, she was the one who wanted to erase all those bad memories and go running towards Jimin. As if she was addicted to his warmth and his soothing voice. She was feeling empty from inside, yet she was being tough from outside.

Suddenly her thoughts get interrupted as she hears a strong bang on her table. She looks in front and sees Rose staring at her.

Rose- Where do you keep getting lost these days huh?

Y/n- Nothing. It's just because I'm not having proper sleep these days due to the project works.

Rose- Really? Are you sure that's the reason?

Y/n- Of course, it is. What do you mean?

Rose- Y/n look. You're not only lying to me but yourself too. You need to understand your feelings rather than running away from them.

Y/n- Rose what are you talking about? I'm not getting any of your words.

Rose- Why do you keep on forgetting that I'm your childhood bestie and that I know you more than you know yourself? I know what's bothering you. It's Jimin and his distant behaviour.

Y/n- Wth are you talking about Rose??!! It's nothing like that!! Why would he bother me?

Rose- Really Y/n? Are you still mad at him? Have you still not forgiven him?

Y/n- My forgiveness doesn't even matter now. It's all over now. I was into an obsessive relationship and I'm out of it now. I'm glad that he is trying to change and he's doing great at it. The very first reason for approaching him was that I wanted to help him. I wanted to get him out of that depressing state and take him to a brighter side. It's all done now. He has changed. I've helped him. My work is done. He doesn't need me now.

Rose- Maybe he doesn't need you now but, it's not only about him anymore, but it's also about you. Are you sure that you don't need him?

Y/n- huh?

With that, Rose stands up from the seat and gets out of the canteen while leaving Y/n dumbfounded. Making her confused about her own feelings. Making her rethink her own decisions.

Time Skip

Mr. Hwang- Everyone, line up quickly.

The dance teacher instructs the students and everyone follows it.

Mr. Hwang- So, I have an announcement to make. As you all know that the annual day is approaching so, I have to prepare a dance performance for the same.

The whole class starts cheering at the exciting announcement. Everyone excited to get selected for the performance. Not only because they loved dancing but also because participating in annual function meant an escape from the classes and all-day fun.

Mr. Hwang- Ok class, silence now. So, lemme inform you that this year, we're going to have a salsa dance performance. So, I'll be selecting only one boy and one girl for the same. So first I'll be auditioning for a boy and then for a girl. So all the boys start coming one by one.

All the students sit across the room, leaving space in between as the boys start coming one by one for showcasing their dance. The room was echoing with music and cheers. The teacher calls the boy to a side whose performance was good and when someone performs better than him, he is replaced. The competition keeps on getting more and more intense as only a few boys were left now.

Mr. Hwang- So I guess all the boys are done now. It's time for the girls.

Girl 1- No sir!! One more is left!!

Mr. Hwang- One more? Who?

Girl 2- Jimin Oppa!!

The whole class's attention shifts to that mochi who has been sitting at a corner in silence. Not paying much attention to what's going on.

Mr. Hwang- Yaahh Jiminahh, why don't you try too?

Jimin- But sir I'm already selected for the inter-school basketball competition.

Mr. Hwang- It doesn't matter, you can participate in both. So come on, give it a shot.

Jimin- Ahh

Girl 3- Jimin Oppa plss...I want to see you dance.

Girl 1- Yes oppa plss

The whole class starts shouting for Jimin, leaving him flustered.

Jimin- Ok ok, I'll try.

Everyone claps with happiness as he goes in the middle of the room, getting ready as the music starts filling the atmosphere.

All the girls go crazy as his body flows with the beat effortlessly. As if his body was moving on his own. His perfect figure trails the music flexibly, not missing a single beat.

Mr. Hwang- Omg Jimin!! You're so perfect. You can even become a kpop trainee. You just nailed it.

Jimin- Thank you so much.

Mr. Hwang- So congratulations to you for getting selected for the salsa performance. You can now sit at the side.

Jimin moves to the instructed place and sits there while the auditioning for the girl partner starts.

All the girls give their best shot, not wanting to lose the opportunity to dance with Jimin.

Mr. Hwang- Y/nshi, why don't you join too?

Y/n- No sir, I'm not interested.

Mr. Hwang- But dear, I've seen you dance before and you're awesome. Why are you holding yourself back?

Y/n- I'm just not in the mood. Sorry, sir.

Mr. Hwang- Ok no problem, I won't force you.

Y/n denies the offer as she was not yet ready to face Jimin. She was still at war with her inner-self.

Jimin sighs as he sees his favourite girl leaving the dance room. He was now stuck with a cringy fangirl, who was going to make the performance harder for Jimin.

The class was now almost empty as only the teacher was left along with the two performing students. He starts teaching them the initial moves to the song.

On the other side, Y/n stops mid-way as she notices that she left her phone in the dance class. She runs back to get it back and witnesses a heart-clenching scene in front of her.

Jimin was practising the dance moves with the selected girl, sincerely. But the girl looked more interested in Jimin than the dance. She kept on getting more and more close to him, wandering her hands throughout his body, making him extremely uncomfortable. He looked everywhere but her, trying hard to create a safe distance but the girl looked too much determined.

Y/n- How dare she?!!

Y/n mutters under her breath as her blood boils with anger.

She dashes into the class and steps in front of the teacher. Jimin and the girl stop practising as their eyes drift to her.

Mr. Hwang- What happened Y/n?

Y/n- Sir, I've changed my mind. Now I want to participate.

Everyone's eyes widen in shock at her sudden confession.

Mr. Hwang- Are you sure?

Y/n- Yes.

Mr. Hwang- Ok then, get ready. Let's see your performance.

Everyone leaves the middle of the room for her to perform. The girl passes her dirty looks while Jimin smiles internally.

The music starts and there goes Y/n's stage breaking performance.

Mr Hwang- Woow dear!! No wonder you're the best for this performance.

Girl- But sir-

Mr. Hwang- You can leave now. I've selected Y/n for the performance. I hope you'll participate in some other activity. Good luck!

Girl- Aghh!!

The girl stamps her feet in anger as she leaves the class frustrated, not before sending a glare at Y/n, to which Y/n just smirks.

Mr. Hwang- I need to meet the principle and explain to him about the dance performance. Till then Jimin can teach Y/n the initial steps that I already taught. I'll be back in 10.

With that, the teacher leaves the class, leaving Jimin and Y/n alone.

Jimin just looks at the ground, not knowing what to do. He was feeling really overwhelmed that he'll be performing with his princess but that feeling of guilt was still restricting him to approach her or even look at her.

Y/n- What? Are you going to teach me the steps that the teacher taught you or just whine at a corner because you miss that "fangirl" of yours?

Jimin- Huh?

Y/n- You were enjoying her company way too much, weren't you?

Y/n speaks as she walks closer to him.

Jimin- What are you talking about? I'm not interested in her even a bit. She was rather too annoying and clingy.

Y/n- Oh really? Then why didn't you take your name back if you were so annoyed by her?

Jimin- I can't just take my name back for no reason. It's wouldn't be sincere.

Y/n- Sincere my foot!! Listen you Park Jimin, you belong to me and only me, so you better not look at any other girl except me, or I'll take out those pretty eyeballs of yours.

Jimin- *shocked* What?

Y/n- It's all because of you Park Jimin. It's all your fault that I feel incomplete without you. That no matter how hard I try to be tough, my heart just melts at your sight.

Both of them look at each other's teary eyes, as their hidden emotions start pouring out.

Jimin- D-did you f-forgive me?

Y/n- How can I not when you're trying so hard to improve? When you're trying to keep everyone happy while you're still hurting yourself from within? You can hide your true feelings from the whole world but not from me. I can see the pain you're going through and trust me, it's the same with me. I can't get you out of my heart coz it still beats for you. Everyone deserves a second chance, don't you think?

By now, both of them have become a crying mess. Jimin immediately embraces Y/n into his arms as Y/n returns the hug.

Jimin- Thank you so much princess for reconsidering me. I can't explain in words how grateful I am. I had totally lost the hope of getting you back. I missed you so damn much.

Y/n- Same here.

Jimin separates from the hug and cups Y/n's face.

Jimin- I'm extremely sorry for hurting you so much, princess. I promise that I'll do my best to keep you the happiest girl without hurting anyone again.

Y/n- I know. *smiles*

Jimin- I love you so damn much.

Y/n- I love you too.

With that, they seal the start of their new relationship with a sweet kiss.

.....THE END.....





Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.

Thank you so much, everyone, for sticking until the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Obsession for anything can lead to dangerous outcomes, so I hope all of you will maintain social distancing from it. LOL.

If you loved this ff then you can check out my other ffs too, I hope you'll like them too. Thank you once again. Stay happy, stay safe.


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