The Price of Life - A Novella


320 55 114

SOOO we obviously didn't make the deadline lol. This story is unfinished and will remain that way. This is th... Еще

Prelude :: We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program
Chapter One :: Orientation
Chapter Three :: Odd Numbers
Chapter Four :: Level One
Chapter Five :: Playing with Morality
Chapter Six :: Choice and Effect
Chapter Seven :: Puzzle Pieces

Chapter Two :: Level Zero

36 8 17

"Hello! Someone! Is anybody there?" A male voice echoes around the room.

Simone wakes on cold asphalt, drowning in sweat. The room is in thick darkness with few streams of lights, one is especially blinding. 

"Hello," a female voice answers.

"Who's there? I can't see you!"

Simone pulls herself to her feet, placing a hand on something too hot. She pulls away with a yelp. Maneuvering herself around the light, she sees the source is a car. She can make out the shape of several other cars apart from the three sets of headlights. Beside her is a pillar divided into sections, one rotated slightly more than the other, creating a stair-like edge. 

Figures peek into view from the murk. 9 of them, 5 men and 4 women, all faces Simone remembers from the orientation. All of them, Simone included, are in white and wet with sweat. She notices their numbers printed on their shirts and looks down to confirm her number is there too.  

"What's going on," says 14. A middle-aged woman with brown hair.

"Ain't it obvious," answers 55. An older man with dark skin. "The council fucked us." 

"What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck," says 38, a man in his twenties with tan skin and facial hair, panics.

A screen turns on. Its bright white light illuminating just a foot more in each direction. 

A familiar feminine voice blares over a loudspeaker. "Level Zero, Escape Room. Solve the puzzle in the correct sequence to find the exit before the room reaches boiling temperature. Each incorrect attempt will turn up the heat by ten degrees. You have thirty minutes." A timer appears on the screen.

"Boiling?" Simone stares at the timer, then at the others. 

"What fuckin' puzzle?" 55 throws his arms up, looking around for something obvious. 

"I just wanna go home." 71, a young pale boy cries. He wipes the thick sweat from his forehead, hugging himself.   

"Obviously, that's what we have to figure out." 97, a woman in her early thirties, crosses her arms as she takes in the room. She starts inspecting the inside of the cars, throwing several random pieces of trash to the ground.

"It's getting really hot." 14 complains, pulling at her moist shirt. 

"It's like you didn't hear anything she said." 97 rolls her eyes, checking another car. 

"Why you all zen about this shit? You workin' wit em'?" 

"If we don't figure this out, then I boil with you; so, no dumbass, I didn't lock you and myself in a human size easy bake. So how about you stop blaming and start looking for a damn puzzle."

"She's right," Simone says, allowing herself to exhale. The taste of her salty sweat on her lips. "It's not like we have a choice and we've already lost almost ten minutes."

"Oh my god." 3 crumbles to the floor. "I can't do this. Why did I come here? So fucking stupid. Why did I think I could get out?" He pulls his legs to his chest in an attempt to muffle his sobs. 

"Seriously, shut the fuck up," 97 yells. 

"There are twenty minutes remaining," the feminine voice reminds. 

"We are running out of time and your crying and weird self-loathing isn't going to find the door! Either help me find it or shut the hell up!"

"We can't see anything, and it's getting hotter by the second." 71 cries. "What are we even supposed to do?"

"What if we use the cars", Simone asks. "Their lights are on so we can use them kinda like a flashlight."

"That.. actually isn't a bad idea."

Simone, 97, 45, and a few others start putting cars into neutral, attempting to steer them without power. The light moves, illuminating pieces of the room at a time. The metal continues to heat against their hands as they push, causing them to remove their shirts and use them as a shield against the broil.

"Wait", 97 says. She pushes the car back a bit until the headlights hit something in the corner that shines the light back at them, exposing more of the room.

45 searches the corner. "It's a mirror!"

"Before the collapse, there were underground parking structures. They had rounded mirrors to help avoid accidents." 90, a man in his sixties, finally speaks. He has a thoughtful finger on his chin as he looks around. "If there are more, we can use them to light up the room. Maybe that's how we find the door?"

"Shit." 97 gives a half-hearted laugh.

They start shifting the remaining two cars in an effort to locate any other mirrors. They reflect the headlights back after a few minutes of random turning. The room brightens just enough to take in the sweating cement floor, walls, and ceiling. 

"Where's the door?"

"It's hot!"

"There's only twelve minutes left!"

"Maybe that wasn't the puzzle," Simone answers. 

The younger boy in tears is now running his fingers along the rough edge of the weirdly shaped columns. "These look weird." He sniffs, wiping the salty water from his cheek.

"I've never seen columns like that, even in my day."

97 examines the column closest to her. She looks closer and can see what looks to be a seam. She puts both hands on the column and pushes it as hard as she can. It moves no more than a few inches. "Holy shit. Guys! The columns move!"

55 and 38 run to help her. They start pressing the sections into alignment.

Simone looks over the repeated symbol carved into it, creating a weird pattern. "I've seen this before." Her voice is just a whisper as she moves to look at the other columns. Over and over she racks her mind for the image stored in the non-systematic filing cabinet. She thinks back to orientation. "These are the shapes that were carved into the walls at the dome."

"What shapes? I ain't seen no damn shapes."

"I think each of these pillars represents one of those shapes."

"How does that help us?" 

"She's saying we need to solve it asshole who, by the way, has been no help."

They press the last piece of the column into place and the screen flashes red. "Incorrect sequence. Ten degrees is now being added to the current temperature of one-hundred and seven degrees." The column snaps back into its original rotated structure.

"What the fuck you do," 55 yells.

They start to argue as Simone continues to look over the other pillars, sweat running down her face in steady streams. She counts six in total, but two of them are not like the others. Oddly, beside one another with a car parked behind them against the wall. The column carvings are different. Unlike the other columns, these carvings not only aren't familiar but also aren't really shapes. They're closer to randomly drawn lines that make an attempt at a pattern. 

"Eight minutes remaining."

"Fuck, it's hot in here." 55 moans, letting himself drop to the floor. 

Simone realizes that four people now lay on the heated floor. Hoping she's got the right idea she starts to press against the pillar with her shoulder, groaning as the rock presses into her damp skin. 97 takes notice and joins her in turning the column. 

"I hope you know what you're doing."

She looks her in the eyes, hoping for the same thing. The pieces slowly move into place, finally finishing the column. Simultaneously, the screen lights up green, and 'one of four' reads under the timer which is now at just over six minutes. With the green light confirmation also comes the needed confidence boost in Simone's theory. 

"We need to do the other three. It should be," she pauses again, hoping she is correct and won't be what kills them with another ten degrees. "Next will be the one 55 is leaned against, then that one in the left corner, then the one in the right corner", she points behind her for that last column. 

"What's the point? We're not gonna make it in time", number three cries, still cradling his legs against his chest. 

"I'm so done with this. Anyone who wants to live, get the hell up and turn some damn stone! Otherwise lay down and bake! I'm tired of pep talks." 97 starts working on the column that is said to be next, while Simone wonders when 97 gave a pep talk. 

All but number three were able to push past the heat and idea of death to help. One after the other, they cut their hands on hot stone as they turn the sections until the correct pattern is revealed. Finally, the last one is pushed into place.

"Two minutes remaining." The feminine voice says as the screen flashes green and the word 'door' flashes between each second on the timer.

"Where's the door?"

There is a moment of silence as they look around until a section of wall behind the two pillars and car start to rumble and separate. As the stone pulls apart, silver doors become more exposed.

"It's an elevator!"

They all squeeze in behind the car and start to push, slowly moving it away from the exit. Once there is enough room, they crowd the silver doors. Prying at them until they separate and start to open. The contestant originally too weak or distraught to help were hit with a burst of life, shoving themselves through everyone and into the partial opening. They launch themselves over Simone and the other young boy, thrusting them to the ground. As the timer reaches the last few seconds, the two of them are dragged inside by the older man and 97, then the doors close the room is set ablaze. 

They ride quietly. Stunned by the fire and the fact that they made it at all. Simone is on the floor, beside the boy who's resumed crying. Then she realizes she's crying too. 97 helps her to her feet as she wipes away the tears with her sweaty arm.

Remembering her father's words, she closes her eyes and listens to her breathing as her heart slows. She opens her eyes. "There are six floors", she mutters. 


Simone points to the numbers above the door, reading zero to five. Their eyes follow and widen as they all come to the same conclusion.

--- Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! All notes are welcome ---

!We passed 2000 words!

Word Count :: 3635 of 8000

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