Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

By SSJ_Warrior

33.3K 553 382

You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... More

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Superhero
The Splish Splash
The Discovery
The Timeline Trouble
The Open Case
The End of the World
The Time Paradox
The Closed Case
The Moral Construct

Out of Time, Farewell Friends

2.1K 33 2
By SSJ_Warrior

Y/N: Rache... Price, forgive me, but I don't know if I can stay here anymore

You look through the window thunderstruck on what to do

Y/N: Should I tell them the truth... or at least my truth and not the entire truth

You shake your head in disappointment at your own self

Y/N: I can't let that be right what Max told me

Her words hit you like knives to your skin

"Maybe you weren't who I thought you were"

Y/N: No that can't be... I know who I am, I lost Rache and I lost the old Chloe when Rachel left, but I won't lose myself again or Maximus for that matter either

You take one final glance at those two

Y/N: I lost Rachel once and I said I wouldn't lose her again... but that being said you're not her my Rachel! I have already accepted your passing once I will not grieve again

You walk away from the apartment not looking back

Y/N: I'll get back home, I have too

You grab your phone from your pocket and dial her number

Y/N: Come on Maximus pick up

But it just rings in return

Y/N: Noo! Come on Max just answer please

Just then it stops ringing and you hear her voice

Y/N: Hey Maximus Prime! Look I'm sorry about earlier and I want to go with yo-

Max: Hey this is Max please leave a voice mail after the beep

Y/N: NO! No no no NOO!

In a fit of anger you throw you phone hard on the ground busting it up badly

Y/N: Crap! And that was my one lead which I just destroyed... I don't even know where the hell Max is at

You try and think back to what she said earlier

Y/N: That homeless kid she mentioned, the one who could turn invisible she said I got to find him maybe! Yes that's a lead

You look down at your busted phone and still throw it in your pocket praying to god it still works as you then run off thinking to yourself if you don't hurry it could be to late and she'll be gone forever

Y/N: So like how the hell would they have found a way home anyway... unless, she isn't thinking of that... she'd have to let Jefferson get Rachel

You run towards town to anywhere there at this point until you bump into someone

!?: Woah Y/N are you good dude

It was the guy from the coffee shop, you and Max used to go there a lot every morning after being sent to this timeline

Y/N: Not now! I don't have time... wait have you seen Max around here at all

!?: Oh Max yeah actually you and some other guy, actually he looked familiar I think that kid may have stole from the tip jar... I should have ran him out of here, he'll only cause trouble for Max

Y/N: Hey look can you shut up a second a tell me exactly where they went

!?: Okay man one rude and two, well I don't know two, but they went down that street somewhere near that beach maybe

Y/N: Thank you a lot! You always had great coffee I'm gonna miss it!

!?: Uhh, are you leaving or something

Y/N: Yeah I guess you could say that, or trying at least

You look both ways and run past traffic to the other side of the sidewalk and near the street the Coffee guy said they went down

Y/N: For all Maxisimos know this guy is some junkie who thinks he has super powers I mean the kid was homeless... I just don't trust there type, not after mom at least

You hurry running down the street probably looking like a maniac to passers by, but you don't care you're a man on a mission

Y/N: If Max uses the picture won't we both just end up there, like before... unless I do remember losing my powers before we were sent here could that mean I'm stuck here, or I need Mad Max's powers to push me through the photo... that's sounds a lot more crazier saying it out loud you know

After about twenty minutes of needless searching you find absolutely nothing or nowhere besides garbage on the beach

Y/N: Man and people wonder why there's land fills everywhere, I blame Los Angeles for this it's mostly there fault

You kick some sand up in the air in anger and it backfires getting into your eyes immediately after

Y/N: Agh! Crap! It burns!

You cover your eyes up and walk forward tripping on a rock and smacking your head onto the ground

Y/N: Ow... that hurt!

You sit up and dust yourself then take a seat on the rock well you lose yourself in thoughts

Y/N: I guess I really won't find her huh, man Maximus can you really trust that skectly figure or are you just blinded by the promise he can get you back to our timeline, we don't really know him at all... I remember the good old days when all I had to worry about was getting bad grades or my Xbox taken away, now it's about fighting a crazy killer teachers, drug dealers, having weird unexplainable super powers, and even alternate crazy timelines at this point

You look up at the night as the moon illuminates all your surroundings

Y/N: I used to just be some rich kid with a dad for a District Attorney... or yeah so I thought, then me and Chloe look through paperwork and of course I'm adopted, they always treated me different too... I felt like I never belonged there not once, the only onw who understood me was Rachel... then I left Arcadia Bay to find my mother turns out she was way worse than James had told me... she lived in some crack house doing favors just for a little more drugs, I tried to help her and get her life on track, I gave her so many chances but she spit on my face and broke my trust so many times... But I still stuck by her, she was nice sometimes and I thought maybe if I waited she'd get back her senses and throw that life behind, but she didn't she said she loved her long last son but couldn't give up some filthy drugs for him... Now I know who she really is James wasn't perfect but he was a better parent than my birth mother would ever be... then I got the call Rache was missing so I came back to Arcadia Bay right, and Rachel is gone now... my true family member is gone because I never stayed behind and tried to find some fake reality, That is why I can't stay here, I don't deserve to be here when so many others aren't I have to go back and give the alternate universe Max and Y/N their home back and go back to my own home...

You hear some noises near by but ignore

Y/N: I have to go back to my home... but I don't know where it is anymore, I can't find Max either, so what am I to do now but just sit here and think of how I got here

Just then the moon illuminates some figures near by as you hear another noise

Y/N: Who the hell are they

You stand up and look in their direction to get a better look

Y/N: It can't be

You begin to walk towards the figures well keeping your suspicions and guard up but the closer you get the familiar one figure looks

Y/N: Max... it's, it's actually you

You run with everything you've got left towards Max


Max: Y/N!

But before you can say another word they both disappears before your very eyes

Y/N: Noo... NOOO!

You fall to your knees in defeat, slaming your fists onto the dirt well you let a cry of anger and despair out

Y/N: Maxine Caulfield... no why, I couldn't stop her, I'll never see her again now! I never got to tell her how I truly felt about her... I never got to say I loved her

You sit up feeling as almost her spirit touched you then shake the feeling off standing up and walking home or wherever that is now at this point anymore

Y/N: I messed up Price... I'm sorry I won't get to see the real you or Maximus again

You continue down walking arriving shortly after there

Y/N: Home... home at last

You unlock the door and walk inside the apartment

Chloe: Yo dude did you find Max

Y/N: Yeah earlier

Chloe: Well where's she at now

Y/N: She's gone... gone for good now

Rachel: Where did she go

Y/N: She and me got into a fight, and I guess she took a bus ticket out of here

Chloe: Wait she left us

Y/N: I guess, it seems that way

You walk away from them to your room

Rachel: Where are you going

Y/N: I'm gonna go lie down...

They try to talk more but you just walk into your room and fall ontop of your bed

Y/N: We shared this room together

Well laying down you grab some ear buds off your coffee table and plug them into your half working phone then put the bud in your ears and drift off to sleep dreaming of better times

Y/N: Hey my personalities what makes me special

Max: Or annoying

Y/N: If you mean annoyingly awesome then yes Maxine Caulfield

Max: Oh god, don't call me that, the cringe it's just too much to handle

Y/N: What do you want me to call you

Max: Max you know my name

Y/N: Sorry not gonna happen, You gotta have a nickname

Max: Oh my lord

Y/N: How about Maximus, Mad Max, Maxy, Maxnum Opus, Maxi pad, Maxy uhh mmm uh Maxy mmm, ennn... wait I GOT IT! Maxie Moo

Max: Oh my lord I hate you so much

Y/N: Love you too, Maximum Maximus,

Max: (Sighs) I gotta get better friends

Y/N: Wait you play the guitar Max

Max: Yeah I had one at my- I had one, but it wasn't an electric guitar that's for sure

Y/N: I always thought they we're cool but never had the determination to stick to it and learn how to play one

Max: Most people don't... but I could teach you, uh if you want to

Y/N: I'd love too Maxine

Max: Max never Maxine

Y/N: I know I just don't-

Max: Care

Y/N: Finishing my sentences for me now huh

Max: Uh, here

She hands you the guitar

Max: It's already tuned so don't worry over that just put your hands here on the strings

Y/N: Wait over in middle

Max: No silly on the handled part

She grabs your hand as she moves it down the guitar

Y/N: So did you tune it already

Max: Yes

Y/N: Okay so where or when do I start to play this

Max: On the strings

Y/N: Do I need a pick thing

Max: No where just playing it for a minute

You put your fingers on the strings

Y/N: Like this

Max: Uh yeah wait let me help you

She sits closer to you pushing your hand on over right spot on the guitar

Y/N: You can come closer if you want

Max: I uh don't uh...

Y/N: Anyone ever tell you that your gorgeous eyes Max

Max: Thanks... but before we go I need to get something off my chest like if we don't come back, so if anything happens to either of us well we go back I want you to know I really really like you like a lot

Y/N: Yeah me to, we are the wonder twins as Chloe put it

Max: No I mean I like you a lot, like like you as like more than a friend

Y/N: Oh...

Max: What no jokes or nothing

Y/N: Okay Max, I'm gonna dig myself into a deep hole from which I'll never emerge, cool (Sigh) Time to get serious Y/N

Max: Wait you're getting serious is this a joke, or are you sick

Y/N: No not really, thanks for being there for me after all I put you through with my stupid jokes and all... you know everyone hears the jokes and all, but after that they just stop listening to me... but you didn't Max

Max: That's because I guess I knew there was more to you behind that

Y/N: There is and I'd like to experience what it is with you Maxine Caulfield

Max: Never Maxine

Y/N: I know I just don't care...

You fall out of your bed before you could get to the good part in your dream

Y/N: Crap just at the kissing part too, dang it

You hear a something being thrown at your window

Y/N: What the hell, did Chloe lock herself out or something

You lift up the blinds and the window as a rocks thrown right at your face

Y/N: Ahh! What the hell was that for intruder in the night

!?: Come down here!

Y/N: Sorry I don't accept invitations from strangers... unless they're the informal kind though

!?: It's Max you idiot!

Y/N: Wait... Maximus!

Max: Uh yeah its uh, Maximus

Y/N: You're here, and for me... thats more surprising

Max: Y/N we have to go now!

Y/N: Yeah sure, whatever!

You start climbing out the window

Max: What are you doing!

And fall out hard ten feet down on your behind

Y/N: Ohh man, my butt... ow That's gonna leave a mark for sure

Max: Why did you jump from the window!

Y/N: You said we had to hurry

Max: Well you could have still used the front door!

Y/N: Well I don't know how much time we have

Max: Come on just get up

She grabs your shoulder helping you up, you look up at her into her eyes

Y/N: Max, I'm sorry...

Max: Look Y/N I shouldn't have said those things back there

Y/N: No I just wanted things to be the way they used to but keep the things I like around too, I was wrong to keep you here Maxine I should have tried leaving here with you sooner

Max: It's okay we're going now

Y/N: Where's your friend Tristan at

Max: I had to leave him behind, were still trying to figure out how to get back, were at the drawing board faze

Y/N: I think I know of a way for us to get back to our timeline

Max: What, you might, how Y/N

Y/N: We can use your powers to get back Miss Maximony

Max: But I don't see how they could be useful

Y/N: I do first we need to find a uh...

Max: Why did you stop

Y/N: I may have let my excitement get to me and overcloud my judgement... but Max how did you get back here and why I saw you leave...

Max: Leave, huh... oh we didn't leave Y/N, Tristan's hand was on my shoulder so his powers affected me

Y/N: What do you mean by affected you

Max: It turned me invisible as well, Tristan doesn't really have control of his powers yet they just flicker on and off like when he's spooked and you startled him

Y/N: So you were there the entire time I had my break down

Max: Yeah I was

Y/N: And you heard all that I said

Max: I did hear it

Y/N: You set your hand on my shoulder, I felt something was there

Max: I tried, I wanted to help you, and stop you from feeling horrible but then you ran away

Y/N: Wait... you heard everything I said!

Max: Yeah I did

Y/N: Even the part where I said... I er, love-

Max: I heard that one too

Y/N: Look Max I wanted to tell when that crazy Jefferson crap happened... I tried so many times but you cut me off then

Max: I thought you said different, you told me that was about Rachel

Y/N: Well I lied, I was scared then Max... we hadn't been so close in so long, so I lied

Max: You've carried that burden on you for that long

Y/N: Yes I always thought you were hella cool even when I just met you at Blackhell... but the more I got to know, is when I started to fall in love, as cheesy as that may sound... I guess that was an even bigger hole than I've dug for myself the first time

Max: Expect this time you will emerge

The cold winds hits both of your faces well your hair goes out of control as you two just stare each other in the eyes

Y/N: So like is this the part where we uh, kiss or what Max

She smiles at you blushing lighty but grabs your necks and makes contacts with your lips for a few seconds making you feel finally alive again after living in such a fake reality for so long now, she finally separates from you as you both smile with content

Max: I love you too Y/N

Y/N: I know and I care Max

You smile at each other feelings tje same way as once you first kissed

Max: So you know how to get back using my powers

Y/N: Yeah I have an idea Maximus

Max: Let's here it you comedian

Y/N: Thanks for acknowledging my true calling Maxi Moo... maybe I should do stand up once we get back

Max: Yeah maybe as long as where all together

Y/N: We will be Max

She nods

Y/N: So I thought we could use your powers to go back into a photo and change what occurred here

Max: Like before Rachel

Y/N: Yes we let everything happen like it was supposed to happen

Max: But wouldn't that just effect this timeline and not ours

Y/N: Well it could do that, and we would then mess up the others Max and Y/N's timeline... but at this point we're out of options

Max: We are out of options now, so we'll have to try it and if it doesn't work we'll reset this timeline again

Y/N: Okay It's settled we'll do it

Max: Wait we need a picture!

Y/N: Were okay in that department, it seems this Y/N never left Arcadia Bay he stayed, and Rachel survived here

Max: So you saved Rachel you're saying

Y/N: I doubt I had a crazy showdown with Jefferson like in our timeline, I probably just helped them get out of Arcadia Bay

Max: If you call kicking him in the groin a showdown

Y/N: If I remember correctly that kicked saved yours and my life

Max: Yes it did, so what picture do you have

Y/N: Before hand leaving for my trip out of Arcadia Bay to Californian, I took a picture with Rache as a goodbye momento... and it seems this Y/N did the same but just decided to stay instead

Max: So we can make you go instead you're saying

Y/N: Correct Maximus

Max: So let's get it then

Y/N: Alright onward with hence thy Maximony

You both march onwards towards the apartment and walk inside to see Rachel and Chloe on the cough

Chloe: MAX!

She runs up and hugs Max

Y/N: Oh uh, I thought you were both asleep

Chloe: What the hells going on with you girl, Y/N said you we're leaving town

Y/N: Look it's a personal thing Chloe

Chloe: We're all friends here I thought, so why are you keeping all these secrets from us

Y/N: Look Chloe it's ya know... ugh, that time of the month, so she's on edge

Chloe: What, why didn't you just tell us that sista

Max: Um, sorry I just won't feel comfortable saying it

Chloe: Well I'm glad you're back Max, also Rachel is on your case Y/N

Y/N: Huh, what do you mean

You walk over near her, she has your pants on the table

Y/N: (OH NOO! Don't tell me I had my wallet in that pocket, the photo could be destroyed)

Rachel: I got these out of your dirty laundry hamper

Y/N: Oh thank god... thought I might need to call up Josuke to fix it

Rachel: You left your wallet in there and I was curious what's in there besides money

Y/N: Oh, uh yeah who wouldn't be... I'm an organ donor you know, well that's mostly it I'll just snatch that back

You try to grab it out of her hands but she pulls it away

Rachel: I found a picture inside of it

Your eyes widen and your scared now, could she have thrown it out or long it

Y/N: Uhh... you did huh

She pulls the picture out of your wallet and shows it to you, it's the picture you didn't want her to see, not a picture of your childhood dog you still keep on you

Rachel: This picture Y/N, when did we take it together

Y/N: What do you mean it one during Freshmen year after all that crazy stuff with Damon Merrick

Rachel: I don't remember ever taking it, that's the thing

Y/N: Look give me that I need it Rachel

Rachel: No I wanna know how or when we took it!

Just then it seems if time slows or stops, or instead rewinds you look towards Max to see her hand in the air rewinding to before Rachel saw you two enter the apartment or grab even her grab the photo

Y/N: Even though you're not my Rache it was good to see her embodiment or just her one last time

You smile at her

Y/N: Goodbye baby sister, the real Y/N will meet you soon

You grab the wallet well there still in the kitchen and walk outside with Max

Y/N: You used your rewind

Max: It had to be done... we needed it, and if you tried to snatch if from her hands you could of torn it up

Y/N: Yeah that's true Max

You both stare at the picture together like before when you were in that other alternate reality

Y/N: Ready Maxnum Opus

Max: Yeah you idiot

She focuses on that photo and your sent through there a bright flash hitting your face, from your old phone

Y/N: (Woah is this real I'm sixteen again, I remember these days, I was such a bad kid and I swore like a sailor)

Rachel: Are you sure you have to go Y/N

Y/N: Rache! It's the real you

Rachel: Um of course it is who else would it be

You hug her holding her very close

Y/N: I've missed you so much

Rachel: We just saw each other yesterday bro

Y/N: That was too long ago Rache... too long

A tear comes down your eye

Rachel: Okay Y/N you can let go now this is getting kinda awkward

You let go of her

Y/N: I love you so much Rachel, I want you to know I'll always be there for you even when I'm not actually standing infront of you

Rachel: Don't go getting emotional on me big bro

Y/N: Sorry I just wanted you to know I'm there for you... and if I'm not you always got Chloe Price

You open the cabs door and step inside

Rachel: Wait!

Y/N: Hm

Rachel: You better be there when I'm a famous broadway star

You nod and close the door then pull down the window

Rachel: You better come back with a good and loyal girlfriend this time

Y/N: I will... trust me Rache I will

The car starts moving well she runs after it yelling back at you

Rachel: Don't forget me...

Y/N: I won't... like I ever could Rache

Rachel: Goodbye!

You hold a hand out the window signaling goodbye well a tear rolls down your cheek and the car goes off into the white abyss nothingness and photos begin to burn up like that and then you wake up in a familiar truck as the light fades away

Max: Ugh, did it work

Y/N: I don't know

Chloe: Guys are you both okay, you kinda look hella out of it

Y/N: Huh, where are we... wait it's the Green haired Price


She hugs Chloe well shes driving

Chloe: Woah! Thanks for the morning grope but I'm kinda driving here girl

Y/N: Oh crap... it's good to be back

Chloe: Wait a second, you two didn't fuck around with time again did ya!

Y/N: Look Price it's a long story

Max: Look we didn't want to

Chloe: Oh my god, bro we talked about this! It's been years now

Max: Look Chloe you have to know I so didn't want to mess with time again! But the entire timelines just started to fucking collapse on there own this time and we... we-

Y/N: We got separated again, but instead of the photos messing us up the universe just threw us into another timeline on it's own

Chloe: Wait how many timelines are there now

Max: A lot, like I mean a lot a lot

Y/N: Yeah but we had to... or Max had to get us back here, she was that mastermind after all, well I was just confused over it all

Chloe: Huh, what's to be confused there

Max: The timeline had more than another you there Chloe

Chloe: Wait what the hell are you talking about Max, what else was there

Max: Rachel Amber

Chloe: You mean to tell me, you left The Rachel Amber and a stable Chloe Pride behind for the unstable Chloe

Max: You're are only Chloe Price

Y/N: That other one back there was an illusion Price, were here for you in thick and thin no matter what

Chloe: Dude you guys don't know how much that means...

You smile at Chloe whilst it almost looks if she's about to tear up

Y/N: I'm glad I came back now Mad Max

Max: I'm glad too Y/N... I was wrong what I said back there to you, you are the person I thought you are infact you're better than what I thought you were

Y/N: I know Maxibear, I know

You smile at her well her cheeks light up

Max: So uh, where are we headed
then Chloe

Chloe: Were going to see dad- er uh David... apparently he's at this hippy camp now, it's off the grid

Y/N: Oh well that's surprising

Chloe: What that we talked

Y/N: Well that and that he's alive

Chloe: Yeah him and VC are both living and breathing apparently he saved her from that creep Jefferson

Max: I guess he really is a hero, he saved us and now her

Y/N: Yeah he's decent guy after all

Chloe: Now that's he's all hippied out and saved my superpowered best friends, he's actually kinda cool now

Y/N: Seems it now, huh

Max: Where's the gang at you know the band, Tammi and them

Chloe: You don't know Max, they broke it big someone signed them a record deal, and now they're touring across the United States... they've sent photos of their adventures just sucks we won't see them for awhile

Max: We'll manage

Y/N: Yep we somehow always do

The three of you all back together in your own timeline, what adventure awaits them now nothing but normal boring life but hell sometimes normal can be a good thing...

A/N: It has come guys and gals this is the end, I am officially ending it off here now, they're are all back together and Y/N has finally got the closure he desperately needs, I know I did say I would show the outcome for the alternate choices but I think it's better to end it off here instead to me this is a great ending, in the future I'll make a Before the Storm prequel going into
Y/N's younger days and how he was treated and at the end of that I will show the alternative outcome for the other choice or make a One-Shots book instead for that it's up to you all... well that's it for now it was a hella fun ride but they all must end at some point I'd like to see you in the future but for now this is goodbye friends...

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