Choices Without Regrets

By Vyaska

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The long anticipated sequel to It was My Willing Choice; the first chapter of the second book, and continuing... More

Chapter II: Awakening Part II
Chapter III: The Trials Begin
Chapter IV: Fragile Alliances
Chapter V: Time Moves Gracefully
Chapter VI: Life's Gift and Curse
Chapter VII: Entry to War
Chapter VIII: Stranded in Shangri-La
Chapter IX: Informing the Inner Circle
Chapter X: A New Era Dawns
Chapter XI: The Cease-Fire Talks Begin
Chapter XII: Tensions
Chapter XIII: A Life Remembered and New Surprises
Chapter XIV: Shocking Talks and News
Chapter XV: Of Plays, Stories, and Torture

Chapter I: The Slumbers' Awaken

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By Vyaska

It had been a long and uneventful month for the deities who watched over their charge's slumbering forms. Though of the three of them who guarded the other two with great care and vigilance; Death had been the most active among the mortals due to the number of souls that passed each day.

Yet, he never failed to come to check on both of his sleeping charges at least twice a day. He was concerned for them in his way; both of them, though Life and Mother Magic knew that Harry was his priority; seeing as the boy was his direct responsibility.

It was eye-opening for Lady Life to see her brother acting like this. Life's eyes saddened a moment; she knew...internally of course, that the reason she almost never saw her brother was due to his role to the souls of the deceased and seeing to the people who were left behind them in grief. 

She didn't hate or begrudge him for it; as the lost needed guidance to find their form of final rest and peace or to be given the punishments deserved for the lives they had lived. Just as those who were left behind need time to come to terms with the loss if their time had yet to approach. They had to find ways to grieve and find resolve to continue. Yet, for all that they differed and had differing principles that guided them; she still missed being able to occasionally talk more than when the mortal realm had distorted problems.

Some would suspect that she hated her brother; that she abhorred him, and desired nothing to do with him. But, how could there be a balance if she was that way to him and he to her? Sure, they had their disagreements and such; all families and siblings did, but even those had not kept them from trying to do their duties as amicably as possible.

She then eyed Tom Marvolo Riddle; who lied there like one of the dead. She frowned for a moment; remembering all the horrible acts he had done to himself after she had so carefully crafted his powerful magic in his soul; acts that he should have been punished for if not for whom his soul had been woven with. And then she quirked a small grin. He probably wouldn't have appreciated that sentiment much; to be compared to a dead corpse.

Then she noticed the minute movements in his body; she rose a brow. She had expected Harry would waken first, but then knew that this wasn't likely after some thought. Harry had much more mana to regain and left-over spiritual wounds to mend himself from.

She waited as she observed the human man; he had regained his true form in some sense before all this, and Life was...glad for it though not exactly pleased by the manner that her brother had used to allow it. She sighed though; she knew there had been few options to them for this, and her mother had done what she could without physically interfering or sending her brother for her in her stead...which was for the best. She waited and watched with contentment as red irises blearily opened to a white room that was bathed in healing magic.

She stood from her place and gently walked to the beside of the altar he lied now upon; the man narrowing his eyes at her for a moment, and then widening as he recalled what had happened before.

"Be calm, Lord of the Serpents." She spoke gently, "You are just now waking from the month-long slumber we placed you in to allow you to recuperate your magic."

Tom grimaced as he slowly sat himself upright before he rubbed at his face and then eyed her, "I assume that you are either Lady Life or Mother Magic; one of the two who was supposed to watch over me during this time?"

She grinned now, "Indeed. I am the one known as Life; I am the sister and fraternal twin to Death. The other half to your mate's patron and guide. I act as a mentor, sister, mother and friend."

Tom nodded as he eyed the floor a moment before looking at her, "And... Harry? Is he alright?"

Life seemed to understand his questions and gently sat down beside of him with gentleness. She looked no older than eighteen; though Tom knew not to trust that age and appearance, and she relaxed her stance as she eyed the sun and allowed the warmth to ghost over her while the breeze caressed her tanned and sun-kissed skin. 

Her golden-blonde hair glowing like a halo around her head as strands wavered in the air. Her soft smile was radiant as her grass green eyes were alight with joy and happiness; the very embodiment of her nature.

The embodiment of Life; all that was and seemed to be. Tom honestly believed that if he sat there with her long enough; he'd started hearing the soft lull of the waves of the ocean somehow. She reminded him of the pictures of the Greek goddesses; he wasn't sure as to which one, since it could have been any of them.

She smiled as her eyed turned to gaze softly to his, "He is alright. He is alive thanks to you and my brother's efforts; though you are the first of you two to wake. I shouldn't think that it will be long before Harry also awakens."

Tom breathed into that sharply; it was good to know his efforts had not been in vain. Yet, his brow furrowed with confusion...he was recalling all these emotions a bit too easily.

Life studied his face and then smirked at him, "You don't understand why you are comprehending emotions?"

Tom turned to see her smirk turn to another gentle smile, "It is because your soul has been put back together and been remade anew for this to have worked. You asked my brother if giving up your horcruxes would save Harry; he gave his answer, and you decided Harry was worth letting them go for. 

While my mother and I will no longer have to watch you because of shifting emotions; you gained a great deal of power with your new soul; especially since it is attached to Harry's; though unbonded.

We will need to maintain watch as you retrain yourself; to ensure the new powers do not overwhelm you too quickly or corrupt you as you might fall back to old habits and practices that need not be done. I will be there personally at times to guide and to mentor you as will my brother.

She eyed the landscape beyond the white room in the tower, "Dark wizard or not; all people have a life to live and a purpose to serve. We may not see nor understand those purposes, but lives should never be taken without undue pause and consideration. You are never beyond redemption, and dark wizards still need white magic to aid them.

Time has allowed to much change; and not always for something more grand or better."

Tom nodded silently to this as he considered something, "I probably should not ask since I believe I remember being told prior to the slumber that this would be unlikely...but, is there a chance that I might be able to see Harry before he leaves with Death for wherever they go?"

Life's eyes dulled and Tom sighed; he knew a no when he saw one.

"Unfortunately, that is not possible." She said, "Even if I were able to go to where they bring you along with me would destroy you. Your body and all; this would then be for nothing. Death moved Harry to somewhere more suited to his own recovery after he moved you here when your magic was no longer needed to fuel the rite and such."

"And because you are not...not attuned to the magic of the netherworld like Harry is and always has been; the oppressive magic there would not hesitate to destroy what it sees as an invader. Especially because you are living flesh in a world where such is not meant to be or to exist; Harry is the only exception."

Tom rose a brow, "Are you saying that Harry can or could become a Necromancer?"

Life rose a brow now, "That would depend on how you are defining a person who practices such arts. Harry very well could become someone who is seen as such; yet there are those who utilized the arts in ways my brother doesn't agree with.

Most necromancers who live currently are in that category."

Tom quirked his lips at her, "That both did and also did not answer my question, dear lady."

Life smirked, "I know. I cannot give you all the answers you want; it would make things too troublesome later."

Death then appeared in blur of faint black smoke, "Life, we may have a slight...

He paused a moment to see that Tom was already awake and that Life had been conversing with him. He stilled and wondered now if he was worried for his heir for nothing? Harry was extraordinary, and often defied boundaries set.

Life saw her brother's countenance and then internally grimaced; this didn't sound good. Even worse, was that Tom had been awake to hear the start of this.

She stood and gathered his attention and he eyed her warily after he gazed at Death a moment.

"I presume you would like to clean up and to dress before I return you to the mortal planes. Please. Take your time and I will have garments suitable summoned for you when you're done." She told him, "She waved a palm and a path opened before them before she pointed to it, "This leads to a bathing chamber that you may use."

Tom grit his teeth internally; he knew that the shadowy spirit had been speaking of Harry when Death appeared. It was clear that they did not wish to alarm him with whatever was happening, but he felt he had the right to know of his own mate.

However, he did not wish to antagonize them. So he nodded and left the area; Life's gaze following him as he went before closing the path he had wandered into.

She eyed her brother, "What has happened?" She demanded now

Death eyed her, "It might be nothing; now that I see that Riddle has woken, but I fear it is more. Harry is...not waking as he should. His mental awareness and his magic are fully healed and aware, but his body refuses yet to wake.

He can use his mind to influence the world outside his slumbering body; both people and the objects of the world. He has already done so, to inform Lord Malfoy of the changes going on, and leading Fenrir to do what needs done for his pack.

A sentry then popped into existence and knelt before Death; a stricken visage to its expression.

"My lord, forgive me for my intrusion, but your heir has begun moving about; though he acts like he is possessed...and his magic has begun to roam and to obstruct the realms of the nether. It's changing and warping aspects of them and we cannot get close to detain him."

Death's eyes widened as he bowed to Life and disappeared without a word. She held a hand to her mouth as scared eyes were wide and crystal tears fell against tanned skin. Tom re-entered to find her kneeling on the floor.

"Your trials are not yet done, it seems." She told him softly, "At least, not for Harry."

Tom eyed her as he sat slowly down and watched the expressions cross her face; something was terribly wrong.

"Death came and told me that Harry was mentally coherent and that his magic fully healed. That he was using his powers with his mind to influence the world beyond here. Yet, his body had yet to move and remained asleep."

Tom's eyes widened before hardening, "And now?"

Life eyed him, "Now, he is awake and moving; yet all is not well. He moves as his magic is destroying or warping aspects of the netherworld. The sentinel said his actions seemed more possessed than genuine."

Death then popped in again and eyed them, "Harry is asleep again; though this time not for long and when he wakes; I will immediately evacuate him. Riddle, when you return to the mortal planes; I have a task for you that will ensure Harry's livelihood."

Tom nodded, "Anything to keep him with me."

Death nodded in respect, "Speak to Fenrir and ask him what he knows of a rogue Vampire Lord by the name of Valnair. I learned during the ritual from my sentinel that he is the one who placed the tampering to the seals Harry bore, and he is one of a very extreme few vampires around who would know how to deal with my magic.

But what I want...I want you to find him and capture him. I want to personally have Harry question him of why he acted as he has. The vampires as a whole race; no matter if they belong to clans or covens. If they are solitary, or rogues; they all tend to leave my heirs and heiresses alone."

"They know that I would strike retribution to them all if I had a reason to due to how they created their immortal race; and attacking any person I have chosen is the fastest manner in which to garner my gaze to them. They know that I do not like them and it has been made clear that I can and could easily eliminate them all. I haven't yet, but that is not to say I wouldn't, and as such; the race tends to steer clear from me and any I choose to take on tasks."

Death eyed the ground before the black pits for his eyes seemed to become even darker, "They should all be wary now. Especially since after he tampered with the seals; whoever the babe...infant Harry was passed to; they tried to corrupt Harry by placing a demonic essence inside his magic. Tried to turn him against his own nature and his destined path by making him become something he would have no choice over."

Life's eyes hardened now, "They dared?!" She screeched icily as Death grimly nodded to her and she then glowed so brightly as white fire erupted across the room.

Tom's mind was going haywire, "They...they tried to turn him into...into...

His form slump over in realization as his voice was cracking with emotions; he realized just then what had happened and remembered all he had done to his own mate before this. Life's fury to the actions done had quelled almost instantly to the shocked sound of his voice, and Death stood there stoically; not really knowing what to say to this.

"I am not surprised by the actions done; though I am indeed furious for them." Death said after some moments, "There are...many others who despise my favoritism of Harry and his lineage. There have been many attempts from across ages to wipe his blood from this earth.

You, Riddle, are not an exception to that. However, your circumstances and Harry's for it were unique. The others had no reason other than petty jealousy and the need to prove they were worth my attention when they were not. To prove themselves better when they were not.

And going forward; there will be many more people who come to hate him just because of the clan he was born to. The gifts he bears, and the blatant show of favoritism from me, Life, our parents and other deities."

Death sighed, "Harry will have no shortage of those who seek to gain his power and usurp him. That is why I must take him away and to train him; I do not wish what has happened to so may of his happen to my son."

Death eyed him as Tom stared, "Your son?" He asked softer

Death stood stoically as his sister came to stand by him and laid a hand to his shoulder in comfort and held a sadness for him to her eyes.

"Yes." Death said softly, "I consider Harry as if he were my son. In everything except for blood; had I been made with a real and distinctive bloodline to attach to. I already had favored the Peverells for eons before now; however, Harry's birth was meant to bring a rebirth of the clan and to bring the immense wealth of power and knowledge with it."

"I watched him for years; unable to intervene for his suffering while forcing myself to temper my rage at his treatment. Had I been allowed; I would have kidnapped him from the doorstep of those muggles and reared him in my realm."

Death then bowed his head and sighed, "But I couldn't; not after we had to spare you in effort to spare both you and Harry in the aftermath of your attack. Because your souls and magic were already bound and tied tighter by us saving you both that night; Harry leaving the mortal world and being reared in my realm for years would have caused you more harm."

His gaze glinted now as if in amusement, "Harm that would have rendered you unable to be saved or salvaged for even us at all." His eyes then hardened, "And that harm then would have caused Harry to deteriorate. Something I refused to allow to happen to him at all costs; even when I didn't exactly like having to save you after all the trespasses made to my domain."

The sentinel reappeared and knelt low to Death, "My lord, the young heir is awake again and expresses his apologies for whatever occurred before."

Death then seemed to come to contentment, "It is fine as he did nothing that I myself could not fix easily. Tell him that I in no way hold him responsible for the deeds done. His actions were not his own doing, and please tell him that I will explain shortly of how all this came to be when we leave for the Halls of Shadow."

Life then sucked in her breath as one hand came to cover her mouth before she narrowed her eyed at her brother, "Surely you do not mean that? There hasn't been a single chosen of the Peverell family that has survived the Halls of Shadows since Ignotus."

Tom paled before Death turned to her and nodded, "Yes. But that was because I had high standards, as I still do, and none of them were acceptable. They were trained elsewhere afterwards, but never gained all of what I had hoped they would."

Death smirked nastily as his dark aura emitted a sensation of satisfaction, "They were not able to do as I needed to, and as such; I took pleasure in seeing them suffer for being inferior. Harry, however, is different; he always has been. He was created by parents who loved him and wanted him, but his very destiny was tied to his lineage; and they knew that. Something he will learn in the Halls of Shadow during this time away...if he proves as resilient as he seems.

He has all of my gifts; my magic runs in his very body and his blood by my own choice to allow it. He has the Mother's magic that has expanded his core and his reserves, and some of Father's abilities which will show in time. He even has some of yours; hence his quick regenerative abilities and Fortune's; Harry's luck has always been...seemingly unreal to others, yes?"

Death then opened a portal, "The Prince of Dusk shall prevail; of that I have no doubt. Riddle, do not forget about my task for you. You may not be my champion, but you are important to the one who is; so know that I expect great results regardless."

He disappeared and both Life and Tom were left standing there with staring faces. Life recovered first before her face shifted to a very ticked expression and Tom felt her annoyance as he sidled off to the other side of the room.

"Honestly!" She screeched, "My brother is the most arrogant, self-assured and undeniably irritating being I ever have to deal with! Just because he deals with the souls of the dead; he thinks he's entitled to playing with lives of mortals for fun!"

Tom's expression was one of a sweat-drop here as he silently watched her rant, and tried to keep her from noticing him until she was done.

She breathed as she tried to calm herself and then pinched the bridge of her nose, "I mean; I do get it somewhat. Death is immortal unlike me among the mortal world; you cannot escape it even if you try to, and only his chosen ever become fully immortal. He granted them luxury; a life supposedly full of money, immense power and status, and more to keep them stable."

She then calmed and looked sad, "But that didn't exactly work out as he intended, did it? Too many wanted them for their powers or money. Too many wanted them gone to take a way a threat they perceived in them. And then, as the bloodline diminished; so too did the strength of the mother. On top of all the changes that were made to the laws surrounding her gifts."

She then turned to Tom and her eyes beheld a sadness that he didn't know how to place. She gently took one hand and eyed him now, "I need to send you back to your world, but before I do; please promise one thing."

She hesitated, "Please come to accept yourself as you are and were born; I don't care if you continue to use the persona of Lord Voldemort or not...but, the rest of your community would be far more accepting of you and your ideals if you appeared to be more human to them. They have been led around for centuries by others in power; they have been taught and conditioned to think in certain ways, and they are afraid of changing. They need someone willing to teach them how to see the truths that have been hidden away."

She gripped his hand gently, "There is no shame in who you are or were; you were made as you are because that was how you were meant to be made. I created the powerful magic to you and your soul; I gave you that magic from the mother after I crafted it for you. I was never concerned of whether or not you were Dark or Light; muggle-born, half-blood, or pure-blood was also not a concern."

She tensed, "When you nearly destroyed yourself and desecrated your magic and soul; I was furious. I didn't want to aid you, but I put aside my rage to aid my brother in order to save Harry; even knowing what he wanted to do despite my protestations and knowing that in refusing him...I might as well as have severed the soul-bond for you both."

She let go and turned as she raised a palm and opened another portal; though this time, Tom knew it was meant for him as he could clearly see his office on the other side. The one in the home he had shared briefly with Harry, and his eyes moistened some.

"All I can say to that for now is that I will try. I have spent so many years becoming something else that I barely know myself as that person anymore." He said gently, "But before I go; I have one question."

She nodded and Tom hesitated, "What did Death mean when he said that Harry's parents had known of his destiny to the Peverell lineage? That Harry would come to know in the Halls of Shadow?"

Life eyed him now very seriously, "I cannot tell you. That is one thing that Harry himself will be able to tell you once he comes back in a few years. All I can tell you of that is that James and Lily expected to die; either by the prophecy...the parts that were accurate, or because of the task their son had later in his life and trying to protect him for as long as they could. They didn't know when it would occur but were aware that their lives might be incredibly short. And that they had...accepted it."

Tom's eyes softened now as he heard this; he honestly was incredibly impressed by the strengths exhibited in the Potter bloodline. He respected them more than he ever had before now, and that he intended to cherish his second chance with Harry there with him to help guide the way forward for them.

Life then hesitated, "I shouldn't tell you this, but...I am going to. You will need to hone your Occlumency and your Legilimency even more than ever before. Harry will need you to have; there is more than one traitor in your ranks; some not so obvious. I cannot tell you their names; it is a breach in my duties since I promote longevity and vitality to all, but I can tell you that there are at least five people who teeter in allegiance."

She eyed him sincerely as Tom gazed to her now with seriousness, "One in the Inner Circle; perhaps two depending on choices made and paths followed. Two outside of actual rank; selling information as it pleases them."

She stepped and laid a hand to shoulder, "The last one is one who desires to serve; yet not initiated, and has ill intent to you for being chosen as Harry's bonded. They have tried to suppress their emotions over it, but I fear it is not at all easy for them."

She looked serious now, "I advise caution in how to deal with this one. They are close to those to who are loyal to you and Harry. Harry may wish to see if this one could be changed somehow, so I advise not to act on it if you find out who it is before he returns."

Tom merely nodded to this and said nothing; he made no promises nor guarantees. He then turned and eyed the portal before he inclined to her and walked through. His magic humming underneath his newly restored mind and soul with his new physical body exuding confidence and determination.

Life smiled to him ashe went; she knew he had changed from this. She felt that this time; he wouldbe okay, and that Harry and he would get the chance to live as they should havebeen allowed to the first time.

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