I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemo...

By SpudlordMaster

119K 1.6K 2.2K

Y/n wanted too be the best, not some run of the mill ace trainer, not a champion, but a legend. In order to b... More

I choose you?
I'm a what now?!
This... is wild!
Crackin' Ceremony
Breaking news
Panic! At the gym!
Shocking issues
Aura apprentice!
Snap, Crackle, and Pop!
Cave system

Father and son

1.4K 36 28
By SpudlordMaster

For once in his life, Y/n genuinely wanted to kill someone, he wanted to burn every trace of their existence off of this planet, and Y/n did not have a clue as too why after all these years, why his dad was finally trying to connect with him. The sound of rocks and dust being seared from something made Y/n break out of his musing, his eyes momentarily widening in surprise as arcs or blue lightning raced off of his body, searing the ground as it entered it.

"You're the embodiment of scum." Lowly snarled Y/n, his hair eerily floating upwards as more and more lightning started gathering in his hands, buzzing loudly as Adria adjusted his lance ever so slightly. "After all those years of me needing someone to look up to, you were never there like a proper dad should have. You don't even have the excuse of being dead... but I'm going to change that." Viciously snarled Y/n, the lightning in his right hand started solidifying ever so slightly as it began extending, forming into something akin to a crude sword, while his left was sparking radically.

"I know, but I want to make amends now, I'm ready." Soothingly countered Adria, only for a jagged bolt of electricity to slam into the rocks being him, leaving a noticeable hole in it, and Adria wisely shut his lips. "This involve both of us." Hopefully spoke Adria, only to leap backwards as Y/n dashed towards him, slashing the crude sword at him.

Holding up his lance, Adria's expression didn't change at all as he interrupted Y/n's swing, pointing the tip of his lance where Y/n's heart should have been, while his lance absorbed more or Y/n's electricity. Blue aura erupted around Y/n, as black and blue veins started appearing around his body, making his muscles bulge, and the electricity take on a darker hue.

"You never should have gotten with my mother if you weren't ready." Softly hissed Y/n, his eyes brimming bright blue as he began pushing Adria backwards, the man slightest adjusted his footing, bringing himself to a solid halt. "While you were out gallivanting and cheating on my mom, I was doing my best to be there for her!" Angrily howled Y/n, only for Adria's foot to impact itself into his chest, before he was launched backwards.

Dirt and rock assaulted Y/n's body, tearing through his clothing and flesh with ease, staining the ground red beneath him with his blood, forcing Y/n to dismiss his crude attempt of a sword so he could put both hands on the ground. Immediately his wounds started sewing themselves up, pushing out all forms of dirt and any other foreign object that didn't belong in his body, as Y/n slowly closed his eyes.




Those were what Y/n needed, Y/n knew what he had to do, and that was to dive deep inside of himself and confront the challenge that he had to overcome, if he ever wanted to access his true power. Closing his glowing blue eyes, Y/n let himself sink into himself, feeling himself being surrounded by absolute hatred as he fell deeper inside of himself.

"This isn't good." Softly mumbled Adria, gaining the attention of Gloria, Hop, Marnie, Herba, and Jackie, as they all looked at the man who called himself Y/n's father, waiting for him to explain himself. "He's trying to confront his deepest and darkest fears while in his current state, this won't end pretty... Luxray, make sure nothing coming from this fights harms his friends." Grimly declared Adria, spinning his lance around, as he could see his son twitch ever so slightly, pure raw hatred radiating from his being as he began twitching more and more. 

(The room)

This time the hands didn't hold him in place, the mouths that decorated the wall were all closed for once, and the dark buzz that was usually in the back of Y/n's head had silenced for once. Picking himself up off of the black floor, that had as many mouths on it as he did issues, Y/n glared at the opposite end of the room, eyeing the golden door that had black stains on it, the place where the true extent of the legendary's power was being held inside of him.

"I am going to kill him." Shakily heaved Y/n, aware that all of the mouths were slowly twisting upwards into a grin, silently agreeing with the teen as he took a shaky step forward, about to bring his left leg forward, only for it to be stopped by something latching onto it.

Slowly looking backwards, Y/n froze and gagged as the smell of seared and burnt flesh reached his nose, forcing the teen to stare at the person covered in electricity burns, who was holding him back from the door, and Y/n could feel his heart stop. Gloria, her left hand was latched around her angle and she looked like she had electricity continuously running through her into the ground, internally cooking her and burning her as it did so, and Y/n knew where the electricity was coming from.

"Let go." Softly wheezed Y/n, trying to tug away his left leg from Gloria's grasp, only for it to remain firmly in her grasp, which wasn't reassuring at all, since it meant all of her muscles were locked in place. "I have to stop this." Desperately heaved Y/n, trying to calm the electricity roaring through him, as the image of Gloria's dying body was etched into his mind.

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The mouths had opened at some point or the other, and Y/n froze as could hear the hands slithering out of the wall, slowly making there way over to him, and latching onto his body, not phased by the electricity, and they weren't letting him go at all. Gloria's skin was slowly blackening, the pounding of his own heart reached his ears, and Y/n found himself go limp a second later, no longer holding all of that hatred and anger, now he just wanted to save his friend.

Static filled his ears, and the next thing Y/n knew he was only seeing white...

(Location change)

A shiver raced up Gloria's spine, Y/n had been utterly motionless for these better part of a minute now, and showed no signs on moving an inch at all, all she wanted to do was go out there and comfort him. It was weird, neither herself, Hop, or Y/n had a father growing up, Hop's father had been killed, Y/n's father just left, and to Gloria's own memory, her mom never mentioned anything about him.

Thunder roared overhead, making Hop poke his head out from beneath the safety of the cave, winching slightly as the first drop of rain hit the ground, sizzling as an arc of lighting hit it a second later. Buzzing filled the air, the hairs on Hop's arms slowly started rising as he hoisted his right arm up, his shield appearing a second later, not a moment too soon, as a bolt of lightning struck it.

"Luxray, get them deeper into the cave." Wearily ordered Adria, gasping as Y/n started emanating a continuous stream of electricity, which was coiling around him, and slowly pushing him up off of the ground. 

Blank eyes stared into Adria's own, remorse swelling up in the man's gut, Y/n was like this because of his absence, if he had simply manned up and faced his fears like he use to, then Adria was certain Y/n wouldn't have wound up like this. Simply put, Y/n's current state was bad, technically he was unconscious, but his body was fighting on instinct, that instinct was to destroy whatever was causing so much hate, and that was Adria.

"Y/n, I am sorry, but at this point you're becoming a danger to everyone else." Softly sighed Adria, more and more electricity started sparking around him, gathering along his lance as he placed his right foot forward. 

(Location Change)

"It truly is marvelous just how powerful people like you can be, is it not?" Amazedly hummed Chairman Rose, looking out from the office he was currently working at, which allowed him to look out at the area near the second tunnel, where a thunderstorm was forming. "So, how is the project going?" Curiously asked Chairman Rose, swinging around on his office chair and look at the person who was keeping him company, an employee of sorts, but partner in crime was more appropriate.

"You're asking us to capture every possible Legendary Pokémon, we need a lot of Pokémon for that, even then... there are some issues." Calmly began The Godfather, remaining motionless as he gazed out the window, eyeing the growing storm in the distance. "Chosen Ones are beginning to appear like never before, Adria Tarran is back, and some Legendary Pokémon are simply unattainable at this current moment in time, but we have a handful of them at the moment." Annoyedly huffed The Godfather, all of the Legendary Pokémon that had been captured were nothing to scoff at, each could easily destroy towns and cities, but they were still on the weaker end of the spectrum. 

"It's for the greater good, we both know it, no matter how evil it may sound, it is for the entire world." Softly huffed Chairman Rose, a soft smile on his face as he gestured at the opposite side of the office, which happened to be a second window overlooking the power plant, which was busy releasing smoke. "Eventually we will run out of fuel to power the world, and Legendary Pokémon are supposed to protect it, so it's about time they start stepping up their job." Darkly declared Chairman Rose, watching as The Godfather remained impassive as always, there was only one reason why he here after all, and money was the only way Chairman Rose was actually keeping him around.

"We have three Regis, a Genescent, a Heatran, Tornadus, and a Darkrai." Emotionlessly listed The Godfather, each Legendary had been overwhelmingly powerful compared to the average Pokémon, it had taken The Godfather and his followers each a while to subdue each one, even then, transporting them was another issue. "We it not be simpler if you used the Legendary Pokémon that you already have captured? It is producing more energy that almost all of the ones I have caught, with Heatran and Tornadus being the closest." Inquisitively inquired The Godfather, waiting for Chairman Rose to respond, as the man was busy counting out some money, and handed it to him a second later.

"It is currently too unruly, and if the research is correct, it deals double damage to Pokémon who have dynamaxed." Annoyedly sighed Chairman Rose, handing The Godfather the money, watching as a shadow rose up from the ground and accepted it, slipping it into the man's pocket. "So how is she doing? Is she making a recovery?" Curiously questioned Chairman Rose, freezing the moment he he felt a familiar pressure settle over him, a black orb of light sucking up all of the light in the room, and The Godfather looked murderous.

"I only work for you for your money, I have no interest in getting to know you, nor telling you about my life, and remember than." Lowly snarled The Godfather, allowing just a speck fly free from the black orb from above his left hand, which just happened to touch the wall behind Chairman Rose's head.

The horrible sound of atoms and particles being destroyed reached Chairman Rose's ears, making the man shudder slightly as the noise reverted through his body, before the man looked behind him, grimacing as he saw perfect circle that had the radius of three meters in his wall. Looking back towards The Godfather, Chairman Rose merely raised a brow as he saw that the place that had been occupied was now empty, making the man roll his eyes.

"Antimatter and shadow step, truly two incredible abilities." Amazedly hummed Chairman Rose, pulling out a journal from beneath his table, briefly flicking through it with a smile on his face. "Back when I still believed that good things came to those who waited." Nostalgically sighed Chairman Rose, looking at the journal he had created when he was younger with his brother, back when he had thought he could have become a Chosen One.

(Location Change)

"I'm sorry son." Gently apologized Adria, his entire body flickering out of focus for just a brief moment as he became pure energy and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

Y/n's body slumped forward, all of the electricity that had been around him faded away, sinking back into his body along with the veins, as Adria appeared in front of the boy and caught him before he could have hit the ground. Smiling sadly at what his son had been through, Adria dismissed his weapon in favor of picking Y/n up, and walking over towards the mouth of the cave, where his friends were gathered.

"I know I don't deserve to ask this, but when Y/n wakes up, will you give him this please, it is important." Softly sighed Adria, handing Y/n over to Gloria, who easily accepted the teen and the letter he had handed her, before Adria felt the back of his knee being kicked in.

"THWACK!" Furiously howled Herba, Jackie merely rolled her eyes at the display, though her eyes lingered on her trainer, as she could feel the conflicted aura churning around inside of him.

"Herba, leave him be. If you knew Y/n as well as you claim you do, then you would let him leave uninterrupted, so he can leave quicker." Exasperatedly sighed Jackie, aware of the fact that her relationship with Herba wasn't exactly pleasant by anyone's standards, but she didn't want to see anyone but but Y/n get harmed, even then a broken arm would be enough. 

The Pokéballs on Y/n's waist started twitching in response to her statement, again Jackie didn't get along with her teammates, with the exception of Yeller for some odd reason. Jackie quickly grew disinterested in what was happening, in favor of the soft set of footsteps that were slowly approaching the group, with Adria disappearing in a flicker after returning his Luxray.

"Oi! Who's there, and get out from the bushes before we light them and you on fire." Loudly growled Jackie, Herba hopped down beside her and stared at her in confusion, while Jackie merely held up her hand and let a wisp of aura fly up from it. "I can sense aura genius." Tiredly sighed Jackie, standing upright as the bush began to shake once again, as a Pokémon slowly waddled out from beneath it, and it looked like it was on a mission.

"What's a Hatenna doing here?" Curiously asked Hop, he knew a bit about the species as a whole, and he knew that they should have all ran away from the area from the amount of negativity that Y/n had been producing.

Hatenna was a practically a ball, with a round pink body and a pair of small feet. Most of its body was covered by a blue wig-like thing, with a pink, hat-like protrusion on top of the wig. The protrusion was decorated with a white spot and had a blue bulbous growth at its tip. 

"Stand back! I'm a certified doctor!" Loudly announced Hatenna, confidently waddling up to the group, aware that Herba was staring her down, blocking her off from Y/n. "Unless you know Heal Pulse, I suggest you step out of the way." Exasperatedly sighed Hatenna, adjusting her wig, so she could look Herba dead in the eyes.

Without a word Herba looked back at Gloria, before nodding at the girl and gestured at her to drop Y/n, which she did before opening her eyes, as the sound of Y/n's body hitting the ground echoed through the area, making everyone winched. Hatenna hopped onto Y/n's chest, eyeing the blond before nodding at herself, staring at Jackie.

"Blue fur one, hold the chimp down, I don't think she'll like this." Wearily sighed Hatenna, watching as Jackie dived at Herba and pinned her to the ground, before Hatenna viciously started swinging her head side to side, repeatedly slapping Y/n's cheek with the droopy parts of her wig, leaving red imprints on Y/n's cheeks. "WAKE UP! YOU RUINED MY NAP WITH THE INCONSIDERATE NEGATIVITY YOU HAVE PRODUCED! NOW I AM GOING TO USE HEAL PULSE AND SLAP YOU UNTIL YOU WAKE UP!"  Loudly howled Hatenna, repeatedly using Heal Pulse while slapping Y/n, making the teen's eyes snap open in an instant, only for his face to be slapped from side to side.

"What?" Confusedly moaned Y/n, his cheeks stung like hell and he felt sore all over, but the pain throughout his body was quickly fading away, though the pain in his cheeks remained. "Uhhhh, why is there a Hatenna on my chest, and why is it slapping me?" Dazedly moaned Y/n, well aware of Herba thrashing around beneath Jackie, who looked a tad to happy for Y/n's liking.

"You started going berserk, and there was a very good chance you could have hit one of us in the crossfire, so Adria knocked you out." Hesitantly began Marnie, chewing the inside of her cheeks as she eyed the comical red marks on Y/n's cheek, as the blond left the fuming Hatenna on his chest. "You apparently produced a lot of negativity, so the Hatenna here was healing and slapping you." Amusedly finished Marnie, eyeing Y/n as the teen didn't get back up, only shifting himself slightly so he would be more comfortable.

"Hey Y/n, can I make a request?" Politely asked Jackie, which was incredible odd since she had used his proper name, and hadn't hurled an insult at him, and from that alone Y/n nodded at her. "If it's okay with Hatenna, can you please catch her?" Excitedly yipped Jackie, letting go of Herba and leaping onto the blond's chest, not even causing a bit of discomfort as she landed. 

"Wow, I never expected too see Jackie excited about something!" Bewilderedly gawked Aqua, rubbing his eyes as he actually saw Jackie looking hopeful, as she stared at Hatenna with something akin to fondness and respect, which was something nobody got from her.

"Listen blue furry, green chimp don't seem overly fond of me, I spent the better part of a minute slapping him, and whenever someone starts respecting for doing that, it tells me they are weird." Exasperatedly sighed Hatenna, waddling off of Y/n's neck and onto his chest, where she saw down and started thinking. "But normal is overrated, and the fact you can understand me is nice, so what do you say blondie? Wanna catch a healer?" Lazily questioned Hatenna, Jackie didn't let Y/n answer for himself, in favor of picking off one of the empty Pokéballs from his bag, and lobbed it at Hatenna. 

Rolling his eyes at the antics of his Pokémon, Y/n lazily patted around his pants, pulling out his phone a second later, and held it over the shaking Pokéball on his chest. The Pokéball snapped shut a second later, as Y/n brought up the Pokédex feature on his phone, and waited as his phone scanned his newest Pokémon. 

Name: Hatenna 

Species: Hatenna 

Gender: Female

Level: 26

EXP Gauge: 900/2600

Ability: Magic Bounce 

Health: 55/55

Attack: 20

Defense: 29

Special Attack: 37

Special Defense: 33

Speed: 24

Move-set: Heal Pulse, Nuzzle, Calm Mind, Baton Pass, Aromatherapy

"She really is a healer." Amazedly noted Y/n, Hatenna only had one combat move, and even then it was incredibly weak, but it did give the for paralysis, and with that Y/n picked up the Pokéball and opened it. "So, do you want a nickname?" Curiously asked Y/n, shakily standing back up with the help of Gloria, and Herba didn't waste a second and hopped onto Y/n's shoulders, while Jackie walked beside him.

"Pinky, I use to be called that, so call me that." Tiredly hummed the newly dubbed Pinky, awkwardly leaping up until she was sitting on Y/n's free shoulder, and stared impassively down at Jackie. "So.... who are the idiots I'll be taking care of? I would like to meet them, plus I'm hungry." Bluntly stated Pinky, forcing Y/n to look at his friends, who were patiently waiting for his to say something.

"Anyone else here in the mood for lunch?" Awkwardly questioned Y/n, Marnie immediately raised up her hand, followed by Merpeko, and then Gloria, after her everyone else started raising their hands. "Well, may as well start getting everything ready." Idly hummed Y/n, deciding to push the encounter with his father to the back of his mind, since there was no use dwelling on the past anymore.


"Come on out everyone!" Simultaneously shouted all of the trainers, throwing up all of the Pokéballs into the air, over towards where all of the bowls filled with food, and watched them snap open.

"Wow, there's actually some half decent fighters here, the blind one especially." Tiredly noted Pinky, nodding slightly to herself as she looked at the board of Pokémon gathered in front of her, while some Pokémon simply picked up their bowls and left. "So, who are my teammates? My trainer is the guy with daddy issues." Curiously questioned Pinky, receiving stares from all of the Pokémon present, all looking at one another.

"Unless you're a Dark type, or become one, I doubt you're our teammate." Amusedly barked Scrafty, which eliminated the Morpeko, Croagunk, and Pupitar.

"Deino, Yeller, Luck, get over here and say hello to Pinky." Commandingly barked Herba, who was by default the second in command of the group of Pokémon, unless Y/n told them to obey one of the other trainers.

"Ugh, Fairies." Disgustedly noted Deino, heading Pinky waddle up to him without a second thought, only for Deino to feel his head being slapped from side to side a few times, before something washed over him, healing him.

"Listen blind guy, I'm a healer, but I can slap anyone here senseless. You, the bitch, even Y/n if I think they are acting stupid. It's call positive reinforcement, got it?" Bluntly spoke Pinky, staring down Deino who stood a good bit taller than her, and was on the cusp of evolution, just one adrenaline rush away from evolution. "I want this team running smoothly, as a certified doctor I don't the blond guy being under any more stress than necessary, and I don't care if you don't like it.... that involves you Jackie." Sternly ordered Pinky, despite her eyes being hidden from sight, all of the Pokémon present could tell she was tired.

"How are you certified? We are Pokémon after all... and normal people can't understand us." Confusedly croaked Yeller, tilting his head to the side as an arch of electricity raced down his back, making Deino snap at him from his carelessness.

"I'll tell you once you're a bit older, but introduction are in order, since I can write everything I know about you guys on the back of a stamp." Sleepily yawned Pinky, patiently waiting from someone to start, slowly grown tired as everyone else was waiting for someone else to do so. "How about his starter then?" Sweetly asked Pinky, electricity running across her cheeks as she was fully prepared to use Nuzzle, and she was the only one present who could heal them.

"I am Herba, Y/n's starter, and the second in command if Y/n, Gloria, Hop, and Marnie are ever out of reach." Sheepishly chuckled Herba, nodding at Luck to do his own introduction, as the Luxio was still licking his paw, trying to get a piece of dirt from between his toes.

"Luck, I was a gift from Adria, and Y/n hatched me, though I'm in contact with my mother a surprising amount despite being given away as an egg." Idly greeted Luck, rolling his eyes in disinterested at the greeting, since he would much rather be fighting than talking. "Oi Deino, wanna fight now?" Curiously questioned Luck, already picking himself up off of the ground, shoving his food bowl out of the way as he crouched down, the sound of ice crackling in his mouth. 

"No. I am Deino, my purpose is to protect my savior, he saved me after my previous trainer abandoned me. I am also on the cusp of evolution, so I must apologize in advance if I lash out, I do not mean too." Politely introduced Deino, keeping a refined air to him despite looking in the wrong direction as he spoke to Pinky, only for the dual type to slowly stare directly at Pink, staring down at her. "If you Y/n, I promise you, you will never wake up from your slumber." Coldly promised Deino, going back to eating his food a moment later, not at all bothered by the threat he had spat at Pinky, who seemed amused more than anything.

"My mother use too tell me about Dragons, they could be the scum of any team if they don't respect their trainer, or the most vicious protector if they respect their trainer." Idly commented Pinky, amused as she stared at the dual type in front of her, who radiated power, which only confirmed the fact that he was incredibly close to evolving. "Are you going to let yourself evolve naturally, or through the rush of adrenaline?" Curiously questioned Pinky, waddling up to Deino and gripping onto his face, peering into his mouth in curiosity, eyeing his razor sharp teeth. 

Deino simply did the Pokémon equivalent to a shoulder shrug, all he knew that he was close to the point of evolution, since he could feel his mind slowly coming apart along the seams, slowly separating into two distinct, different minds. Pulling back from Pinky, Deino scrunched his face up, trying to recall what he knew about the future challenges that laid before him.

The Gyms, which ranged from Fire, Fighting, Fairy, Rock, Dark, and Dragon, a lot of which he could be useful for, and the Championship which could hold an unknown amount of opponents, but he knew of some of his potential opponents already, aka his travel mates, and his savior's rivals. Deino knew that his final evolution was nothing to scoff at, since his kind once fully evolved could go head to head and challenge a Legendary Pokémon, which was something not any Pokémon could claim, only those who held the raw power and potential could claim so.

"I believe it will be best for me to undergo an adrenaline rush, since if I let it happen naturally it could take weeks, and I would become more violent, which would be unfortunate since I would not be in complete control." Logically decided Deino, nodding to himself as he looked out across the Pokémon present, no doubt trying to decide which one he would fight until he underwent his evolution. "Chad will perhaps be the best one to fight against." Realistically mulled Deino, slowly picking himself up off of the ground, and began making his way over to Chad, so they could talk.

"I'm Yeller, I was saved from Team Thanatos by Y/n's group, actually a good few of the Pokémon present decided to join this group since they were cell mates for a while, and decided they wanted to be with them." Happily chirped Yeller, messily reaching forward and grabbing a handful of his food, before messily shoving it into his mouth and munched down on it.

(Location Change)

"So, it seems like everyone's getting along at least." Relievedly sighed Y/n, he could faintly make out the sound of the Pokémon chattering to each other, some talked about battling others talked about food, and others were getting acquainted with other members, since there was a likelihood of double battles becoming a thing now. "It also looks like the next Gym is a Fire type one." Gleefully recalled Y/n, they were only a days travel away from the city at this point, though that was really weather dependent.

"I think I might hold off my Gym challenge until I get Larvitar comfortable with fighting... it is a 3 vs 3, yeah?" Softly spoke Marnie, both Chosen Ones in the group nodded at once, a lob sided smile on their face as they winked at the other in reassurance. "You two sharing a tent tonight?" Amusedly chuckled Marnie, shuddering as she could feel her stomach twist at the thoughts of not having a chance with Y/n, which was quickly becoming Marnie's least favorite feeling.


"Aqua will finally be useful for once then." Relievedly snorted Gloria, sure she had the most Pokémon out of them, and she was certain she could come up with a decent strategy, but she hoped that Aqua could handle the bulk of the fight. 

"He's actually a lot stronger than you think he is." Surprisingly piped up Y/n, well aware of the unbelieving stare he was getting from Gloria, but Y/n just shrugged his shoulders at her. "Each night when I go out to refine my aura control, the little guy is out there trying to snipe down various berries from a few dozen meters away, and he has quite a surprising bit of power in his attacks." Honestly answered Y/n, plus that was Aqua as a Sobble, Y/n was certain that Gloria's starter definitely had the potential to be a noticeable Pokémon in the future.

"So, you're saying that I should increase his training." Amusedly cackled Gloria, leering over at Aqua, who was visibly sweating as he felt his partner's eyes on him, and he Gloria promised pain.

"I'd also suggest upping Yappy's, Eev's, and Snow Cone's training as well." Idly added Y/n, eyeing Yappy in particular, since he could feel the buzz of electricity that was coming off of her, and Y/n was well aware what that meant. "Her electrical sacs are starting to swell, so I say she's close to her evolution... actually, can I borrow Yappy for a bit later?" Lazily announced Y/n, cocking a brow as he was aware of Gloria's gleeful look, probably happy at the thoughts of one of her Pokémon evolving.

(Location Change)

Adria stood on top of one of the many electrical wires in the area, staring down at the location where Y/n and his friends where, and they were barely specks in his eyes, but he could feel the content buzz coming off of Y/n. A pair of wings fluttering nearby made the man smile, followed by a petite woman landing on the only safe part of the wire, with two antenna coming from her forehead.

"I could have told you about his reaction, but I know that you know, that you deserve it." Idly chirped the woman, staring at Adria with a fond smile on her face, before looking down where Y/n and his company was staying. "At least his love life isn't disturbed by this." Amusedly snickered the woman, elbowing Adria in the sides, which caused the man to almost lose his balance.

"Cel, do you know how difficult it is to balance on a wire that's the size of your pinky?" Annoyedly grumbled Adria, trying to place his hand on top of the woman's head, only for an immense amount of psychic energy to surround him. "You are aware I don't shock people anymore, right?" Sheepishly chuckled Adria, wisely putting his hand back down, only receiving a flat stare from Cel.

"I'm the Chosen One of Celebi, I can see the immediate future, I know what you were planning on doing, so don't try it." Sternly chastised Cel, wagging her finger at Adria, before brushing her green hair out of her eyes, her eyes softening a bit. "This world is really messed up, by the end of the year, so many people will be killed in this world, it won't even be comprehensive... all because of human greed and ambition." Exasperatedly sighed Cel, her emerald green eyes staring off into the distance, glazing over for a brief second and burning blue, before returning back to their normal shade.

"Do you know what the future would have been like if I stayed?" Curiously hummed Adria, gazing off at where his only son was, his son that would suffer so much more in the future.

"Y/n would be happier and optimistic, and he would be dead by the end of the year, since he wouldn't have become a Chosen One, nor would his aura awoken." Simply answered Cel, not at all phased by what she had said, but Adria was use to it, since Cel had been like this ever since he met her, and even then she had been alive for a few centuries at this point. "You leaving meant that he has a chance now at least, I'm not a parent, but I'm certain any parent wants their kid to live, even if it meant they were hated by their kid." Softly whispered Cel, out of the centuries she had been alive, this was in decades she ever thought about parents, since those thoughts have left her after the first decade of being Celebi's Chosen One.

"That doesn't mean I like it." Annoyedly mumbled Adria, running a hand through his hand, before bringing it in front of his face, his face blanking as he saw a strand of black hair.

"Looks like you're reaching that age now." Fondly cackled Cel, gesturing at her own antenna and wings, and the fact her skin had a slight green tinge to it.

That's a wrap people!!! After so long there's an update! Y/n confronted his father, who will be dead in the year, and Celebi's Chosen One has made an appearance, and she is unique in appearance. You may ask why she's so unique, but it is for the same reason why Hephaestus and Tithonus are so unique in appearance, which will be explained at a later date!!! 

See ya next time!!!


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