My Love Guide // Taekook


49.8K 2.6K 1.7K

KIM TAEHYUNG was 26 years old Handsome Businessman. He returned from America to join his family business. His... More

Part - 1 ❤
Part - 2 ❤
Part - 3 ❤
Part - 4
Part - 5
Part - 6
Part - 7
Part - 8
Part - 9
Part - 10
Part - 11
Part - 12
Part - 13(M)
Part - 14(M)
Part - 15(M)
Part - 16 (M)
Part - 17
Part - 18
Part - 19
Part - 20
Part - 21
Part - 22
Part - 23
Part - 24
Part - 25
Part - 26(M)
Part - 27
Part - 28
Part - 29
Part - 30
Part - 31
Part - 32
Part - 33
Part - 34
Part - 35
Part - 36

Part - 37 (End)

1.7K 86 57

At noon, they were eating lunch together on the hotel roof.

They were remembering their old days while eating.

TAE was feeding JK by his own hand.

JK chewed: "nom-nom--"

TAE smiled: "Slowly-- Bunny--"

JK: "nom- yum- nommnom--It's so tastyyyy--You will feed me everyday--okay Baby??--"

TAE blushed: "Stop it-- Bun-bun-"

Jimin was looking at them with angry eyes & then started shouting at Suga: "You Don't love me--- Suga hyung!
You never feed me ----Look at TAeKook--they love each other so much-"

Suga coughed in embarrassment to hear Jimin.

Suga replied with swag:
"Don't you have your own hands??--"

Jimin shouted: "Ahrghhhh-----"

Everyone started laughing.😁

But then, suddenly Suga took a bread from his own plate & said to Jimin: "Chim-chim-- Say aaaaaaaaaaa??--"

Jimin without thinking said: "Aaaaaaaa-"

Suga stuffed Jimin's mouth with bread.

Jimin blinked thrice & then started chewing happily.


Jimin blushed & hugged Suga but Suga sighed!!

When they were eating, suddenly Min Ho came there running with his messy hair & clothes.

Min ho immidiately fall infront of TAE.

TAE: "aah? Min ho?--"

JK greeted his teeth in anger.
He was about to punch him without any second thought but TAE stopped JK.

Min ho cried: "Plzz-- Taetae- I -
I am sorry-- I am also sorry to you JK!
Plz forgive meee--
Plz save me from those girls--"

TAE raised his eye brows: "Which Girls??--"

Then, they noticed that a bunch of three girls were coming towards them.

Min ho again said with so much fear in his eyes: "Plzzz- save me--they literally kidnapped me yesterday--"

Finally Tressen, Minuara & Suha reached there after running a lot!

Minuara kicked Min ho with her high heels & Min ho fall on the floor.

Tressen & Suha also hit Min ho twice or thrice but TAE immidiately stop them.

TAE: "Stop stop--"

Min ho got up from floor with his messy hair & tried to hide behind TAE.

JK grabbed Min ho's arm suddenly: "Rascal---"

Min ho begged towards them: "Plzz-- let me go-- I promise, I will never disturb you--"

TAE: "I really thought you as my friend-- I never thought you -- why did you ruin my life???--"

Min ho: "I am sorry TAE-- please--"


JK angrily: "Don't you dare to call my Husband's name from your dirty mouth--"

Min ho murmured in pain:
"Aahh-- ah ok -- Plzz- let me go----I am sorry-- I am really sorry---"

Suha kicked Min ho again: "Getttt lostttt bastard---"

Tressen & Minuara greeted their teeth in anger.

JK pushed away Min ho.

Min ho was panting heavily.

Namjoon: "Min ho-- I suggest you to leave from here--
Don't create any more drama--"

JK hugged TAE tightly.

TAE: "Leave--"

Min ho sighed & looked at those girls once more!

He left in a hurry.

JK smiled at those girls: "Thankssss--- "

Tressen dramatically bowed: "Anytime, --- 😁"

Minuara: "You & Tae -- perfect for each other--"

Suha: "Yesss--- TaeKook foreverrrrrrrr!--"

Everyone started laughing happily!! 😁😁😁

At evening, TAE & JK were lying on the bed together.

TAE was sniffing his Bunny's manly smell.

JK: "TAE?--"

TAE: "mmmm?--"

JK hummed: "I love you--"

TAE hummed: "mmmm--"

JK chuckled & Kissed on TAE's forhead.
JK hugged His husband on his chest.

After some times, Jimin came in their room.

Jimin: "Let's go taetae-- We will party tonighttttt--"

TAE happily jumped after a long time: "Yeahhh--"

JK chuckled to see his husband's cuteness.

When TAE was jumping JK back hugged him tightly & whispered: "I missed you so muchh--"

TAE hummed: "Whattt happened? --"

JK hugged him more tightly infront of Jimin.

JK: "Mmmm--"

Jimin coughed: "Ohhh-- lovey dovey coupleeee-- I am still here--"

JK teased: "You are Invisible for us---"

TAE pinched JK's arm: "Bunbun-- stop it--"

JK smiled: "auch-"

Jimin: "Now -- Let's goooo--
I already chose a dress for you--"

TAE: "ash?--"

JK to TAE: "Go with Jimin , I will join you later--"

TAE grabbed JK's wrist immidiately with a lot of fear in his eyes.

TAE: "Noh-- where are you going?--"

JK cupped TAE's face: "Shh-
I will not go anywhere without you--- I have some work-- I will join soon!--"

TAE hummed: "Promise?-"

JK nodded his head.

After that, TAE & Jimin went to Jimin's room.

Then, all of them went to TressMinSu club for party.

But, TAE's eyes were still searching for JK.

TAE: "Where is Bunny?
When will he come?--"

Jimin: "aah-- taetae-- your stupid will come soon -- Don't worry--"

Jimin finished his sentence & TAE noticed JK at the door.

TAE's eyes became widened to see JK's DADDY & HOT LOOK!

TAE bit his own lips: "So hot!!-"

Jimin whispered with shock: "Is he your That stupid husband?--"

TAE with shock: "I think so--
He is looking so hot!! Damn----Hottt--"

Jimin: "Yeah-- So hot--"

Suga pinched Jimin's arm & Jimin showed his smile to suga!

JK came near to TAE & TAE was still looking at him.

JK pinched TAE: "Why are you looking at me?--"

TAE only murmured: "You are so hottt--"

JK smiled & blushed.
He whispered in TAE's ears:
"I am yours--"

TAE blushed: "I know--"

JK hugged TAE tightly!

Others: "Awwwwww--😁-"

Tressen, Minuara & Suha were looking at them from far at the bar.

Tressen sighed: "Huh-- I am feeling so single---"

Minuara: "Me too--"

Suha sighed: "Me too--"

Minuara: "But TaeKook are perfect for each other!
Isn't it?-"

Suha smiled: "Yes--"

Tressen: "Foreverrr--" ❤

They giggled with each other & LEFT from there!!

TAE & JK wee dancing with each other under purple Light in a romantic song!💜

TAE hummed the song: "mmm--hm--mmm--"

JK held TAE's waist & TAE laid his hands around JK's neck while dancing.

Others were enjoying the party also.

JK: "TAE?--"

TAE hummed: "mmm?--"

JK: "Let's go--"

TAE: "Ah? But Where?---"

JK grabbed TAE's hand gently & started walking towards door.

Jin: "Where are they going?--"

Namjoon smiled: "At that place where their love story had started--"

Jin: "aah?-"

Namjoon just smiled & pulked Jin closer by grabbing his waist.

Namjoon: "I love you-jinu-"

Jin blushed: "Love you too--"

Suddnly, Jimin whispered in Suga's ears while dancing:
"I love you--"

Suga replied: "yeah-- I love ME toooo--"

Jimin made an angry face & tried to push away Suga.

But Suga pulled Jimin in a deep kiss! 💏🙈

On the other hand........❤

JK covered TAE's eyes by his own hand & said finally:
"Now, you--can open your Eyes--"

TAE opened his eyes very slowly!!!

TAE's eyes became widened to see the beautiful view infront of him.

It was THE SAME CRUISE in the middle of the river! ❤

TAE's eyes shined with happiness & he smiled to see the beautiful decorated huge SHIP!.!

JK back hugged TAE: "Do you remember this Ship? This CRUISE? --"

TAE blushed & teased: "Yeah--I remembered- --
Did you buy this Ship??--"

JK kissed on TAE's neck: "Hmmmm-- I bought it that day when for the first time you told me to buy --"

TAE chuckled: "Whattt??
That time, I was just joking--"

JK hummed: "But--
I was serious-- and I am damn serious about you--"

TAE turned towards JK & hugged him with teary eyes:
"I love you bunny-- Love you so muchh--"

The Huge ship was tossing in the middle of the river at night!
The night view of paris was so clear from that ship!

Moon was shining with purple lights! ❤

A gentle breeze was blowing gently! ❤

And Two Souls were hugging each other tightly with love & love!

TAE was sniffing with teary eyes & JK wiped his tears: "Sshhhh-- no more tears---
You are not allowed to cry--"

TAE sniffed: "These are happy tears---"

JK kissed TAE's lips deeply! 💏

JK hummed: "I LOVE YOU--"

TAE hummed: "mmmm Don't-leave me---"

JK: "Promise-- never--"

TAE buried his face in JK's manly chest while sniffing.

JK hugged His husband more tightly!

They broke the hug & looked at each other like sun looked at earth like stars look at moon!❤

JK knelt down infront TAE while helding TAE's hand.
TAE looked at Bunny with surprise.

JK: "Tae?--"

TAE: "mmm?-"

JK: "I wanna ask you something- -"

TAE: "what?--"

JK looked directly at TAE's teary eyes:

TAE smiled with teary eyes.

He nodded his head while holding JK's hand.

TAE hummed:
"hmmm-- Hmmmmm--
I am yours--
I am only yours for next 21 years & then next 21 years-- & then next 21--- and FOREVER!!!-----" ❤

JK chuckled to see TAE's cuteness.

He got up & hugged TAE tightly.

TAE started crying on JK's chest!!

TAE sniffed: "I love you-
I only love you--"

JK smiled while kissing TAE's fluffy hair!

JK wiped TAE's tears by his own hand: "Thanks for coming in Paris that day--"

They looked at each other's eye directly.

TAE hummed: "hmm--
And thank you for becoming my Travel Guide---"

JK smiled: "but you taught me about Love---
You taught me about true feelings---
I am nothing without you
You are my Everything! ❤"

TAE smiled & kissed on JK's nose: "Hmmmm---Love you Bunbun--"

JK hugged TAE tightly & whispered: "And----
You are-- MY LOVE GUIDE--!"

The whole Night & atmosphere filled with their True Love & Love & Love!

❤❤❤❤ THE END❤❤❤❤


Share your thoughts! 💜

Thank you so much!!
I love you All...... 💜 borhae💜

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