everything's fucked// james c...

By mossykneesocks

167K 3.4K 1.5K

I'm fucked, angel. so am i. we'll be fucked together, then. _________________________ A JAMES COOK FANFIC MO... More

intro 2
part 1: tosser
part 2: wanker
part 3: twat
part 4: bastard
part 5: arsehole
part 6: git
part 7: prick
part 8: slag
part 9: bint
part 10: minger
part 11: cock
part 12: tit
part 13: slut
part 14: pussy
part 15: motherfucker
part 17: barmy
part 18: muppet
part 19: ninny
announcement about updates
part 20: pillock
part 21: fuckin div
part 22: maggot
part 23: lost the plot
part 24: knob
part 25: daft cows
part 26: prat
part 27: bollocks
part 28: gannet
part 29: bloody hell
part 30: fucked

part 16: fun sponge

4K 94 61
By mossykneesocks

Cook stood in the alley, grinning that stupid grin of his. 

"I've come to break you out, princess, now let me up, will you?" he said.

"James Cook," I said, shaking my head in astonishment. "Wait one second."

I ran back in my room, and fell to my knees in front of my bed, sweeping the clothes and shoes away from it to grab the thing I knew was under there. 

I ran back to the window, and untangled the ladder from the bag it was kept in. 

Cook stared at me in awe. "You've done this before, haven't you?" he said as I dropped the ladder down to him.

"Of course," I said, winking. 

He shook his head, climbing up the ladder, and he grabbed my hand that was waiting for him at the top. I pulled him in, and he fell on top of me. 

"Shit," I groaned, as his heavy body fell on me. "Jesus, James, you weigh a ton."

"Muscle weighs a lot, babes," he said, rolling off me. 

He stood up, and offered me a hand. I reached for it, but at the last second, he pulled back.

"You're a dick," I groaned, slumping back on the ground. 

"You know you love it," he said, walking over to my speaker, plugging my iPod into it, and pressing shuffle. He then turned it up almost all the way.

I propped myself up on my arms and gave him a questioning look. 

"Your dad's downstairs, right?" he answered.

"You're pretty smart, Cook," I said, realizing what I had said before it came out of my mouth. "No, no, wait, I take it back, I take it back! Not the smart part, though, the other part."

I could see him sulking in the corner, his back hunched over my desk. 

He turned his head to look at me, and I got up and walked over to to him. I pouted, puffing out my bottom lip.

"Come on, James, don't be mad," I said, looking at him pleadingly. I cupped his face in my hand, and tried to get a reaction out of him.

I could see him fighting a smile, and he turned his head away so I wouldn't see.

"James, you love me, don't fight it, you know you do," I said, turning his face back towards mine.

"Yeah, yeah, you know I do," he said, unable to contain the smile that had been fighting to stretch across his face. 

I smiled, and brought his lips to mine. He was quick to respond, opening his mouth up to mine, and slipping his tongue in between my lips. I was about to deepen the kiss, when he pulled his head away from mine and pressed our foreheads together.

"Princess," he started to say, then stopped. He looked nervous, biting his lip.

"What, what's wrong James?" I said, concerned.

He said quickly, "I haven't shagged anyone else since you, you know." 

"What?" I asked, confused as to whether I heard him right.

"I popped Panda after Fred's party, but that was the last time," he said. "Remember I had a black eye the day after?"

I nodded, and he continued. "Her fucking boyfriend slugged me right in the face."

"So I was right," I said. "You did sleep with the wrong guy's girlfriend."

"Yeah, I guess I did," he laughs at the memory.

I turn away from him, and go to sit on my bed to face him. He sits on the edge of my desk, watching me, trying to gage my reaction. 

"You shagged Panda?" I asked. "Wait, no, I knew, she told me, but why?"

I scrunched up my face in disgust when that image popped up in my head.

"Why Panda? If you're gonna fuck anyone with a boyfriend, why not Effy, or even Katie's better?" I asked him.

He laughed, and said, "What Pands lacks in experience, she makes up for with enthusiasm."

"Eghh," I made a grossed-out sound. "I really, really didn't need to know that, shouldn't have asked."

"Anyway," Cook continues, the smile disappearing from his face, and the nervousness reappearing. "I wanted to tell you, Vi, that,"

He didn't continue, and just looked at me. The look in his eyes was lust, and something else that I hadn't seen from him before. The air in the room was thick with tension, and suddenly it felt extremely hot.

I said, "What, no princess or babes?", trying to crack a joke to break the tension.

He didn't laugh, and instead just looked down at his feet. I'd never seen him like this before, unsure, with no cheeky smirk, or a joke at hand, no stupid nicknames.

I crossed the room towards him, and stopped a foot in front of him, trying to put some space between us. More than anything, I wanted to reach out, feel myself in his arms, having him hold me and kiss me. 

"Listen, James," I said, trying to be serious. "I like you; you're one of my best friends."

He clenched his jaw at the word friends, and I quickly hurried to make up for it.

"But it's also more than that. You're fun, wild, kind of a tosser, sort of a wanker, but you're also really nice, when you think no one is looking. God, this is hard. I don't know what to say," I said, frustrated, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Oh, fuck it," Cook said, closing the gap between us and kissing me. 


His lips slammed into mine, taking my breath away. I grabbed at him furiously, running my hands through his hair as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to my bed. He took a break from attacking my lips and moved to my neck, alternating between kissing and sucking, leaving hot, red marks behind. 

I moaned his name, tilting my neck back to allow him better access. 

He laid me down on my bed, immediately moving on top of me and continuing his assault on my neck, moving down to the skin my top covered. 

I closed my eyes, until I felt him stop. I opened his eyes to see him hovering over me, looking me in the eyes. 

"Alrite, listen," he said bluntly. "I don't want you shagging anyone else but me, got it princess? And I won't fuck anyone either."

"Got it, James," I said, panting, wishing he'd shut the fuck up and get back to kissing me.

He dipped down to kiss me again, and I eagerly went up to meet him, confused as he pulled back and left me alone on the bed. 

He hovered over me again, smirking.

"Not so fast, babes. What did I say?" he reminded me. 

I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't fuck anyone else, blah blah blah, you won't either, you love me, you want me, blah blah blah," I said with a cheeky smile. 

"Close enough," he said with a grin, and kissed me. I pulled his shirt off from his head as he removed mine, tracing the cross tattoo on his torso with my fingers as he moved down to my chest. 

Suddenly, I heard knocking on my door, and I panicked. 

"Fuck, James, under the bed!" I said, pushing him off the bed in only his boxers, throwing his pants after him. I shoved my shirt back on. 

Thankfully Cook hadn't managed to remove my pants yet, and I ran over to the door, quickly smoothing down my hair before I opened it. 

"What?" I said as I opened my door.

My dad stood outside my door, and looked behind me into my room suspiciously. 

"I heard something strange up here," he said, pushing my door open more and coming into my room. 

"I'm playing music, am I not allowed to play music?" I said, praying he wouldn't look under my bed.

"No, that's fine, Vivian," he said, still looking around. "Alright, well turn it off soon," he said, finally turning to go.

"Yeah, I will," I said, trying to hurry him out subtly. 

Before he left, he looked around one more time, and noticed Cook's shirt on the floor next to my bed.


"Vivian, whose shirt is that," he demanded. 

"I don't know, Dad," I said, lying through my teeth. "It's been there ages."

I picked up Cook's shirt, balled it up, and threw it in my hamper. 

"That's not your shirt, though, is it?" he asked me.

"Is that what you really want to ask?" I said. "Of course not Dad, but you can't punish me for something that happened a really long time ago."

His jaw tensed as he thought over my words, then his shoulders slumped as he accepted them.

"Fine, but never again," he said, pointing a finger at me and closing my door. 

I slumped against the door, a sigh of relief escaping me.

Cook army-crawled out from under my bed, saying, "You're dad's kinda a fun sponge, isn't he?" 

"You're telling me," I muttered.

He got back on my bed, reclining back and leaning on his arms, watching me.

"Well?" he said, smirking. "Come'ere."


Cook rolled off me, covered in sweat, panting.

"Jesus, Vi," he said, turning to look at me. 

"Ditto," I said breathlessly. 

He reached out across the space between us, and pulled me into his arms, then pulling my sheet over us.

"Better than Panda?" I said jokingly.

He smiled, then turned serious.

"The best," he said softly.

I smiled at that, his sweetness surprising me as it usually did. I placed a quick peck on his lips, then he pulled me in for a longer kiss.

I pulled back, mumbling, "What time is it?" as Cook tried to get my attention back by kissing my neck. 

"Dunno," he groaned. "Come here."

I turned away, reaching for my phone on my bedside table as Cook tried to pull me back towards him. 

"Cook," I groaned, using his last name to let him know that I was serious. He fell back, letting me grab my phone and flip it open. 

"9:27," I read the time. 

"Oh shit," Cook said, sitting up. "The party's at ten."

"What party?" I said, turning towards him. 

"At Emily and Naomi's," he said, more alert now. "I said I was gonna bring you, but I got distracted."

"No shit," I said, standing up and walking to my bathroom. 

"I'm showering," I called back to him.

He answered with a grunt, and I closed the door. 

After my quick shower, I opened the door to find Cook still naked in my bed.

"Cook, get up," I said, walking to my closet and pulling out a mini skirt and a cute top.

"Throw me my shirt, will you, princess?" he said, and I did.

He sat on the bed after he got dressed, watching me change. 

I turned to smile at him.

"Enjoying the view?" I said playfully.

He nodded and smirk, "Yeah, continue babes, will ya?"

Once I was completely ready, I motioned for Cook to go down the ladder. I turned off the music, and opened my bedroom door cautiously.

"Dad?" I called. "I'm going to sleep."

"See you in the morning!" he called back, and I closed the door.

I climbed down the ladder after Cook, taking his helping hand.

"Come on, princess," he said, as I stepped to the ground. "Let's go fucking party!"

AN: hope you liked this chapter, it was fun to write, and it was longer then my usual chapters! make sure to vote and comment! let me know what you enjoyed and want to see more of, and vice versa!


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