Canvas | Jikook

Par _Yoongies_

494K 26.7K 14.4K

"Why won't you ink me?..." ".... I don't want to ruin what's already perfect..." Maintaining a high and respe... Plus

Pretty Boy
Devils Whisper
Heated Blaze
Carnival Mischief
Baby Doll
Eliminate, to Reawaken
Explosive Desires
Carnal Instincs
Authors Note/ New Book


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Par _Yoongies_

"But what if I want to?..."


Disclaimer: Jungkooks father who gave birth to him will be referred to as 'dad' whilst his other father, Mr. Jeon, will be referred to as 'Appa'

3rd Person POV

"Hey kook, how's my baby doing?" Jungkooks dad softened, smiling through the other end of the phone as he checked up on his son.

Jungkook turned his head towards the bed where Jimin laid, cuddled up in the soft linen sheets as he slept soundly. "Perfect... everything's going perfectly. It couldn't be better... although having you here would complete everything"

"Awe kiddo... things have finally turned up huh..." His dad warmly voiced, his tone tender as his eyes glossed over. "Guess it's a good thing I'm here then"

Jungkook stood still for a moment, his dads words registering in his mind. "What? You're here? As in at my house or Seoul?!"

"In Seoul kiddo" he chuckled. "I wanted to visit you and my beautiful son in law, but I didn't want to show up unannounced and frighten the little cutie"

"When did you come back? Does Appa know?"

"I arrived at the airport a few hours ago. I wanted to surprise him by coming home earlier than what was originally planned, so needless to say, he broke down in tears the second he saw me.... it was so adorable... I missed you guys so much..."

"We missed you more dad... Appa had it worse though, he barely slept during the night and couldn't even focus on his work during the day. Where is he now anyway?"

Jungkooks Dad sighed contentedly over the phone "He's currently sleeping while clinging to me like a vine. I didn't think he'd miss me that much, it's not like it was the first time I've been away"

"You've never been away this long. It's been months Dad. And how come they still contacted you for help? You resigned years ago"

"Yeah I know, but this was -or shall I say is- a very serious and complicated case. It's been ongoing for years now, and lately has gotten even more severe as the number of victims has practically tripled over the past three years. That's why they asked for my help, they needed their boss back"

"So is it a serial kidnapping or?..."

"We assume so. Although I think there's way more to it, because I don't understand how that many young boys can get kidnapped and be kept somewhere against their will without being found, or even raising suspicion of some sort"

"Young boys specifically?" Jungkook furrowed his brows, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration "They must have a motive behind all this then. Do you have any suspects?"

"No... literally no one. Kook I'm losing my mind at this point. No traces are ever left behind, they're completely meticulous and the only way we even managed to connect and link all the kidnappings together, was because all the boys that were taken looked somewhat the same and were even the same age. It couldn't have been a coincidence"

Jungkook weaved a hand through his hair, its dampness clinging to his fingers "How come you're back home dad?.... Have you given up?"

"Please, we Jeons don't give up" his dad smiled fondly "Plus, I'm pretty sure all those boys are waiting for someone to come rescue them. I can't leave them like this... they don't deserve what they're going through, nobody does...."

Jungkook remained silent for a while, knowing his dad was feeling quite emotional at the moment. He's always been the sensitive type, especially when it got to his family and loved ones.

"Would you like me to ask Namjoon hyung for help? He could lend a hand" Jungkook offered

"That would be great actually. We could use all the help we can get" he responded in a hushed tone "I won't keep you any longer cub, you should be snuggling the little cutie by now"

(A/N: Cub = baby animal. In this case, a baby lion)

"It's been so long since I heard you call me that, I didn't think I'd actually miss hearing it" Jungkook chuckled heartily "How do you know about Jimin?"

"Oh please, you really didn't think that your Appa was the one who thought of matching both you and Jimin together? Your Appa is clueless towards this world and the people in it despite owning a major tattoo franchise...."

"And yet you still married him"

"And I'd do it a trillion times over and over again. He's my man, my literal other half"

"Don't get all cheesy on me dad" Jungkook dramatised, despite the fond smile residing atop his lips "Anyway, g'night. And thank you for calling dad..."

"Night night my lil cub. Even though you practically tower over me, but you'll always remain my baby" he chuckled "Sleep well.. OH! And make sure you come to visit tomorrow! Bring my adorable son in law with you, and if you don't, you're not stepping foot in this house..."

"I will, I will. I promise" Jungkook laughed before removing the phone from his ear and ending the call.

He placed the phone on the desk where he found it before walking back towards the bed, pulling the comforter back slightly as he quietly slipped inside.

Jimin automatically snuggled into Jungkooks chest as if he sensed him in his sleep, causing Jungkook to grin fondly while wrapping his large muscular arms around Jimins petite yet luscious body, and pulling him closer to his chest.

He nestled his face in the crown of Jimins head and littered the top of it with tender kisses, before closing his eyes and allowing the dark abyss of sleep claim his exhausted form.

Next Morning

Jimins POV

I tossed around slightly, my eyes shutting tight in protest against the blinding dewy light that seeped unapologetically through the crevasses of the blinds. I've never been a morning person, and I don't think I ever will be. Not with the way the sun likes to proclaim its arrival by showing off its 'bedazzling' rays.

But aside from that, huge props to the sun because no other queen would be willing to wake up that early to strut in front of everyone. I'd really appreciate it if she were to end her show early though, because I really need some extra sleep right now... My body feels like it's about to snap in half.

Losing my virginity didn't hurt that much last night, so why am I in so much pain right now?... Forgive my bluntness, my mind has been letting loose lately. Something I haven't been able to do for the past few years of my life.

Despite how badly I wanted to remain in the clutches of sleep, my eyes began to burn at the continuous flow of light that burned at my eyelids. So when I did eventually flutter my eyes open, I cowered away from the suns rays as I dug myself deeper into the covers.

I reached my hand out and patted the space next to me, my fingers desperately searching for the desired warmth and hardness of my safe haven as they clawed lightly at the sheets. I groaned as I moved, inching myself closer to the edge until it became clear that I was alone in bed.

"K-kook?" I called out, wincing at the hoarseness of my throat. I swallowed to clear the stinging sensation that burned as I tried to speak.

I tried to remove the covers off my body, but quickly covered myself up once I noticed that I was completely naked, a crimson flush creeping up my cheeks and painting its way throughout my skin.

"Good morning beautiful" Jungkooks deep baritone rang through my ears seductively, causing delicious shivers to rake my flushed form.

I peeked my head out from under the covers, my messy blond locks fraying across my forehead as I looked into the most enchanting almond coloured eyes. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of sweatpants that hung lowly at his hip, showcasing his mouthwatering V that dipped into the waistband and hid his manlyhood.

His muscles flexed as he walked towards me with a tray of food in his hands, his hair slightly damp as it hung over his forehead, partly covering his desirous eyes. 

I couldn't help but release a whimper at the sight of my man looking every bit the sexy gentleman that he is, my mouth salivating at the erotic sight.

I watched his jaw clench at the sound that passed my lips, his eyes dilating a darker shade as his fingers wrapped tightly around the tray of food. He sat on the side of the bed next to my legs as he set the tray down on the nightstand.

"M-orning ko-okie" My voice cracked, my brows furrowing and a prominent pout residing atop my lips at my aching throat.

Jungkook raised his hand to my face and brushed back a few strands of hair behind my ears before leaning in and pressing a long kiss against my lips. I moaned at his taste, pressing my thighs together to will my overheated body to calm down.

"Don't strain your voice anymore than you already have, kitten. You'll make it worse" he rubbed the pad of his thumb along my cheek, resting his forehead against mine momentarily "I was going to ask how your feeling baby boy, but the smell of your arousal is screaming out an answer of its own"

"Mmh..." A shiver ran down the length of my spine as he whispered sultrily in my ear. I whined in protest when he pulled away, despite the throbbing pain in my ass making itself known at any small movement.

"As much as I'd love to eat you out for all of eternity, I can't cause anymore pain or discomfort to that sweet delectable body of yours baby. And there's someone very special that I want you to meet today too" He smiled warmly at me, his eyes blooming with so much compassion and gratitude.

I blushed deeply at his brute honesty, picking at the covers with my fingers. "R-really? Wh-o?"

"That's a secret. But he's someone very important to me, so it's about time he meets my lover"

The tinge of jealousy that creeped up my back instantly vanished the moment he called me his lover. How could I ever feel insecure when this man constantly reminds me how much I mean to him?

But I've already met his friends, which are now considered both his and my family. I've also met his Appa and even all the workers and helpers at his family home. So I can't quite think of whom it might be that he wants me to meet, other than more relatives.

My hand goes up to cup my throat as I try to speak, wincing at the hoarseness that quickly arises. Jungkook immediately has a cup of warm water placed in front of my lips, urging me to sip from the warm drink.

I gratefully take the drink from his hands, smiling at him to ease his worried expression. I sigh at the warm and subtle caress of the water as it glides down my throat, soothing my abused chords.

"I can't w-ait to meet him!" I beam at him, my heart fluttering in my chest at his breathtaking smile.

"That's good to hear, because he threatened to never allow me to step foot in his house if I didn't bring you with me"

I giggled softly at his words, my mind feeling at ease that the person wants to meet me too.

"I made you breakfast baby, so once you finish eating, I'll set you up a warm bath to sooth your aching muscles before we get changed and head out for the day, ok?"

"Ok! A bath sounds r-eally nice"

He chuckled at me then placed the tray of food on my lap after removing the covers from around my upper body. I blushed slightly at the exposure, but nonetheless dug into his incredible cooking.

3rd Person POV

(I had completely forgotten that this was suppose to be in Jimins POV, I'm so sorry. The next chapter will be partly written in Jimins POV to make up for it!)

Once Jimin had completed his breakfast, Jungkook removed the tray from his lap and placed it back on the nightstand. He looked back at Jimin with a gentle smile, his eyes trailing down Jimins exposed skin until they landed on his stomach.

He placed his hand on Jimins flat stomach, tenderly rubbing his fingers against the soft skin. His mind wandered as he gazed at Jimins stomach unconsciously.

Jimin bit his lip at the act, blinking rapidly to prevent his eyes from glossing over. He placed his hand over Jungkooks own, which instantly stopped rubbing at his stomach once Jungkook realised what he was doing.

Jimin took a deep breath in before exhaling, then looked Jungkook directly in the eyes before blurting out his words.

"K-kook.... I can't have kids" Jimin admitted, his voice strained but this time it wasn't because it was sore.

Jungkooks throat suddenly felt dry, but he masked the slight disappointment lingering on his features "Baby... that's ok, we don't have to have kids now. That's a topic we can delve into in the future when you're ready"

"No kook t-that's not it. I wish it w-was but it's not...." Jimins bottom lip trembled, his eyes glossing over as his voice spilled out in a painful melody "I just literally c-an't have kids. As much as I'd love to and w-ould do anything to see mini you's running around, I don't h-ave the privilege of witnessing something so beautiful..."

Jungkook leaned in closer to Jimins trembling frame, wrapping his arms protectively around the youngers waist as his heart pounded in his chest "What do you mean by that baby?..."

Jimin looked up at him with a pained expression, his chest constricting at the words he was trying to desperately convey yet feared them rolling off his lips "B-ecause of the severe beatings that w-ere inflicted on my body when I was taken, my ability to naturally grow and conceive children is no l-longer possible.... and even if it is, the ch-chances are extremely low...."

Jungkook instantly wrapped his hands around Jimins tear stained cheeks, his thumb tugging out Jimins bruised lip that was clamped tightly between Jimins teeth, as he bit at it to stop his sobs from breaking through his trembling, frail build.

He tenderly pressed his forehead against Jimins own, before capturing Jimins lips in a long spine tingling kiss that had him breathless for air.

"Whether we have a million babies or none, I will continue to love you, cherish you and treasure you with every last breath of my body till the day I die, and even after that...."

Jungkook beamed so genuinely at him, an array of sincere loving emotions swimming in the depths of his orbs that it had Jimins sobs breaking through his lips and his tears to stream down his face in rivulets. 

"Nothing in this world could even remotely make me love you any less than I do now baby..." Jungkook placed gentle kisses all over Jimins face, causing him to giggle heartily.

"I love you, Jungkook.." Jimin whispered as he gazed up at him, his palms resting against Jungkooks bare chest.

"I love you most, Jimin" Jungkook responded, grinning at the blush that spread along Jimins soft cheeks. A glint spiked through Jimins eyes, but disappeared as fast as it came. "What is it?" Jungkook questioned.

"Um.... w-what if I want to have babies?..."

Jungkook stifled his smirk, smiling softly and arching a brow.. "Do you?"

"Yes, I do. Maybe not now, but eventually I do" Jimin sheepishly admitted, fidgeting with his small plump fingers.

"Then we'll keep trying until we have our very own.."


THANK YOU GUYS FOR #8 ON JIKOOK!!! LIKE WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F. This screenshot was taken a while ago, I just forgot to thank u beauts 😭

Hey babessss!! Hope u enjoyed this chapter! If u hv any questions, pls don't hesitate to ask! Sometimes I forget certain things that I either have to clear up or address. I'm in a hurry rn so I'll end this note here! STAY THRIVING BABES BORAHAEEE 💜💜💜


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