Thank You, Zach (The Zach Eff...

By DanielaSoto503

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This is my first autobiography book. I always wanted to write an autobiography but I never took action until... More

The Beginning: Heart Surgeries and Syndrome Part One
The Beginning: Syndrome Part Two: Learning Disability and the Last Surgery
Great Memories
Light at the End of Darkness
Bonus: How to Help
Fun Facts: Behind the Scenes


28 1 0
By DanielaSoto503

This last chapter will mention how I ended up being inspired to make an autobiography on a website. My parents and I decided to celebrate Christmas and New Years' with my brother in Brooklyn, New York (where my brother lives), but then one day, my father decided to rent a townhome in Rockaway Beach in Queens for a few days. On the last day, I decided to watch a movie on my laptop on Disney plus. I could not decide which movie I wanted to watch until I saw a picture of a guy with a guitar and read the title of the movie called 'Clouds' and since I love movies about musicians, I clicked to watch the film. I have never seen that movie until that day. I promise I will not spoil the movie, but the movie was about an eighteen-year-old kid who died of cancer when he was diagnosed at fourteen years old. The film was about the last few moments he had in his life and wanted to continue helping everyone after his death. I thought Zach survived throughout the movie between you and me (as a secret), but then I found out he died. I started crying a lot more, but then I realize it does not matter as much as cancer took his life away from this world because his music and inspiration still live on. I believe he inspired many people worldwide (and continues to do so), and I'm safe to say I am one of them. I cried in the entire movie, and I realize I never cried that much. After watching the movie, I quickly bought the only album he made with his best friends on iTunes from their band called 'A Firm Handshake.' I would say my favorite band is now A Firm Handshake (Here is the link for their YouTube channel:

You are probably thinking about how this kid inspired me to make a book of stories of my life on a website when this kid had a different lifestyle than I had? My answer would be that's a pretty good question, but after I looked up when he was born, I realize that this kid and I have the same birth year. He might be about six months older than me, but I know I was not supposed to be alive. I mean, I was born with heart problems, and what is the probability of someone born with heart problems will be alive for more than twenty-five years? That probability is very little, but here I am, beating those odds. After leaving that mental hospital that I was in, I started appreciating life a bit while being with friends and family from the previous chapter. After finishing this movie, I realize this kid is supposed to have a long life than I have, but sometimes life isn't fair. If you have never watched the movie yet, please do, and if you have watched the movie already, then watch it again because it is a very inspiring movie. I hope I can meet this kid in the clouds someday so I can personally thank him. I would say he is my number one idol. There are a few things that I am jealous of him; he went to Europe and has seen snow because he lived in Minnesota, and I hope I can see snow one day. I know Zach was catholic, and I hope he becomes a saint one day, but he is already a saint for me.

Since I was a teenager, I always wanted to make an entire book of stories of my life on a website, but I never did it until I heard about Zach Sobiech's life, the eighteen years old who did not quit fighting nor lose. I had many moments that I wanted to quit life, but I knew it wouldn't be fair for my parents to have a son who quitted life after doing many great things for me throughout my life. I do not want to lose in lifelike Zach never lost one. Have I ever met Zach Sobiech before? No, because he was born and raised in Minnesota, and I have never been to Minnesota before. But after knowing all the Zach's that I have met in my life, this particular Zach has touched me deeply. This Zach inspires me to continue living my dreams and start writing stories of my life to inspire other people. From a song that he made with his best friend is called Star Hopping, the lyrics go "start the countdown 3, 2, 1 let's go" live life. I call the title of this book of stories of my life 'Thank You Zach' for helping and inspiring me to finally write my story on a website to help and inspire others. I will never forget you for helping me continue living life on a fantastic path to heaven and appreciating life a bit more.

Why did I share links that go to donate money to these services? There are many reasons for it: raising awareness or helping people with it, but there is only one great answer to answer this question. Zach wanted us to raise awareness of people who have any kind of cancer like he had and taught me to continue expanding his awareness and raise other types of awareness that helped me help someone else's lives and continue the chain of raising every awareness there is. If you had overcome an experience with any dark story like I had or experiencing with any cancer like Zach had, please do not feel the pressure of sharing with someone through writing or music or any communication to help people continue this trend. Whenever you are ready to help someone through your story, please do it but not feel the pressure. If you think young people cannot understand life because they do not have enough experience with it? Then I would say that you are wrong because Zach Sobiech has taught me about life more than any adult (sorry, parents, please do not take it personally), and I know anyone at any age have enough experience with life and can teach other people about it at all times.

I am going to spoil the movie a bit because I cannot help it by examining it. The film shows Zach's best friend upload Zach's first song he made with his friend called 'Fix Me Up' to the internet to support people who have cancer just like Zach had. You see, Zach and his best friends wanted us to recognize people who have cancer as quickly as possible and start a fund that Zach wanted. Zach's parents could have waited a few years after Zach has passed away to raise awareness of someone who has cancer and start a fund, but instead, they quickly started making the action with the help of Zach's friends and other people to continue what Zach wants it. I also could have waited a few years to make an act of raising awareness of someone who was born with heart problems like I was and other places that helped me or helped people in my community. Instead, I started making an action just like Zach and his family and friends did with my friends and family's support. What can I say? I had a lot of inspiration from Zach and his friends and his family to do the same thing. I encourage people to do it without having any pressure to continue this movement. Take your time writing your story, and whenever you are ready to do it, remember that your friends and family have your support as well. Now, to all those people that want to continue what Zach started, remember that you are not alone either. All of you have support from your family and friends, just like Zach and I have. Let's continue this trend that Zach has started by sharing with people.

Here is a 22-minute video of Zach in his last days by SoulPancake (Justin Baldoni):

Here is a 23-minute video of one year after Zach went to the clouds by SoulPancake (Justin Baldoni):



The movie shows Zach that went on a trip to Lourdes, France, with his family. Many people know Lourdes is a place where miracles happen. Before we talk about miracles, let's examine a little bit of Zach's life. See, in the movie, it shows Zach was terminal at a hospital. Yes, Zach, his family, and his friends were sad about it. As I mentioned before, Zach could have waited patiently until his death come while hanging out with his friends and family, and he did that but also decided to do something. When his mother took Zach and the rest of the family to Lourdes, something happened in Lourdes. As I stated above, Lourdes is a place where miracles happened. I'm not here to convince you nor explain how miracles work. When Zach returned to his hometown after the trip, he decided to raise awareness and help people. Like I said before, he could have waited for his death to come, but he did not do that. It took him a few days and few thoughts to decide to raise awareness about people who have cancer as he had. He immediately convinced his friends and his family to start a fundraiser and create an album to raise awareness and inspire people. As I said, I am not here to convince you nor explain how miracles work in detail because I do not know one-hundred percent how miracles work. I believe something incredible happened in Lourdes that inspired Zach to raise awareness and inspire people through his music and voice. I'm glad his family and his friends continued to raise awareness and inspire people through Zach's life and where he left off his fundraiser and his message to the world.

I also believe people do not need to go to Lourdes to receive miracles in their lives or the ones they prayed for. My family nor I have ever been to Lourdes before, and we did receive a lot of miracles in our lives. Like I mentioned earlier, I was born with heart problems, and I was supposed not to be alive. Yes, science and technology have saved me from death many times in my life, but that is one small factor of it. There is an incredible factor that I will never forget. Yes, these significant factors are miracles. I will repeat it; I'm not here to convince you nor explain how miracles work. From the first chapter, we examined I was born without breathing, and I was quickly rushed to the doctors to save myself. I do not know why I was one of the few babies in that hospital born with heart problems, nor understand why I get to have a beautiful life. But I do know how exactly I was saved. Because I was born with heart problems, I somehow helped my family get close to God by praying that I live. There were multiple times they had to pray so I can have a life. I also know science and technology was just a minor factor in my life. It took me twenty-five years to realize that I'm God's artwork. I believe I am not the only one in the world from God's artwork. Zach Sobiech was one of them and millions of people too. Again, I'm not here to convince nor explain how miracles work nor how God's artwork is supposed to work. I'm also not here to convert you into Christianity or switch your beliefs, but I am here to tell you that we are all God's artwork. Either you believe in God or not, we all have a purpose in life, and we must find it and share it with people just like Zach, and I found it and shared it. To make a story short, I want to thank Zach, his family, and friends for continuing to raise awareness and inspire many other people and me as well.

Here is a letter to Zach Sobiech:

Dear Zach,

I hope you get this letter from the clouds.

I want to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and continue thanking you for your incredible work and inspiration.

I know I am not the only one in the world you have inspired, and I will always share your message to get across the globe and continue helping people as much as I can, like how you helped me.

I know you and the Man above have helped me incredibly in my life, and I will always share it.

Lastly, I want to thank you for helping me get close to God, and thank you for helping me realize His incredible work of art on me.

Save me a spot in the clouds for me, please.

See you there soon.

Thank you so much again,

Your real #1 fan (besides your family and friends),

Daniel Enrique Soto Isasa

Here are two songs from the movie:

(My Little Dancer, Written by Zach Sobiech to his girlfriend, Amy Adamle)

(Purple Pink, Written by Sammy Brown)

Now, I will end with two quotes from Zach: "You don't have to find out you're dying to start living" and "I want to be remembered as a kid who went down fighting and didn't really lose."

Thank you for finishing this autobiography, and now please donate money to Zach Sobiech osteosarcoma fund and children's cancer research fund if you can continue his movement. There are other ways to help them by looking around at their websites:

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