More Then Just Broken

By LunaEmbers

61.8K 1.6K 155

Book one of the 'Broken' Series Was originally called 'Broken Mate'. Normality was something Gem would never... More

Characters and Warnings
1. Hate
2. Lucky
3. New Girl
4. Overdue Death
5. Hang Myself
6. Future Alpha
7. Mate
8. Suicidal Meets Naked
9. Hospital Like Heaven
10. Raped Prostitute
11. Urges For My Mate
12. Homeless
13. Expiring Date
14. Mom's Gone.
16. Vampyrs?
17. Funarel Approval.
18. Someone's Watching
19. Stripping In Danger
20. Real Or Not
21. Gifts And Powers
22. Kiss After Reject
23. Forget The Hurt.
24. Selfish
25. Self harm
26. Addy's Mate
More Characters
27. Kill All Wolves
28. Abused Again
29. Not Human
30. To Do List
31. Red Dress
32. Mount Drako
33. Perfect
34. Chase's Room
Authors Note
35. Challenge
36. Coma
37. Ezmaralda
38. Blur
39. Gone
40. My Bride
41. Nicola
42. Werewolf King
43. Slapped The King
44. Wings
45. Everything
Authors Note

15. Wanted Back Home

1.3K 33 2
By LunaEmbers


Today is Monday and my first time going to school after a while. I wasn't the most excited person to go to school.

I don't hate school but I'm super nervous. Like it's been a week since I went to school and I've got so much catching up to do, but that's not what's worrying me. It's the fact that I will see Alice there.

After the news that my mom died I was sad but not to the point where I lock myself in my room and cry my eyeballs out but just like sad. You have to understand, as much as we were not close she is still my mom.

Today I woke up and took a quick shower, then brushed my teeth and took out todays outfit which was black jeans, a blue spaghetti tank top and a dark grey hoodie with a zip.

My wardrobe has changed for the better, I still don't wear dresses because I feel insecure about showing to much of my body but I do have super cute jeans that are to die for.
I owe the Travis family my life and i will forever be greatful for what they have done for me. I still don't know why they would do all this for me but I'm thankful.

Once I was done I took my new school bag and went down stairs and saw Chase, who was wearing a black V-neck T-shirt that looked so good hugging his muscles and everything with dark blue jeans and black converses.

He is sure one good looking guy. Way out of my league.

Although Chase gets everyones attention when he walks into a room he is very distant and he doesn't seem to care about the attention.

Sometimes I catch him looking at  me with what looks like longing but I just brush it off. He content be longing for me could he?

Adeline walked in disturbing me from my thoughts. She was wearing a dark purple loose dress that reached her knees and black ballerina shoes. Beautiful!

"Morning fam" she said hugging me.

"Hey Addy" I greet her.

"Morning hunny" her mom chirped in.

"Hey" Chase said not even looking away from his phone.

Me and Adeline went to sit down and ate the breakfast Jenna prepared. It was pancakes and bacon with orange juice.

Once we were done me and Adeline started walking towards her car to go to school.

"Adeline, Gem, you could go to school with me if you like" Chase said with a straight face while looking at me.

"Ok sure" Adeline said pulling me towards Chases car.

It was a Lamborghini. Wow.

"I call the back seat" Adeline called out.

"What?!...isn't it supposed to be 'I call shotgun' why the back seat" I said looking confused I mean you usually want to sit in front not at the back but Adeline.....I don't know.

"Because then I get to watch you two flirt" she said giggling.

Why would we do that.

Chase glares at Adeline. Thankfully not noticing my pink cheeks.

We got into the car and at first it was quiet but Adeline dicided to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Okay so this is not awkward at all...can you put some music?"

Chase turned on the radio and started shuffling through the channels until Adeline told him to stop when the song that was playing was one of her favourite songs.

"Come on, come on, turn the radio on its Friday night and i won't be long gonna

do my hair put my make up on its Friday night and won't be long till I hit the dance floor hit the dance floor!!...." Adeline sang.

I was laughing because she was such a bad singer it's not even a joke. She's just straight up horrible.

"Addy...Addy stop you are gonna break the windows" I said still laughing.
After i said that i earned a chuckle from Chase and i couldnt help but stare. All laughter from me gone but replaced with a smile.

"Ooh Gem has it hard for Chase!!!" Adeline said after noticing my stare.

When are we gonna get to school.

"No I dont" I said blushing.

"She's even blushing chase"

Chase just looked at me and smiled making his dimples show.

"Leave her alone Ad" Chase said chuckling after he saw my distress.

"Ooh you guys are just cute. I can just imagine what your children will look like. Can i name one of your kids. Ooh how about Gase if its a boy. I combined your names together. Im so smart" Adeline  blurted.

"Why don't you just carry on singing and drop this" Chase said obviously annoyed.

And after that we were back to the loud silence but before it could get louder we arrived at school.

We got out and before we could start walking towards the school Alice was walking towards us.

"Hey babe" Alice said while hugging Chase

And he hugged her back.

"Ooh Gem you're here...alive" she said with the fakest smile ever. I didn't even answer I just stared.

"I though you would have died or something since daddy kicked you out. Anyway gone" Alice said. She acually looked really sad.

"Yah...I is dad coping" I said even though I didn't really care.

"He's...hes fine" she said looking so distant.

"Anyway so you're living with Chase and Adeline now. I'm sure you are gonna annoy them like you did to daddy and they are gonna kick you out" she spat

She'll never change.

Adeline just rolled her eyes and Chase just stared at me as if expecting me to react but I'm not gonna let her walk over me and give her the satisfaction of a reaction, I've done that and it didn't work out well.

So I just pulled Adeline and started walking away not before looking back and saw Chase and Alice down each others throat and i felt a sting in my heart and Adeline seemed to notice me looking at them and

Hugged me.

"I'm sorry Gem" she said

"Don't be.... Alice will never change she will always be like that" I said hugging her back.

"I wasn't talking- yes yes that's what I meant" she said.

I know she was about to say something else but I just let it slide.

It was finally lunch and i was at my locker taking the books for my next lesson when i saw Alice walking towards me.

"Look Gem, I want you to stay away from Chase. I know you like him but you are just signing yourself for a heartbreak so back off anyway that's not why I'm here daddy wants you back home".

"Alice if you are so sure that Chase will never like me then why warn me to stay back but I don't care about that. I am not coming back to that hell hole" I spat back feeling a shove of confidence.

"I wasn't asking you, I was telling you, you are coming home. Ever since you were gone dad has been hitting me..... and i don't want that so come back and let things go back to normal."

"His hitting you and you want me to come back so I can be hit instead of you. You know i though since he was hitting you you would understand how I felt but you are just like him. Heartless. I'm the only one who has a heart in our family".

"Don't you wanna see mom for the last time. Dont you wanna go to her funeral to her."

"I-i don't wanna go home" at this point I was at the virgue of crying.

I did want to see her. She's my mom! I wanted to scream. I don't hate my mom well I though I did until she died. I just want to see her for the last time.

I know I'm  pathetic and nieve. Here I Am wanting to go and see my mom for the last time even though I'm sure if the tables were turned she wouldnt do the same.

"I'm gonna give you till the end off the day. Don't forget stay away from Chase." She said then left.

I sigh then continued packing my books once i was done i walked to the cafeteria.

"Hey what took you so long" Adeline said

"Can we talk?" I whispered to her not wanting Chase and his friends to hear us since we were sitting at his table.

Chase as if he heard me looked at me with those beautiful silver eyes. He looked worried......

Probably my imagination.

We stood up and walked outside the cafeteria.

"What's up" she asked.

"It's Alice"

"What did that bi*ch do now"

"She told me that my dad wants me back home" I whispered not looking at her in the eye.

"WHAT!!  You are not going back there"

"I-i have to go" I whispered.

"No you don't Gem don't you remember they are bad people. They hurt you".

" I know but i need to see my mom for the last time".

"Why mmh why do you need to see her. She wasn't there for you when you needed her Gem".

"I know but she's my mom. The one who gave birth to me even if I was a mistake she is still my mom." I whisper yelled.

"You are very kind Gem but sometimes you need to be selfish"

I didn't reply back because I didn't have anything to say. I just wanted to say goodbye and tell her how I feel and that I forgive her.

So pathetic but I need closure.

"I honestly don't understand how you feel but I will make an exception. I will go with you To the funeral and back but we need to talk to my dad before we make a move".

I hugged her.

"You're the best" I told her.

"I know, now let's go eat I'm still hungry"

"When are you not"

"Hey!!! Food is my first love"

I just laughed at her then walked towards our table.

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