Shattered glass(Old AF)

By APocketOfSunShine7

26.3K 625 255

Dream is a peaceful being before nightmare was corrupted. 'What about after that?' I might hear you ask, wel... More

With the star sanses
Chaos with the bad guys
A visit to dreamtale
The 'Talk'
The darkness awakens
Shattered worlds
Dreams becoming nightmares
A normal day
Break down
Dreams broken

Trip to the past

3.5K 69 24
By APocketOfSunShine7

Dream was always known for his cheerful personality...which was always bounced off of him to his brother, who was the complete opposite of him. One day though...would be the end of dreams vibrant and heart warming personality.

"Brother!" Called dream, he was looking for his brother to go onto another adventure with him. There was no answer, there wasn't really anyone except some of the townspeople running out to see what was happening. Dream decided on doing to same thing, what he had seen happen in front of his eyes. He will never forget.   "Brother!!"  Dream pushes through the crowd trying to get to his brother.  Nightmare had eaten almost all of the apples on the tree of feelings, he was in massive pain.

"Brother!"    Nightmare was able to say barely he held his chest "everything hurts brother!" Tentacles shoot out of nightmare cracking his ribs in the process. The last golden Apple rolls it's way to dream(for convenience) dream hesitated but picked up the golden apple. Nightmare was no more...he was replaced with a black goopy monster. Everything went black for Dream.

A few years later the two brothers completely separated from each others lives, not fully of course. Dream now is part of the star sanses, the protecters of the multiverse. While nightmare runs his own team, called the bad sanses...ironic name I know.  Nightmare seeks for destruction and power over the multiverse, recruiting horror, killer, dust, Error, and cross(sorry if I'm wrong)

Ink was looking for a good team, since he knew that he couldn't do it alone, he recruited blue and Dream.



Thank you for reading this short and sucky chapter! This is basically a prologue, so yeah! Hope you enjoyed reading this sucky story.


Words: 300

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