A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

153K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

The First Exam

1.5K 55 12
By melvintrey95

   "Alright listen up everyone, cause I'm only gonna say this once." Ibiki started in his menacing, and icy tone. "All of you will come up one by one and grab a piece a paper. On these pieces of paper are numbers. These numbers correspond with a different seat. For example if you get the number seven, you will go and sit in seat number seven. Once everyone has taken their seats, we will move onto the next part." Ibiki finished as he made his way to the front of the room, while his helpers handed out the numbers.

   Natuto eventually got his number and made his way to his new assigned seat. As he sat down, he decided to take in all of his surroundings. He quickly noticed that he was seated in the exact center of the room. He also noticed that there wasn't anyone that he knew seated near him.

   Hinata couldn't believe it. She actually got blessed by Kami today! She got seated right next to her long time crush! Unfortunately it seemed that he hadn't noticed her, as he seemed lost in his own little world. So she decided to get his attention. But just as she was about to say something to him, she was once again cut off by Ibiki who had started to explain the rules of the exam. As she once again slipped into a depressed state, as her black storm cloud returned to rain on her parade.

   'So this a test to see how good we are at gathering information without getting caught.' Naruto thought to himself as he tried to formulate a strategy. 'These questions are way too difficult for most genin to know. But someone like Shikamaru or Sakura would probably be able to solve these without the need to cheat. Unfortunately I'm not nearly intelligent enough to figure these out, I think I could get maybe a couple of them by myself. That being said there has to be at least one person in this room that already has the answers. So I have to find them and get the answers from them somehow. Or maybe not'. Naruto continued to think to himself as he saw Shikamaru a few rows in front of him frantically answering the questions. 'There's my info, now I just have to gather it.' Naruto thought to himself with a small grin on his face, as he activated his advanced senses and was fully and clearly able to see Shikamaru's answers. Pairing that with his advanced hearing he was able to tell what kind of marks were being made on the paper, allowing him to focus more on his own writing, than on Shikamaru's.

   Speaking of Shikamaru he and the rest of the other genin were busy utilizing their own methods of cheating. As he currently had his shadow attached to Choji's and was currently using the connection to fill out both his and Choji's tests at the same time. Whereas Ino had used he body transfer to takeover Sakura's mind and memorize all of her answers. While Neji and Hinata were using their Byakugan to copy off of a couple of the Chunin in the room. Sasuke has using his Sharingan to copy the hand movements of one of the other genin. And so on and so forth, every genin was tying, and in some cases failing, to answer all of the questions as fast and as sneakily as they could.

   With about 45 minutes left until the tenth question was gonna be given out, Naruto had finished answering all of the questions. And so had the majority of the other genin in the exam. So with nothing else to do Naruto decided to partake in one of Kurama's favorite activities. He took a nap. All while Hinata watched him with a joyful smile on her face. Deciding to do something daring for once, she reached out a hand in an attempt to touch his face. Only to have it nearly taken off, as a kunai went flying past it to lodge itself into a desk a few rows behind her. Followed by one of the proctors saying that team number 48 had been disqualified, and that they had to leave. Which led to an argument which led to them literally getting thrown out of the classroom. While all of this was going on Hinata once again fell into her depressed state, as the black storm cloud returned. As she was once again denied the opportunity to interact with her longtime crush.

   Finally the time to reveal the tenth question came. And to everyone's shock and frustration there was no tenth question. Or more specifically no written question. The question was if you were willing to give up your career as a shinobi or even your life for the sake of completing a mission.

   Of course the majority of the gathered genin said yes, but there were still a few that said no, and were disqualified as a result. Once it looked like everyone that was about to leave had left, Ibiki told them all that they had passed. Afterward he had started in on his tirelessly practiced speech that he wad spent around three minutes rehearsing. Give him a break he was an interrogator, not a speech giver. However right as he was about to get to the good part about torturing his victims, he was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking and a banner being hastily and crudely hung up. As the single, sexy, and dangerous Anko Mitarashi made her flashy entrance.

   As Ibiki dropped into a depressed mood about his speech being interrupted at the best part, as the dark storm cloud left Hinata and made it's way toward Ibiki. Who quickly threw it back toward Hinata, as he decided to reprimand Anko about her untimely appearance. "Anko you're early again." Ibiki said in a patronizing manner. "Actually I'm on time, you just took to long with your long winded and completely made up story that you love to tell every year." Anko replied back without missing a beat. "And just look at how many teams are left, there are way too many. I think you're getting soft Ibiki." Anko continued on her mini tirade. "The only thing soft around here is any man that looks at you." Ibiki said a little too loudly, as the next thing he new, he had about four snakes wrapped his body and a kunai pressed against his throat. "One more word, and you die." Anko said with some sadistic glee, while releasing Ibiki. Who decided to leave now while he could, and hastily left the scene, stating that he had some victims to interrogate. Which left Anko to tell the remaining Genin about the next part of the exam which would be in a half hour, and that they would all meet at training ground 44. Before she left through another window breaking even more glass.

   All of the remaining genin had one collective thought, we're all about to die.

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