A drawing Quirk?

By Bitchiest_Bitch

156 8 7

A/N I can't add a cover because i'm making this on the school computer-. In this AU izuku Midoriya has this... More

10 months

"Kacchan's the best"

62 5 6
By Bitchiest_Bitch

Bakugou and Midoriya are walking into the building of the written part if the exam talking about what they are going to do when they finish the both the exams. 

As they where about 4 feet away from the building deku falls. But because of training with bakugou he does a handstand into a backbend to break his fall. 

When he gets up he can see almost everyone staring at him and gets uncomfortable, which bakugou obviously notices right away and says 


everybody: *Looks away so fast they could've gotten whiplash*

Izuku: *chuckles* Thanks kacchan! 

Katsuki: Tch *starts walking again* whatever


When midoriya catches up with bakugou he was already in the building leaning on the door frame. 

Katsuki: Gosh nerd could u be any slower *rolls his eyes and walks with midoriya*

Izuku *laugh* Sorry kacchan!

Katsuki: How many times do I need to say to stop saying sorry?!

Izuku: Until you die *smiles*

Katsuki: How have i put up with you all these years..

Izuku: I could ask u the same question kacchan.. *Pouting cause he suddenly wants to draw*

Katsuki: *grabs his hand* Stop fucking pouting we're almost there

Izuku: *giggles* Ok! 

As they're walking bakugou never lets go of midoriya hand (*Cue smirking emoji*) which midoriya didn't mind since they did it all the time. 

When they finally get there they realize that they where about 1 hour early. Then it registered in their heads. IT WAS THE TEACHERS WHO WERE STARING! 

Luckily Bakugou realized before midoriya so he quickly handed him his book right before he freaked out. 

Midoriya had only remembered this one teacher who had dark purple hair with weird looking hair which somehow she pulled off. 

Drawing her he makes sure the add this sentence to ovoid getting introuble 


(Also this picture is amazing and i wish i could draw like that *Cue crying and hand emoji*

Now the sentence has to be easy to spell and remember and he only has one chance to make up the one sentence, with bakugous help...

"Kacchan's the best"

Maybe it was a mistake letting him pick it out but midoriya didn't care he just wanted to control his quirk. 

But when he finished he saw almost the whole Auditorium full. 

Izuku: kacchan?

Katsuki: Hm?

Izuku: How long it did take me to draw this?

Katsuki: about like 20 minuets

Izuku: That's way faster than last time! 

Katsuki: *Chuckles* I know nerd 

As he said that present mic had walked in. 

of course midoriya and bakugou had already knew what he was talking about because this is their dream school. 

So deku flipped to the next page of his book and looked bakugou asked him to time him since he's drawing present mic, obviously he said yes and he started drawing 

30 mins later 

midoriya was about to finished till he heard a voice say 

??? : Mr. Mic in this packet you gave us says that there is 4 robots not just 3. also *turns to midoriya and bakugou* if you aren't going to pay attention i would advice you to leave!

bakugou: WHO-

midoriya: Kacchan calm down *takes a deep breathe and stands up* First of all we already know what he's talking about. Second if you would've asked questions at the end then you would get the answer right before you RUDELY interrupted present mic. And third no one was paying attention to us so I think you should take your own advice and leave *point towards the door* 

???: That is NOT how a future hero talks!!

Midoriya: You started talking *uses his fingers to do " * "unheroically" so i don't think you have room to talk right now. *sits down* 

???: i-

present mic: Please sit down and midoriya is right now let me explain the 4rth robot is a zero pointer so try to ovoid it. *uses the quirk* NOW LETS GET THE TEST STARTED! 

After the writing portion  they go outside but midoriya and bakugou get split up so midoriya goes to search for him. 

When he found him he started walking towards him and felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around he sees the same dude who tried to call him out

??? : leave him alone you should distract him

Midoriya: Will get that stick out of your ass and mind your own business? NO one asked for you impute *walks to bakugou* 

Bakugou: *saw the whole thing* Damn, i taught well 

bakugou and deku: *does their handshake* 

midoriya: you know it *winks* 

bakugou: *slightly blushes but you can't notice  

present mic: *walks out and uses his quirk* GOOO

Bakugou and Midoriya: *Runs off together and uses their quirks together already destroying the robots * 

everyone: *standing there dumbfounded* 

present mic: *still using his quirk* WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? THERE"S SO READY~ SET~ GO~ IN THE REAL WORLD! GOOOO

Everyone: *Runs off trying to find some robots to destroy* 

Midoriya: Kacchan i think we should stop *closes his book* 

Bakugou: Why? We almost got all the robots down?! 

midoriya: THATS THE POIN- *gets cut off by a scream* 

Midoriya: *starts running toward the sound* COME ON KACCHAN! 

Bakugou: *Running with him* 

when they get to where the scream came from they see the 0 pointer and midoriya uses his strongest OC and which is all mights quirk mixed with telekinesis. The OC Jumping out of the page midoriya hands bakugou his book and tells him that when the bot is about to go down blast it to get some more points> 

walking over to the girls who scream he moves everything away from her then checking her wounds and avoiding them while he picks her up and hears a blast. Thankfully that fight was short and bakugou could follow them blasting off any robots who where in out way. 

walking towards the out of bounce part midoriya hands over the girl to recovery girl who thanked them. 

midoriya saying "your welcome!" and bakugou just nodding they head out of the area only to hear a whistle blow meaning the exam has ended. 

AHHHHHHHHH THIS TOOK WAY LONGER THAN IT SHOULD OF- anyways i hope yall enjoyed and see yall in the next chapt!   

OH YEAH LOOK AT THE EMOJIS 🙄😏😪😐😑😐😀🥶🥵🧎‍♀️💃🕺🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️🧎‍♂️🧍‍♀️👨‍🦽

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