Hold On To Me

By LeticiaBeyHiveII

2.7K 161 21

When all a couple seem to have in common is pain, will that bring them closer together or drive them a part? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

356 20 7
By LeticiaBeyHiveII

Beyoncé's P.O.V

"Isn't she perfect?" I asked smiling hard, without taking my eyes off my 4-day-old daughter.

The feeling that I experienced when I first saw and held her, was something that I couldn't describe in words. I finally felt complete, like my life gained a deeper sense.

"She is the most beautiful thing I ever saw." Shawn said. "It feels surreal. I can't believe that we don't have anything though. I already called our mothers. They said they will buy us a few things."

"I don't care. We have a crib, and as long as we clean her up and feed her, she will be happy. She doesn't care what color are the walls or even if she has her own bedroom."

When I found out that I was pregnant, I completely freaked out. It wasn't a big surprise, because just like my first pregnancy, this one was also planned. But I couldn't help being scared that Shawn and I would have to go through the same nightmare again.

I was relieved to find out that Shawn was scared as well. We talked a lot and Dr. Hard was a big help as well. We didn't tell our families right away. I was six months into my pregnancy before we shared the news with both our families. Then I didn't allow anyone to buy anything for the baby. We didn't even get her nursery ready. The only thing that we brought was a crib that was now next to our bed.

"Can you believe that we have a daughter? We are finally parents."

"I know. It's crazy." Shawn said while taking her from me.

"You gonna be an amazing daddy."

"You think?" He asked, like he wasn't really sure about it.

"Of course. This little girl is very lucky to have you." I said smiling at my husband.

"So little Julia, it's time for you to sleep so your mama can get some rest as well."

"I love the name that we chose." I said watching Shawn carefully placed our daughter in her crib.

"Me too. It fits her. Rest for a while. Our families will be here in a few hours."

"Right. I'm a little tired anyway." I said getting comfortable under the covers.


Shawn's P.O.V

I had such a big smile on my face as I watched my wife and daughter fall asleep. I felt like I had waited for so long to this. I was so afraid it would never happen.

I took one last look at them and left to go downstairs. I could watch them all day, but I needed to get some things done before our families arrived.

"Hi mom, Hi Ms. Tina." I said greeting my mother-in-law and mother as I welcomed them into my house.

"Where is she? Where's my grandbaby?" My mother-in-law asked immediately.

I laughed. "She's upstairs sleeping. Giving her mama a break."

"Where's Beyoncé?" My mother asked.

"Getting some sleep, while she can."

"That's good. We brought food for the both of you for a few days."

"Thanks ma."

"We also brought all the things you two didn't let us bring for the last 3 months."

"Is the truck outside?" I joked.

"No, but one will be here tomorrow." Ms. Tina said. "That baby needs her nursery. A full one."

"Hey Bro..." James said walking in and I was thankful for that, 'cause that way I wouldn't have to be scolded again for not getting my daughter's nursery ready.

It had been Bey's idea, but I thought it was a good one. Last time caused us so much pain, we didn't want to go through it again and get disappointed.

"So where is the bundle?" My father asked coming in behind my brother.

I was about to say she was upstairs again, but I stopped when I saw Bey at the top of the stairs with our daughter in her arms.

"She's here." Bey said with a big smile on her face, even though she still looked tired.

I don't even have to say that our baby girl was the center of the attention all afternoon. Even after Bey's sisters came over with their kids, Julia was still the one they held and watched the entire time.

"What are you smiling at over there?" Bey asked walking up to me.

"A few things." I said reaching out my arms, so she'd come closer. "I have lots of things to smile about actually."


Bey wrapped her arms around me while I held her and after I pecked her lips, she was smiling too.

"I get to spend my life with the two most beautiful girls in the world, why wouldn't I be smiling?"

"Thank you." She said pecking my lips back.

"For what?"

"For being you. And for being mine."

This time, when our lips touched, I didn't let go. I kissed my wife deeply until someone got our attention.

"Auntie Bey, can I brush her hair?" Tiara asked, already holding her little hairbrush in her hand to brush Julia's hair.

"Hmm... Not yet baby, her hair still too short. Do you want to brush mine?"

"Yes." Tiara smiled.

Julia has a lot of hair already, but she was still a little fragile and small to play that girly stuff.


When our family's left, it was already dark outside. I was collecting all the plates and glasses they left around the living room while Bey was sitting on the couch with a very awake Julia.

"Do you think she's crying because she is still hungry?" Bey asked me a little worried.

"I don't know. Try to feed her again."

"But I fed her not even two hours ago."

"Maybe she wants more." I said sitting down next to her. I watched how Bey freed her breast and then Julia immediately started to suck on it.

"I guess she's still hungry." I said laughing a little.

"Yes. She seems to be very hungry."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little, but the doctor said that it's normal and I will get used to it."

"I will clean up the mess our families made while you feed her."

"It's okay. I'll do it as soon as Julia falls asleep."

"Don't worry babe. Take care of our daughter, and I will do the rest." I said smiling.

I really don't know if I'll ever get tired of watching my wife with my little baby daughter. To see them together makes everything perfect, and I can't help but to smile at them. I never thought that we would ever get this happy, not after what happened to us.


Beyoncé's P.O.V

"You really cleaned everything." I said walking into the living room.

I was back downstairs after putting our sleeping daughter in her crib and watching her sleep for a little bit.

"Of course. Is Julia sleeping?"

"Yes. And I'm so tired." I said sitting down and leaning against my husband's chest, who was watching some TV show.

"Then go and get some rest babe."

"No. I want to spend some time with my hubby." I said smiling up at him.

It was unreal how our daughter brought us even closer together. It almost felt like we were one person. I never thought that I could fall even deeper in love with him, but that was what happened after I found out I was pregnant. I can't remember it being like that with my first pregnancy.

"Well, you can get some rest here on the couch with me."

"That sounds good. Where are these flowers from?" I asked getting comfortable and looking at the bouquet on the coffee table.

"From your boss."

"Oh, that was nice of her. I think she is still trying to convince me to go back to work though."

"Are you sure that you want to stay at home for that long?"

"Yes. We had to go through hell to get where we are now. I want to enjoy every single moment with our daughter and two years is not that long. It will go by so fast." I explained.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I told Shawn that I would like to stay at home and take care of our baby for at least two years. I wanted to become a mother for so long and now I wanted to enjoy motherhood.

"You know that you can have both." Shawn said while placing a kiss on my lips.

"I know, but this is what I want."

"Okay, but what if we get another baby in two years? I mean, we gonna get her some siblings, right?"

"Of course. I have no idea how I will feel about working in a year or two. I can always go back. But for now, I want it that way. You earn enough money for our family and we have some savings."

"That's not the problem. I just don't want you to feel forced."

"Never babe. This is what I want." I said kissing him.

He smiled and turned his attention to the TV, but then he turned it off.

"I'm really not in the mood for sitcoms."

"Well, we can go upstairs and watch our daughter." I said smiling.

"Yeah, that sounds better." Shawn smiled and followed me to our bedroom.


"So... you'll really be okay?" Shawn asked for the 3rd time since he started to gather his things to leave the house.

"Yes, daddy." I smiled. "We'll be just fine."

"Alright." He placed a kiss on my lips and then went to give our daughter one too.

Shawn was going back to work today, and I could understand his reluctance to do so. It would be my first day taking care of Julia on my own, and I also knew he didn't want to stay away from our baby girl for too long.

"Don't forget your lunch." I said handing him the bag with the food I prepared for him.

"Thanks babe. I'll be back by six."


I stood at the door, watching my husband drive away, and then went into the kitchen to clean it up, before Julia's next feeding.

I only got to gather the dishes into the sink, before my daughter's soft cries sounded through the baby monitor. I immediately left everything and went to check on her. I already knew I wouldn't be able to get anything done, but I didn't even care.

"Why are you crying like that? Do you miss daddy?" I said sweetly, trying to calm down my crying baby.

"He will be back soon. And the two of us will have so much fun together. How about we go out for a walk...? Would you like that?"

I got everything I needed before I placed my daughter in her stroller and then went out with her. It was a nice spring day and perfect for us to spend some time outside the house.

Julia was looking like a little angel. She was now peacefully laying in her stroller and drifting back to sleep. I couldn't help but to take a picture of her and send it to Shawn.


Shawn's P.O.V

"Man, what are you smiling about?" Ty asked me as soon as I walked into the workshop.

"Look." I said proudly showing him the picture of Julia that my wife just sent me.

"She looks beautiful." He smiled. "Congrats again. I'm really happy for you and Bey."

"Thank you, man." I said smiling hard.

"I never saw you that happy. Not even when you got married."

"I never been this happy before. Having a child changed my whole life, and she's just a month old. I can't describe it."

"I know what you mean. I have a son. He is not a baby anymore, but that feeling about your child will never go away. How is Beyoncé doing?"

"Great. I never saw her that happy. She smiles even when she has to get up in the middle of the night to feed her. She's already an amazing mother."

"Well, I'm really happy for you, especially after what you two had to go through."

"Thank you. I'm going to change so I can get to work." I said walking away.

I wasn't really in the mood to work. I would have rather stayed at home with my wife and daughter, but sooner or later, I'd had to come back. Still, I was happy that I was at least able to take a month off and enjoy the first weeks of my daughter's life.

Working wasn't hard for me though. When I'm under a car, I just know what I need to do, and I don't stop until my work is done. That helped me a lot today, because next thing I knew, it was lunch time and not only I could take a break, but I could also call my wife.

"Hi babe." Beyoncé said when she picked up her phone.

"Hey how are you doing? How is Julia?" I asked.

"We are good. We just came back from the grocery store and now she is sleeping. I'm going to lay down for a bit as well, and when I get up, I'll start cooking dinner."

"You don't need to, we can order something. Get some rest."

"No, I want you to have a real meal, not junk food."

"...But nothing too complicated."

"Babe. Let me take care of my family."

"Fine. Well, I gotta go. I'll let you get your nap, I'm gonna eat my lunch now. I love you."

"I love you too."

After I hung up, I walked over to the lounge where we always have lunch. Everyone was already there eating. I took a seat and opened my lunch box my wife prepared for me.

"Oh man, the post-it's are back." Ty said laughing while looking down at my sandwich.

I didn't even notice at first. It's been about two years since the last time she hid a message in my lunch.

"What did she write this time?" Ty asked smirking.

"Nothing that you should know." I said taking the post it from my sandwich so I could read it.

"We love you. We can't wait for you to come home."

I smiled to myself after reading her message and then got up to put the post it in my locker, where all the others were.

"Stop smiling like a fool." Ty said when I sat back down.

"I can't help it." I shrugged.


When I could finally go home, I couldn't wait to see my wife and daughter. It had only been a few hours that I didn't see them, but I already missed them like crazy.

"Hey babe." Bey said smiling as soon as she saw me coming in. I looked at her for a second before I walked over and kissed her passionately.

"Wow, what was that for?" She asked out of breath.

"For being you, and for giving me the greatest gift of all. You have no idea how happy I am and how much I love you."

"I love you too, babe. And you make me happier than I ever thought I could be." She said kissing me back.

Knowing that there was a time I could barely remember how it felt to come home to this woman after a day of work, only made it even better to see her like that. It made me want to hold on tightly to this moment, so it would never go away.


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