Living in Reseda

By Caroline1954

2.2K 84 4

Hazel Lopez has lived in her small Reseda apartment with her mom and Abuela for as long as she can remember... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Churros
Chapter 2: New kid
Chapter 3: Meeting the Neighbors
Chapter 4: Pepto Bismol
Chapter 5: Opening a Dojo
Chapter 6: Demetri and Eli
Chapter 7: Walking With Miguel
Chapter 8: Empanadas
Chapter 9: Dinner at the Larusso's
Chapter 10: Kicking
Author's Note
Chapter 12: No More Karate
Chapter 13: Closing the Dojo
Chapter 14: Making up
Chapter 15: The Third Student
Chapter 16: Cafeteria Fight
Chapter 16: Enrollment Surges
Chapter 17: Larusso Auto
Chapter 18: Lip
Chapter 19: Dating Advice
Author's Note

Chapter 11: The Halloween Dance

85 3 0
By Caroline1954

Hazel's POV

Loud music blared around me. Kids were talking, dancing, giggling, and hanging out. As I looked around I wasn't sure what I was doing here. I mean sure I promised Miguel I would come but now that I was here I was kind of regretting it. Aisha was talking with a girl a few feet away from me, Sam was chatting with Yasmine and Moon, and I couldn't find Miguel. I could go talk to Sam but that would mean talking Yasmine. Even though she was never that mean to me she still said some hurtful things and she was a bitch. I didn't feel like getting involved in drama tonight so I was kind of just standing in the middle of a bunch of kids doing nothing. I was about to go hide in the bathroom when someone covered my eyes from behind.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice said. I smiled.

"Hmmm... Miguel?" I asked spinning around. He smiled and removed his hands from my eyes.

"You got me!" He says shrugging.

"When did you get here? I've been looking for you!" I said, talking loudly over the music and chatter, "And wow, that is an interesting costume," I bit my bottom lip. His costume was cute, it was great, but he was wearing skeleton pyjamas and it was hilarious.

"Thanks! Sensei gave it to me. He thought the costume my Yaya made was uncool," Miguel said looking down at his body.

"Well, I love it."

"I like yours too! Wonder Woman is great!"

"Thanks," I said. We stood in silence for a minute before Demetri and Eli walked over in their costumes.

"Oh, skeleton. Classic. Nice," Demetri said, pointing to Miguel's costume.

"Thanks. I like your sorcerer costume," Miguel responded.

"Sorcerer?" Demetri said, "Please. I'm a necromancer."

"What?" Miguel asked.

"Didn't you see the amulet?" Demetri asked. Miguel shook his head and Demetri rolled his eyes.

"So, are you a regular doctor or-" Miguel started to ask Eli.

"Plastic surgeon. I fix lips," Eli answered.

"Nice," Miguel said.

"I like your costume to Hazel," Demetri said. "But Wonder Woman actually would be wearing the classic white stars and blue background."

"Uh.. thanks. I'm a different Wonder Woman. That's why there are no stars..."

(Author's note: My favorite Wonder Woman this one (The one in the newest movie) so I chose it. That is the costume just to get the idea.)

"Hm," Demetri said looking at my costume.

"All right, y'all, we're about to switch it up," The DJ called out into the microphone before switching the music to a less creepy Halloween theme.

"Wanna go dance?" Eli and Demetri asked, pointing to me shyly.

"Uh... sure," I said, a bit surprised they were being so confident. We walked out onto the dance floor and I could have imagined it but I thought I saw Miguel looking a little jealous about the boys and I dancing. I shook the thought away and started dancing with them. A couple of minutes later I walked over to Aisha who was standing by herself watching Sam and Kyler dance together. She was wearing half of the science costume she wanted to wear with Sam and she still seemed a little upset.

"Aisha..." I tried turning to her.

"It's fine," she sighed. We looked back at Sam as she whispered something to Kyler before walking over to us.

"Hey," Sam said as she approached us.

"Hey," Aisha said.

"I like your costume," She said to Aisha.

"Thanks. Ditto. It doesn't really work without the chloride," Aisha said.

"I don't know. Sodium's pretty badass. It's the silent killer," Sam said smiling. They both laughed before Sam spoke up again. "Hey, look, I-"

"It's ok. I'd rather go as sexy then funny too, if I had that option," Aisha said. I put my hand on her arm for comfort.

"Don't say that," Sam said.

"Hey, Sam, come over. We're gonna go live!"

"Yeah get your ass over here!" Moon and Yasmine yelled from where they were standing holding a phone out in front of them.

"One second," Sam laughed, "Can we make plans to hang out soon? It's been way too long," Sam said turning back to Aisha.

"I'd love that," Aisha said smiling.

"Stay salty, my friend," Sam said before turning around and heading back to Yasmine and Moon.

"You ok?" I asked tilting my head to look at Aisha.

"Yeah! I'm glad Sam is being nice again," Aisha said, "I'm gonna go dance wanna come?"

"I'd love to but I told Miguel I'd catch up with him. Let me just go find them and then I'll come dance ok?" Aisha nodded and went off into the crowd as I made my way over to the snack table where Miguel, Demerit, and Eli were standing with their drinks. I stood next to them as Miguel started talking.

"Ok, are we ready?" He asked the two of them, "Let's ask the dragon queens to dance." I followed the boys gaze to where three girls were standing in a group talking and laughing. I looked back at Miguel and a twinge of jealousy clouded my thoughts.

"Slow your roll. We got time," Demetri said as a boy walked over to the girls and held out his hand. One girl took it and walked away to go dance with him.

" shit!" Miguel said as she walked away. "We just lost one to Doctor Who," He said, referring to the boy's costume.

"Uh... I have to go to the bathroom," Eli said.

"Yeah, me too. That punch is going right through me," Demetri said, setting down his glass. Miguel rolled his eyes and followed the boys leaving me standing there confused. I looked over at the other snack table and saw Aisha eating. I was about to walk over when my phone chimed. I pulled it out and checked the screen as everyone else's phones started to ring as well. I opened my phone and saw a gif of Aisha eating at the snack table with an animated pig nose on her face. The words "The buffet table is under attack!!!" were in bright pink next to her. Kids started laughing and pointing at Aisha as she read the message. Her face dropped as she looked around the room, kids were showing their friends the video, giggling, and making rude comments. Aisha ran out of the room looking more upset than I've ever seen her.

"Aisha!" I called running after her. "Aisha!" I looked around the school running from hallway to hallway calling her name. Eventually, I heard sniffling and I walked around the corner to see Aisha sitting on a bench with her head in her hands.

"Aisha?" I said softly, coming over to sit down next to her. Aisha looked up at hearing the sound of her name and her shoulders relaxed when she saw it was me.

"Hey," She said, sniffling.

"Hi. Are you ok?" I asked searching her face.

"What do you think?" She asked. "I'm the laughing stock of the school!" She started crying again.

"Oh, Aisha," I sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm so..." She dissolved into a pile of tears before she finished but I could guess where that sentence was heading.

"Honey, you're beautiful," I said. "And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are perfect just the way you are." Aisha sucked in a breath and looked at me.

"You're a great friend, you know that?" She said between breaths.

"You're the better friend," I replied, wrapping my arms around her in a big hug.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Aisha asked. "I don't want to go back in there. We can go to my house."

"Yeah!" I said standing up. I held out my hands for Aisha to take and she grabbed them to help her pull herself up. We started walking down the hall towards the door while talking. We turned down a hallway and walked past the boy's bathroom and Kyler and his friends walked out laughing and talking.

"That was brutal. Ky, you broke 'Rhea off," One of them said. I just kept walking until their words registered in my head. Rhea was what they called Miguel. Oh god, Miguel. My eyes widened and I turned to Aisha.

"Meet me out front ok? I'll be there in a minute," Aisha nodded and turned the other way while I took off down the hall.

"Miguel?" I called. I pushed my way into the boy's bathroom. I heard a moan and I ran towards the sound. I turned the corner in the dressing room and what I saw nearly made me scream. Miguel was lying in the middle of the floor with blood dripping down his face. He was clutching his stomach and groaning. Lacross sticks lay scattered around him and he had quite a few bruises starting to form all over his body. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hand. Tears started to form in my eyes as I knelt down next to him to examine his injuries. I heard the door to the bathroom push open, by now Miguel was barely breathing. Johnny came around the corner and took one look at Miguel and I before picking him up quickly, telling me to follow him, and leading me to his car. 


Author's Note

Hey! Sorry it took so long to update! I originally had this chapter be much longer but I decided to add the other stuff to the next chapter instead. I just wanted to say thank you all for reading my story! I have almost 300 reads! I also got my first follower! Shout out to war_is_war (Sorry I don't know how to add the link thing) also thank you to theambivertbookworm for adding my book to your reading list! I also really appreciate that I now have 14 votes! Thank you to anyone who comments! Please consider voting/commenting!

(If you don't want your user name on here just tell me and I'll take it off)

Thank you for reading! 

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