I think I love you more ( Obi...

By UchihaFangirl7

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Rin always loved Kakashi but what if her feelings change ? What if she falls in love with her best friend Ob... More

I miss you
Obito is back
Did I do something wrong ?
I love him ?
New Memories
So you don't love me
Maybe I still got a chance
Rin and (Y/N)
Obito and (Y/N)
Date ????
I love you
Meet the Red Hot Blooded Habanero, Naruto and Minato
What's wrong with Obito ?
What's the meaning of that
I will find out what you are hiding
The Truth
Obito's feelings
Team Minato will not give up
Danzo is behind it all
How Obito awakened his sharingan
Shisui is in danger
I don't want to see him suffer anymore
Kill all the uchiha's
Obito is going to die
The Old Friend
The Old Past

Obito and Kakashi

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By UchihaFangirl7

You are finally here. Obito said.

Sorry sorry I forgot that I was supposed to meet you. Kakashi said.

Tch poor Rin. You kept her waiting like that. Obito said.

You were the one who started the Sorry I'm late game. Kakashi said.

Anyways I wanted to ask you a favor. Obito said.

You ?! You are asking me a favor ? Kakashi asked shocked.

Yes. Well could you......could you please give me Rin ? Obito bowed.

Eh ? What are you talking about ? Kakashi asked.

You know.....I entrusted her to you and I can't live without her. She is my everything. The more I spend time with her the more I love her. The more I'm thinking about her the more I want to see her. So I'm asking you. I know I'm being selfish but can I please have Rin ? Obito asked.

Hahaha Obito you really are idiot. Nothing was between Rin and me. I never said that she is my girl or that I want her. She is my friend and always was. That's all. Kakashi said.

What ? So you two were all this time just friends ? You are not hiding something aren't you ? Obito asked.

No I'm not hiding anything. I like her only as a friend that's all. I wouldn't lie to you. Kakashi said.

Are you sure ? Obito asked.

Yes I'm sure. Kakashi said.

Are you really sure ? Obito asked.

Obito listen I already said that. And besides she is not my type. Kakashi said.

What did you just said ?! ? Are you saying that Rin is not beautiful ?! Obito asked angry.

No ! That was not what I meant. She is beautiful and kind too and also very smart. Kakashi said

Huh ?!!! So you are saying that she is beautiful ?!! Who do you think you are talking about ? Back off she is mine now !!!! Obito said more angry.

Then what was I supposed to say ?! You don't like both answers ! So which one is it ?! Kakashi asked.

Today is a really cold day don't you think ? Obito asked.

Now he is ignoring me. Kakashi said.

Do you think I have a chance with her ? Obito asked.

Of course. Rin no longer loves me. She loves you now. Kakashi said.

Don't be stupid. Rin doesn't love me. Nut now that she gave up on you I finally have a chance. Obito said.

And he still doesn't believe me. Kakashi said to himself.

But that Shisui was lucky. Getting hugged by Rin. I wish that were me. Obito scoffed.

What ? Why was she hugging Shisui ? Kakashi asked.

Because we look almost the same.Rin hugged Shisui thinking that it was me. But that means she wanted to hug me ? Right ? Obito asked.

You are taller than him. But maybe she is all over you that she couldn't see clearly. Kakashi elbowed Obito.

Again you are talking stupid things. Obito said.

And besides you two are hugging everytime you see each other so stop whining. Kakashi said. Th-that's not true. Obito blushed.

What are you blushing about ? Only hug is nothing special. Kakashi said.

Hug means everything to me. Obito said.

Then can I hug you ? Kakashi asked.

Touch me and I will kill you. Obito said.

There you go again. So what are you planning to do ? Kakashi asked.

What am I planning to do ? I'm not sure. I don't even know if I can win her heart. Kakashi what do you thinking is my good traits ? Obito asked.

Hmmmm let's see........ I have no idea. Kakashi said.

What if Shisui stole her from me ? Everything will be over for me. Obito said.

Shisui is still a kid. It's true that he is smarter than you and more mature than you but don't worry everything will be alright. Kakashi smiled.

And that is supposed to make me happy ? What am I compare to others ? Obito asked.

You are just stupid that's all. Kakashi said.


Who are you calling stupid ?!!! It looks like you forget that I'm stronger than you now Bakashi. Obito said.

Oh is that so ? But I'm not here to fight you. Kakashi said.

Yes I should not say that. Kakashi I need your help with something. Obito said.

You ?! I'm not sure if I can help you but I will try. So what do you need to help with ? Kakashi asked.

Can......you..............help......me with you know Rin ? How can I get her to love me. I don't know that to do. Obito said.

Obito you are asking me ? I'm glad you asked. I was waiting for this moment. Finally. Now it's time. I will share with you something that I never shared with someone. As my best friend you are worthy to know. Kakashi said.

What is it ? Tell me ! What is it ? Just tell me ! Obito said all excited.

This is my treasure. It's Icha Icha Paradise ! Kakashi pulled book from his pocket.

Are you kidding me ? I'm serious about this ! I'm not reading that damn porn book ! I'm trying to to get her to love me and not how to get her in bed ! Obito yelled.

Now now calm down. This book will help you how to get woman all over you. Trust me I read it so many times. Don't you want to know how to please woman ? Kakashi giggled.

Enough ! I have enough of this ! I will think of something by myself. Obito walked away.

Oh really ? Hmm that's too bad. Because there are things like, that will make every woman happy. Kakashi said.

I don't care. Obito said.

Obito it looks like you really didn't read this book. There are a lot of tricks and how to flirt too. Oh and I'm sure Rin would love this if you would do what is written on this page. Kakashi said.

Obito stopped walking. He came closer to Kakashi and snatched the book from Kakashi's hands. He started reading one page.So let's see nicknames for your girlfriend. My kitten ?!! Nope I'm not doing this ! Obito dropped the book. No no Obito what are you doing ? My treasure. Kakashi picked his book.

Give it another chance. I will lend you this book for one day so you can read it. Kakashi said.

Will it really help me ? Obito asked.

Of course. I know there is some pages that might help you. Kakashi said. Okay I will take that book but if it's all about porn then I will burn that. Obito said.

Yes that's the spirit Obito. Kakashi said.

But I can't believe I must read damn book. It's going to be alright. I'm doing this for Rin. Obito said.


I wonder if Obito liked that book. I'm sure he will start to like that book and we can talk about that all day. Kakashi chuckled.Oh Obito there you are ! So how was it ? Did you like it ? Want me to lend you more ? Kakashi asked.

Obito handed him book without saying anything and sat on the floor. Obito ? Are you okay ? You are all red. Kakashi said. I have done a bad thing. Obito said.

What happened ? Kakashi asked.

I can never face Rin ever again. Obito hugged his knees.

What ? Why ? What happened ? Did my book helped you with at least with something ? Kakashi asked.

Yes it helped a lot. I avoided unnecessary things but there was that one page which seemed very interesting so I continued to read it but I never thought it would turned out like that. Obito said emotionless.

I forgot to tell you that there is that one page. Kakashi facepalmed.

Kakashi ? What are you reading ? I thought that it would be not that horrible. Obito said.

Sigh well that was my mistake. But Obito you are adult so- Kalashi started.No don't continue. Please. Obito said.

Well what should I do with you now ? You look like you seen a ghost and you are all red. Come on don't sit there like that. I will buy you something to eat so get up. Kakashi said. Why me ? Obito asked.

Come on. I'm sorry okay ? I didn't knew that you never read stuff like that. Kakashi said. Obito stood up and followed Kakashi.

Hey but walk like a human and not a zombie. Kakashi said.

Kakashi ? Obito ? Rin asked.

Oh no ! Kakashi said.

Hi Obito ! Hi Kakashi ! Rin waved and ran up to them.

Obito you must face your problems now. I will be going so bye. Kakashi said and disappeared.

Where did Kakashi go ? Um Obito are you okay ? You seem like you didn't slept last night. Rin said.

I-I'm fine. Obito said.

You don't seem fine. You are all red too. Are you sick ? Rin bringed her hand to his forehead.

L-like I said I'm f-fine Rin you don't need to worry about me. Obito said.

But Obito you are burning. Come with me. Rin grabbed Obito's hand and led him somewhere.

Rin where are we going ? Obito asked.

To my house. Rin said.

Your what ? Obito asked.

I must know what exactly is wrong with you. Rin said.

Here we are. So take your clothes off now. Rin said.

My what ? Obito asked and blushed even deeper shade of red.

Yes take your clothes off. Rin said.

Is it really nessessary ? Obito asked.

Yes it is. What if you have a fever ? I must take care of you. Rin said.

No Rin you are overreacting I'm all fine. Obito said.

Are you embarrassed because I'm a girl ? Rin asked.

N-no I'm not. If I would have a fever then I would be all weak. I'm full of energy. Obito said.

Hmmm okay but if you are lying then I'm not going to forgive you. Rin said. Okay. Obito said.So what happened if your not sick ? Rin asked. Obito blushed again. Rin I think I need fresh air. Obito started coughing. Okay okay let's go. Can you walk by yourself ? Rin asked. Yes I can do it. Obito said. Everything's better now? Rin asked. Yes a lot better. Obito sighed. You are acting strange Obito today. Rin said. How ? I'm all fine. Obito smiled.Yeah you are not that red anymore. Rin said

Obito bringed Rin to his chest and hugged her tightly. O-obito ? Rin blushed.

You smell like strawberries. Obito said.

Oh you noticed ? Rin asked.

Of course. You smell lovely. Obito said. T-thank you Obito. Rin blushed.

Were you going somewhere ? Obito asked. No just shopping that's all. Obito I can't breathe. Rin said.I'm sorry ! I was hugging you so tightly. Obito apologized. No it's okay. You have really strong grip I'm impressed. Rin smiled.

Really ? Of course I do. I'm not a weakling anymore. Obito said proudly.

Yes I can see that. Rin giggled.

What is funny ? Obito asked.

Nothing it's just that you were always like that. So full of yourself. Rin giggled.

I-I'm not. You are just imaging things. Obito said.

Yeah right. Rin giggled again.

Hey you are not taking me seriously. Obito said.

Sorry I just can't. Rin laughed.

Hey what are you laughing at shortie ? Obito asked.

Hey I'm not shortie ! Rin did a pouty face.

Yeah I can't take you seriously shortie. Obito smirked.

Hey you better take that back. Rin said.

And what are you going to do ? Oh you look so red when you're angry. I can't take you seriously with that face strawberry. Obito said.

Strawberry ? Rin asked.

Yes because you are my strawb- I mean that's your nickname. Obito said. Wasn't it shortie ? Rin asked.

No now it's strawberry. Obito said.

I like that nickname. Rin smiled hiding her blushing cheeks. Obito smiled at Rin and patted her head.

You really are my everything. Obito said under his breath.

What did you say Obito ? Rin asked.

Nothing. Follow me. Obito said.Rin noded and followed Obito.

I didn't eat anything today so I'm hungry a little bit. Want some ramen or onigiri with me ? Obito asked. Yes sure onigiri is fine. Rin said. Okay so wha-. Someone bumped into Obito.

Hey look where you are going ! Stupid uchiha. random dude said.

Sorry my bad. I wasn't looking where I was going. Obito apologized.

Obito didn't you see that person bumped into you ? Hey apologize now ! Rin said.

Rin it's okay. Obito said.

I'm going after him. He did it on purpose. Rin said.

No it's okay. You don't need to bother with that. Obito said.

Didn't you noticed that everyone is mean towards every uchiha ? Rin asked.

No, you must be imagining it. Obito said.

But. Rin said.

Let's not talk about that. Come on. Obito said.

If you say so. Rin leaved Obito behind.

Obito was just staring at that random citizen and looked if anyone was watching him.

Obito I will leave you behind ! Rin yelled from distance.

You are already so far ?! Yeah I'm coming. Obito said.


Obito I'm amazed that you ate so many. Rin said.

What ? I was hungry. Obito said.

You even ate one of mine. Rin chuckled.

Did I ? I'm sorry. Obito said.

No it's okay. I was not hungry that much. I had my lunch. Rin said.

I see. Obito said.

Obito where are you going ? Rin asked.

Just wait for me. I will be right back. Obito said.

Kick him more. Random kid said.

It's not enough he is not bleeding yet. Another kid said.

Hey but he is uchiha so let's see if fire will hurt him. The boss of them said.

Stop ! Why are you doing this to me ? The poor uchiha boy cried.

Hey brats what are you doing to him ?!! Obito asked.

The kids turned to see the older uchiha.

Oh no ! Run ! It's that scary looking uchiha ! Kids run away yelling.

Hey are you okay ? Obito asked.

Thank you for saving me. The poor little uchiha boy hugged Obito and started to cry even more. Obito hugged him back and picked him up.

Why is this happening to us ? little uchiha asked.

Don't worry it will be okay. I have a really good friend who will help you to heal your wounds. But don't say anything.Obito said.

Little uchiha nodded and tried to stand up.Obito picked up the little uchiha and carried him to Rin.

So here you are ? Huh ? Who is this ? Oh no he is hurt ! Rin said.

Rin can you help him ? Obito asked.

Of course. Sat him there. Rin said pointing to some tree.

The little uchiha hide behind Obito.

Don't worry I will not hurt you. Rin smiled kindly.

Little uchiha was not scared anymore and came closer to Rin.

Rin started to treat his wounds.

Rin you were carring with you so many things ? Obito asked.

Anything can happen anytime so yeah. Anyway what happened to him ? Rin asked.

I'm really clumsy. I'm sorry. little uchiha said.

Oh I see. Obito you noticed some fire ? Rin asked.

Yes I smelled it. Obito said.

You should be careful little boy. You have so many bruises. Rin said. Yes I'm sorry. little uchiha said.

Obito you must hold him for a minute. Rin said.

Yes sure. Obito said and did as he was told.

Ow it hurts ! little uchiha winced in pain.

Don't worry. This will help you to heal your wounds. Rin said. So will he be okay ? Obito asked.

Yes but he should rest now. Will you bring him home Obito ? Rin asked.

Yes I can do that. Obito picked him up.

I will wait for you. Rin said.

Thank you. little uchiha said.

Rin smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

Obito leaved Rin and bringed the little uchiha to his parents who were worried about their son and hugged him gently. They thanked him and Obito whispered them something so no one could hear. They were thinking about something at first but both of them nodded. Obito came back to Rin but he couldn't find her.

Where is Rin ? I thought she will wait for me. Was I too long there ? Maybe she is somewhere near. Obito said to himself and started searching for Rin.I hope this is not some kind of prank. Then suddenly Obito heard some children's laughing and decided to check this place.Obito peeked from the bush and suddenly noticed Rin playing with them. Oh there she is. This is nice view. They look so happy. I didn't know that Rin was so popular with kids.And Rin's smile is something I can't turn my eyes off. Should I go there too ? Is it bad idea ? What if I scare those kids ? I should probably stay here. Obito said but kids and Rin heard some rustling noises.

What was that ? I'm scared. Kids hugged Rin.

Show yourself ! I know you are here ! Rin said.

Obito showed himself up with his hands up.

Obito it's you ! Sorry but those kids wanted to play with me. Rin said.

No it's okay. Obito said.

Hey look it's cool guy. Kids ran up to Obito and lead him to Rin.

It looks like they like you. Rin chuckled while kids started to climb on Obito.

Come on kids don't bother Mr. Cool guy like that. Rin said.

Mr. Cool guy ? Obito asked.

Okaaaaay. Kids said and started observing Rin a and Obito.

We decided to play a game with you two.

You. They pointed at Obito. Will be our daddy.

And you. They pointed at Rin. Will be our mommy.

We will be what ? We will be what ?Both of them asked at the same time.

Yes you heard us. Kids said. Obito and Rin both looked at each other and then turned their head the opposite way blushing madly.

Let's do it for the kids shall we ? Rin asked still blushing. Yeah it's for the kids. Obito said still blushing too.

When it begun to get dark Obito and Rin brought every child to their home.

That was the last one. Obito said.

Yes but we barely get them home. They were so clingy. They didn't want to let go of your legs. Rin giggled.

Yes I was not expecting that. But how did you became so popular with kids ? Obito asked.

Easily. I was playing with them when I had nothing to do and they begun to love me. And what about you Obito ? I think you became friend with most of the kids. Rin said.

Well yeah there was some of them. Especially my favourite are Itachi and Shisui. Obito said.

Oh that's nice. Both of them grew up well. Rin said.

Yeah even Sasuke. Don't you remember him ? Obito asked.

Sasuke ? I remember him when he was still a little baby. They are growing up so fast. Rin said.

Yes even we grown up. Sorry when I was not here. Obito said

Obito it's not your fault. Now you are here. Me and Kakashi are so glad that you are here with us. Rin said.

Kakashi....... I think I need to have a talk with him when I will see him again. Obito said.

Did something happened between you two ? Rin asked.It's nothing really. Obito fake smiled.

Okay I will leave it to you boys. Rin said.

But Rin everytime I'm with you I feel better. It's like you are my medicine. Obito said.

Really ? Well I don't know what to say. I will stay by your side forever if that will make you better. Rin said.

I remember when you first said these words. Thank you Rin for being here. Obito said.

Wh-what is wrong with you being so emotional now ? Rin asked and hide her blushing cheeks with her hands.

Am I ? Sorry. Is it weird ? Am I weird ? I was only trying to be kind. Obito said.

No no it's great. Rin said.

Ok I'm glad. I forgot to ask. How are your parents Rin ? Obito asked.

They died 4 years ago. Rin said.

Really ? I didn't know. I'm sorry about that. Obito said.

No need to say sorry. They both died with smile on their faces. They taught me everything I need. You're right it was hard for me to move on because I missed them but they wouldn't want me to be so sad all this time. Rin said.

Was Kakashi by your side ? Obito asked.Yes he was. Rin said.

Thank god. At least I don't have to beat him up. Obito said.

You two are always like that. Always fighting. Rin said.

No we get along with each other now. Obito said.

Yes I can see the difference. Rin said.

Yes it's true. But I'm still better than him and no one can say otherwise. He thinks he is genius when he is actually not. That Bakashi is only Bakashi in my eyes.Rin ? Obito asked. She fell asleep. Looks like I need to carry you home again. Obito picked up Rin.

Obi....to. Rin said in her sleep.

Is she dreaming about me ? I wonder what kind of dream she have ? She is such a heavy sleeper. Obito said.

Rin snuggled more into Obito's chest and smiled.

So beautiful. Obito said. Obito brought Rin home and kissed her forehead. Good night Rin. Obito whispered and leaved.


Kakashi's POV

It is eight no I think seven. Oh I got another one ! Kakashi said.

Bakashi !!!!! Obito yelled.

No ! Now you've done it. Obito you scared my fish. Kakashi sighed.

I don't give a damn about your fish. Obito said.

What's with you yelling already in morning ? Kakashi asked.

You and your damn book are so damn lucky that I won't burn you this time ! Obito said.

And ? How did it go ? Kakashi asked.

Well thanks to Rin I was fine. And that was not nice of you to leave us alone. Obito said.

What ? You two had nice time with each other. I didn't want to disturb you lovebirds. Kakashi said.

How could you leave me with Rin after I had done reading that damn porn book ?!!! Obito asked.

What are you so angry about ? Nothing bad happened right ? Kakashi asked.

Nothing happened but Rin noticed that I was acting weird. Obito said.

And ? Kakashi asked.

Thankfully Rin calmed me down. But still I can't forgive you for leaving me. Obito said and crossed his arms.

Will baked fish change your mind ? Kakashi asked.

...............................maybe. Obito said.

Come inside and wait. Kakashi said. Okay. Obito said.

Did you two at least kissed ? Kakashi asked.

No ! Why should we kiss ?! Obito asked.

Well lovers do that. Kakashi said.

Shut up and cook ! Obito said.

Poor Rin she will be waiting forever until you make the first move. Kakashi said.

Shut up already ! I'm trying to came up with something. Obito said and bringed his hand to his forehead.

You really are not romantic type. Kakashi said.

And you are pervert ! That's not anything better. Obito said.

Will you be able to do something ? Kakashi asked and handed him plate of fish.

I don't know. I don't understand that much what should I do and what not. Obito said and started to eat.

If my book can't help you then there is nothing I can do. I'm sorry. Kakashi said.

No need to say sorry. Obito said.

If you don't know what to do then you should visit this person. Kakashi said and gave him some paper.

Who is it ? Obito asked.

Genius when it comes to love. I heard people are going there when they don't know how to confess their feelings. Kakashi said.

Is it safe ? Obito asked.

Yes. Kakashi said.

Is it really good idea ? Obito asked.

You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You can always be friends with Rin forever. Kakashi said.

I will do it. I will do it. I can't be friends with her forever. I can't imagine some guy other than me with her. No one is good enough for Rin. No one. I repeat no one. I can't allow it. Obito said.

Even you ? Kakashi asked.

I might not be the best but I will do anything to be perfect for Rin. Obito said.

If only you idiot would understand that she loves you. Kakashi sighed.

Did you say something ? Obito asked.

No nothing. Kakashi said.

I'm suprised that you are still good at cooking. Obito said.

What do you mean still ? Kakashi asked.

I thought that you became more lazy but it looks like you are still such a good chef. Obito said.

What makes you think that I became more lazy ? Kakashi asked.

Thank you for the food. I should be going. Obito said.

Wait ! Kakashi said.

What ? I should hurry. I don't want to miss that person. Obito said.

Take this with you. Kakashi gave Obito some candies.

Kakashi I'm not a kid anymore. I don't need candies. Obito sighed.

You will need them for sure. Trust me. Kakashi said.

But why so many ? Obito asked.

Don't say anything just take them. Kakashi said.

Ugh fine. Obito said.

Okay bye Obito and be kind. Kakashi smiled.

Shut up ! I'm adult and you are not my mom ! Obito yelled. Tch that Bakashi. When he made me some fish that doesn't mean that he is my parent. .......... I don't remember the last time I had some candies. I'm lucky. I will save them for later. Obito hide his candies and smirked.

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