Oneshot Book!


72 0 0

A bunch of oneshots I'm gonna put out there because I like writing but committing to books is hard lol Will p... More

The Intruder (JSaB)

LAST HOPE (Undertale)

15 0 0

CW: Death, blood

Chara - Level 20 - hp: 99/99

"Please... don't... kill... me..."

You had no interest in what the flower had to say. With one single strike, it was dead.

You had traveled through many timelines, relentlessly killing every monster. This one, however, seemed the exact same as the main timeline.

Expecting to be greeted with the first human, you were surprised when a much different voice was heard.

"So, you're the human that massacred them all."

Despite whipping your head around every which way, you found no sign of life anywhere else.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. This is the first time we've met, after all."

A... Cherry?... With a body?... Wearing tacky sunglasses? Stepped out in front of them.

"What's up? Name's Merg. If you had taken any other path you would've met me in Snowdin, but of course, you chose to kill."

Merg? That's the thing's name? It sounds like it named itself.

you decide not to question it.

"You're not even listening, are you? Not surprised."

Your SOUL lit up.

The battle interface appeared. Nothing special.

"Before we begin, you won't be needing this."

The cherry thrust it's left arm to the side, and the MERCY button shattered.

This surprised you, as even that pathetic skeleton offered to spare you (even if he killed you after accepting).

Speaking of which, they seemed to have a bit in common.

"Go on, it's your turn. I'm not a cheater."

Seizing the opportunity, you attacked as hard as you could.

It didn't dodge. It died in one hit.

"Agh... that hurt... more than I was expecting..." their tone was pained.

A grin spread across your face.

"This... isn't... over..."

It was at that moment you realised this... thing was not a monster. It had a human SOUL. It was an obnoxious shade of pink.

The SOUL split in two briefly before fusing back together. Some text appeared above it.

"But it refused..."

Merg got back up, a look of fury on their face.

"You can't beat me that easily. I lowered my guard intentionally."

The fight begins.





*MERG - ATK 100 DEF 50
*The underground's last hope. He cannot be killed permanently.

An almost familiar track was playing in the background.

The attacks weren't something you'd seen before. Some of them were pink, and took a third of your HP when you touched them. They were static, though, so they were pretty easy to avoid.

"Y'know, I'm impressed by how far you've come. Not giving up despite everyone's attempts at stopping you. That's real dedication. Although, you really should be dedicating your time to something else."

That made you chuckle. This is exactly what you want to dedicate your time to.

You tried attacking him, only for him to dodge. Just like that damned skeleton.

Round 12
"Ugh... You're really not giving up that easily... are you?"
Sweat was dripping down Merg's face, and he was panting quite heavily.

Seeing this as an opportunity to strike, you hit the FIGHT button. With one well placed blow, he was down for the count again.

"Y-you... *hack* really... are... s-strong... *cough*"
Blood was trickling out of his mouth.

The SOUL once again refused to break.

*sighs* "Guess I have to go even harder on you"

You like a challenge.

Round 25
Merg was once again on the ground, hacking up blood. There was a lot of it this time.

Seems like he's not giving up, though. After refusing death yet again, his glasses shattered.
They looked stupid, anyways.

A shadow covered most of his face, but his right eye was partially visible. It was the same bright, obnoxious pink as his SOUL.

Phase 2 begins.


A smug grin let Merg know that you weren't going anywhere.

The attacks got stronger. You had used up all your items by then, and he was not going to heal you.

Your SOUL turned pink for the first time, and it gravitated to the top of the bullet board.

"Probably nothing new, but hey, if it makes things harder for you, then I'll use it!"

You didn't understand why he didn't use the attack sooner until he started sweating. It seemed to take a lot of energy out of him.

Round 37
*pant* *cough* "Oh... oh god... *hack* really... don't want to give up... *cough* do you?"

You shook your head with a menacing smile. You just wanted to get rid of him, so you could erase this pointless timeline.

The refusal happened yet again.
It almost seemed like Merg's body was glitching at this point.

You brandished your knife yet again. Time to take out this worthless piece of garbage.

Round 50
"I... I can't... keep doing this... y-you're too determined..."

You approached the cherry, about to take his final bit of HP away.

"F-fine. You win. I give up."

Merg was struck down for the last time.
He finally let his body disintegrate, leaving only his SOUL, which promptly split in half, before disappearing.

Just as you expected, the first human greeted you.

"That took long enough, huh? He was a very strange enemy, I will admit."

You nodded in agreement.

"Ah, well, that doesn't matter anymore, does it? Let us erase this world, and move onto the next, dear partner."

Just as you were about to hit ERASE, a voice yelled out.


A RESET button appeared, and before you or the first human could destroy it, the very same pink SOUL pressed it.


"This is MY world, not yours! I won't let you take it away!"

Everything started to crack. The human tried to scare the cherry away, but it was too late.

The world had been reset.



Merg woke up in a fright, breathing heavily.

"C-calm down! It's okay!"

Dr. Alphys was watching over him from a distance.
King Asgore had found his seemingly lifeless body laid by the barrier, so he was taken to her.

"A-Alphys? Y-you're alive?" Merg sounded relieved and shocked at the same time.

"U-Um, yes? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh thank Asgore it worked"

Merg explained what happened to Alphys. Luckily, with her knowledge of determination it was fairly easy to understand.

"Hey, um, do you think that human would come back?" Alphys asked.

"I'm not sure. I'd like to say I've managed to transfer the destined SOUL to someone else, but I'm fairly certain that's impossible. I guess we can hope, though."

Merg was dismissed, and he ventured back to Snowdin.
He obviously couldn't leave Sans and Papyrus in the dark about what happened, so he told them too.

Everything went back to normal, but Merg was still affected.
He developed awful trauma from the events that went down, and became extremely scared of humans, since he now knows what they're capable of.


*Reaching home after an incredibly traumatic event, everyone safe and sound, it fills you with DETERMINATION.

MERG LV1 9999:99
-Snowdin - Town

*SAVE          *RESET

*SAVE          *RESET

*HP fully restored.

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