A Viking Chief's twins

By Lava_Serpant

164K 4.6K 3.3K

(I know I have a completely different story like this) What if Hiccup had a brother? One he thought had died... More

Dragon's Child
Ultra Trouble
New Dragon And New Friend
I'm The Hunter
Staying? Or Leaving?
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Time Out
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Stranger? Or Friend?
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Hiccup and Snot-lout "help"
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You Hurt Us Too
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Music soothes the savage dragon
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She is The Healer
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Wing Maidens
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Dragon's Are The Masters
Want A Race?

Frosty Love

3.6K 96 111
By Lava_Serpant

"Okay ice dragon there has been a big mistake I'm not Kai I'm his twin Hiccup," The one legged Viking said trying to keep calm in the claws of the giant dragon. It does not even acknowledge him except for a small growl like it was telling him to be quiet. "Okay then," Hiccup said resigning himself to his fate.

The ice dragon flew into a hole in the ground and it became pitch black and Hiccup lost all sense of direction pretty quickly. "Oh Odin help me," Hiccup prays to his gods. Shard eventually came to a place that was bathed in light blinding Hiccup after the pitch blackness of the tunnels needing him to take a second before he could see. Once he could he felt the overwhelming cold enough that he could see his own breath like fog.

The cavern was covered in ice and if all the different tunnels had anything to do with it Hiccup had to guess this was part of the Whispering Death's tunnel network during their breath time at Berk. Hiccup was dropped onto the frosty ground a little roughly, but he had rougher landings before. He brushes himself off and looks at the dragon then around the cavern. Besides the tunnels the place looked like some type of garden made out of ice. There were small trees in pots and what looked like some type of field with a carefully made design and the light was coming from ice that was glowing like a torch. Hiccup saw one that wasn't glowing, but then Shard shot at it and it lit up again which fascinated Hiccup to no end. The place looked like it could be heaven for Fish-legs if it wasn't so icy.


Hiccup looks around for the voice and didn't see anyone. He felt like he was being watched though and took a step forward to look around. After no more than a few steps Hiccup saw something move in his vision and he turned in time to spot them.

He made contact with the person who was dressed in a white version of Kai's attire with sharp throwing stars on his belt and a different symbol of a dragon on his belt. He also had blue eyes that almost glowed, his hair was blonder than any Viking Hiccup has met that it was almost white and it was short too with it shaved at his head and standing up just like that, and his skin was so pale he was camouflaged perfectly in the icy wonderland of the cavern. Besides the unnaturally pale skin Hiccup would say he looked like a boy version of Astrid. He was looking at Hiccup in wonder and excitement.


He shouted and ran at Hiccup who took quick steps back slipping on the ice and falling on his butt. He was quick to scoot away more though and it was far enough that the stranger was held back. Hiccup looked behind him to see the stranger was chained in dragon proof chains by his wrists. The stranger looks at them and pulls harder trying to get to Hiccup who was just out of his reach.

"Okay so I'm gonna go and,"

"火鳥請不要離開, 我們很抱歉, 我們很愚蠢, 請我們來帶你回家, 但我們被抓了, 我們一直擔心生病。我們是傻瓜曾經傷害你的感情, 請我需要你和"

The man's fast talking was cut off when he noticed Hiccup's missing leg. He froze looking at it and Hiccup felt even colder as the strangers gaze became harsh and cold.

"I'll be," Hiccup tries to back up. "Stay here Viking," The stranger said harshly. Hiccup had no intention of that, but Shard came from behind and Hiccup was trapped between the two.

"Look I'm not looking for a fight alright? Why is your dragon freezing Berk's waters? Who are you?" Hiccup asks. The white stranger doesn't answer instead he seemed really sad like this was his biggest disappointment in life. Hiccup also did not understand why it was this man who was chained and not the dragon.

"Look if you let me leave I can come back with others they'll help you," Hiccup said. "No you will stay here," He said. "But," Hiccup began.

"STAY!" The stranger yells so loud the ice cracks and a strong ice covers the ice already around. Hiccup was terrified as he realized it was not the dragon freezing the ocean.

"Your freezing the ocean," Hiccup said in shock. "Shard!" The boy in white yells at the dragon who winces at the tone. "I said get me Kai! Not this primitive native! I know he's here bring him!" He yelled at the dragon. Hiccup had to cut in against his better judgement. "Okay one I am not primitive and two Shard was doing their best it's not like they meant to grab me Kai was in the trees and," Hiccup was cut off when they looked at him.

"You know where my Kai is?" The white icy stranger asks their eyes glowing a dangerous blue. Hiccup didn't like on how he said 'my Kai' so he opted to stay quiet, but he did not like that.

"Where's my Kai!" The icy stranger yells at him. Hiccup has never been so terrified as he is right now.
"Tell me!" They yelled at him again.

"He's with Toothless he's at the arena. Listen I don't know who you exactly are, but please just calm down and we can talk this out," Hiccup said as calm as possible despite his racing heart.

The stranger in white is quiet clearly thinking before he seemed to realize. "Of course he would never just leave us he was captured," he started mumbling out loud as if thinking to himself.


They mumble quietly to themselves before looking at his dragon again and ordering it to do something. The dragon flew off and it left Hiccup alone with this stranger.

The stranger looks at him and gave a smile that was creepy and chilly. "I did not introduce myself did I? My name is Zane built to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Now where is Kai? How is he?" 'Zane' asks with a oddly cheery voice. "Built?" Hiccup inquires.

"You didn't answer my question," Zane said harshly. Hiccup felt ice beginning to go up his body and knew if he did anything to upset the guy he will kill him.

"Kai's fine, he's actually my brother and," Hiccup began, but Zane covered him in a ice prison. "He is not your brother! He is not your family he belongs with his actual family!" Zane yelled stomping his foot.

"Kai is my brother! He's my twin see? We have the same tattoo," Hiccup pulls up his sleeve to show the shared tattoo. Zane looked at it briefly before giving it a dismissive wave.

"You are only trying to confuse me. Shard will be back any minute with Kai then once I find the others we can apologize and everything will be like before and he can fix me," Zane said in a almost jolly drunken way.

There was clearly something affecting him somehow causing these mostly violent mood swings and bursts of power.

Hiccup can only hope Kai doesn't get the entire island frozen.

The Other Riders

Kai arrived back on Tooth-less meeting up with the other riders. At the lack of Hiccup's presence Astrid got angry and Stoic got worried. "Where's Hiccup?" Stoic asks as Kai got off Tooth-less.

"I know the dragon doing this. It's my friends dragon Shard he took us off guard using the clouds as a camouflage. He was after me, but it got us mixed up and took Hiccup instead," Kai explains the story to them. "Fascinating, what's this dragon species called?" Fish-legs asks. "A Ice Dragon and Shard is going to be back once he realizes the mix up," Kai said. "And what happens to Hiccup," Stoic asks.

Kai's silent for a moment. "That depends on my friend. He won't hurt Hiccup I swear he wouldn't hurt a fly," Kai promises though that promise seemed pretty hollow considering it just started snowing.

"Yeah I wouldn't bet on that," Ruff-nut said. "I will take you on that bet," Tuff-nut said with a challenging smirk that Ruff-nut returns.

"Okay your taking us to your little freak of a friend right now," Astrid said getting right in Kai's face with her axe. "Excuse me? Zane is not a freak," Kai defends. "Well why is he doing this?" Astrid asks gesturing the snow falling from the sky.

"He's....just scared. The others clearly aren't here and Zane can't really be left alone because he gets scared," Kai explains. It wasn't a lie Zane does hate being separated because he freaks out that the others could be in danger.

"Well if you know him so well you must know where he is," Astrid said. "I got no idea where he could be. He would be hiding somewhere he can't be found if he's even hiding," Kai said. "Well he will need food and water if we circle around we can," Fish-legs began.

"Zane doesn't need to eat or drink," Kai cuts in. It was quiet. "What?" They all asks. "Zane doesn't need to eat or drink," Kai repeats.

"That's impossible even the gods must eat," Fish-legs said. "Look he just can't and we're waisting time we need to," Kai began when a loud roar rang out and everyone looks up too see a terrifying sight.

"Shard!" Kai yelled as the dragon roars again.

"Everyone to your dragons!"

Kai wasn't sure who yelled that, but Kai was grabbed by his father and sat on Skull-crusher. "No! Don't," Kai tried to warn them, but the twins took to the air.

They Barf blew steam and Belch was about too ignite it when a strong icy wind blew it right back to them. Sadly though Belch still sparks it and it blew them up.

"Shard can control the weather!" Kai yells. "Would have been nice to know that before!" Ruff-but yelled from the ground being downed with her brother from the previous blow.

"Shard! Stop think of Zane he needs help. Attacking us isn't going to help him," Kai tries to reason with the dragon. The dragon merely roars again and the roar scared Ember who was on the ground with Tooth-less who could not join the fight without a rider and was watching the fight with a calculated expression.

Stoic had Skull Crusher shoot at the dragon, but Shard dodged them easily, but the white ice dragon dives towards the pair. "Dad, pull up," Kai urges his father, but Stoic ignores it and continues to charge. Shard looked like he would smash into the dragon, but at the last moment Shard dodges up and Skull crusher rears up in the sky. "Woah Skull Crusher!" Stoic yelled. Kai was unprepared for the rearing and fell off the green and red dragon. "Kai!" Stoic yells. Snot-lout tried to dive for him, but Shard beat him too it and grabbed Kai in his claws.

"Son!" Stoic yells and flew after the dragon having a flash back of when he was merely a year old. Skull Crusher was no where near as fast as Shard though and couldn't keep up, but Snot-lout and Hook-Fang could.

"Come on Hookie," Snot-lout urges his dragon chasing after Shard and Kai.

Shard looked behind him seeing the tail and looked at Kai trying to get out of his claws. Quickly Shard made sharp movements trying to cut Snot-lout off. The Viking was determined though and would not just let the only one to ever actually put any sort of trust in him.

They flew over the village and everyone looked to the sky seeing their chiefs son being carried by a new dragon and a dragon rider chasing after him. "Let him go!" Snot-lout yelled as the dragon roars with Kai still trying to get out of his claws. Shard tries to loose him, but it was difficult. Eventually Snot-lout got close enough that he managed too grab on to Kai's arm and held it for dear life.

"Snot-lout fly harder! And Shard! Let me go!" Kai orders the dragon trying to get out. Instead of doing that Shard blasts Hook-Fang with a icy blast and the dragon roars as he fell with Snot-lout loosing his grip on Kai.

The white dragon flew off to somewhere unknown as Hook-fang set himself on fire and melted the ice on his body. The other riders arrived mere seconds after. Stoic curses to the gods that his sons were taken by dragons again and Ember roars pitifully to the sky for her human.

"We'll find him chief," Astrid said mainly meaning Hiccup she doesn't care what happens to Kai.
"We will and I will kill that dragon and this Zane if any harm comes to them," Stoic said with a voice full of a lust for blood.

Kai's POV

"Shard where are we going? Where's Hiccup?" I try to ask Zane's dragon who just remains silent as he took me into a dark cave. I don't understand why do they even want me back? Why? They broke my heart over one little mistake. They ignored me like I didn't exist for two weeks and that....it hurt. It hurt so much and still hurts me when I think of it.

Suddenly the dark was replaced with light and Shard dropped me in a pile of snow. "Kai!" I heard someone yell in Ninjagian and I turned my head seeing Zane. My heart aches seeing him and how happy he looks. Why does he look so happy?

Zane races to me stopping short only a inch from me. He reaches forward like a child trying to grab a bar of candy. I looked behind him and saw he was chained to the wall. "Kai finally we've been looking everywhere for you," Zane said desperately trying to reach me. I took a step back, but Shard pushes me forward and I fell into Zane's arms that he quickly wrapped around me. "Oh we've missed you Fire-Bird," Zane said with a content sigh cupping my cheek and threading his icy fingers through my hair. "Don't scare us like that again we thought we lost you," Zane said to me whispering in my ear.

"Zane? What are you doing here? Where's Hiccup?" I asked trying to push him away. I saw his chains and lifted up his wrists and melted them off and he smiles wide at being freed cuddling into me. He ignores my attempts to get away and drags me to the ice wall and resigns himself to sitting on my lap and cuddling me like a bear and peppering me with kisses.

I feel hot tears making their way to my eyes because this feels like winter where we would have me cuddled in the middle for warmth with Zane on my lap, Cole to my right head on my right shoulder, and Jay with his face in the crook of my neck his breath tickling me.

"Zane get off where's Hiccup?" I asked more firmly. Zane brings his head up from its resting place on my head and grabs my chin looking me over. "Why do you want to know?" Zane asks me. "Because he's my twin Zane you need to believe me this is the realm I'm from Hiccup's my brother," I tried telling him, but he clearly is skeptical and annoyed at my responses.

"Kai please stop talking nonsense okay? I just want to cuddle for awhile I've missed you," Zane said. "Why? You, Jay, and Cole all broke my heart," I said angry. "And now you suddenly want me back what changed?" I asked accusingly.

Zane looked regretful, but I don't care he and the others broke my heart. "Kai please understand we were just angry and," Zane tries, but I pushed him off me. "I was trying to protect you and you think I'm just going to take you back after you all do that to me? You made out in front of me, you didn't talk to me, you kicked me out of the bed," I was crying at this point. "You hurt me all of you and I don't want you back if that's how your going to treat me," I stated to him.

He was looking at me in shock and had his mouth open gaping like a fish out of water. What did he expect? I didn't return to Ninjago because of them. "Kai please we came to rescue you please I'm sorry we all our please," Zane tries begging me and latching onto me, but I pushed him away. "No! I don't need rescuing! I'm not just going to take any of you back after that. I chose to stay here because I found my family who aren't going to abandon me after I tried helping them," I stated arms crossed and looked at him harshly.

"Now where's Hiccup?"

Zane was silent looking at me before breaking down into tears. I force myself to look away I was not giving into the crying. But I was getting really worried when it suddenly dropped a few degrees. I looked at Zane who had frost covering the ground and ice was snaking around him. Zane's never had this problem with his emotions and powers before something's wrong here.

"Zane? Let me take a look at your wires," I try to coax. Zane looked at me his eyes glistening from crying, but a odd happiness of hope was in them. "You want to do wire play?" He asks and my face heats up. "Zane! No somethings wrong your not acting normal I need to check your wires are in order," I said. This is Jay's forte, but I know enough of Zane's insides to know that someone messed with his power dial and switched it to react to his emotions and also switched his emotions much higher.

Zane frowns again and starts crying again. "Zane just calm down and let me," I began when Shard gave a growl and Zane looked at his dragon. Anger over took his features and he looks at me.

"Who's Snot-lout?" Zane asks me. "Just a friend I made that's all," I said, but Zane clearly does not like this. "He's the one who's stolen you from us!" Zane yells. "What?! Zane you aren't thinking clearly your emotion dilator," I tried to reason, but Zane grabbed me and dragged me too a block of ice.

"You stay here where you can be safe with your "twin" than once I find the others we can get you settled and everything will be like before. We promise to make everything up to you I'll cook your favorite meal, Jay's been wanting to cuddle you silly, and Cole's been talking none stop about spoiling you. Don't worry Fire Bird we're going to make it all up too you while I get rid of the competition," Zane said his face smiling, but not his usual cute smile. This isn't him someone messed up his wires and I need to fix it he's unstable.

He opens the ice block and I saw Hiccup in there who had a ear on the ice wall trying to listen in. Zane pushes me inside.

"I'll deal with these pretenders then we can find the others and head back home okay love? I promise we will make it up too you," Zane said happily and chirpy before freezing the door up. I banged on the ice yelling at Zane to let me out and fix his wires, but he ignores me.

"So? That's one of your teammates?" Hiccup asks. Me and Zane had been speaking Ninjagian so he didn't understand anything we had just been talking about and judging from how cloudy this ice is he didn't see anything either.

"He's not himself I need to fix it so he acts like himself again. He's never this emotional heck he's barely emotional getting him angry is like once every blue moon. Viggo did something to him I swear he just needs some help," I said. "I trust you Kai, but for Berk's sake and his own I hope he can reel in whatever Viggo did to him before he freezes Berk," Hiccup said and I just lean my head against the ice.

"You and me both bro," I said.

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