It's complicated.

By sj1012

67.3K 2.2K 390

⚠️UNDER EDITING/REVISION⚠️ (Still available to read) "There's no way that boy could ever feel love..." Hermi... More

"It runs in the family.."
"Some things never change..."
"And what about it?"
"Oh please..."
"You got yourself a deal..."
"Somethings are better left unsaid"
"You look....beautiful"
"Liv a little.."
"I am weak..."
"my new challenge."
"Her smile"
"definition of a Gryffindor"
"the only option"
"Or longer..."
"I'm in trouble now"
"The deal is off"
"Find him"
"Made me sick"
"...Slytherin scum"
"without her.."
"Roller coaster"
"Liv please no"
"No promises"
"Pure bliss"
" we go..."
"What is wrong with you?"
"I hate you..."
"We can fight this"
"Operation P.O"
"The rumors."
"That's a lie"
New characters!!
"The jacobs family"
"Leave me alone"
"Follow me"
"Just the two of us"
"for granted"
"You've got to be kidding me"
"Tell me you're joking?"
"You're mine..."
"'s complicated"
"Anyone else?"
"Polyjuice potion"
"We found her..."
"I don't believe it..."
"You came back to me"
"It's complicated"
"It worked"
"One year"
"So forever?"
"It's bound to happen"
"I'll never leave"
"You don't know how it felt"
"Did you miss me?"
"Let's see what you know"
"How much longer?"
"It's begun"
"The story"
The end!


504 21 6
By sj1012

Olivia's POV:

Today marks one year since Draco's death.

I've still not fully come to terms with it. I have my good days and bad days. It seems to have taken a toll on pretty much everyone. Blaise, Henry, and Finn left to protect Hogwarts, rumors of war has spread through the wizarding world for a few months now...that's what Kade told me, after Draco passed I never left my room so I didn't notice they were gone. My heart breaks mostly for Cissy, all she had was Draco...her only source of happiness, I haven't seen her laugh in so long.

Lucius had gotten captured by the ministry of magic 6 months ago, it's not like he cared Draco was gone anyway.

For the first few months I stayed in my room reading Draco's notebook along looking through his drawings...he would kill me if he was here, he hated when anyone bothered his things. Out of his entire notebook, there was one page that seemed to be ripped out. Part of me wonders if he messed up or if he had it hidden away.

I ran my finger gently down the jagged edge of ripped page.

"Where are you?"
Draco's POV:

"One day liv, I promise"

I sat on the floor next to my bed

I held the picture running my fingers down the rough edges, looking at it a few seconds more.

"Our future"

"Whatcha looking at mate?" Blaise walked into my room

"Nothing, just some old pictures" I lied as I put the drawing in my bag

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting down beside me on the floor

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said stiffly

"You's okay to feel something besides anger and hate" he chuckled

"I know, I guess I just feel numb more than anything" I joked

He nodded softly

"She's doing okay, I talked to Harry this morning" he assured me

"Is she eating?"

"Yes, she's starting to gain weight back too" he smiled

"Really?" A smile came to my face as well, I'm so glad she's starting to become herself again.

"He said they even got her to have a game night a few weeks ago as well as mumsy"

"Wow, that's so good to hear...I can't thank you enough for taking care of them mate" I beamed

"It wasn't just me, everyone had a hand on it" he laughed

"If you ever need to talk, let me know..I can't imagine going through what you and Olivia have had to go through" he patted my shoulder standing back up

I nodded

"Henry was wanting to see if you wanted to come down for dinner and talk?" He asked before leaving

"Yeah sure, I'll be down in a few minutes" I replied

He shut the door behind him

I smiled once more to myself, thinking of my mum and Olivia finally becoming themselves again. I can almost hear their laughter again.
Olivia's pov:

I decided to go down and make Narcissa and I some breakfast, were suppose to have some company today. After Draco passed, they stayed here for about a month. They come over every once in awhile to make sure we're still doing okay. I've been dreading it, I can't imagine how cissy today I'd make it as stress free as possible.

I was in the kitchen making some pancakes, bacon, sausage, omelets, and squeezed some orange juice.

"Well looks like you beat me to it" I heard cissy chuckle

I missed her laugh, it wasn't the same but I'm glad it's back.

"Great minds think alike" I joked

She walked over and put on an extra apron and started to pin her hair up.

"I'm glad you're here with me Olivia, I would have never made it through this year without you" she smiled and hugged me

"Same to you, you've been the mother I've always needed" a tear fell down my face as I hugged her back

She pulled away resting her hands on my shoulders

"We have a lot of people to cook for, let's finish up shall we?" She chuckled wiping the tears away

I nodded and laughed

After an hour or so we heard someone knocking on the door

"I'll get it!" I ran to the front door opening it

"Mione" I smiled bringing her into a tight hug

"It's been way too long" she laughed

"What have you been up too?" I asked

"Not much, just working" she seemed off

I nodded and welcomed her in

She joined us in the kitchen

"How can I help you sweet ladies today?" Hermione grabbed an apron

"We're just about finished we just need the biscuits, do you mind?" I mentioned

"Oh no problem! My mum taught me a recipe we've passed down through our family" hermione said excitedly tying the apron

"That sounds lovely dear, I can't wait to try's so good to see you again" cissy smiled and hugged her

We finished up cooking and everyone had arrived, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Harry, and Kade...just like old times.

"Are Finn and Henry working today?" I asked putting syrup on my pancakes

"Yeah, they've had them on duty on and off for months" she looked down at her plate fiddling with the food

"As well as Blaise, he hasn't been over in awhile now" cissy added

I nodded

"We brought some gifts for you guys" Ron stood up and walked out the door, Harry followed

They walked back in with two bags

"This ones for Olivia and this one is for mumsy" Ron handed us the gifts

"I hope you like them, we weren't really sure what'd you guys would like" Harry chuckled

I pull out the tissue paper and revealed a small box, I opened it and seen a small heart necklace.

"Aw I love it guys thank you"

"Open it, it's a locket" Ron hooked the necklace for me

" did you?" A tear slid down my face

"Draco left a note to all of us, he said if anything were to happen to him he'd want you to always have a small piece of we put our heads together and got you this" Harry said

I started to cry once more...I promised I wouldn't cry today...I've cried like four times already

"Thank you, truly" a hugged them once more

I heard a small cry come from the other side of the table.

I seen cissy holding up a large picture in a frame and turned it to show me

"My sweet boy" she smiled as tears poured from her eyes

"Thank you boys, thank you" she hugged them

After we finished breakfast the boy helped cissy hang up Draco's picture while Hermione, Kade, and I watched.

"He looks so happy" Kade smiled looking at the picture

"I barely remember him being that little" hermione laughed softly

"What a beautiful soul he was" I added

They nodded and agreed

"Oh dear, we had a letter come in for you mind checking it while we finish hanging the picture?" Narcissa said handed me the letter

"Dear Olivia Jade

We've been informed that FinnLee Jacobs, your beloved friend; has recently passed due to unforeseen circumstances, our deepest condolences to your family and his.

-Minerva McGonagall "

The date reads it was sent...last week

"Wait...what?" I gasped

"What's wrong?" Hermione stood up and came towards me

"Kade...where did you say Finn was?"

"Working at the hogwarts with Blaise and Henry...why?" she chuckled

"When did you last talk to him?"

"Just before I came here... why?"

"Olivia what's wrong? You're scaring us" hermione grabbed my arm

"It's a letter from Minerva...she's paying her respects to the lose of Finn" I fumed

Hermione looked to Kade

"Tell me what's going!" I demanded

Everyone stopped and looked at us

"Come with us, please." Kade whispered grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hall and hermione followed

"This better be good!" I hissed
Authors note:

I do not own the rights to the drawing!! It's from Pinterest!!🖤🖤

Sorry it took so long for an update, thank you for reading🖤🖤🖤

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