Junk stories

By lonely_clover

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Multiple stories that I am in the process of making. Most of them are from my google doc or apple notes. Ya... More

Criminal Minds OC. Vol 1 & 2
S.H. x J.W.
The Real Dick Grayson

Marvel Parent Fic. Vol 1

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By lonely_clover


Title: Reconnections


Chapter #1:

Getting in was easy. Air Ducts where easy, yah know. Hacking was kinda hard though, Hydra need that information. Clint had to inactivate the AI first, and that was difficult.

"Another Right." The com chimed. So Clint did so. Navigation was another easy task, for this mission.

"Left and down." "What does it mean by down!?" He slid down the air vent and landed my side. It caused Clint to whined on impact, everything aches already. He felt sick to his stomach and the land didn't help.

Where he landed was a lab. It had so many cool instrument for science and engineering. "Widow I think your being over dramatic." He hid in the in the corner in shadows behind a huge machine. "Tony, you know I am not." The ginger women Growled. "Okay, maybe a little, but you have to talk to Cap about it, not me." The Brunette man grumbled.

"We have a guest." The AI spoke. "Who?" The women spoke again... Clinton's breathing picked up, and started to shake in fear slightly. If he gets caught, and taken back to his leader he will never see the light of dat again. "Nevertheless, I am busy. Let's go." He shoved the women and himself out the room.

After the door clicked, Clint crawled over and locked the door and ran to the system. He activated the hard drive by put in the system.

After about another half hour later, it was done. He knew he couldn't leave the way he came in. His best guess is to navigate through the hallways to the elevators.

Clint could see the elevator in sight. He scanned the area, being previously almost caught by the very tall male, long dark blonde hair. Very ancient accent to his voice. Running into another tall blonde, but lighter and shorter hair. He slipped from in two floor by now. The ginger women must be informed, and her husband. So many people where trying to figure out who he was and why he was here.

Clint ran, he made a dash, but not fast enough. "Who are you boy?" A male brunette growled. He was the same guy from the lab. "Ummm.... M' Clint." "Clint? Why are in my tower undetected?" He man growled provoking Clint into a conner. "What is in your hand!?l" he must have seen the hard drive. "Who do you work for you little shit!" He yelled. He grabbed one of Clint's arms, and pinned to the wall. "I— I umm— I don't know-." Clint whined under the male.  "How do you not know!?" He yelled again. "Answer me!" "No...." Clint whined. "Your hurting me!" Clint tried to pull away from his grip. "Tell me!" "I can't..." he sobbed out.

Tony stared at the boy, tears slid down his face frequently. Tony let go of Clint quickly after he started to realised he scared the boy. "Sir, his breathing has picked up rapidly." "I see that Jarvis..." He got down to eye level with Clint. "Hello Clint. My name is Tony Stark. I am gonna ask who you work for, I want an honest answer." Clint slowly nodded. "Clint, I need you tell me." ".....hydra...."

After a moment or two, Tony punch the wall. Breaking the drywall inward. "I am sorry! Please take it." Clint flinched, he cried and gave Tony the hard drive, he was scared he didn't know what to do. "J? Can you make this HD inactive." Tony gave it to the computer and picked up the boy. Clint squirmed, to the touch. "How old are you Clint." "Nine." He whined. "That Young huh." Clint nodded. Clint sunk down into Tony's hold, relaxing to a positive touch of an adult.

             - - - - Line Break - - - -

"You found the kid?" Steve spoke in shock. "He is a intel hacker for HYDRA." Tony growled. Clint was place down on the ground. He gripped onto Tony's leg, like he was his child. "Let go, you little piece of shit." Tony pulled he kid off of him, placed Clint on the couch. "Why are you here." Steve growled at the boy. "I was told too, I didn't want punished.." he whined. "Stop the whining." Steve growled. Clint whimpered, but tried to stay quiet as possible. "Someone get Natasha out here." "On it Steve." The AI spoke. "Steven, I am heavily pregnant and want to rest, what do you need?" she hissed. "Is this the little shit that has been wondering..." She growled in discussed. "He is a HYDRA intel hacker." Tony growled.

"Name." "Clinton Barton." "Age?" "Nine." "Parents." "Died in a car crash a six." "Why didn't you go to Foster Care." "A group of people, they killed the officers and took me." "Why? Do you have powers?" "I told you this, don't know miss, I am just a normal kid really good at archery and hacking." Clint explained for the second time to her.

She walked away, and Tony came back instead. "Sir—!?" "Shut up! I don't want to hear it." He yelled.

Bucky and Sam walked in with Bruce. It seamed like they where informed about him, because they gave Clint nasty glares. It cause the boy to start to fidgeting around and the hurting of his bladder couldn't be worse.

"May I use the restroom?" Clint mumbled. "Hey Sam, take the kid to the bathroom." Tony growled at Sam. "Why me!? I don't want to watch the runt." He disagreed. "Faster you take the kid, faster he can stop bugging me." Tony growled.

Sam basically dragged the kid to the restroom. "Hurry it up!" He yelled through the door. "Okay..." Clint responded. After a few minutes he was done, he flushed, and washed his hand.

He walked back out to a guy he saw plenty time before this on the computer screen. "Don't send me back to him..." Clint whined causing everyone to stare at him in shock. "He mean like daddy and mommy." "What is his name?" Tony growled. "Matthew Darm, he makes sure I am in line, so I have to call him Mr. Darm." Clint claimed.

Natasha looked at he boy up and down. "Clinton have you been abused?" Clint avoided the topic, and walked back to the spot on the couch. "Clinton?" Steve calmed his name, but he refused to look up at the male.

Tony got down to his level again, "This is an honest answers time." "Yah..... They touched me too...." he sobbed. "Did you ask them to stop?" Natasha ask. "Yah, but I was beat for it, I was disrespecting." He cried in between sobs. "No kiddo, no you weren't." "I was, I get hit when I am disrespecting." He sobbed. "Tony? What do we do?" Bucky asked.

"Are you hungry?" Pepper asked walking in. "I don't get dinner, I failed my mission." Clint choked out. "Honey your not there anymore, you at the tower. Are you hungry." Clint shook his head. "When is the last time you ate?" Natasha asked him. Clint shrugged.

Everyone stepped away, besides Tony. Tony hand his forehead, and sighed. "Does your tummy hurt?" "Yah..." Clint whined. "When you went to the bathroom, was your poop all watery?" Clint nodded. Clint laid his head on Tony's chest. "Do you not get medication? Like pills or shots." Sam asked. "No... They tell me, I can't. I am a waist of product for them." Clint whined.

"He probably has the flu or something." Tony smiled gently at he boy. "Does it feel good to have a little kid that needs you again." "All three of my kids are adult now, yes of corse it is." Tony muttered. "Bathroom?" Clint whined. "Yah of course." Tony followed the boy.

They where in the bathroom for about half of an hour. Heat flashed caused the the pain to worse on the boy. "I think you need to go down to medical." Tony muttered.

Tony looked at the boy's leg, covered  in scar and new and fading bruises varying in colour and sized.

"J, can you call Dr. Holy, all my kids loved her." "Yah of course." "Just send her up alright to my room." "Ready for a bath?" "No!" "This one will not make you hurt or feel pain, I am just gonna wash of all the bad germs and dirt off of you." "Hose me down?" Clint asked. "No, you'll see." Tony spoke.

             - - - - Line Break - - - -

Clint relax on the back of the tub, so exhausted to care for the bubbles. The smell of soap filled the boy's nostrils, causing him to relax more. Tony watched the boy carefully. "I am tired..." Clint yawned. "Must be. Being sick and going on mission must be exhausting."

After washing out the soap and rinsing off Clint. Tony dried him and dressed him in old clothes that belonged to Harley and Peter. "Comfy?" Clint nodded and then yawned. Clint rested his body on Tony. Tony picked up the boy and let him rest and him, waiting for Holy.

Chapter #2:

Clint was asleep for about and hour before Holy got to the tower.

Holy is about the same age of Sam, still pretty young. She always and still helps the kids around the tower. Sadly she stopped taking care of the three Starks after Morgan turned eighteen, that about three years ago. Peter is five years older than Morgan, and Harley is two years older than Peter. They all where adopted in their later years in childhood. So Tony never raised a nine-year-old before, this is going to be interesting for a while.

"You know the drill, make sure the medication are used and keep the fluids up." "Then in a week, make sure you take him down to medical and get him checked out fully."  She explained. "I have other work to do, sadly, but it was very nice to meet you Clint." She waved at him. He waved back, and relaxed on Tony. "He can go places, but don't let people eat or drink after him." Tony smiled waved goodbye.

"How does a kid get tape worm." Sam gagged. "Multiple thing they can do or have done to him." Bucky growled. "It lease we got to him, before it got worse." "True, Natasha stay away, I know your worried but it is for the baby." She sighed in defeat, and walked away front the room. "T-Tony?" Clint whined. "Bathroom." "Alright up you go." Tony picked up the boy and taking him to the bathroom.

Tony cracked the door, and stepped out just barley just to keep the conversation going. "Because it is all watery, can it cause him, yah know, shit himself." "It just depends, if he had control of it." Bruce spoke, "Bruce is saying, if might happen when he is asleep more then he is awake." Tony added. "It because of the tape worm, the antibodies with kill them and flush them out." Bruce explained.

Tony heard a faint yelp. He looked back at the boy. Clint was crying. The pain was to much for him, he wanted Tony, Tony weakly smiles at him. "Tony, is Morgan supposed to be here?" Pepper asked. "Ummm are the boy here too?" "Most likely." "Then no."

As Pepper took Tony role for a moment. Pepper glimpse at Clint, carefully. He look skinny, and exhausted. He probably never been cared for properly, ever. "Pumpkin?" Pepper asked the boy. Pepper lightly played with his hair. "Shhh no one is going to hurt you." She rubbed his back, causing more worry feeling just bone.

"I w-want T-Tony..." he muttered. "Well he should be back within minutes." she gently smiled. "I ate last week. It was just scraps, the dogs get treated better than me." He rested his head on Pepper's shoulder. "Thank you for being honest." "Have you ate poop before." His body language switched. "Did they make you do it." He nodded. "I was bad mouthing, he shoves down my throat." "Mr. Darm?" Clint nodded. Pepper signed. "Miss I think I am done."

Tony came back in when Pepper was laying Clint down on Tony's bed. "Hey Pep." Morgan chimed popping her head in. "Hello sweetie." She smiled. "Is this the kid that tried to hack yah, pa?" Harley came in a chuckle. "Where is Pete?"  "You want the kid to hang up side down sick." "I figured he would be like that." Tony sighed in defeat.

"Hey Dad!" Peter smile still in the lower half of his suit. "Your Spider-Man! Your one of my favourite hero!" Clint claimed. "Your the only one I gonna tell you, I really don't care. Aren't you like a HYDRA kid?" Clint head sulked, "sorry to bother you sir." Clint whined. "Peter!" Tony yelled. "What!? He should be in jail. They know it too." He pointed at his siblings. "Peter go cool off." Tony growled. "Whatever." He slammed the door.

"He is right." Clint claimed. "I don't think so, your alright will us okay..." "is there kids my age?" Clint asked. "Natasha have a three year olds and another on the way. Then my kids, are all young adults now, but I don't think so." Tony explained. "What about the twins, they are eleven."Sam mentioned. "Fury is on the way back, with them." Bucky mentioned. "Then, I have nine year old." Pepper chimed in.. "Maybe, you do." Tony smiled Clint. "But you have to ask Captain, alright." "Oh... okay." He yawned.

             - - - - Line Break - - - -

Tony was woken up Clint tossing and turning on the opposite side of the bed. Tony gently pulled the kids into his arms. Small whined and whimpers came from small frame. "Shh... No one will hurt you anymore." Clint snuggled closer to Tony's chest. "Night-light?" Clint muttered at the arc. "If you want it to be." Tony whispered at Clint. "Tony? Are you mad at me?" "No... I am angry at HYDRA. You are too young for killing people and for missions." "Okay..." Clint yawned. "Do you need to use the restroom before we go back to bad." Clint nodded and walked to the bathroom.

After a short restroom trip, Clint laid on Tony's chest. "Am I a pillow now to you?" Clint giggled softly. "That was quite cute." Tony chuckle, "Tony, can we get a snack, please." "Yes we can." Tony spoke sitting up.

As they enter the kitchen quietly they notice the light was on. Natasha was awake reading. "Baby keeping you up?" Tony asked. Clint hid his face from her. "Is that one keeping you awake?" "Nah... we both randomly just woke you." "Uh-huh." Nat sounded unimpressed. "I had a nightmare..." Clint whispered. "That is alright, we all have them." Nat sounded pleased. "I am gonna say you are hungry." Clint nodded. "He doesn't lie really, he is a good kid." Tony smiled at the boy.

Nat grabbed a zip-lock bag slightly filled with cereal, and a small 8oz water bottle full of juice. "This should do until breakfast." She stated walking away.  "Night night." "Night Clinton." She smile disappearing around the corner.

"Let's go back to bed..." "Spider-man." Clint smiles at the drawling on the fridge. "Finn drew that." "Who?" "Nat's and Bruce's three year old." "Oh..." "You'll meet him when your feeling better." "Alright."

"Hey dad." "Harley? Why are up at three in the morning." "I have a meeting at four, with Morgan." "I see." Tony felt Clint lay his head on his shoulder. "You like the juice." Clint nodded slightly, more focus on drinking it. "How is he feeling?" Harley asked. "Definitely improvising." Clint giggled. "She funny." Clint smiles at the corner. "Morgan, are you making Clint laugh." Tony chuckle. "Of course." She smile, coming out of her hiding spot.

"Careful, Morgan." Tony scolded his daughter taking Clint out of his hand. "I know, I baby sat Finn." She grumbled. "Tony?" "Yes?" "Back." He whined. Tony pulled the kid back into his arms. "Get rejected." Harley chuckled. "Who is your favourite hero?" Morgan asked. "Captain America, Spider-Man! Ummm... Overall Iron Man my most favourite though." He smiled. Everyone smiled and snickered at him. "What? Did I say something wrong!" He whined. "No, no, do you know what hero he is?" Harley smiled pointing at Tony. "No...." "Kiddo he is Ironman." Morgan smiled at the kid. Clint's face went all red, Tony laughed.

"You guys shouldn't tell him that." Peter hissed. "Oh Peter he is a child." Morgan hissed. "Who works or worked for HYDRA." He claimed. "I swear, you all have my gene of not sleeping." Tony spoke.

"Look what you did. You made him cry! Morgan growled. "It help with human stability." "He looks up to you!" "Peter Benjamin, Morgan Hayley, enough."  Tony scolded then both.

"Clint what hurt..." "my tummy." He cried. "Alright, let go see if you need to go to the bathroom." Clint pushed Tony's hand away. Tony scolded Peter and Morgan. "Clinton, come one buddy."   Clint pushes away Tony's hand away again.

Tony quickly grabbed Clint, and walked away from his three children.

At five Steve walked into Tony room, watching him rubbing the back of Clint. "Make it stop." Clint whined. "We are trying kiddo. Faster you get to the average weight and size of your age group, easier it is gonna be." Tony explained. "Hey, I was just wondering if you want anything? I am on my run." "No I am all good." "Anything you need me to pick up for the boy?" "Pepper and  Nat are heading to the store later." "I see." Steve nodded walking away.

"It hurts..." Clint whaled. "I know, I know." "Clint you wanna go explore..." Clint rested his head. "Yah...." "Okay, lets yourself finished, then we can go explore.

Tony walked out with Clint in arms. "Can we watch a movie" "We can watch a few before everyone gets up." Tony stretches out on the couch with the boy. Actually Clint on his chest, asleep. A faint movie played in-the background.

The next they woke up was the others children awake. Janet was sitting at the counter with Nat and Cap. "Good morning Tony." Janet spoke a raising her coffee mug. Cassandra drawing on the side with the others. Clint's face was located on Tony's bare chest. "What about get a shirt on..." Scott muttered. "Shut the fuck up, I been up with a small heater with a fever since three." Tony growled.

"Tony." Fury growled. "Nick." Tony stated. "Kid in good hands?" "Yes why?" "Just trying to get the story straight.." "I raised three orphan, I think I can do excellent raising this one." Tony growled. "Truly I understand, but is he going to train like a hero." "He is nine." "Make me believe he is or he will intern under Phil." "He is fine, Fury. He's just sick, you have never acted this way with the twins, or any of my kids." "Well you kids where hidden from HYDRA, and the twins where never actually an agent for HYDRA. But that little sick boy, who looks younger, was one." Fury grumbled and walked out, leaving a file of the boy in his hand.

Tony got onto to his feet and held the nine-year-old at his chest. "M-Mr. Stark?" Clint whined in Tony chest. Everyone eye faced him and Clint. "Shhh... let get your medication in your system." "Awww, just like Peter." Nat chimed. "I know, but Peter and Clint haven't really got along, I will not have Clint in anymore pain he is in." Tony whispered to the rest of the team.

"Hey! We are back with coffee!" Morgan yelled. "Too loud." Clint whined. "Shhh, I know, let get your meds." After a small glass of water and two little pills, Tony rested on the couch, with Clint on his lap, drinking juice out of his water bottle.

"HE CaLlEd hiM WhAT!?" Peter screamed. "Peter Benjamin! Stop that screaming!" Tony yelled. "He is young and ill, he had no medication in his system." "Take him, I need to use the restroom." Tony spoke handling Peter Clint.

"I like the scar!" Clint smile, touching the small scratch on Peter's right cheek. "Thank you?" Clint unfocused, and paid attention to the kids show on the tv and drank his juice. "Why am I your favourite superhero?" "Well you saved and proved to me you can scare your enemies. During a undercover mission, you scare the lot out of Darm and his workers. I want to be a hero just like you and Ironman, so I can save other!" He smiled. "Cool...." Pete looked confused at the boy. Clint relaxed on Peter and gently drifted off to sleep on Peter's shoulder. 

"Father, we are keeping this rat around." "Peter?... Had a change of heart?" Morgan gasped. "Ha. Ha. Very amusing." Peter scoffed. "I thought you would like him Pete." Tony smiled taking the boy back.

"He is mine, not my grandchild." Tony hissed at his three children. "Alright we won't take him... for now." The three ran down the hallway.

Clint relaxed yet again on Tony. "Let us go get dressed. We have a very big day ahead." Tony smiled at the sleeping boy.   

"Ready to go?" Nat smiled. Pepper smiled gently holding her son. "Clint this is Jason." "Hi!" Jason smiled and waved. Clint shyly waved at the boy. "How old are yah now buddy." "Nine!" He spoke smiling. "He is too." Nat commented. "When is your birthday?" Jason asked. "Umm I don't know." "How do you not know!?" Jason yelled shocked. Clinton whimpered clutching onto Tony. "Jason no yelling, he doesn't like yelling." "Sorry..." Jason looked hurt.

"How can you feel that your a year older...?" Natasha asked. "When New Year's Eve strikes midnight. "Oh that makes sense." Jason replied.

Chapter: #3

Clint stayed by Tony's side, and when someone approached them all he attached to the adult's pant leg. Tony pulled the boy into his arms, "Your alright." Tony cooed at the child. "T-Tony?" He whined. "Yes?" "Thank you for saving me." Clint got kissed on his cheek. "Your so very welcome, Hawkeye." Clint basically jumped out of Tony's arms. "Shh, I know, you're not in trouble." "Really?" "Yes really, you are very talented to be a hitman hired by hydra." "You didn't have to tell me your good at hacking, that is a side hobby. Your better at weapons, and being a sniper." The boy rested his head on the man. "You found out?" "That your parents died in a crash, and brother sold you too the agency to have mercenary protection." He whimpered. "I am sorry for lying." He started to cry. "Your alright." Tony rubbed the boy's back.

After finding some clothes that will last him for a while, they got lunch. Clint ate a small plate from Tony's lunch. "We could of bought him a small meal." "Nah, he is fine." Clint nodded. "Uncle Tony?" Jason asked. "Why do the other kids call Clint a bad guy?" That cause Clint to tear up, "Am I a bad guy?" Clint asked the older male. "No, no, your a good guy now." Tony cooed. "Jason, That wasn't nice, you apologise." "I am sorry." Jason looked unpleased how Clint reacted.

"Why don't you eat like a big kid?" Jason growled. "Why do you act like a baby?" "A baby?" Clint asked. "Jason enough!" Pepper glared at the boy. "Baby's cry, you cry so easily, like a baby." "Sorry!" Clint whined.  "I get punished for being a baby about thing, why doesn't he." He yelled. "Jason! You get put in time-out for not being reasonable." "I want to leave." Clint whined at Tony. "I'll take him around a few more stores, I'll see you at the tower."

As they arrived home, Captain was talking to the twins. He looked frightened by the two. They looked unpleased at the boy. "Bully!" Cassandra yelled at Clint. Finn looked unpleased with Clint. "Go play." Clint shook his head. "Kiddo you need interaction with other kids." Clint walked slowly up to the group of children.

"May I colour?" He asked. "No." Finn and Cassandra growled. "We no play with bully." Finn mumbled. He knew it was going to be like this, he found an one of his new toys in the bag by the couch. He was play separately from the others.

"Clint I told you to play with the others." "They didn't let me." "You have to elaborate." "I asked them, they said no."
Tony signed, "Continue." Clint played with his car. "Why do you have a toy?" "Because Mr. Stark bought it for me." Clint spoke getting up into his feet. Jason looked mad. "Wanna play with me?" Jason pushed him over and took me his car. "Bully." Jason hissed. "But my car." "It's mine now." Clint whined. "But he bought it for me." "Your a Bully, you don't earn it."

He walked over to the bag of new toys, to see all the kids took them away from him. He walked back to the corner he was playing in, to see a small Lego astronaut guy there.

Tony walked over, and Clint quickly hid it. "Clint why did you did hide it from me?" "Because all the others took the rest of toys from me." He sighed pulling his knees to his chest. "Am I a bully?" "No? Why do you asked that?" "Because that's why I can't have a toy?" He muttered. "You can have toys and your not a bully." Tony spoken picking up the boy. "Where did the bruise come from?" It was a new bruise, it was brighter and newer from all the rest. "I fell." "Who pushed you?" "I tripped." "No who pushed you, the bruise in on the back of your leg, not on the front."

"I.. ummm...." "Clint?" He gave a glare at the kid. "It was Jason." he whined into the man's chest. Tony pulled the boy up into a hold, he gently walked into the kitchen getting greeted with Peter.

"Hello my little birdie." "Hello." He yawned. Tony watched Peter rub the boy's back. Clint soon drifted asleep on him when Pepper walked in, "Good evening Pepper." Peter spoke. "He seems to enjoy himself." Pepper smiled. "I do have to apologise about Jason, he is been a brat all day. He knows not to shove and steel from others." She huffed. "You know?" "I overheard the other kids talk about it." She sighed.

"I am gonna let him nap, before dinner. Just call us when it's ready." Tony stated walking the boy to the room.

Tony grabbed something out of the closet. "Want a stuffy?" It was a patched up teddy bear. He gave it to all of his kids, but they out grew it. "Bear?" "Teddy Bear." Clint willingly took it. It smelled like the older male, it was relaxing. He quickly drifted to sleep.

After an thirty minutes, Clint was woken up. "Come on bud." Clint groaned rubbing his eyes. Tony picked up the boy, "sleepy..." "I know, it's time for dinner." He gently walked out and sat down.

"Look at that old bear, I thought it was missing." Harley smiled. "I did too, last time I saw it, Morgan had it for like a year or two." "It was therapy bear." She stated. "What did you name it?" "It name is Franky." Tony looked shocked, "How did you know?" "It is fading on the tag." Tony smiled, and kissed the boy on the head.

Bruce helped his toddler most of the meal, "I have news, my younger brother is visiting me." Thor cleared this throat. "How old is he now?" "The age of the twins." "Lucky eleven." Cap spoke. "Speaking of which, Wanda and Pietro. That is Tony's newest addition, Clint." "Yeah, the bad guy who worked for Hydra." Pietro grumbled. Steven glared at the boy, "sorry..." he growled out. "Hello, Clint." "Hi..." "How old are you?" "Nine." "You don't look nine." Pietro commented. "I know, but I am small for my age." He spoke.

Halfway through dinner, Tony, Nat, Steve, and Thor left the table for something. Clint was eating quietly, while the rest of them babbled about something. Then pieces of the peas started to hit him, then cut pork chucks. Clint knew he was being harassed,

Plop! Plop!

Clint was crying, mashed potatoes filled his face hair. He ran to Tony, "Why do you mash potatoes all over your hair?" Thor asked. Mash potatoes started to get into his eye, causing him to cry harder. "Let's get you washed up." Tony picked up the boy.

When he walked out Nat was scolding the kids, they where giggled and chuckling when they saw Clint.

A damp rag, though his face. It was soft, it made his eyes feel better. He was booped on the nose, "All done. We can washout the rest of it when you take a bath."

After Tony helped clean up dinner and the food mess, than he helped Clint take another bath, bubbles where his distraction.

Clint's hair was saved down the sides, he a bit of longer hair on hair. Grey eyes, very dull. A soft smile, giggling about bubbles. "Fury wants to see how your improving." "Is Fury mean?" "He looks mean." "Oh.. Okay."

Clint yawned getting out. He was in children navy sweatpants, and a black shirt. Tony changed into red and blue basketball shorts and a grey tank top.

Tony was exhausted, so was the child. He said his good nights with Clint and took him off to the bedroom.

In a couple of hours, they both We here asleep, cuddled together. It really did look like a father and son, to the naked eye.

Chapter: #4

The next morning didn't wake up to see Clint. He got dress into one of his work suits, then quickly got up and out of the room, to see him playing with Wanda and Katelyn. "Hi Kate I didn't know you where here." He told the twelve year old. "Coulson, asked me to stay here until he got of work today." "Alright." He walked past and ruffled the boy's hair. "Hi." "Good morning." He huffed.

He was colouring with the girls. He was drawing out Ironman. "Iron-dad!" He showed Tony the picture of him, his children, and Clint. That made him smiled while gently sipping his coffee. "Do you like it." He asked. "Of course I do. It can hand on the fridge. Clint smiled and watched Tony hang his pictures on the fridge. "I am sorry for scaring you this morning." He apologised. "Your alright, I tend to sleep later than most in this house." Tony smile picking up his coffee again

Steve and Nat walked in, they watch Clint cling to Tony. "Coffee?" "Adult juice." Clint looked up the other adults. "I have to go, thanks for babysitting him." Tony walked away. "Where he going?" Clint asked. "To work, he will back later." Clint ran to the man. "No go!" "Clint?" Tony asked. "I go with." He cried at the older man.

"Clint? You can't go with." That cause him to cry. "Y-you c-c-can't go..." "Why not?" "You leave forever." He snuggled into the man. "No? Why would I leave forever." "Because Wren did." "Who is Wren?" "My first care taker." He whimpered. After Tony looked at his watch, "I have to go, buddy..." "No!" He screamed.

It took Steve and Bruce to get Clint to leave Tony. All the boy wanted was the man he could trust, and they where not one of them. To add on the situation, Clint barely moved.  He only moved by Peter stopped by briefly or to go to the bathroom with the help of Pepper.

Even when Steve tried to get him lunch he screamed and kicked. He cried, Pepper had to relax him, Steve was scolded for not giving a warning he was going to touch the boy.

He sat on the floor by the elevator, playing, waiting for Tony to come home. He was okay being alone and not eating lunch. Tony wouldn't be happy, but the boy is.

The elevator dung, and Tony returned into the house. "Tony!" Clint grabbed onto the man, almost making him fall over. "Hello kiddo..." He weakly smiles. "You came back?" "Yeah, because my job isn't dangerous. Besides paper cuts, and losing my temper." "Okay, we play?" He pointed at his trucks." "Maybe later. We have make sure you have your meds and get something in you stomach." Clint looked down to the ground.  "Even when I am gone, you have to eat and take your meds." "No I wait." "No you eat and take your meds." "No I wait." He huffed. "Clinton! You listen to me, when I am at work you eat and your meds." Clint busted down in tears. "I have to wait!!" He screamed. "No you don't. Are you hungry?" The boy slightly nodded getting picked up.

Clint ate a half sandwich of peanut butter and jelly sitting on Tony's lap. Natasha walked in, ruffling the boys hair. "Hi Auntie Natasha." Her cold-heart melted. Tony smiled softly, trying to hide a yawn. "You look exhausted." Sam came into the kitchen. "Is the little rat keeping you up so much to sleep during work?" Sam chuckled. "Papa?" Clint looked at the older man. "No, I just had a long day." He hissed at Sam. "Stop lying to the kid, you know Fury is gonna see that he is going to do better with Coulson, than the avengers." "But I like it with papa..." Clint whined. "Fury won't care." Sam growled at the boy. "Sam! Stop it!" Natasha growled.

Fury walked into the room. He's looking at Clinton, gasping on to Tony. Tony trying to relax the boy, whom looked up at his boss it worry. Fury rubbed the back of the boy.

"No, he wouldn't. He doing great with Tony, and when he's old enough he will work part-time under Coulson." Fury growled at Sam.

"Papa we go to sleep?" Clint whimpered. "I though you wanted to play." "I missed my nap." Clint fake a yawn. "Okay we can go to sleep." 

Tony knew he probably shouldn't let the kid control his habits. Sleep was more rare than he thought it was.

His phone buzzed about six am. Waking him up for work, Clint was still was sleeping when he left.

Clint walked out to see Natasha smiling at him. "Where is papa?" "At work honey." "Did he say bye it least." "Of course he did." Natasha took into the bathroom.

"Yah. Good plan." Loki replied. Pietro snickered along side the other kids. "Jason your play."

Jason ran to Clint after he left the bathroom with Natasha. Jason hugged him, causing Clint to be a little shocked. "I sorry for be mean." "Your forgiven. Can we play?" "Yah." Jason led Clint to all the kid in the living room. No parents in site. Loki pulled hair back, "Your right, QS. He just dead weight compared to the other Stark kids." "Stop it, I'll tell Thor." Jason hissed. "Fine." He pushed Clint down. "No being mean!" Finn growled. "I said I'll stop." Loki muttered.

"Clint meds!" "Okay...." Clint growled. Steve stood there for about three more minutes. "Clinton." "I don't want them." Clint hissed. "Clint I'll come with you." Jason smiled. "Okay..." Clint whined.

The boys walked up to Steve. "Open." Clint drank the purple liquid, that tasted like grapes. "Grapes are bad in medicine." "I have to take orange when I am sick." "Gross." "I like strawberry!" "Strawberry?" "What!?" Clint winced. "Sorry.... But really you haven't had strawberries before." "No. I wasn't lucky getting curtain food at meals." Clint rubbed back of his neck. "Hey Auntie Tasha, can we please have strawberries for snack?" "Have a reason?" "Clint hasn't had them before." He whispered into her ear." "Okay, I'll see." Nat smiles at Jason. He knew it meant a yes for the snack.

Clint took a bite of a strawberry. He eye lit up and nibble more of it. "Do you like it?" Nat asked. Clint nodded. Which made Steve and Natasha laugh.

Clint laughed at Jason. "What are you doing?" Jason laughed back. "Recording you dance!" Clint smiled.

Chapter: #Five

Jason was curled up next to him. He tucked under the boy.

Jason when protective mode when someone from school was being a jerk to Clint. He hadn't let Clint out of arms reach. If did so he would throw a fit.

Clint was asleep. Jason was glaring at anyone that go into arms reach of them. "Clint and I had a long day." He spoke to his mother. She wanted in be awe that her son said that.

It been four months since Clint been has been at the tower, Jason saw Clint as a close friend. "The whole destroy Clint got throw out the window."

Only because Clint was Jason's relaxer. Every flare of anger was settled when Clint was in the room.

"Pepper, how am I supposed to have my son back?" "Ask nicely?" She shrugged. "I lost my favourite kid to a nine year old." He faked a sniffle.

"Ouch dad, in the feels." Morgan huffed. "You stop being the favourite once you stop needing me. "Well I am always going to need you." Jason growled. "And you." Clint gave him a nose kiss. He softly huffed as a reply, pleased by kiss.

"Nope, you won't. You have Jason." "Well I need the both of you." Clint smiled. "So enjoy it while I am happy with you instead of a mean teenager." He blew a raspberry at Morgan after stated that very clearly. "Hey!" Jason growled.

"Dad, you made Clint have a guard dog." "That wasn't only my fault."

"Jason you know she is messing around." "Stop growing, I won't be able to cradle you under my chin anymore." He huffed.

"Well then grow taller than me." Clint claimed. "I might have to because you keep growing."

"That just means I am healthy and cared for, by a great family." "We're your family?" Pepper asked. "No you yet, mom. I have to marry him first." "Oh really, when will that happen?" Tony asked. "When I ask you for your blessing." "What if I say no." "We will get married in secret." Clint teased.

"Pepper they have a plan." "That they do."

"Here lays Daddy Stark. Died from a mental heart attack because I told him I would marry in secret if he said no to Jason as my husband."

"That what he gets." Jason blew a raspberry at the laying 'corpse' that was only covered in a heavily blanket. "Who will walk me down the isle?" "Auntie Natasha." "Alright." They skipped away hand in hand.

Natasha laughed. Bruce and Scoot couldn't help but record this. Thor was dead ball laughing (more like bellowing).

The kids where laughing and planning a wedding in Clint's new play room/bedroom that was installed recently.

The next Thursday, because that is when everyone eat dinner, the kids where planning something.

"Auntie Natasha we need to take you away." Cassandra spoke calmly. "Alright?"

"I swear to god if they didn't invite me to the wedding." "Don't worry I wasn't either." Sam muttered. "Jason thinks I am going to take Clint's bird title away." "I am dead to the universe." "Darn really, that must suck." "Uncle Sam you coming?" Clint asked. He was covered in a white hand towels that was attacked to a headband. "Me, I am honoured."

"Your invited to the reception Daddy, don't worry." Clint whispered. "But I miss your wedding?" He shrugged. Tony scoffed.

"You look great." Clint was in a white long sleeve and skinny jeans. "Thank you." He smiled.

At the reception everyone was enjoying the party. Which was actually Clint first birthday at the Tower. June 18th."

"I have it recorded." Bucky smiled. "Send me it now." Tony jerked. "Feisty." Bucky smile, doing something on the phone.

It was adorable. Bruce would have been the priest, but we was watching his new born baby girl, So Steve did it instead. But he had to kneel the whole time.

Jason was in a back t-shirt and back jeans. Everyone was in rows. Of sitting on the seating mats, small chairs, and adult chairs. Except Natasha, she got a adult comfy chair on Clint's side of isle.

The red walk way was red construction papers that was tape and cut to get her to make a walkway for Clint.

Fairy light  and minor decoration hug by spider web.

The music was a small speaker connection to one of the twin's phone. 

Clint started to walk down the isle with Natasha. It was slow strides. When he got up to the mantle. Jason just smiled. "You look lovey my dear." He kissed his hand. "Thank you, you look handsome." 

The crowd awed, Steve did as well.

"Do you Jason, promise to cherish, love, Clint through sickness and in health?" "I do."

"Do you Clint, promise to cherish,love Jason through sickness and in health?" "I do."

"Which on of you guys wrote these. These are pretty good." Wanda raise her hand. "Make since now. On with the wedding.
Finn placed a necklace of an arrow around Jason neck, then a bracelet of a sword around Clint wrist.

"You may kiss the bride on the cheek." Jason did just that.

Tony was sniffling. "My baby."

Jason and Clint where at the top to seats of the kid table. Jason kissed Clint cheek again.

"I love you, Clint." "I love you too, Jason."

Tony walked up to the children table. He placed a slice of cake. "Happy birthday, baby boy." Tony smiled kissing the boy forehead.

"For the newly weds." He placed a small box.

"Open it." Jason smiled softly.

It was a matching set of silver rings on matching solider chain. "Now you guys can where your engagement jewellery and ring." "Thank you." Jason smiled placing the necklace around Clint's neck. "Thanks Dad, best day ever. My birthday and my wedding day."

"I guess we are family now." Pepper chuckled watching the two fiddle with the tow rings. "I guess so." Tony smiled softly. "It really feels like I have just filled my empty heat, but it feels like I am having to let go already." Tony muttered. "You have Enough life to spend with the boy. He'll alway need you to thank for giving him this live." Pepper smiled at the man." "Your right, we should enjoy before it ends."

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