amor ✿ leonetta one shot

By fyhealouis

3.1K 86 22

"The course of true love never did run smooth." ―William Shakespeare Leon fell for Violetta the moment he fir... More



1.8K 41 8
By fyhealouis

Because I love you guys so so much, I decided to write this one shot for you! This is only part one, part two will be posted shortly! We are all sad that Violetta has ended, so I wanted to bring back some Leonetta love into this Valentines Day!

The amazingly beautiful cover is made by the most incredible person in the world, someone I'm honored to be calling my best friend: @heronstaixrs on Twitter. Go follow her!

I hope you enjoy, and I love you!


For as long as I can remember I've been in love with Violetta Castillo.

Our first encounter happened when we were fifteen. She had just joined the Studio, and from the moment she walked through the doors of our school I couldn't keep my eyes of her.

I felt completely helpless when my eyes met hers. The feeling of not being able to control my body, because every cell and muscle was drawn to her, telling me she was the one. It should have freaked me out when everything around me stopped and turned blurry; yet she was still moving in vibrant colors. But it didn't. On the contrary I hoped that feeling never went away. It is still very much present.

Of course, I have never told her about any of this, or my feelings for her.

I came close once though. After arguing with myself for a long time whether to do it or not, I finally gained enough courage and willpower to tell her the big secret. I bought a beautiful silver-heart necklace with her name engraved onto it. My hands were shaking like mad when I knocked on her door and asked her to the park, guitar in hand.

We were sat on a bench in the midst of the beautiful landscape surrounding us, staring at each other. I opened my mouth to at last confess my undying love for her. Her auburn colored eyes were watching me carefully, not set back by the fact that I was taking forever to say anything.

Right as I finally found the words and was about to say something, her phone had started ringing, making me close my mouth once again.

If the call hadn't been from her ex-boyfriend saying that he wanted to talk about how they left things, I might have continued doing what I was about to do.

But once again I talked myself out of it, blaming my own sensibility for doing anything in the first place, and told Violetta that it wasn't anything important.

As she left me there alone in the park I picked up my guitar and started strumming the melody of the song I had written for her. The pendant was still tucked neatly in my pocket, it didn't seem like it would be hanging around Violetta's neck anytime soon.

That was a year ago. My love for her has only grown stronger since then, and still, she has no clue. In her eyes we're just best friends, and that's all I'm ever going to be if I don't do anything.

Being her best friend really isn't that bad. It's just not what I want to be. I can't anymore. Holding the feelings inside hurts too much. My love for her is eating me up from the inside, slowly but surely. Unless I prove to her that I can be boyfriend material, I will lose myself and her in the process.

Being in love can feel like heaven, but it can also hurt like hell. And that's exactly how I would describe my love for Violetta. Even though my love is bold and pure, hers isn't. She will never look at me the same way I look at her, but it doesn't matter anymore. I have to speak my true feelings.

Yes, I could end up hurt. And yes, I probably won't be able to be around her for a while. All things considered I presumably shouldn't tell her anything, but I'm afraid that if I don't declare my aching longing now, I never will.

For two years I've been head over heels in love with her, but something has always popped up and come in the way.

Boyfriends. Family trouble. Personal issues.

Being the sweet and caring best friend that I am, I was there to support and guide her through it all.

This put me in a rather awkward position.

She would come to me, asking about advice when it came to her crushes. I couldn't make myself say no to her, even though every bone in my body ached when I practically helped her getting into a relationship with someone else.

I couldn't blame anyone but myself though. Not even her.

Most definitely not her.

How could I? She didn't know how much I'd rather want to strip down naked and run across the stage in front of a million people, than helping her to get a boyfriend that isn't me.

Why would she even want someone like me? I know I'm not unattractive or uninteresting, but there isn't anything special about me either. Nothing compared to Violetta.

She is perfect in every way, there is no denying it.

Words like "beautiful, stunning, gorgeous" don't even come close to describing her. They're nowhere near doing her justice, but they are the closest thing I can think of to compare to her bewitching appearance.

Naturally a beauty like her is not on the market for very long. If it isn't a stranger that falls in love with her, it's my friends.

Arguably, it hurts the most when one of my buddies falls for her. Seeing them and my one true love kissing, singing or even laughing is too much for me to handle.

This has happened twice, and each time I've drawn back and given them space. It's not like I can ruin my friends' relationship either, as much as I would like to.

It wouldn't have been fair to them, but then again they hadn't been fair to me when they started going after Violetta in the first place. Although we don't talk about it much, all of them know what I feel about her.

That's also a reason as to why I have to say something. I can't stand watching her with anymore guys, not without asking for a chance myself.

As I am standing from a far looking at her, wondering about what I'm going to say to her and how I'm going to say it, I can't help but admire her. Her hair is neatly curled and tucked away behind her ears. Her girly, yet sophisticated look is as always spot on. My mouth turns upward into a smile, and that is only by looking at her.

My heart starts beating ten times faster when she suddenly walks in my direction. This is my moment, I have to say it. If I hold it in any longer I'm positive that I might blast into a million pieces.

"Leon, did you finish the song for Pablo's class tomorrow?" She says when she's standing in front of me, a huge smile plastered on her face.

We got the assignment last week. In a way it was supposed to be a love letter for your significant other. It seemed like Pablo and God had made a deal to push me into finally confessing everything, the timing was definitely suspicious.

"I finished up the music last night actually, but I haven't started on the lyrics yet, although I have a few ideas," I lied while trying to give her a convincing smile.

The truth is that I finished my song a long time ago. Two years to be exact. Since writing songs is the closest thing I'm ever going to come to a love letter, it seemed only natural to write one for Violetta. So that's what I did. And now the time has come to perform it. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement.

She nodded, not seeming totally convinced with what I just told her. She knew me well, and it wasn't like me to finish an assignment this late.

"Did you finish yours?" I said hurriedly, trying to shift the focus back on her. Even though the assignment is hypothetical, with the whole love letter thing, I'm still interested in what she's come up with.

Violetta is a brilliant songwriter. Her lyrics always come out so pure and realistic, it's raw emotion. The melodies are just as breathtaking as she is, and they really reflect the way she's feeling while writing it. That's how I interpret it at least.

"It's done. I actually finished it the day we got the exercise, I had a few lines in my diary already, so I just worked from there," She is smiling the whole time while talking about the song. It's clear that the song means something to her.

"I can't wait to hear it, Vilu. I'm sure it's amazing, as per usual," This time I'm not lying. Her songs are always one of the greater ones, and this one is sure to be no exception.

She smiles, as if to say thank you, before looking down at her feet, twiddling her fingers. A subtle crimson red color fills her cheeks. I can't stop starring at her; she's so fascinating even when what she's doing is so incredibly mundane.

In that moment everything falls into place. There's no way I can hold it in any longer. I nervously start scratching the back of my neck. Even though I'm certain that I want to tell her what I feel, I'm not sure how to say it.

"Uh... Violetta, I-I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now," I stammered out, my palms are starting to get wet while my heart is thumping so hard that it feels like it's about to leave my chest.

Who knew confessing your love for someone could be so bad for your health?

"I- uh, this is so not how I wanted this to play out," I mumble, internally slapping myself for acting like a first class moron.

"Leon. It's alright, whatever it is, just say it," She offers me a smile, obviously trying to soothe me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath

When I open them back up her eyes are locked on mine, staring at me intently. Suddenly the moment starts to feel like one big flashback, or like some sort of creepy déjà vu. We were in the exact same position a year ago, and we all know how amazingly bad that ended.

"I don't know the best way to say this, so I guess I'll just come out and say it. Plain and simple. Violetta. Vilu, I-," I'm cut off by a ringtone, coming from Violetta's purse.

You got to be kidding me? Déjà vu, you suck. I want to pinch myself to make sure this isn't happening.

She holds up her index finger to tell me to wait before picking up her phone. A man's voice can be heard from the other side. I'll be dammed if it's another ex-boyfriend calling to get back with her.

If that's the case, the universe has finally gotten its message across. We're clearly not meant to be together; even though that's everything I want us to be.

This is supposed to be my second chance; they're supposed to work out. Right?

There's no logic in all of this, I tried for so long to find a single piece of understanding the last time and I failed miserably.

Why can't I catch a break? Am I really that bad for her? It shouldn't be this hard to love somebody.

"He's doing what?" Violetta suddenly exclaims into her phone. Someone had obviously done something they shouldn't have done - I'll take a wild guess and say it's her father.

Violetta finishes up her phone call a few moments later, saying that she is on her way. She hangs up and lookes at me again, this time with an apologizing look.

"I'm so sorry Leon, that was Ramallo calling to tell me that my dad went into my room and started messing around; apparently looking for something," She said, shaking her head in despair.

Although her dad has improved immensely, he is still very much concerned about his daughter's wellbeing, so much so that he does things that are quite unorthodox. Such as raiding her room and constantly wondering where she's going. You can tell that he loves her very much, and that he just want her best, but he doesn't know how to handle certain things. And that's alright. I doubt that I would be any different if I had to raise my daughter all by myself. I don't think German gets enough credit; because when you look at the result, he did a tremendous job. Violetta is every parent's dream - but she's also my dream.

"No, no, it's okay! I know how he can be sometimes. It's alright," My mind is going crazy - why can't anything go right just once?

"Thank you, Leon," She says and walks away; though not very far before she turns around facing me again, lightly biting her lower lip. "Wait, d-didn't you have something you wanted to tell me?"

At first my brain stops working. It's not giving me any directions as to what's the best way to approach this problem. No words are coming, leaving me mute just looking at her.

From Violetta's perspective I must look like a robot with a malfunction right now; with an expressionless face, open mouth and body frozen in place.

I never thought that she would ask me straight out what I wanted to tell her. I'm completely unprepared, and to be honest, a tad bit scared.

Suddenly my brain decides to start functioning again; maybe it restarted because I have no idea what happened. Violetta looks at me expectantly, her cute lips turned up in a smile.

"Oh, t-that it was n-nothing," I cough to try and disguise my stutter. It doesn't work.

Violetta gives me a simple nod. Her hand rests on mine for a few seconds and I swear my body produces tiny little elephants in my stomach and makes them stomp around, "You can tell me later, okay?"

Her response is barely audible, but I hear it loud and clear. I watch her as she's walking away, her pink skirt flowing behind her; almost like a cape.

That could've gone better than it did. I don't know why I always freeze when I'm about to tell her how I feel, or perhaps I do know. I'm scared of rejection. Of Violetta possibly laughing in my face and telling me that she would never date a guy like me.

Worst case scenario; have her say that she can't be my friend if I like her. Because don't think I'll ever stop loving her. Everything about her is appealing to me, so much so that it feels almost unbearable.

"Man, that was rough," A voice says from behind me. My pulse quickly rises and shock fills my body from top to toe. The last thing I want is for someone to have seen my defeat. I turn around and I'm standing face to face with Federico.

I instantly calm down. Fede is probably my closest friend, and he already knew how much I loved Violetta. Still, it was pretty embarrassing if he saw it all.

"You saw all that, huh?" I sigh, my hands find the pockets of my jeans. I walk closer to Federico.

He never seemed to have problems with the ladies. That inconvenience was left completely to me. Unfortunately. It's not like I want to wish something bad upon my friend; more like I want to share my burden with someone.

That's probably a little selfish, but oh well.

"Yeah," Fede says and gives me a comforting smile, "Where you about to tell her?"

He, more than anyone, knew my true feelings for the curly-headed beauty.

"I was. I didn't get the chance though," I answered glumly. Fede nodded in understanding, as he knew this already by listening into our conversation. That is, now that I think about it, quite rude. He should be glad he's my friend, or I would have to kick his ass.

"Are you going to try again tomorrow or?" I think about it for a moment. I should try to tell her every day, until I finally get it out. That's the "romantic" way to do it, but I haven't exactly been Mr. Romantic in the past. I don't see how I'm going to make this "confess your love"- thingy work.

"I'm all out of ideas. I've tried so many times, and something always happens. It's not really motivating, is it?" I admit. Impossible - it's a great word to use for the situation I'm in at the moment.

My good friend only shakes his head, laughing a little.

"Okay, this is what you'll do..." Federico puts his arm around me and starts to explain to me how I am  going to tell Violetta. Looks like we have a plan.

I didn't get any sleep last night. All I could think about was the plan. The first part of it would happen in Pablo's class, and that's where I'm at right now. It's time to show off our love songs. Federico had decided that I should perform my song last, and had already cleared that with Pablo. Don't ask me how he does it. Whenever Fede wants something, he gets it. And that's that.

Standing in the crowd listening to all the other songs only makes me more nervous. My classmates are all so talented; so talented that it's intimidating to watch them. As much as I like my own song, it doesn't come close to Violetta's. Her song is filled with so much passion and intensity. I'm so thankful for being in class right now, or I'm convinced I would start to cry. Her voice has that effect on me, most to my dismay. It's not very manly to cry every time a girl opens her mouth.

Pablo calls my name and I step up on stage. My guitar is connected to a red guitar strap and hanging loosely over my shoulder.

I gently run my fingers across the strings just to test the sound of it. Feeling the melody run through my body; getting me pumped.

"I wrote this thinking about someone special," I softly whisper into the microphone. My eyes connect with Violetta's twinkling brown stars instantly. And then I start to play.

I close my eyes and focus on the song. If I saw Vilu's expression and it was a bad one I don't think I could've been able to continue the performance. The lyrics start to feel even more personal to me now that I'm singing them.

"Quiero mirarte, quiero soñarte. Vivir contigo cada instante. Quiero abrazarte, quiero besarte," I try to sing the chorus with even more passion, if possible, only because that's how I feel when I'm around Violetta. All of this is for her.

The room is silent when I finish. I open my eyes; everyone in the room is staring at me. It is complete silence for a good minute before Fede starts clapping, and suddenly the applause gets louder. Even Ludmila is clapping along. I give them all a weak smile before walking down from the stage again.

"That was incredible, Leon. Really good work. The lyrics are extremely meaningful and the melody is astonishing," Pablo is looking at me with a huge smile on his face. His approval means a lot to me, but there's one other person's opinion that means more.

I dare myself a quick glance in her direction. Fran is standing with her, blatantly discussing something together. I can't quite hear it from where I'm standing.

My focus is back at Pablo, I give him a big thank you before walking over to where Federico is standing waiting for me.

"Part one completed," He beams. I'm glad someone is positive about this plan, I on the other hand am extremely nervous. What if she hates me after this? It would hurt too much if I lost her.

I'm about to tell Federico exactly that when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. The person turns out to be Violetta.

"Hey," I try to say confidently, I'm pretty sure that it comes out more like a nervous squeak though.

She doesn't seem to pick up on it, mostly for the reason that her mind is somewhere else.

"The song you wrote. Was that about me?" She blurts out, and me being the awkward fucker that I am, start to panic. Not for long though; somehow in my mess of thoughts I remember that everything is going according to plan.

I shrug before responding, "I didn't have anyone particular in mind actually."

She nods, more to assure herself it seems. Her eyes move to the ground.

"O-okay," Now she's the one stammering. I must say that it feels a little bit better to be on the other side of that situation.

"Good," That's all she says before walking back to Fran, and Camila who's now standing next to her.

My mind is already focusing on the second part of our plan. Everything has to be perfect. I'm finally going to tell her.

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