Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Mar...

By soccerfantasies

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(Please remember that this is a story and not all the information in it will be true.) Imagine having your b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note *READ*
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 23

1K 13 2
By soccerfantasies

Back to Maria's POV

Wow, did he really just ask that? There was so much going through my mind.

I starters tearing up for some unknown reason.

"Uhm, Oscar, I... Um, while I didn't except this." I said looking at him. His face started out happy but then got sad.

"But, Oscar, we have barely known each other, I mean we know each other very well but... We haven't known each other for a while and I just don't know yet. I'm really sorry."

His eyes got watery.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand. I'll give you some space and some time to think about all of this. I won't rush you, but when ever you know the answer just talk to me. Okay?"

His said it so normally but by the tone of his voice I could tell that he was hurt.

"Yeah, I'll still text you, and everything, but I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us."

"Definitely and no, this won't make anything awkward between us. Nothing will even change between us, it's just now you know how I feel..." he said with a smile I could tell was completely fake.

I gave him an enormous hug. I want to make sure that nothing would change between the two of us.

"Well, I'll meet you here in a second... Anto wanted to talk to me after the game. So..."

"Yeah, go ahead."

I got onto my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. When I walked away, I looked at my feet. I couldn't really believe that this was happening. And here I was just a second ago saying everything was moving really fast but I loved it, I mean it's not that I don't love Oscar, because I do. It's just that this was a little to fast for me. First I get a house with Lucia for only knowing her for a few days, then Oscar asks me out. Like someone can only handle so much.

Changing is usually good for me, but when it's not, changing is just a big complicated part of life everyone has to go through.

I wanted to put the title in that... That's why it's capitalized ;)

I reached Anto, everyone was where they were before.

"Oh hey Maria!" Anto said a little to excited.

"Um, hey?"

"Why do you sound annoyed?" She asked

"I'm not annoyed just a little thrown by surprise."

"Why, hun, what happened?"

"Well, Oscar just asked me out..."

"Oh. Did. He. Really?" Anto said robotically.

"Anto is there something that you know that I don't?"

"Nope not at all!" She said really fast.

"Who told you that Oscar was going to ask me out?"

"Well, Oscar told all of us at halftime. That's why I texted you, so Oscar could get the chance to get everything ready. But I guess he did it his own way..." she huffed rolling her eyes.


"OH? What did you answer!?"

"I told him that I wasn't ready. I mean we are moving a little to fast, you know?"

"Ah, I see. Well if you need to get space away from England for a week or two you are always welcome to me and Leo's place."

"Wow, good idea Anto, I might just do that. But do you mind if I bring a friend?" I said referring to Lucia.

"Yeah sure, it's Lucia? Right?"

"Yeah, and how did you know it was I was going to pick Lucia?"

"Let's be realistic who else would you bring? She pretty much your only friend here..."

"Good point."

"Like always." she said in a "duh" tone.

"Well I'll pack tonight when are you guys leaving?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Oh, in that case, I'll pack tomorrow."

"We would leave tomorrow morning for Leo's practice, but Leo insists that we have time to tour. For "family time"." she said laughing.

"Well, there is a lot of goods things to see around here. Oscar took me to a few attractions around here, I know you guys will enjoy the places here."

"Yeah we definitely will."

Thiago walked beside his mom and hugged her leg.

"Awe, he's gotten to big from the last time I saw him!"

"This morning?"

"No, before this morning." I said glaring.

"Haha, well we better get back to the family before they wonder where we are."

"Yeah, okay." I said picking up Thiago.

We walked and rejoined my family. The first thing I noticed was everyone was there except for Leo and Oscar.

"Congratulations Maria!! How was it to play your first official game?" Lucia asked.

"Thanks and it was great! And where's Leo?"

"Oh, he went to go join Oscar out over there." she said pointing to where Oscar talked to me earlier.

"Oh, okay. And um can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah go ahead. By the way after this we are having a celebration dinner at 7:00."

"Ok, thanks for telling me. But what I wanted to tell you was that, as you already know Oscar asked me out-"


"Do you have to be so loud. And I said I don't know yet, because I really don't. And I needed a little time to think about all of this. So I talked to Anto about it and she suggested that I take some time away from him. So I'm leaving with them on the day after tomorrow. To get some time away from him, so I can think, ya know. And if you would like to come along your more than welcome to join me."

"Don't you think that Oscar might take that the wrong way?"

"I'll talk to him about it but do you want to go or not?"

"Well I have nothing to do over here, but I do need to look for a job... But yeah sure I'll go. And when are you going to tell Oscar?"

"I don't know, probably now."

"Well go ahead." she said pushing me in Oscar's direction.

I knew she was right I gave Thiago back to his mom and I walked slowly towards where Oscar was last. When I reached there, there Oscar and Leo were sitting on the curb.

I could hear their conversation from where I was standing.

"Don't worry if I know anything about my sister it's that it doesn't take long for her to change her mind, she will be back in your arms in less than weeks. She just needs a little time. Don't worry about it." Leo said supportingly.

"Are you sure?" Oscar asked in a scared way.

"Do you love her?"

"Of course I do."

"How much?"

"Every time I look at her I feel my stomach twisting and turning just to manage and walk up to her. Talking to her is nearly impossible, I always get a tight feeling in my throat hoping I would say the right thing to impress her. And just looking at her brings my day from crap to gold."

"And that my son is what falling in love feels like." Leo said patting Oscar's back with a smug look as if he'd accomplish something.

"Wow, I've never felt this be-"

I suddenly coughed by accident causing both of them to look my way.

"Oh sorry. It's just that Mom wanted to see you Leo." I lied.

"Exactly how long have you been standing there?" Oscar asked quickly.

"I just got here. Why?"

"Oh thank God."

"Why? Is there something I should know about?" I said even though I knew exactly what they were talking about, and by the expression on Leo's face, I could tell he knew I knew.

"Well I'll get going, Mother calls." Leo said getting up and patting Oscar's back. He winked at me when he walked away.

"Well are you ready to go-" Oscar tried to say.

"Oscar, well in a few days. I'm going to go back with Leo and Anto to Spain. Im taking Lucia as well."


"Um, because I just want some time to think about us. I really want to be with you, but there is something telling me to wait a few days. So, when I come back, I'll tell you what I think of us."

"Oh, okay. Well make sure to text me when you're gone. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I reassured.

"Okay." He said giving me a big hug.

"It isn't awkward us hugging right?" He asked during the hug.

"No not at all, I'm actually enjoying it. Very much." I said continuing the hug, not ever wanting to let go.

"We should go back and join your family." he whispered in my ear.

I softly nodded still not wanting to break the hug. He let go of me and held my hand as we turned around to be greeted by my nosy family standing there watching.

"Um, what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Oh well I just wanted to look for where Mom went. So the family joined me in the search and we found her. Just over here." he lied.

"That was about the worst lie I have ever heard in my life. Couldn't you at least try to act like you weren't listening?"

"Sorry sis." Leo said.

"Anyways everyone go home or to their hotel room, because we are going to Restaurant Gorden Ramsay."

We all nodded our heads in agreement. I guess we were going to celebrate my hat trick and my first professional soccer match.

I hustled into my car along with Lucia after we said goodbye to all of my family.

"Well, I know I've said this many times but congrats! I can't believe I'm best friends with a professional." Lucia beamed.

"It really isn't that big of a deal. I mean I just started its not like people are going to know that I play for Chelsea on my first match. Like what if they didn't watch this game."

"Well, if they were really forever blue they would probably look at the stats and notice your on there. Their probably like "wait Messi, I didn't think the rumors for Messi moving were true, and how is Messi playing for a female league?"" She said.

I laughed at her mimicking voice.

"But I'm being serious. When you get famous make sure to thank me when you receive the Ballon D'or. OH MY GOD how cool would it be if both you and Leo won Ballon D'or on the same year." She said.

"Slow down, I might not even make it in the soccer world and you're talking about Ballon D'or."

"You will that's not even a question."

"What if I don't enjoy the soccer world?"

"Why wouldn't you enjoy the soccer world? The guys are hot, you get those stacks of money, AND you get fame." she said emphasizing the word fame.

"You got a point, but my brother is Lionel Messi. That's enough fame for me."

"More fame wouldn't hurt anyone, right?"


"Sorry, just dreaming a little."

"I can tell."

"Home, sweet home." Lucia said as we pulled up to our house.

"Well I'm going to go take a long shower and rest for a while then get ready at 5:30."

"I might as well do the same." she sighed as we got out of the car.

Right when I got into our house, I headed straight to my shower. I checked some stuff on my phone before getting into the shower.

I hummed to Ai Se Eu Tu Pego while washing myself off in the shower. Once I finished I just got some sweats on and laid around in bed until 5:30.

I really didn't do anything while I waited till 5:30 just watched Netflix.


I hoped out of bed and picked out a dress to wear to dinner tonight. It took me at least 30 minutes to find the dress. I mean I had to try on some and stuff like that. Once I found the dress I picked up some heels to go along with them.

I picked out my makeup and did my hair. By the time all of this was done it was 6:50.

"LUCIA!!!" I said.

"What do you want!!?" She yelled.

"Are you ready we got to go."

"Yeah! I'm ready! I'll be in the car!"


I turned off everything in the house and closed and locked the door on my way out.


"Yeah." she said.

After a few minutes we arrived at the restaurant.

We were welcomed by paparazzi and fans. I just ducked my head. So they wouldn't get any pictures, plus I have sensitive eyes so I couldn't really handle the flash anyways.

We got into the restaurant after getting through the crowd.

The dinner was very good. Oscar was there, everything was going good between the two of us. Everyone was cracking jokes, mostly at Leo for making so much corrections to our "poor playing".

As the evening went on we talked about some stuff going on in their lives. I figured out that my mom was soon going to move to Spain with Leo in a few weeks, because she was lonely. I felt really bad for her. She didn't have anyone back home to keep her company. Our dad was more of a business man. He did enjoy spending time with family but he still had stuff to do. Although he was at my game.

Once the dinner was over I said bye to everyone until it was just me, Oscar, and Lucia left.

"Well I'll be in the car if any of you guys need me." Lucia said leaving me and Oscar outside of the restaurant.

"Well I had a good time, thanks for inviting me." he said.

I didn't really invite him, my family did, but whatever.

"Yeah, so did I... I'm really sorry about earlier today-"

"No, no, it's fine. I rather not talk about it, and just forget it happened." he said.

"Yeah, okay. I'll try."

"Thanks. Well goodnight, love you." he said and before I could say anything he was gone.

I hope he wasn't embarrassed. I walked back to the car and sat there just thinking.

"Well... are we going to go or...." Lucia asked

"Oh yeah! I forgot." I yelped.

We drove off to our house in silence.

I headed upstairs right when we got home. Lucia went in her room and went straight to bed. After a while on TV there was nothing good on. So I just put in Titanic to go to sleep to.


SHIT. I woke up and checked my phone, it was 9:28. I forgot I even had practice at 8. That explains why I didn't set my alarm clock. Hopping out of bed, I went and knocked on Lucia's door, asking her to make me some breakfast, in return for me making her breakfast yesterday. She agreed.

Sprinting up the stairs, I quickly took a shower, after that I brushed my teeth and got my warm-up uniform on.



After what felt like forever, I was done. Breakfast was ready, it was just 4 pieces of toast.

At least I didn't like to eat that much before any athletic event. I got the toast off the plate and stuffed one in my mouth while running out the door.

I wasn't speeding down the road but I wasn't going normal speed.

All I was thinking was 'Ugh, I really wanted to use this day to pack!!'

I finally arrived at the Chelsea stadium, sprinting for my life so I wouldn't miss anything important.

I ran in and they were still doing the warm-up runs.

"Sorry Coach Hayes, I forgot to put my alarm on yesterday night. What did I miss?" I panted while approaching Coach Hayes.

"It's fine, and you didn't miss anything we were just talking about some mistakes at the game yesterday for each person and how we are going to fix it. But it's fine that you missed it considering I told you at the game what you need to work on. We just started our warm-ups so just join in their second time around."

I nodded and got ready to catch up with them as they came around again.

During practice we worked a lot on everything we messed up on at the game. It took a lot of time to get through what everyone messed up on and trying to fix it.

After practice I decided to tell Coach about me leaving to Barcelona tomorrow with Leo.

"Hey Coach!"

"Hey, Maria. Do you want to talk to me about something, you seem concerned about something."

"Yeah I do. Um, well I was wondering if I can have a break for a while?"


"I just need to get away from London for a while, and go spend some time with family."

"Oh, I understand. How long are we talking here?"

"2 weeks?"

"2 WEEKS?! Do you know how much practice you're going to miss? And not to mention your going to miss 3 games!!"

Maybe 2 weeks was a little extreme. That would make Oscar feel like I was just avoiding him.

"Okay, you have a point. How about a week?

"That's better, you're going to miss a game if that's alright."

"Yeah, that's fine." I assured

"One more thing..." Coach said

"Yeah?" I questioned

"Your going to have to practice every day over there. Okay?" She said

"Okay, I promise." I promised

"Good, anything else." She asked.

"Nope, thanks again!"

I went to get my stuff and headed to my car.

"Hey, haven't seen you all day..." I greeted

"Yeah, we had a hard practice I didn't even have a lunch break yet." Oscar said.

"Well I would suggest going to eat with you but I have to pack. I'm leaving tomorrow." I babbled.

"Okay, well I'll hopefully talk to you later. If not I'll text you."


I got into my car and drove home. Once I arrived at home I checked Lucia's room. She was watching TV on her bed and her luggages were already packed.

"Hey! How was practice?"

"Good, I guess. I see that your bags are already packed."

"Yeah! I've been looking for a job the entire day and just decided to take a break."

"Cool, did you find anything you were interested in?"

"Yeah! There's a needed lifeguard for the pool down the street from the stadium. I figured it was good, because I love to swim, and help people, also because during lunch break me, you, and Oscar can go out to eat, lastly because when you leave to go home you don't have to drive a long way to pick me up."

"Great idea! Well is that the one you're picking?"

"Yeah, but the registration process takes FOREVER!!" She groaned

"Well while you do that, I'll be upstairs packing my suitcase for tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll be down here."

I walked upstairs and immediately headed to my drawers and packed a weeks worth of clothes, bathing suits, underwear, bras, etc.

Once I finished it was about 10:00. I texted Anto and asked her what time we should leave. She said that we should be at the airport at 10:00 A.M. So I set my alarm for 8:30. Considering I would need time to get ready and the airport was about 30 minutes from where I live.

I went to sleep thinking about nothing for once. Absolutely nothing.

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