
By beyleah

6.9K 192 93

Ryliee, a girl who wishes her life was better, whole life changes one day when her friends take her to a Beyo... More

Character Introduction
Happy Birthday!
I trust her
Pretty Girl Part Two
Karaoke Night
Ry's Party
Mysterious People
We're gonna be okay.

Pretty Girl

688 23 21
By beyleah

"Um....Ry? Are you going to knock on the door?" Dani asked snapping in her friends face.

"Huh? Oh...yeah." Ryliee said pinching her wrist. She does that a lot when she's nervous and she's never seen anyone else do it so she doesn't know who she's got it from.

Ry raised her hand to knock when the door flung open revealing an upset Julez.

"Julez? Are you okay?" Ryliee asked noticing his head down.

Julez' eyes lit up as he looked up at the beautiful girl looking at him with concerned eyes. The sound of her voice was music to his ears. He thought he would never see her again, but here she was standing right in front of him.

"Hey! I- um...what are you doing here?" he asked trying to play off the excitement that he just let out.

"Beyonce invited us" she chuckled and showed him the messages on his phone.

"Oh...y'all come in!" Julez said leading them in the house. "Bey! You have visitors." he yelled up the stairs.

Ryliee admired the gorgeous outfit Bey had on as she walked down the stairs. She had a greenish suit with a thin brown belt wrapped around it.

"Hey Ry! I'm so glad y'all could make it!" Bey smiled hugging Ryliee. "Y'all look so beautiful!"

"Thank you Bey! Oh...these are my best friends Zayna and Daniella, but everyone calls them Zay and Dani" Ry responded.

"Well hello Zay and Dani!" Bey started before she say Julez off to the side staring at Ryliee's sparkly two piece outfit

"Ryliee, this is my best friend's son, Julez. Julez, this is Ry." Bey started.

"I know who he is." Ry smiled. "We met a little bit at the concert." She said making Julez blush at the memory of the first time he saw her.

"Y'all got food here?" Zay blurted out.

"Yes. There's an all you can eat buffet in the backyard." Bey laughed as she pointed to the huge glass door that led outside.

Zay and Dani looked at each other for a second before racing each other in the direction Bey was pointing to.

"Fatasses" Ry thought to herself.

"I love your outfit" Bey said looking Ry up and down before grabbing her hand. "Follow me, I have some people for you to meet."

Bey led Ry outside where she saw people dancing, eating, talking, and laughing.

"Blue! Rumi! Sir! Come here real quick!" Bey called out.

When three gorgeous little people came running to their mom, Ryliee busted out into cuteness overload.

"Aww! Oh my goodness! Hi, my name is Ryliee!" Ry said bending down a tiny bit so that she was face to face with them.

"Hi Ryliee!" Blue started. "My name is Blue and this is my sister Rumi, and this is my brother Sir. they're twins."

"Ooh I like your outfit RyRy! Can I call you that?" Rumi asked.

"Just as long as I can call you RuRu" Ry responded before Sir came up and gave her a hug.

"Hi little buddy! How old are you?" Ry said hugging him back.

"I'm this many" he said holding up 4 fingers and then turning to his mother. "I like her mommy"

"Me too baby" Bey laughed.

"Mommy can I show her my dollies?" Blue asked poking her lip out.

"Maybe later. Now y'all go over there with grandma." Bey said sounding country as hell.

"They are so adorable." Ryliee said once the kids ran back to their grandma.

"I know but they are such little handfuls. They're so comfortable with you though which is weird because they usually aren't like that with a lot of people. Especially Rumi. But never mind that. Come here I have one more person that I want you to meet." Bey said grabbing Ryliee's hand again and walking to the outside bar.

"Jay!" Bey called out startling him a bit. "This is Ryliee. The one I was telling you about last night."

"Hi Mr. Carter" Ry said pinching her wrist, stopping when she saw Bey looking at her confused. "I love your watch!"

"You can call me Jay, and this old thing? It's nothing." Jay greeted.

Ry gently grabbed his wrist, twisting it examining the watch. "I'm sorry. I just haven't seen any watch like this. It's truly beautiful..oh my God. Are those letters??? What does it say?"

She brings the watch closer to her face trying to read the letters inside the spectacular watch causing Jay to chuckle and take it off, handing it to her where she could see it clearly.

< Blue  Ru  Sir  >

"Aww that is so adorable!" she cooes giving him the watch back.

"Thank you. I had it personally made for my icy kids."

"Icy kids?" Ry questions.

"Yeah, they're initials are "BRS" and I think of it as "brrs". Like cold or icy. So I call them my icy kids." he quickly explains.

"That's smart." she smiles and Julez comes running up to them.

"Sorry Bey but can I talk to her real quick?" Julez said pointing at Ryliee.

"I mean if that's okay with her."

"Yeah it's fine. It was amazing meeting you Jay, I'm such a huge fan!" Ryliee nodded before walking off with Julez.

"Don't you think she looks like Starr?" Bey said as soon as Ry was out of seeing distance.

"Yeah she does. But that can't be her." Jay said taking his hat off and sitting Bey in his lap.

"How do we know that Shawn?" Bey said feeling a tingling sensation in her eyes signaling she was about to cry.

"Because....she's gone baby." Jay said pulling her closer. "And you know that Bey, but it's totally okay with me if you want to build a relationship with Ryliee. She's really cool. Just don't try to push that narrative on her."

"I know, I know. But babe get this. I introduced her to the kids and they were so comfortable with her like they knew her their entire life. They literally love her."

"Even Rue?" he asked shocked.

"Even Rue!" she responded. "Blue asked if she can play with her dolls and you know she doesn't let nobody touch her dolls. Not even the twins. Rumi and Ry developed nicknames for her, and Sir hugged her and said he liked her. Plus I think she'll be around a lot now anyways. Her and Julez seem to be getting real close." Bey said sipping her imaginary tea.

"What about Jodie?" he asked before Bey made a face. "His girlfriend Bey."

"Don't nobody like that girl. Especially me and Solo. All she does is stress Julez out." Bey said annoyed at the thought of how clingy and jealous she could get. She always gave off gold digger energy to Bey but she was gone keep her mouth shut.

"Yeah, I know" Jay laughed. "Now get yo fine ass out there and make your speech." Jay said helping her up.

"Did you need something?" Ry asked as she sat on a bed in a room Julez led her to.

"Um no not really. I just don't think we got to formally meet." Julez said sitting down next to her. "My name is Julez and I'm 16."

Ryliee laughed before saying "I know who you are Julez. I'm a big fan of your Aunt and your Mom."

"Oh Bey isnt my-" Julez started before the door opened.

"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Julez' friend, Kyrie, said walking up to Julez.

"Nah bro you good" Julez said dapping Kyrie up.

"JULEZ!" a voice called from outside making him sigh.

"I'll be right back. Ry you good?"

She nodded and he left leaving Ry and Kyrie in the room alone.

Kyrie watched Julez walk out before pimp walking over to Ryliee making her laugh.

"Hey lil mama, I'm Kyrie. What's your name?" He said sitting next to her.

"What are you doing? And my name is Ry." Ryliee said barely getting her words out from how hard she was laughing. She was always easily amused.

"Ry" he repeated. "I like that. Damn girl you look good. Stand up for me." he said making Ry stand up and twirl around.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're flirting with me sir." Ry chuckled sitting back down.

"Maybe I am" Kyrie said creeping his hand on Ryliee's thigh.

Ryliee gulped before pulling his hand off of her and scooting back some.

"Girl quit playing. You know you want me. Look at me, who doesn't want me?" He said putting his hand back on her thigh and then to her chest.


"I think I should go find Julez." Ry said as she tried to hurry and rush to the door when he roughly snatched her up by the arm making it pop.

"AHHHH" she screamed out in pain.


What the hell just happened so quickly, she thought.

She tried desperately to get her injured arm out of his hand but he didn't like that so he threw her on the bed and got on top of her.

Ry didn't really like fighting but she was not about to let him get away with this so she pushed through the pain and kicked him off of her starting to send powerful blows to his face until he grabbed her hands and got on top of her again.

"You better watch your fucking self!" he yelled punching her eye.

Ry winced trying her best to get away from him but he was too strong.

He used one hand to hold her down and the other to unbuckle his pants and take her clothes off.

"No please don't do this! I'm sorry!" Ry said letting a tear roll down her cheek.

"Just calm down pretty girl. Let me take care of you." He said wiping her tears before inserting himself inside of her.

She let out an ear piercing scream at the current pain that was happening on her lower half.

"Julez! Bey! Somebody help me please!" Ry cried out but it seemed as if no one could hear her.

She cried and cried for what felt like decades but was actually only a few minutes.

She cringed at something warm being shot inside of her.

She thought that was it, but he kept going.

Once Ry saw blood, she thought this was the end. She silently prayed and asked God to help her.

"Lord, please help me. Let somebody come in here and help me please!" she prayed before she heard his phone start ringing. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" she said crying again.

"Go get yourself cleaned up." Kyrie groaned grabbing her sore arm. "And if anybody ever finds out about this, I swear I will kill you!"

Ry wasted no time getting up and limping to the bathroom. It hurt to walk but she didn't care right now.

She cleaned all of the blood off of her, put her clothes on, fixed her hair, and put makeup on her puffy eyes to cover the huge black and purple bruises on them.

Before she walked out, she looked at herself in the mirror and broke down crying.

Ry dropped to the floor in disbelief. This was one of her biggest fears. Ryliee's chest heaved up and down as hot angry tears ran down her face. She felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Who is it?" Ry asked when she heard a knock on the door. Kyrie didn't seem like the type to knock so she knew it wasn't him.

The door opened and Ry let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

"Are you otay RyRy?" Rumi said sitting on Ry's lap and wrapping her arms around her neck.

Ry let out a silent scream when Rumi accidentally sat down on her wrist so she hurriedly removed it from under the small girl. She knew for a fact it, as well as her arm, was probably broken.

"No, I'm not okay RueRue." Ryliee softly responded playing in the little girl's curly hair.

"I hope you feel better!" Rumi said hugging Ry, making her wince. "How did you get an owie?" she finished pointing at Ry's bruises.

"I fell" Ry lied. "What are you doing up here all by yourself?" She asked trying to change the subject.

Rumi tapped her little finger on her chin like she was in deep thought before she remembered why she came upstairs. "Blue and Sir hurt my feelings."

"What happened sweetheart?"

"They won't play with me" Rue pouted.

"What if I play with you?" Ryliee said slighlty laughing when she saw Rue's face light up.

"Yayyy! Follow me!" Rue said trying to help Ry up.

When Ryliee got up, she felt weak but she didn't want to let Rumi down so she pushed through the pain.

"Whats wrong? Why are you walking all funny?" Rue asked when she noticed Ry was limping.

"Remember I told you I fell?" Ry lied, again.

"Oh yeah."

Rumi led Ry into a huge room filled with toys and sat by a pile of half naked dolls.

"You be her RyRy." Rue said giving Ry a bratz doll. "Oh wait. I'll be right back"

Ry sat there holding her legs in pain before Rue came back with a small version of a stage and tiny microphones for the dolls.

"Do you wanna sing with me?" Rue said pretending to be the doll.

"Yeah what song should we sing?" Ry played along.

"Let's do Into The Unknown!" Rue cheered.

I can hear you but I won't
Some look for trouble
While others don't
There's a thousand reasons
I should go about my day
And ignore your whispers
Which I wish would go away, oh

You're not a voice
You're just ringing in my ear
And if I heard you, which I don't
I'm spoken for I fear
Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls
I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls
I've had my adventure, I don't need something new
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you

Into the unknown
Into the unknown
Into the unknown

Rue stopped letting Ry do the long notes.

"RyRy you can sing?" Rue asked jumping up and down "You sound so good!"

"Thank you RueRue and yes I can sing" Ry laughed. "Let's keep it our little secret okay?"

"Otay. Thank you for making me feel better." Rue said hugging Ry softly remembering her bruises.

"You're welcome sweetie." Ry said trying her best to hug her back. She felt like her body was about to give up on her and it made it no better that she hadn't ate all day.

She was weak.

The room fell quiet after a while. Ry could feel Rumi staring at her, eyes full of concern, but she choose to pretend like she didn't or she would cry again.



"Can you promise me that you'll be strong and that you'll be okay?" Rue said holding her pinky finger out.

Ry slightly laughed, wrapping her pinky finger around Rumi's. "I promise RueRue." she said. "Okay now that you're feeling better what do you say we go downstairs?"

"Otay" Rue said holding Ry's hand. Ry didn't know why Rue was so comfortable with her but she was perfectly fine with it.

As Ry and Rue headed back outside, Ry quietly hissed at every step she took.

"There y'all are! We've been looking for ya'll two" Bey said hugging both of them making Ry flinched.

"Oww" Ry mumbled.

"Mommy be careful she hurt herself!" Rue scolded.

"What happened?" Bey questioned looking at Ry's poorly hidden black eye.

When neither of them said anything, Bey sent Rumi off.

"Uhh Rue, why don't you go over there with your father." Bey said making Ry hope she didn't ask what happened.

"Come here Ry." Bey said softly.

But Ry was so scared, she didn't move one inch.

"Ryliee, come here now!" She said in a more demanding tone.

Ry slowly walked up to Bey, trying her hardest not to cry.

Bey inspected Ryliee. Noticing everything. The bruises on her chest, face, legs, arms, and stomach. The slight hand print on her neck. The limp she had when she walked. The blood on her outfit. And the dried up tears on her face.

When Bey slightly touched the bruise on Ry's leg and she flinched so hard you would've thought she punched her, Bey knew something happened.

"Ryliee what the hell happened?" Bey said taking her to the side of the house so people wouldn't be in their business.

"Nothing Bey. I'm fine" Ry said trying her hardest to hold in her tears.

Bey pulled Ry into a soft but loving hug allowing her to cry into her neck.

"It hurts Bey" Ry cried out.

"I know, I know baby" Bey said pulling her phone out.

"What are you doing?" Ry asked.

"I'm taking you to the hospital Ry."

"Bey no. Please. I'm fine." Ry begged.

"First of all, I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Ryliee, Your arm literally looks out of place and you just cried on my shoulder about how much you're in pain! I am taking you to the hospital and you're not doing anything about it!" Bey yelled. The music was loud enough to where no one could hear them anyways.

Ryliee was so scared she felt herself hyperventilating. She got that feeling that she couldn't breathe again. Soon, everything went black and she felt herself fall.

"OH MY GOODNESS! NO! ZAYNA! DANI! JAY! SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE!" Bey screamed out dropping to the floor.

Everybody came running up to them but she ain't see nobody helping. They all stood there looking confused but she didn't have time for that right now.

"SOMEBODY CALL 911! PLEASE! HURRY!" Bey screamed holding Ry to her chest. "Ry please wake up" she cried.

Zayna, Dani, Julez, and The kids came running up to them pushing past a crowd of people.


"No! No! No! Wake up bear please!" Zayna cried out using her nick name for Ry hoping that would wake her up.

"They said they're on their way." Julez said before pushing everyone away from Ry so he could be by her. "Come on Ry! Get up please!"

Everyone's heads turned once they heard sirens.

Julez picked her up and gently placed her onto the stretcher they laid out for her.

"Would you like to ride with her sir?" One of the paramedics asked him.

"Yes." Julez said getting into the ambulance after they put Ryliee in.

"Zayna and Dani come with me. We're gonna follow them to the hospital." Bey said grabbing her stuff.

"Mommy can we go with you?" Blue asked.

"Yes, come on." Bey said knowing they would just whine if she told them no.

To be continued....

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