By arabella_tomlinson

10.7K 607 50

"Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge. That's what it is: an edge, a r... More

Ps I Love Sypnosis, Characters, Etc.
1. matt
2. harry
3. matt
4. harry
5. matt
6. harry
7. matt
10. harry
12. matt
13. harry
14. matt
17. harry
18. matthew
19. harry

16. matthew

463 25 2
By arabella_tomlinson


"Hello, welcome to The Wolf Tavern, table for one?" the host greeted when I arrived and I shook my head greeting him back

"Uh, no, actually for two, my friend will be joining me in a few moments," I replied and he nodded

"Table or booth?" He asked as he grabbed two menus from the podium,

"Booth should be okay," I said and he nodded leading me to an empty booth placing the menus down

"Your waiter should be with you shortly to take your order," he said and once I nodded he left to return to his post. And not even a moment after he left did a waitress make her way over. She was a beautiful girl with ember hair, green eyes, and a petite figure.

"Hello, handsome, my name's Kim and I'll be your waitress for the evening, can I get you anything to drink?" She said as she twisted a strand of hair between her fingers while also chewing a piece of gum making me blink. Was she, was she flirting with me? Was that what she was doing? If so, she's wasting her time.

"Glass of water should be fine for now, thank you," I said and she nodded writing it down before saying she knew to have it to me in a few moments before walking away.

While she went to get my water, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to my notes. I've come up with a few new songs that I wanted to start rehearsing with the band as well as some brand names that I wanted to go over with Harry since I've already done that with the band. We all agreed that we should get Harry's thoughts on them before officially naming the band.

I guess I had been too into my notes that I didn't notice when the waitress, Kim, returned with my water until I heard Harry say,

"What's got your attention so much?" I jumped and looked up to see him sitting across from me with an amused look on his face, "should I be jealous?"

I blinked and felt my face beat up with an incoming blush and cursed, "uh, um, I," I cursed at my stuttering and Harry grinned

"I'm just teasing you, no need to look like that," he chuckled and I bit the inside of my cheek, "have you ordered yet? Other than the water of course?"

"Uh, no, I was actually waiting for you before I ordered anything" I replied and he smiled

"Well let's change that then, shall we?" He asked and I nodded. He raised his hand and the waitress from before came over notepad in hand,

"Are you ready to order?" She asked her eyes lingering on me a bit too long for my liking and so I looked anywhere but her

"Yes, we are, actually," Harry said before giving the girl our orders which consisted of Shrimp Alfredo with a side of garlic bread for me—Harry actually ordered it before I food even say a word— and Chicken Alfredo for Harry with a side of fries.

"You didn't have to order for me, you know," I said and he shrugged

"I know but I wanted to, besides you look a bit flustered when she came over," he answered making me look up at him and saw him smiling the teasing smile of his making me roll my eyes

"It's not what you think, it's weird," I replied making him chuckle

"I know how that feels," he stated, "so, why did you want to have a drink—and dinner as well?"

"Oh, it's about the band," I replied and he nodded, "we came up with good band names but wanted to get your input on them before we settle with one,"

"Okay, and what were you thinking of?"


"I like that one a lot more than the first five you mentioned," Harry said as I gave him a possible band name, "it has a nice ring, and the fans will love it. Who came up with it?"

"Believe it or not, it was Em who thought of it," I said and he was surprised, "she was just giving out random ideas when that piqued my interest and wrote it down."

"Impressive, she should be given credit when you officially name the band," he stated making me chuckle,

"She was quite surprised to hear the name she thought of when I reread it back to them and said that if we named it that she should be given credit for it since she came up with it," I said and he nodded

"Understandable." He agreed, "now that we've got that out of the way, I wanted to talk to you about having a photoshoot for you and your band so that we can start promoting you guys. I know that you're already on the radio but that's not enough,"

The rest of our dinner we spent talking about having a few gigs around town to start promoting the band before we started doing big shows. Harry said that despite us already having a big following on social media, we still had a long way to go before we're known outside of New York seeing as our music was only playing on local radio stations and nothing else.

"After the photoshoot, I was thinking about having you guys go on tv and promote your band which will also help launch you into fame," he said and I nodded. For as long as I could remember, I wanted to be heard worldwide and now that I knew it was going to happen, it was nerve-wracking but I was also ready for it. I knew there will be people who will not like us and will critique us but that didn't matter as long as we were doing what we did best and that wrote songs that touched people. Whether it was heartache or joy, we wanted people to relate to our music.

"Tell me more about yourself, Matthew," Harry said breaking me out of my thoughts, "anything that doesn't have to do with music, that is"

"Li-like what exactly?"

"As I said, anything you want to tell me, and in return, I'll tell you anything about myself as well," he responded.

"Okay, um let's see," I said ignoring the waitress as she came over to take our dishes away, "I have two siblings. I'm the middle child. I was born and raised here in New York before I decided to move to LA for college. Um, my favorite color is dark blue,"

"Brothers or sisters?" He asked making me blink


"You said you were the middle child, so I wanted to know if you were the middle child of brothers or sisters or one of each" he replied

"Oh, sisters, I've got two sisters," I said and he nodded

"And how did they react to your news of being signed to a record label as soon as you arrived here?"

"They were ecstatic as were my parents, Em had contacted them before I could to tell them the good news—I was pissed at her for that by the way—but they said they couldn't wait to see me but due to work and other stuff, they weren't able to fly out to meet" I stated making him nods she took a sip of his drink

"That's good, I'm glad you're family is supportive of your career choice," he said and I smiled because I was. They've always known that I wanted to make music when I grew up and now it was happening and it was insane.

We talked more and got to know more about each other such as Harry ending his relationship with his fiancée of a few years and though I wanted to know what happened, I didn't ask as I could tell he didn't quite want to speak about that and I told him about my ex who had died but, much like me, he didn't ask any questions but I did see relief in his eye when I mentioned that my ex had been a guy which confused me but I didn't question it either.

"Thank you again for agreeing to come to have some drinks and dinner with me," I said as we walked out of the restaurant after he paid for our food even though I protested, "it was nice."

"Thank you for inviting me, I enjoyed spending time with you, getting to know you and all," he said. We stood in front of my car for a long moment and in that time I wanted nothing more than to lean over and kiss him but his phone began ringing at that moment which shook me from my thoughts, "sorry."

"It's alright, I have to get going, but I'll see you tomorrow?" I questioned

"You bet"

And with that we parted ways with Harry taking the call while I got in my car and drove home, a song already starting to form in my head.

a/n there go guys let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/ fan



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