In His Shadow (Draco Malfoy X...

By SCDUnknown16

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MOVED --> IS NOW STARTING A REBOOT UNDER THE NAME "Forced into His Shadow" READ THERE! Everyone has heard... More

Heyy Soo...
Chapter One - Her Awakening
Chapter Two - Wait, What's Quidditch Again?
Chapter Three - Oh My Gods, I Hated That
Chapter Four: No Need For An Explanation
Chapter 5: Wow, Didn't Think You'd Lie
Chapter 6: God Dammit Potter
Chapter 7: Ugh, Can't Have Any Fun
Chapter 8: Well, That's Not Good
Chapter 9: You Forgot Me
Chapter 10: Sorry If I Throw Up On You
Chapter 11: All Eyes On Me
Chapter 12: Will You Model For Me?
Chapter 13: The Angel Said Yes
Chapter 14: My Head Hurts
Chapter 15: Thank You So Much!
Chapter 16: Wait what?
Chapter 17: Please Sign This
Chapter 18: What Do You Want?
Chapter 19: Why Is Everyone So Mean?
Chapter 20: I Don't Know...
Chapter 21: Oh...Okay...
Chapter 22: Have I Done Something Wrong?
Chapter 23: Today's A New Day
Chapter 24: Under The Stars With You
Chapter 25: Let's Have Some Fun
Chapter 26: I'm Sorry
Chapter 27: I'm Not Lying
Chapter 28: It's Like The World Is Spinning
Chapter 29: You Know This Stuff, Right?
Chapter 30: Just Keep Smiling
Chapter 31: The Yule Ball
Chapter 32: Oh Fuck Off
Chapter 33: I Just Want To Talk
Chapter 34: I Understand
Chapter 35: OH MY GOSH
Chapter 36: Harry Slow Down
Chapter 37: What The Hell Are You Up To
Chapter 38: No No No Please No
Chapter 39: Told You Fuckers
Chapter 40: Okay, Yeah
Chapter 41: So That Happened
Chapter 42: Get Your Hands Off Him
Chapter 43: Here
Chapter 44: Oops My Bad
Chapter 45: Take Your Time
Chapter 46: I Can't Wait To See You Again
Chapter 47: I'm Sorry...I Think
Chapter 48: That Fucker
Chapter 49: I Hate This Lady
Chapter 50: Wake Up
Chapter 51: Huh. Fun
Chapter 52: Stop...Please
Chapter 53: FUCK YEAH
Chapter 54: Heh, Knew It
Chapter 55: Practice Time
Chapter 56: Look, I Tried
Chapter 57: You Don't Mean That...
Chapter 58: The First Date
Chapter 59: Okay
Chapter 60: I'm Not Soft
Chapter 61: Are You Sure?
Chapter 62: I Should Stop
Chapter 63: Will You Shut The Fuck Up
Chapter 64: And You Think You're Valid Why?
Chapter 65: I Like Scarves
Chapter 66: This Isn't How It Was Supposed To Go
Chapter 67: How Did You Do That?
Chapter 68: Well, Thank You Darling
Chapter 70: His Sweater
Chapter 71: Oh My Gods
Chapter 72: It's Lovely To Meet You
Chapter 73: Just Say It, Harry
Chapter 74: Monster
Chapter 75: Don't Say Bad Words
Chapter 76: Effie, Of Course (Short Chapter & Announcement At The End)
Chapter 77: Yes, Ma'am!
Chapter 78: I'm Proud of You
Sorry This Is Not An Update - Please Read Though
Chapter 79: I'll Kill Him
Chapter 80: Why I Like Him
Chapter 81: I'll Try My Best
Chapter 82: What The Fuck?
Chapter 83: I Want You
Important Announcement!
The Sparkle in Your Eye: Part One?
The Sparkle in Your Eye: Part Two
I'm Back - Unexpectedly
Chapter 84: Are You Kidding??
Chapter 85: The Battle of the Ministry Part One
Not An Update: But Please Read!

Chapter 69: Don't Judge Me

591 16 5
By SCDUnknown16

Epona's POV:

I sighed, rolling my head over to Hermione. She was working on brewing a potion, but she wouldn't tell me what she was making. The color was like a pearl white with pinkish swirls. She grinned when it was done, then turned to me and cleared her throat. Hermione had tied her crazy curly hair back into a low ponytail, while I had done my own in two dutch braids. 

She moved over a bit, allowing me to stand in front of the cauldron. She then spoke, "Now, I want you to smell this."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Miss Granger are you trying to poison me?"

She laughed, "No, Effie. Just smell the potion. I'll tell you what it means afterwards." 

I rolled my eyes, then leaned in. I inhaled through my nose, then out through my mouth. It was...well wonderful. It's a grouping of smells that I'm so used to having near me, I miss them. AS soon as I smelled it, the potion turned a beautiful red. Look at that. Draco's favorite color.

Hermione tapped her foot twice, "Okay, what did you smell?"

"I smelled apples, mint and a lemony lime citrus smell. Oh, and something slightly woody too." I spoke matter-of-factly, but still not knowing why I know that smell. It escaped my mind for a moment. 

"Do you recognize that at all? A person or thing? You smell..." She started.

"Draco Malfoy." My eyes stared down at the red liquid, then back up at Hermione, "I smell Draco Malfoy."

Hermione smiled to herself, then cursed slightly, "Well, there's no arguing with Amortentia."

"What?" I asked, my brows furrowed with confusion.

She sighed, "Amortentia is the strongest love potion in existence. When consumed it doesn't create love so much as obsession. But rumor is that whatever, or whoever you smell in it is the person you love the most in the world."

I snorted, "Did you doubt my love for Draco Malfoy?"

She shook her head, "No. I had just hoped... I hoped that it wasn't that git that your soul loves, that's all. Fucking Malfoy-"

"How'd you know?" I joked, and her face turned bright red, her mouth gaping open in pretend disgust.

"EFFIE! Too much information! I didn't need to know that-" She slapped my arm playfully and I laughed.

While laughing I said, "Oh please, like you haven't thought about anything like that about Ronald Weasley-"

She cut me off, her face turning a deep shade of crimson, "Effie, shut up! I-It's not like that at all! Ron and I are just friends-"

I groaned, "Ughhhhhh. You got with Krum to make him jealous, you've pretty much done everything to show him that you like him and he's oblivious. Besides, I already know you've got a crush on him. You told me yourself."

Hermione crossed her arms across her chest, "Whatever, Potter. You're just changing the subject because you know Malfoy is a total dickwad."

"I could talk about how great my boyfriend is all day, Granger. Trust me. One, he's an amazing dancer. I had never danced before, but he helped me gracefully glide across the hall like it was nothing. Two, for our first date, he didn't think about what would make it good for him. He chose everything I like, doing the things I like to do. Three, I'm attracted to cruel arrogant dickwads. Four, he's like a villain, but a sympathetic one. He doesn't just think about himself. Draco is just under a lot of pressure from his father. I can't imagine what it must be like. He has to act a certain way, think a certain way, be a certain way. He didn't even get a childhood. Before he was trained in magic, he was taught how to read and write and count to at least one hundred before he was five years old. Five, he's loyal. Despite you and Harry and everyone else thinking that he's just a snake, he's really not. He's been with me since day one, even when my own brother wasn't. I think if he would just let people in, you'd all love him as much as I do."

Hermione stood there quietly for a moment, then smiled.

"Merlin, Effie. You've gotten yourself in deep for a fifteen year old girl who has been awake for a year and a half."

I grinned, my eyes sparkling, "What can I say? I like the heat."

Hermione groaned, "Gosh, the fire puns never end."

I laughed evilly, "Never!"

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