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By hannnnaaah

985K 24K 15.8K

๐€ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฆ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐›๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ž๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐œ๐ก ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ข... More

Selena Mae Gilbert
Act One
Katerina/ By the light of the moon
Daddy issues
The last dance
The last day
The sun also rises
As I lay dying
Act two
The birthday
The Hybrid
The end of the affair
Disturbing behaviour
The reckoning
Smells like a teen spirit
Ghost world
Ordinary people
The new deal
Our town
Bringing out the dead
Dangerous liaisons
All my children
The murder of one
Heart of darkness
Do not go gentle
Before sunset
The departed
Act Three
Growing pain
The rager
The five
The killer
We all go a little mad sometimes
The end of the war
My brothers keeper
Living the moment
Oh come all ye faithful
After school special
A view to kill
Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole
Stand by you
Bring it on
Because of the night
American Gothic/ Picture of you
The End


16.8K 485 408
By hannnnaaah

Bring on the fire and bring on the storm
We'll still be here when it's all said and done
Burn down the bridges and tear down the walls
We'll still be standing invincible
Thunder in my chest
Adrenaline in my veins
You better bring your best
If you wanna play my game

"Let's say that Mikeal followed Elena and Leenie here. He tried to grab them so he could use them as baits" Stefan suggested and Elena, Rebekah and Damon gathered in the Salvatore living room. They called Selena a d Theodore who hadn't yet joined them

"And you what? Vervained him?" Elena asked them sarcastically

"No we vervained him! This guy is an Original, we need to make it realistic" Damon said causing Stefan to sigh

"Okay fine we vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger" Stefan said not convinced yet

"Which he planned to use it on Rebekah but instead"

"We drove through his heart" Stefan finished for her Elena

Selena and Theodore entered the Salvatore boarding house, when he first came she introduced him to the gang and her family and they were all very welcoming

They were both surprised to see who welcomed them, Theodore pulled her closer to him protectively

"Who you might be?" Mikeal asked them who were still surprised

"I'm Selena" she answered hesitantly "And this is my brother Theo"

"So you're Niklaus's soulmate" he stated and she nodded sarcastically

"I have a name" Selena muttered before looking at her brother "We should probably get inside"

"Sexy wolfie, Theo! Finally" Damon exclaimed throwing his hand in the air

"Well I was eating my breakfast..." She shrugged "What's going on?"

Damon and Stefan explained the plan to the sibling who both didn't like the plan. She never wanted to kill Klaus and she didn't trust Mikeal not turn on them

"Can we talk about the fact how dumb this idea is? Do you think Klaus will believe you?" She asked them in disbelief "He trust his siblings only them... he won't believe us"

"Told you. She's not with us" Stefan said with a teasing smile causing Theo to roll his eyes in annoyance "You're defending him"

"I'm not gonna even waste my breath on you" Selena spat before turning towards the others "I was saying that he's not gonna believe you until Mikeal or whatever his name is... is really dead"

"Yeah I have to agree with her" Theo said and they looked at him "Look the guy is an Original. One you already tried to kill once... he won't believe you until he's dead"

"Then I shall be dead" The Original vampire hunter spoke behind them and Selena flinched in fear

"Jesus!" she murmured under her breath

"What if he wants to see you in person" Elena asked as she moved closer to Mikeal who was putting the dagger and the ashes on the table

"Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him and I will kill him" Mikeal said

"With what? Those daggers won't work on him" Damon stated

"Oh I'm in possession of a stake... fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree. The one that left these ashes when it burns" Mikeal said as he dipped the dagger into the ashes

"Where is it?" Damon excitedly asked

"Not here knowing it's location is my insurance policy"

"Against what?" Stefan asked boringly

Mikeal looked at Selena "What are you?"

"An uh-" she looked at Theodore and Damon

"That's not important" Theo said and Damon nodded in agreement

"I want to know" he insisted and she sighed in frustration

"I can't tell you" she said and they all stared at her with raised browns "An Enchantress okay? Can we move on?"

"An Enchantress... you're very powerful" he stated and she shifted uncomfortably "Are you in control?"

"Threatened much?" Theo asked tauntingly as he wrapped his arm around her

"I don't see what any of this has to do with killing Klaus" She said and he nodded before looking at Elena

"You're leaving this in my heart. You see, a vampire can't dagger an Original without dying so it falls to you" Mikeal got back to the topic as he handed Elena the dagger

"You... you want me to actually dagger you?"

"Well I don't trust the little Enchantress since she's Niklaus's soulmate so it falls to you" Mikeal told the doppelganger and Selena scoffed

"And you think I would have done it?" She fired back with a fake smile "You're just a-"

Damon sped over to her and placed his hand on her mouth causing her to pout as she yanked him away from her with an angry scowl

"Let's focus on the plan"


"Look I love all of you I truly do but are you sure?" Selena asked "Is there no other way?"

"Leenie there's no other way" Elena said and her sister sighed "Just breath, everything is going to be fine"

"I don't trust Mikeal. He wants to kill me" Selena said and Damon shook his head

"He doesn't"

"You don't want us to kill Klaus, you can say it" an emotionless Stefan stated and she shot him a murderous glare

"Stefan if you don't shut the fuck up I will kill you and find a way to resurrect you and then kill you again!" She snapped "If I was saving his ass I wouldn't be here scheming with you idiot!"

"Call him" she demanded and he obliged as she paced around the living room nervously as Stefan rang Klaus

"Portland is fantastic once you get over the whiny music and healthy looking people. It's literally breeding ground werewolves" Klaus told Stefan amusingly

"Your father is dead" Stefan said

"What did you say to me?" Klaus tensed

"Oh my mistake not your actual father and not dead. Mikeal daggered, what do you want me to with the body?"

"Well first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened" Klaus said

"He tried to kill your precious little wolf and use her against you. He followed her and Elena but they found a dagger that he wanted to use on Rebekah and they both managed to take him down" Stefan explained and Klaus tensed when he heard what happened to his soulmate

"I wanna see him. I wanna see his rotting body for myself" Klaus scoweled angrily over the phone

"Well he's here. Come by whenever"

"If you're lying to me Stefan your compulsion will expose you. So answere with your life, Is what you're saying is the truth" Klaus threatened him and Selena stopped as she heard the conversation

"It's true I saw it with my own eyes"

"I want to talk to Rebekah" the hybrid demanded and they all turned to the blonde who was leaning against the wall

"That's not a problem she's right here" Stefan handed the phone to Rebekah

"Hello Nik" Rebekah said but she never took her eyes off from Selena

"Rebekah love, what's this I hear about Mikeal's tragic run in with a dagger?"

"It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good" Rebekah lied and Selena looked down in guilt

"Is... is Selena okay?" he asked her hesitantly "Did he hurt her?"

"She will be" she told him and Selena sat down sadly as Theo rubbed her back

"Yeah" he whispered quietly

"I miss you... I'm miserable here" she whined falsely

"I'll be home soon. Keep her safe, God knows what trouble she's already in" He told his sister softly

"I will. I'll see you then brother" Rebekah hung up

"He bought it. He's coming" Rebekah said as she glanced at Selena who smiled sadly

"That was easy or what?" Damon asked sarcastically "Hey! Cold feets speak now... Selena?"

"She's with us" Elena defended and Selena nodded nervously


Selena and Rebekah went for a walk as the brunette looped her arm around the blonde's arm and she spoke up after a long silence

"Bex you don't want to do this. I can tell from the look on your face and you don't have to, as much as I hate to admit it but they're manipulating you. I know I sound like a hypocrite now but I don't want him to die" Selena said and Rebekah looked at her

"He killed my mother" Rebekah coldly replied "That's unforgivable, he will pay for it"

"I understand that you're angry but killing him is a bit... too far don't you think? If you do it now you'll regret it for the rest of your immortal life" Selena told her

"Why are you defending him?"

"This isn't about him, Bex. Look I can be mad at my siblings but no matter what they have done I wouldn't kill them even if they tried to kill me. I know that your brother is not my siblings and he's a lost cause to you but... I just don't want you to regret your choice because I know I will" she sighed and took a deep breath "Just think about it Bex. That's your choice not theirs"

"I've spent my whole life hating and loving my brother with equal measure. I never thought that I'd help be the one to help drive a stake through his heart" the blonde said and Selena looked at her sadly

"And you don't have to... Now you go get ready" Selena hugged Rebakah tightly "See you in few hours"


Caroline, Selena and Bonnie were sitting on her bed. Bonnie was chanting something and the brunette was lost in her own thoughts, she bit her nails anxiously as she watched the witch with a worried look. She sighed and turned around to sit on her bed tossing a scarf on it

"Is it working?" Caroline asked nervously as she shared a look with her bestfriend

"Is it?" Selena asked

"I'm trying... give me your hand" Bonnie said and Selena closed her eyes and took a deep breath before giving her hand to the witch

"Okay let's try this"

Selena thought about what if it did work then, they're no longer soulmates and maybe nothing would happen to her but it would certainly happen to him

"Look" Selena sighed "If it doesn't work. I will not let them kill him do you understand? I happen to love myself"

"Okay I'm going to go now" Caroline told them "I need to see if everything is okay at the dance"

"Yes go... I'll stay with Bonnie and we'll be right behind you"

Bonnie was chanting in Latin and Selena was pacing around the room and suddenly she felt like her heart stopped and her breath hitched

"What's ...going on?" Selena gasped for air

"Leenie..." The witch panicked as she tried to help her and after few seconds her breath went back to normal

"I- I just felt my heart stopped. Did it work?" Selena asked breathing heavily

"I don't know, you're the only one who can tell"

"Okay" Selena muttered sadly

"I'm not gonna lie to you. The bond is so strong and even if it did work it's not permanently" Bonnie warned and Selena nodded

"Okay" Selena said as tears welled up in her eyes


Selena was driving to the dance and suddenly her phone start ringing and she frowned "What is it, Care?"

"The Gym is flooded"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Selena asked in disbelief "That can't be happening. We've spent days planning this"

"Tyler is moving the party to his house... coming?" Caroline asked and Selena frowned suspiciously

"No... I don't think so"

"Yes you're coming end of!" Caroline stated and she sighed

"Well as long as they're hot boys and drinks... why not, I'll be there in 10"

"I love you" Caroline beamed and Selena rolled her eyes playfully

"I hate you"


"Hello ladies and gentlman" Selena exclaimed as soon as she entered the Lockwood mansion with Theo beside her with their arms looped around each other

"You look Amazing" Caroline gushed and Selena twirled

"I know right? It took me forever to choose between this dress and the black one. But what I don't know is how Tyler Lockwood managed to plan a better and faster party than us?" Selena snapped as she scanned the room "This isn't fair... and definitely not a high school party. I'm telling you"

"Is that a band outside?" Caroline asked and they turned to see it

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie asked and Selena shared a look with her brother

"This is weird. Where's Tyler?" Caroline asked and Selena pushed her boobs to show them off a little

"How do I look?" Selena asked and Theo rolled his eyes as Bonnie laughed "Well let's get the party started guys!"

"I still don't understand what the hell am I doing in a high school party" Theo whined and she dragged him inside

"God, I should've drank something or smoked some weed to survive this night" Selena muttered with a sigh and Theo shot her a glare

The music from the band stopped as a familiar voice spoke capturing their attention

"I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming" Klaus cheered and Selena watched the hybrid leave the stage

She pretended like she didn't see him as she and Theo made their way to Caroline who was still confused and looking around

"He's here" Selena whispered "I'm literally not feeling well"

"Breath baby sis, we wouldn't want you to burn down the entire house because you were having a moment" he teased and she yanked him away

"You're mean!" She said and they laughed "I don't think Bonnie bloked the bond. And to be honest I'm happy that she couldn't"

"What's that supposed to mean? Let's go and tell them-" Caroline began and and trailed of causing Theo and Selena to frown

"Tell them what exactly? Look I know that you all love me I get it and when I think about it just because he's a hot and bad thousand years old hybrid, doesn't mean he's heartle-" Selena trailed off when Caroline motioned for her to shut up before she says anything bad

Klaus approached them with clenched jaw as he saw Theo's arm around her shoulder, Caroline motioned for them to turn around only for Selena to understand causing her to sigh in frustration

"Please tell me he's not behind me" She pleaded and Caroline nodded as Theo turned around but Selena didn't

"Hey!" Caroline greeted with a smile

"Hello ladies, Gentlemen" he greeted them and Selena breath hitched and she faked a smile and turned around to face him

"Theo. I need a beer" she told her brother "Hi, Nik... bye Nik"

"No you stay. Theo do you want to dance?" Caroline asked and Selena looked at her in disbelief

"I think I'm gonna stay" Theo said glaring at Klaus with his arms crossed around his chest causing the Original hybrid to smirk smugly

"Theo" Caroline grabbed his hand as they walked off "We need to go"

"Are they for real?" She asked in disbelief

"You look gorgeous, little wolf" He complimented and her heart beats accelerated

"Flirtation is not gonna get you anywhere, Mr. Mikaelson" she told him teasingly

"Really" he chuckled and she smiled

"Yeah, you don't look bad yourself" she said and took a deep breath and smiled sadly

"Who's the gentleman?" he asked and she scoffed as leaned his head down to her neck and inhaled her scent to keep him calm and then he kissed her neck softly as she forgot how to breath again

"My uh- my brother" she breathed out and he smiled proudly, she placed a hand on his chest as she yanked him away gently

"Your brother?" He asked and she chuckled nervously

"Long story"

"Dance with me" He asked her and she scoffed looking around her "Please?"

"Wow did just Klaus Mikaelson say please?" She teased and he chuckled "I think I'm gonna fall"

"Only for you" he said and she rolled her eyes playfully


"Come on!"

"Lead the way" she took his hand and he twirled her. He had his hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed slowly

"I missed you Selena" he told her and she looked up to meet his blue eyes that always seems to hypnotized her.

"Well lucky me" she joked and he nuzzeled his face in her neck as he tightened his grip on her waist even more

"Nik" Selena let out a shaky breath

"What is it love?" He whispered softly in her ear

"I don't think I can take it anymore. They're planning on killing you. I don't know how exactly but they want to. They undaggred Mikeal... I know you'll think because I'm doing it for myself as usual but I don't want you dead" Selena revealed as she looked around to see if anyone's been listening "I don't know where's Rebekah either"

"I know" he said and she frowned in confusion

"You do?"

"I knew they were planning on something... Why are you helping me?" He asked her curiously as he twirled her again tugging her closer to him

"Because..." she took a deep breath "Look as much as I hate to admit this but I'm the only one who saw your story. You're not the real monster here, Mikeal is and yes you did terrible things and I really want to hate you but I can't and I don't. Nik you don't deserve to die. Mikeal abused you, he traumatized you when you were just a child. You weren't born that way and I really want to believe that there's a reason why you killed your mother... and I do still care about you"

"Did you mean what you said the other day?" He asked hesitantly and she smiled sadly and in guilt

"Believe it or not. I didn't mean it, I was just upset... and I'm sorry" Selena found herself smiling to the hybrid as she admitted what she truly feel and believe. He smiled back, he just realized she's his light in the darkness

"You hurt me very badly but I want to forgive you" she said firmly and he leaned down to her ear and whispered softly

"I'll make it up to you little wolf, I promise" He kissed her neck softly and she gasped and moved him away from her gently

"Be careful"

"You too" he said before kissing her forehead


She walked out of the mansion to get some air into her lungs "Damon if you get this call me immediately, you need to stop this stupid little plan of yours... the soulmate bond isn't broken" she sent the voicemail but before she could go back a hand placed over her mouth when she tried to scream

"What the bloody hell!" Selena snapped when they dragged her to Mikeal "Not you again. What do you want?"

"I'm going to use you, to lure Niklaus out. I thought I said that earlier" he said tauntingly as she stared at him in disgust "Your vampire friends refused"

"I'm no part of this!" Selena screamed "Let me go!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that"

Selena knew that her friends wouldn't jeopardise her life just to kill Klaus but the fact that they didn't listen nor believed her when she told them, Mikeal was going to turn on them what hurt her more

"Let me go! Get your hands off of me or I will-" Before she could finish one of the vampires slammed her head against the window causing her to fall down as everything went black

"Hello Niklaus" Mikeal greeted the Original hybrid

"Hello Mikeal won't you come in? Oh That's right, I forgot you can't" Klaus smirked tauntingly

"Or you can come outside if you want" The Original vampire hunter simply suggested

"Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb" Klaus said proudly as his hybrids appeared behind Mikeal

"They can't kill me" He stated

"True. But it'd make a hell of party game. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce" Klaus raised his hand up smirking

"The Big bad Wolf. You haven't change. Still behind your playthings like a coward. Oh and you forgot, they may be sired to you but they're still part vampire. And they can still be compelled by me" Mikeal said and Klaus's face hardened as one of his hybrids.

Mindy dragged in Elena (Katherine) in front of him and one of them dragged a half conscious Selena into Mikeal's arms

Klaus's eyes widened to see his soulmate in front of him "Selena" he breathed out quietly but Mikeal heard him

Selena looked up at her soulmate to see him looking at her with worried eyes. He nodded briefly but she was the only who saw it and understood

"Come out and face me Niklaus. Or they die" Mikeal threatened and Selena scoffed and spoke up weakly

"Just be done with it" she said trying to play along

"Go ahead Kill them" Klaus challenged him, he knew that Selena wouldn't die unless he did

"No Klaus he'll do it" Katherine who pretended to be Elena shouted in panic

"If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations" Mikeal nudged Katherine before turning to look at Selena "And if your brave stupid little mate dies. You'll lose the chance of true love and happiness... nobody is going to care for you anymore"

"I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you" Klaus clenched his fist as he averted Selena's eyes

"To what end Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore boy! Who do you have except for your mate? Other those wose loyalty you've forced. No one" Mikeal said causing a tear to escape Klaus's eye, Selena saw how vulnerable and sad he looked. She smiled weakly and nodded giving him enough courage to do what he was going to

"That's not tr-" She began and Mikeal nudged her roughly

"Shut it!"

Klaus looked at her and saw her smiling weakly. A smile that told him everything was going to be okay, a smile that told him she cares for him and willing to forgive him. A smile that gave him a reason to fight

"I'm calling your bluff father. Kill them"

"Come outside and face me, you little coward and I won't have to" Mikeal growled causing Klaus to laugh humourlessly

"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill them, you'll lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on kill them" he said furiously "Come on old man! Kill them. KILL THEM!" He shouted angrily

"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from being truly great" He remarked with a mocking laugh as he pulled out a dagger and stabbed Katherine as she fell into the ground

"Let me go!" Selena tried to escape but he stopped her

"Say Goodbye to your precious little mate" He mocked wickedly and he stabbed her in her back roughly causing her to groan in pain as she crumpled onto the floor

"NO" Klaus screamed as he tried to help her but however before he could Damon sped grom behind and stabbed him causing him to yell in pain as Selena felt more pain coursing through her body as she yelled as well

Katherine stood up from the ground smirking at Mikeal who was shocked "Katherine" he spat as she pulled out two bomb of wolfsbane

"Kaboom" she mocked as she thrown it at the two hybrids

Stefan came and stopped Damon from stabbing Klaus with the white oak stake. The Original hybrid used it as an opportunity to kill his father so he staked him in the heart and watched him burn into ashes

"Leenie" Theo rushed towards his sister's side as Caroline kneeled down beside him

"Stay with us, Leenie" Caroline said but Selena eyes already fluttered shut. The blonde bit into her wrost and tried to feed it to her

Selena tried to fight it but she couldn't and gave up eventually. Klaus and the Salvatores approached her to see her in Theo's arms

"No No No! Do something please" Caroline pleaded the Original hybrid

"Leenie wake up" Damon held her hand "Don't do this please"

Klaus bit his wrist and tried to fed her his blood but she didn't swallow it

"Come on, Selena drink" he forced more blood down her throat but she didn't respond to it

"She's gone" Caroline stated as tears streaming down her face

"No!" Theo said "She can't be dead unless Klaus dies"

Bonnie approached them as she looked at the Enchantress with teary eyes as she blamed herself for trying to bloke their bond

"Leenie?" she kneeled down beside them

"Do something!" he yelled at the witch "Why isn't she waking up. I'm not dead"

"I think I blocked the bond" Bonnie said looking down in guilt

"So you willingly allowed her to be used as bait? You were the ones who got her killed?" Klaus asked them as he stood up and walked towards Damon

"You refused to face your father" Damon shouted back "This is your fault!"

"My fault?" Klaus hissed as he pinned him up "Nothing is stopping me from tearing your lungs out and feed them to your brother"

"Stop it!" Caroline shouted with tears in her eyes "She's gone!"

Klaus blamed himself. If he just stepped outside and faced his father she wouldn't be dead now

"No! She's not dying on my watch" Theo said and Klaus nodded and all of sudden Selena opened her eyes gasping for air as she looked around her frantically

"What happened?" She asked them weakly as Klaus bit into her wrist and fed it to her as he stroked her hair softly

At that moment everybody realised how much the hybrid cared for their friend not even Damon could deny that

Klaus lifted her up and sped them to the Gilbert house, he didn't trust the Salvatore with her. He knocked and Jeremy opened the door as his eyes widened in shock

"Leenie!" He exclaimed and Jenna approached them "What happened?"

"She's okay now. Just tired" he told them as he gave her to Jeremy who carried her upstairs

"Thank you" Jenna smiled at him gratefully and he smiled back

"Of course"

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