๐„๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐’ โŒ—shadowhunters

By 80sdeanwinchester

13.1K 410 48

เญจ๊’ฐ๐Ÿน๊’ฑเญง she was royalty, so god forbid any harm comes to the princess. โบ (:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…[ฬฒฬ…:๐„๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐’:]:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒฬ…:ฬฒ... More

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2.2K 91 26
By 80sdeanwinchester


All she can hear was the sound of her breathing, her heart pounding in her chest, making it feel like her heart was in her throat. The heavy steps of her small feet crunching against the dead leaves and fallen twigs of the dead trees that surrounded her. She knew it was a mistake, but she still took the risk, she had to do it-she needed to do it. She made the mistake of looking back, she knew it was a bad idea but she couldn't help herself.

She turned her head slightly, her chocolate eyes scanning the dark forest. Her eyes crunched in confusion, nothing. Nothing was there, did she loose it? Did she out run it? She quickly turned her head, her eyes meeting it, her feet scraping to stop. Her body frozen, she made the move to run until-

Anna shot awake, sweat covering her whole body, her heart beating in her ears. She looked around her noticing she was in her room, her small moon night light creating a small light in the dark room. Her mouth felt so dry, making it feel like sandpaper was in her throat when she made the move to swallow.

Her small hand shaking, her mind drifting back to the horrid dream to the creature that now filled her mind. Her bottom lip started to tremble the more she thought about it until a small cry left her lips. She brung her knees up to her chest as her blanket made her feel more hotter.

The young lightwood brung her shaking hands to her eyes and tried to wipe the hot tears that was now flowing down like a river. She felt her breaths shorten, making her choke.

Isabelle's eyes shot towards the door, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Simon looked behind him at the door then back at Isabelle after not seeing or hearing anything.

"W-What? Do you see anything or like hear anything that I can't hear? I hope you know-"

"Shh" Isabelle put her index finger up to get her point across making Simon clam his mouth shut.

Isabelle shot up after hearing another cry, she quickly ran down the hallway to Anna's room with Simon hot on her heels. "I hope you know I don't have one of those weird tattoo things to-" Simon watched as Isabelle swung open a door that was filled with photos on the with the letter "R" on it. He figured it was the little girl's room.

Isabelle swung Anna's door open in panic her chocolate eyes scanning the white room, quickly turning on the light before her eyes landing on her sister leaning on her knees, her tiny body shaking with sobs. Isabelle felt her heart drop at the sight, Rosa rarely cried but when she did it was so heart clenching. Izzy walked into her room before sitting the bed.

"Anna, peaches what's wrong?" Anna looked up in fear until her eyes landing on her sister who looked worriedly at her. Anna whimpered before jumping into Izzy's arms holding onto her tightly.

Her cries became a littler louder until eventually they turned into harsh hiccups making Izzy frown. She rubbed her back soothingly her heart hurting. "What happened peaches?" Izzy felt Anna shaking her head back and forth making her sigh, so she just held her tighter letting small girl rest her knees on her lap.

Izzy placed her fingers into her crazy wavy hair and started to scratch at her scalp. Izzy eyes looked around the room once again making sure nothing was around before eventually her eyes landing on Simon who stood awkwardly at the door, the sight humoring her just a little.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰

Izzy watched as Clary looked into the body length mirror checking over the outfit she handed her. Anna was still in her arms, the young lightwood's hands slightly shaking She wouldn't let Izzy put her down, not after the dream, Izzy didn't mind much either.

It worried Izzy, this was the longest she's seen Anna so quiet, her whole demeanor changed so quickly to sadness– it hurt Izzy. The young girl hasn't spoken once, she just rested her cheek against Izzy's shoulder and fiddled with her hair trying to distract herself from thinking about it. Her eyes we're heavy but she was too afraid to fall back asleep, every time she closed her eyes she saw the same horrid brown eyes, making her shoot back up. Those eyes sent shivers down her spine.

Anna didn't pay much attention to what Clary and Izzy talked about, she couldn't focus on it anyways. Anna felt Izzy move before eventually sitting on the bed and placing her hands on Anna's back. Anna sighed and sunk deeper in her warmth, it comforted her, it made her want to fall back asleep but she couldn't so she just enjoyed it to the best of her abilities without falling back asleep.

Izzy pulled Anna away from her as she heard her sigh for 6th time in the last 13 minutes. "Are you ready to talk about it?." Izzy watched as Anna tensed up slightly before shaking her head making her frown. "I know you're scared but you can tell me peaches, I'm here for you. I'm your big sister and it's what I'm here for, so you need to talk to me please."

Anna's bottom lip wobbled slightly, tears forming in here eyes before she formed a stiff nod. Before she could open her mouth to speak another yawn took over, her eyes watering more from tiredness. Izzy sighed "You can go to sleep peaches, I'm gonna be right here, nothing can get you I promise you. You need to sleep you're five, this isn't healthy." Anna started to shake her head in fear her mouth opening.

Izzy placed her hands on Anna's smaller one making her close her mouth. Anna couldn't help but to lean further into her warmth making her eyes droopy, she forced her eyes too Izzy's comforting ones.

Anna thought for a second-debating. She eventually nodded her head and wrapped her arms around Izzy's neck letting sleep taking over fast. Izzy sighed and scratched her back in comfort.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰

Izzy walked up to Jace and Alec who stood with a timid Simon and Clary behind her.

"We need to talk about Anna." Alec furrowed his brows "What about Anna?"

"I went into her room and she was crying. She wouldn't let me put her down and she didn't spoken a word for almost an hour." Alec felt worry build up into his chest "Where is she?" Izzy sighed "I finally got her too sleep, she wouldn't go to sleep it was like she was...afraid to."

"Did she have a nightmare?" Izzy shrugged her shoulders and let out a breath of air.

"I don't know she didn't talk to me, she was shaking so bad. I didn't know what to do."

Jace frowned worried, while Alec started to fidget. Izzy noticed their distraught looks "We'll worry about it tomorrow, let's just get this over with."

Alec bit his lip thinking about if this mission is worth it over his sister-he scoffed in thought, of course it wasn't but it needs to be done.

"Fine, but we need to tell Mom-"

"Big brother we can handle a five year old, we don't need to tell Mom or Dad anything." Izzy spoke.

Alec thought for a second before sighing "Ok."

Izzy sent a small smile before speaking on the topic of Clary.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰

chapter by ( -DARKERSTARSS )

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