Ouma. Interrupted

By WeronikaKieca5

313 6 11

Making a crossover of Girl interrupted and Danganronpa. A random Kokichi project story I do not expect to go... More

Kokichi meme section time xD
Update(10 view special, bc I celebrate everything)
ANOTHER UPDATE (A teeny weeny one)
Inverse demotivator meme section time
Chapter 1 Shuichi

Chapter 2 - Kokichi

34 1 0
By WeronikaKieca5


0) Here it is the long-awaited chapter.

1) Yes, this is not a typo it is  chapter two bc I am inconsistent with chronology A F

2) This chapter is not exactly a crossover between Girl interrupted and Danganronpa, it is inspired by something else, I hope I did not make it too obvious( but even if it did, pls don't bash me, ok?), but if you guess my inspiration you'll get a free drawing from me :)

3) Violent language alert  and drastic action also drug abuse lol 

Without further ado, let's dive into the chapter 


The first thing Kokichi thought in his coma dream was the following:

" Whoa, it's so dark in here, it's been years since it's been the last time I felt so good. I have no wounds, no poison coursing through my veins, no one's contempt and disgust filled sights creeping on my shoulders and mentally weighing me down.

Is this what death is like? If so, then I wish I could stay dead. Wait, hold on for a sec...am I in heaven, or am I in hell? Or maybe I am in neither of these... I hope I didn't go to hell, though I wouldn't be surprised if I did. I made an innocent man kill Miu, I threatened my friends to kill Kaito, I blackmailed Kaito...

and above all... I committed suicide. I deserve it" Ouma wondered.

The next thing he felt was the blow of the wind which went in the opposite direction to his movement.

And then he opened his eyes

He saw the starry night sky, which looked like a black sheet of paper on which someone spilt some colourful paints and glitter, in front of himself, becoming more and more distant with each second. He turned over. He saw the planet Earth being the size of a marble. It was getting significantly closer to him with every second.

"Sh*t, I'm falling!!!!" Ouma thought to himself, but on the outside this thought was expressed with a scream like this: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He looked up and saw a creature made of a dark unsaturated tar-like substance(I'm gonna call him Imz Kokichi and real Kokichi Rez Kokichi), with the only exception of his wings which were made of a galaxy-gel, who surprisingly looked just like the pre-game version of himself him, but with the only exception of having an extra eye on its forehead, which was glowing in hot magenta. All three eyes of his, but the one on the forehead were hidden because pre-game him was covering them with bandages which were dirty with blood.

"GAAAAH!" Rez Kokichi screamed of fear

" Hello there, Kokichi. FLY." Said the Imz Kokichi

" Who the heck are you? " Rez Kokichi asked

"I'm the subconscious pre-game and in-game version of you, your brain hallucinated me in order to help you deal with the problem you have currently at hand. FLY." Imz Kokichi replied.

"Wait a minute... so I'm not dead?"

"No... but if you don't act quickly you will soon be. FLY." Imz Kokichi ordered


Kokichi reminded himself of the scene when he was with Kirumi in his kitchen. It was after she saw him running around on Hope's peak's Academy's rooftop trying to escape Keebo chasing him. Kirumi made a small figurine of a boy made of clay and dressed the figurine up as Kokichi. She dropped the figurine. Kokichi remembered how it shattered into pieces.

"But I never fall, nehehehehhh. After all, what Supreme leader I would be if my organization members saw me falling, right? An SHSL Supreme Leader cannot fall. Falling is for losers, like Hitler or Stalin " Kokichi replied cheekily boasting.


Kokichi knew it was just a dream, he'd wake up right before being smashed into the ground.

"And what if you don't?" Imz Kokichi inquired.

Rez Kokichi freaked out about Imz Kokichi being able to read his mind.

The Earth was getting close to him, it was still distanced by thousands of miles away from him, but now it was significantly closer to him. The darkness that he was surrounded by while falling, felt cold. He was close to Earth enough already that he could see neither the stars nor the sun. the only thing he was able to see was the Earth below him, ready to smash him, grey fog and that weird Imz Kokichi telling him all that nonsense. It made him want to cry.

"Start FLYING, not CRYING." The Imz Kokichi said

"BUT I CAN'T FLY!" Rez Kokichi replied." I CAN'T, I CAN'T!!!"

" How do you know? Have you ever tried flying before?" Imz Kokichi asked. His voice was high pitched, almost screeching.

" HELP ME !!!!! " Rez Kokichi cried.

" I'm trying, you stupidhead. " Imz Kokichi answered maliciously. " Do you have some panta? :P "

Rez Kokichi reached out to his pocked and took out a bottle of Panta and passed it to the Imaginary alter ego. The bottle came without a cap so once he squeezed it the content of the bottle started to spill but Imz Kokichi grabbed it quickly and started to slurp it.

"Are you really my alter ego?" Rez Kokichi asked.

"Are you really falling? " Imz Kokichi retorted with a question.

"This is just a bad dream." Rez Kokichi stated.

"Oh, really?" Imz Kokichi doubted.

" Psssk, hahahah, it's a dream, I'll wake up right before crashing into the ground. This how dreams are like you always wake up right before something tragic happens to you. Even in a dream you cannot fall forever. " Kokichi said with confidence

" You will DIE if you crash into the ground. NOW FLY." Imaginary Kokichi replied. He started sipping his Panta again.

Kokichi looked down again. He saw Hope's Peak Academy, it's beautiful gardens, the cage like dome covering it. He saw the ponds, rooftops, Academy's towers and departments he had never been to. He saw the courtyard. He started to shed tears.

" It's in vain." Imz kokichi said " You have to FLY, not CRY! It is sooo easy. Just look at it!" Imz Kokichi spread out his galaxy wings and startled to circle the Rez Kokichi.

"But I don't have any wings!!!!!!!!!!" the Rez Kokichi screamed

Maybe you have them too? Imz Kokichi asked

Rez Kokichi tried to pat his shoulders to search for the feel of feathers on his back

"There are different types of wings, y'know? Not only the literal ones" Imz Kokichi explained.

Kokichi looked at his arms and legs. He was so skinny. Just skin and bones. " Have I alwys been this skinny?" Kokichi wondered. He tried to remind himself.

Out of the blue a a glowing purple fave popped up.

" YOU ARE ALONE KOKICHI. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE!!!!!!!!!" The face shouted at him.

" Ah, not this one !!!" Imz Kokichi yelled in an annoyed tone. " You don't need this not, forget about it now. Put it off" Imz Kokichi sat on his back and trie to untie his laces of his shirt as if he tried to pull out the imaginary wings which were hidden underneath. At the same time the purple face faded.

Kokichi's movement towards the Earth started to accelerate. He was surrounded by the grey thick fog as he was falling.


" I'm teaching you how to fly" Imz Kokichi exclaimed.

" But I've told you already, I CAN'T FLY" Rez Kokichi shouted

" But you're flying right now" Imz Kokichi said.

" I'm falling, you stupidhead" Imz Kokichi screamed

"Every flight begins with a fall" Imz Kokichi explained. " Look down"

" But I'm scared " Rez Kokichi answered.

"LOOK DOWN!" Imz Kokichi shouted.

Rez Kokichi looked down and gulped his throat as his muscles started to tense out of fear and iris twitched. The Earth accelerated towards him. The whole world was laying underneath him. He saw a huge patchwork of blue, brown white and green. He saw everything so clearly he forgot about fear. He saw HPA the way an Eagle can see it, all of its towers and stadiums, classes, parks as well as its students and workers. He saw a girl with pink-ish blonde pigtails jumping through the wall. He saw Seiko Kimura experimenting in her lab, looking through the microscope and then noting her observations down. He saw Nagito sneaking into HPA's drug magazine trying to steal some marihuana, LSD, morphine, cocaine and crystal meth and hiding it underneath his hospital gown. He saw Keebo realizing that he has his own, inner voice. He saw Maki practising her sword-fighting skills on the courtyard with Peko. He had never seen Miss Ultimate Assasin more infuriated and violently moving ever before. He saw Kaito fighting for his life at the HPA's ICU trying to defeat the virus and the poison by vomiting it out and exhausted Mikan holding the bucket. He saw Tsumugi in a prison cell awaiting for a trial, but willing avoid execution and trying to hang herself using a bedsheet. Finally, he saw himself lying in the hospital bed hooked up to millions of IV's electrodes attached wherever possible and the tubes in his body supporting his life functions and Shuichi sitting next to him on a chair watching over hime. Shumai looked like a zombie. He had bags under his eyes, looked like he hadn't eaten for days. His usual haircut was terribly scruffy. . He saw himself with headphones on his head. Shuichi was holding the phone plugged to the headphones.

Suddenly, Kokichi hears the "Flohwaltzer" but it' not the distorted version that was played at Kaede's execution. This version was clean and beautiful, truly unique.

"I hope you like it. The music I'm playing is one of Kaede's best pieces she has ever played" said Shuichi calmly.

In the middle of the hospital there was a park-chapel with a statue of Atua in the centre of it, where patients or their relatives came to take a walk or to pray for health and strength. Atua's statue looked up and looked into Kokichi''s eyes with understanding

Kokichi looked even further and saw the deepest despair, so eerie it was beyond any possible comprehension, it was awfully bleak and dark.

He looked in the opposite direction and saw the greatest hope radiating with light do bright it could eradicate any sort of despair. It made Kokichi feel warm and brave from the inside.

He saw every piece of outer space and wished Kaito was there with him so he could see it.

He saw all the wonders of the outside world which lie beyond the academy.

His eyes were filling up with tears, which burned his cheeks.

"Now you know" Imz Kokichi said.

"Now you know why do you have to live" Imz Kokichi repeated.

"Why? " Rez Kokichi asked.

"Because despair is coming. And the ones you love will need you most. " Imz Kokichi answered.

Rez Kokichi looked at Imz Kokichi. He stared into its third eye. It was filled with frightening knowledge. He looked down one more time. He saw one of HPA's tower's spike dashing at him like a javelin. He was terrified.

" Can you be brave and afraid at the same time? " Rez Kokichi heard himself saying these words.

" It is only then when you are truly brave " Imz Kokichi confirmed.

Rez Kokichi looked down one more time. He looked at himself and Shuichi.

" Kokichi, I'd like to make a sacrifice to you." Shuichi said " I want you to live...I want that more than anything else in this world. I want you to fight like Despair fights Hope to stay with us but...with everybody else and D.I.C.E gone and what you had to face in your life I know that it might not be what you wanted, it might be too hard for you to keep fighting, so ...

...If you wanna go ...

...I want you to know that it's okay...

...it's okay...

...I-I- I understand" Shuichi said with tears spilling out from his eyes and placed his hand on Kokichi's unconscious body's hands.

" Well, Kokichi..." Imz Kokichi hasted him " Choose. You fly or you die."

Rez Kokichi brushed off his tears and opened them in a frown. Death desperately reached out his hands for him.

He spread out his hands wide and soared.

" I'M FLYING !!!!!!!!" Rez Kokichi screamed out of joy.

" Well I can see that, Mr.Smartypants" Imz Kokichi retorted.

At this very second Kokichi felt something was trying to pull his leg. He looked in that direction. He was being stretched through an infinitesimally small hole shining with an infinitesimally bright white light.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Kokichi sceamed in pain.

All he could sense was now a distorted version of Flohwaltzer.

And then...nothing.

He opened his eyes and what he saw was just well white. Next thing he saw was a purple blob standing in front of him. He recognised that it was Mikan, the Ultimate Nurse.

Mikan: sees him opening his eyes and drops her jaw and medicine tray and runs into the hallway screaming "OMG HE WOKE UP HE WOKE UP

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