Mortal Kombat II

By AvenLostaunau

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The stakes are Raised for Liu Kang Raiden Johnny Cage Scorpion Sub-Zero Jax Kitana Baraka Kung Lao Shang Tsun... More

Mortal Kombat II
Shaolin Monks
Wrath of Kahn


73 0 0
By AvenLostaunau

Johnny leapt of the way, barely avoiding Baraka's twin blades. As Baraka tried to swipe at Johnny's head to decapitate him. Johnny bent down and like he usually does in such an opportunity, he struck Baraka in the groin.

Baraka grasped his groin and held it in pain. "You… are… dead… as soon… as… I…"

"I can't believe that worked." Johnny said to himself.


Meanwhile in the Wastelands, Liu Kang and Kitana landed on the battle ground. Liu dusted himself off, as he got to his feet, the first thing he noticed was the castle in the background. From what he could tell, he was amazed that the thing was still in one piece.

"Kitana… why did you want to come here?" he asked, turning to Kitana, who had gotten to her feet.

"Well, you probably saw that castle over there?" she said, pointing in its direction.

"Yeah…" Liu started.

"Well, we're going to go there."

"But don't we have a match?"

"Liu Kang…" Kitana said. "Do you really think, I want to win? There's no one here, I could just forfeit the match to you. I'll just say you spared my life."

"Well, I wouldn't feel right about that. How about a quick one? I want to see what you can do." Liu said, smiling.

Kitana sighed and shrugged. "Why not?"

Both Liu and Kitana took their fighting stances, and both became to block and parry each others attacks until Kitana grabbed Liu's arm, and pulled him to the ground.

"Not bad." Liu said, smiling. Liu then broke free, and came at Kitana again, the two continued to block and counter for a bit.

"Where did you learn this?" Kitana asked.

"Master Bo' Rai Cho." Liu replied.

"Bo' Rai Cho?" Kitana said, surprised. "I've heard of him. Rather odd man, but he's a good fighter."

"Yeah, uh... it was rather gross at times…"

"Remind me not to train with him then." Kitana said, jokingly.

Liu blocked Kitana's attack again, and grabbed both of her arms and pinned them behind her back. But Kitana brought her leg behind, and kicked him in the chest, freeing herself. Liu rolled aside, as Kitana got to her feet.

"Hold on, there's a Shadow Priest if you look to your left, don't." Kitana whispered. "It's here to report the events of the match. You have to make a finishing blow here."

"But… I…" Liu stuttered.

"Don't worry. I doubt I would've won anyway. I mean if you can beat Shang Tsung, I think you could beat me. Just try to be gentle." Kitana said.

"All right." Liu said with a sigh. Liu ran at Kitana, and with a leap in the air, he struck her in the chest. Kitana fell back with a yell and hit the ground. Despite the pain that she was feeling, Kitana feigned unconsciousness. With this, the Shadow Priest quickly left through means of a portal.

Liu quickly walked over to Kitana, who groaned before getting to her feet. "You alright?"

"Yes. Though that wasn't exactly gentle." Kitana said.

"Sorry." Liu said, blushing slightly.

"Forget it." Kitana said, smiling. "Well, the Shadow Priest is gone. Let's get going." She said, running into the mountainous-looking area before. Liu quickly followed.

"All right." Kitana said. "The Wastelands are filled with traps. Follow my lead, I know where the traps are." As Kitana said this, she triggered one with her foot and suddenly a net hidden from the ground below snatched the princess and brought her up at least 5 feet in the air before it stopped.

Liu cracked a smile, and crossed his arms. "Is that a new one?"

Even though she was still wearing a mask, it would've become clear to anyone that Kitana's face was quite red. "…Shut up!"


Meanwhile the battle between Johnny Cage and Baraka continued. Johnny struck Baraka across the face with a kick, but Baraka responded, but punching Johnny in the stomach twice, and then kicking him to the ground. Baraka once again, drew out his two blades and tried to stab Johnny in the chest, but a quick Shadow Uppercut allowed Johnny to regain the advantage.

"All right then… Baraka… I think it is…" Johnny said, taunting the Tarkatan. "Do you give up?"

Baraka's response was a mere kick to the chest, causing Johnny to roll back.

"Wretched human!" Baraka roared. Out of Baraka's two blades, came two shards that shot out of the blades and at the movie star, Johnny managed to do some impressive twists, which caused them to shoot past him.

"Hey, this gives me an idea. What if there was movie where I could do impossible stunts and look cool doing it? Like The Matrix or something. Yeah, that would be sweet."


Liu had freed Kitana from the net, since Kitana had dropped her fans when she was ensnared into the net. The two continued to travel along the road to the palace, until they came across a sea filled with blood and a small boat near the dock.

"We have to take that." Kitana said, "After that, it won't be long until we reach the palace."

"All right." Liu said, as he and Kitana hopped into the boat, both grabbed a paddle and began to row.

"So how long have you known the truth?" Liu asked. "About your family, your life?"

"I've known for about 5 centuries now. It's hard really, feigning loyalty for nearly 500 hundred years. I've tried to find a way out, but the opportunity never presented itself until now that is. When I heard about you. How you defeated Goro and Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat. I knew that you would be my best chance to break free from this false life I've been living."

"But… what can I do?" Liu asked.

"You can defeat Shao Kahn. Of all the Earth warriors, you are the only one who can accomplish that." Kitana replied.

"Well, I guess so… I mean, yeah sure, I beat Shang Tsung. But this Shao Kahn looks a lot stronger."

"Don't worry. When the time comes, I believe you'll know what to do." Kitana replied.

When they reached land, they immediately climbed out of the boat and continued on their way.

"We are getting closer, but there's still traps." As Kitana said this, a pit opened below Liu, who was just barely to leap to the edge in time, as he struggled to maintain his grip, but Kitana quickly extended her hand and helped Liu get up.

"Didn't I tell you that there were still traps?" Kitana said, but as she said this, a rope grabbed her by her ankles and she was immediately hanging upside down. Half embarrassed, and half angry, Kitana turned her head to see Liu smiling at her to the side. "Don't say a word…"


Meanwhile Johnny Cage and Baraka continued their battle, although both were quickly becoming exhausted.

"OK… now… this… is… going… to end…" Johnny said, panting.

"Indeed it is human." Baraka sneered, as half a dozen Tarkata climbed through the window. Johnny was quickly surrounded, he desperately tried to think of way to fight them all.

"Do you wish to beg before my warriors devour you?" Baraka sneered.

Johnny replied angrily. "This isn't fair!"

"I cannot help that my soldiers wished to assist me." Baraka smiled, Johnny growled, and taking one moment, he ran toward the door, jumping over one as he went.

The Tarkatan growled and turned to pursue.

"Don't bother." Baraka ordered. "It counts as a forfeit. The match belongs to me." He grinned, before he erupted into loud laughter that filled the Foundry. "Shao Kahn will award me greatly!"


Meanwhile, Liu and Kitana reached the palace gates, taking a few steps forward, the two prepared to enter.

"This is my true father's castle." Kitana said. "It's been here ever since Shao Kahn invaded Edenia and stole his throne."

"I see." Liu replied, it was the only response he could think of, yet he did not need to as Kitana opened the palace doors.

"Follow me." Kitana said, as she led Liu inside the large castle.

"All right." Liu said, as he cautiously walked inside.

"Don't worry, there's nothing here."

"If you say so." Liu said. "Oh, I've been wanting to ask you. What is with that other girl who looks like you?"

Kitana's face was overcome with disgust, but nonetheless she answered. "Her? Oh, that's Mileena. My "twin sister.""

"Sister?" Liu said, surprised.

"Well, she's not exactly my sister. Well, I'll show you." Kitana said. She turned over to a desk and grabbed several pieces of paper. She handed them to Liu, who took them and read them to himself. "I found them in Shang Tsung's house while he was in Earthrealm, I hid them here."

"It has been nearly a week since I lost to Kung Lao. I lost to a pathetic monk! That was most humiliating. He could've killed me, yet he let me live. He will pay for his mistake at the next tournament.

After my loss, I was ambushed by these strange creatures called Tarkata and was taken to this realm of Outworld and brought before its Emperor Shao Kahn. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse. The chance for eternal life.

For as I have lost the Mortal Kombat Tournament, I no longer have eternal youth, I am beginning to age rapidly, but if I can go back to Earthrealm in 50 years and win the tournament, I will be awarded Eternal Life, but to do so, I must give up my Earthrealm heritage. I eagerly accepted the offer.

Yet I cannot compete myself for my age will allow my to fight as I used to. However, Kuatan has offered us a warrior to compete, Goro, their prince. I will train Goro to fight in the tournament. Kung Lao won't know what hit him.

I met Shao Kahn's stepdaughter today, Kitana, I am told that she has no idea of her true past. Shao Kahn invaded her realm of Edenia, killed her father, Jerrod and merged Edenia with Outworld and then took Jerrod's wife Sindel as his own. However Sindel would not allow herself to be Shao Kahn's wife and she committed suicide. Kitana however, believes Shao Kahn to be her true father. That is where my part in this affair comes.

For if, Kitana is to ever learn the truth, it would prove to be disastrous. I am to create a clone of Kitana while after it is done, the real Kitana will be killed. Using a piece of her hair and blood from the Tarkata, Baraka's actually. He willingly offered his blood for the process. He seems rather excited, no matter.

Everything went smoothly, I nearly created the perfect clone of Kitana, however something went horribly wrong and she ended up with the disgusting teeth of the Tarkata. I apparently miscalculated. I suggested trying again, but Shao Kahn figured why waste an otherwise perfect clone? She is to be given a mask to conceal her hideous face and the name "Mileena". She will instead be introduced as Kitana's lost twin sister. She will keep an eye on Kitana for us, for it will only be a matter of time I feel until we will have to dispose of Kitana.

As Liu finished reading, he threw down the notes in disgust and looked at Kitana, with sorrow in his eyes.

"That is why I need your help Liu Kang."

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