Trust Issues

By lillyadams23

22.7K 696 192

Meredith has severe trust issues, we all know that. What happens when they get the best of her and she runs a... More

Chapter One
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 2

1.4K 34 24
By lillyadams23

Meredith woke up to the urge to puke. She quickly ran to the bathroom. After she was done puking, she laid down on the cold bathroom floor.

"What if i'm pregnant? It would have to be Derek's." Meredith said out loud thinking to herself.

She decided that they was no way she could be pregnant, but she would take a test just in case. She hopped in her car, briefly looking at her phone and saw lots more missed calls and texts.

"Looks like I am changing my number today too." Meredith said

She quickly drove to a phone store, deciding if she was actually pregnant, the fetus would still be there by the time she got a new phone. 

"Hello, I would like a new phone please." Meredith said walking into the store.

"Ok, right over here we have all the latest models. What type are you looking for?" The store clerk said

"The same I have now, not one for change." Meredith said holding up her phone so the clerk could see it.

"Got it! I can ring you up over here. New number or would you like to keep yours?" 

"New please."

"Thought you weren't one for change?" The clerk said still ringing her up

"Nope, but I also just ran away from my friends and job because of boy problems so I would appreciate it if he stopped calling and texting me, plus I need a new phone." Meredith said laughing at herself. Just as she finished saying that, Derek's name appeared on her now old cellphone.

"You want to answer it, maybe he will stop calling." Meredith said handing the clerk her cell

"I would love to." The clerk said 

"Meredith! Finally you answered!" Meredith heard Derek's voice through the phone

"Umm this is no Meredith, this is Johnny, care to take my hand in marriage?" The clerk said quickly hanging up the phone after. This harmless little prank made Meredith laugh.

After she got her new phone and new number, she went out to her car and drove the closest convenience store to buy a pregnancy test. Then she drove back to her hotel room.


Meredith's POV

I walked into my hotel room, pregnancy test in hand. I went into the bathroom and took the test, setting it on the counter upside down. I walked out of the bathroom and to the bed area. I grabbed my laptop and saw I had another email from Mass Gen saying they wanted to set up a meeting with me.

"Why, they already said I could start as an intern?" I said thinking out loud

I saw another email from Dr Webber. I read out loud "Dear Dr Grey, I am sorry to hear that, I am not one to beg but you are the most promising intren of the group and I hope you will reconsider. As you know, this one of the best programs in the country. Thank you, Dr Webber."

 As I finished reading the timer went off. I walked to the bathroom and looked down at the pregnancy test. 


"Oh boy, I need to go lay down." I said

I wobbled to the bed and laid down. I started at the ceiling, watching the fan go round and round. I need to make a doctor's appointment to see how far along I am, I thought.

I grabbed my phone and made the appointment, then I responded to Mass Gens email. I would go the meeting then the doctors appointment. I quickly changed into a more professional outfit then sweats and a T-shirt and hopped into a cab. 


Still Meredith's POV

I knocked on the Chief of Surgery's door and waited for a response. 

"Come in!" I heard through the door

I opened the door and was greeted by a nice man. I quickly walked over and shook his hand, then I sat down in the chair across from his desk.

"Hello, I am Dr Meredith Grey, we talked over email." I said 

"Yes, I am Owen Hunt, but you can call me Dr Hunt. Now I have asked to meet you here today because i believe that you should not be an intern here, I think, goevn you file, you should be a 3rd resident." 

My mouth dropped, that's the equivalent of skipping two years! I always got told I was tatentled but 2 years!

"Oh wow um, well I would love to! But I guess there is something I have to say, I jjst found out this morning that I am pregnant." I said looking at Dr Hunt

"Oh well thats ok! I think you are a great fit for this program! When can you start?" Dr Hunt asked.

"I can started Monday of that's ok?" I said, today was Saturday. If I started Monday, It would give me time to look for an apartment since I was obviously going to stay here.

"That would be great! See you Monday, let's say 7:30 here at my office so I show you around! And congratulations by the way!" Dr Hunt said

"Thank you!" I said with a huge smile on my face. I got up and shook his hand once more, then i walked out the door. I hopped on the elevator and went to the OB floor. I was pretty proud that I thought of just doing my appointment here. I went the the front desk to check in.

I went and waited in the waiting area. While I was sitting there, I decided I wanted a fresh start. I texted Cristina telling her that I was not going to give her my new phone number because I wanted a fresh start, I thanked her for being the best person ever, then I deactivated my old phone. 

You can't trust her, she will tell Derek where you are.

"Meredith Grey?" I heard the nurse say

"Right here!" I said standing up to go follow the nurse.

She lead me into the exam room where she handed me a paper gown and took my vitals. Once I finished that, she had me take another pregnancy test, along with drawing my blood. She left the room and then it was just me. I waited for awhile until I heard a knock at the door. 

"Come in!" I said, the door opened.

"Hello, I am Dr Ryan. So, you are indeed pregnant and you are about 13 week along." 

My eyes opened wide. 13 weeks! That was the 'one night stand' with Derek.

"Oh ok, is that it?" I asked wanting to run away.

"No, since you are 13 weeks, we can do a ultrasound if you would like. You might even be able to hear the heartbeat." Dr Ryan said looking at me

"Yes, please." I said 

"Ok, let's do this then."

I watched as Dr Ryan took out the ultrasound. After a couple minutes I heard thump thump thump of the baby's heartbeat. I immediately started crying. This baby was going to be my everything, I didn't care if it was Derek's or not. It was going to be me and my baby against the world.


Back in Seattle...

"Oh my god! Everyone look at the text I just received from Mer!" Cristina said. The interns were all in the cafeteria.

"Read it please!" Alex said 

"Ok, it says 'Please do not worry about me. I have decided I want a fresh start and I will not give you my new phone number, thank you for being the best person ever! I just want to let you know that I got new job as a 3rd year resident! Again, I am fine! Do not worry!' That's it, its all she said." They all sighed, none of them aware that Derek had heard the whole thing.


Authors note

The bolded parts are Meredith thoughts

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