Aunt Rose

By naerysa

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Lily Evans, a very important figure from the first wizard of war, mother of the chosen one, Harry Potter. Tra... More



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By naerysa

The classes for Lily and Rose started and they were excited to get to know everything.

Both Rose and Lily put everything they had into classes, they wanted to be the best and learn everything they possibly could.

They took to hanging out with Sev and studying with him between classes. Marlene and Alice were also becoming close friends, seeing as they shared a bedroom. Though, those two didn't have the same knack for studying as the Evans.

The boys, Peter, Remus, Sirius, and James all shared a dorm and as a result, were becoming close friends as well.

But James and Sirius didn't stop messing with Severus, it seemed to only get worse.

They didn't study, didn't try in class, and they pulled pranks. The two were in detention more than class.

When Lily, Rose, and Snape would be walking to class, the boys would run through them, forcing the three to drop their books. Even though the girls would give James a glare, he always seemed to linger on Lily.

Three Years Later.

A dark wizard garnered the attention of the Wizarding World. Voldemort. Or as everyone else called him, You-Know-Who.

He had become famous for his proficiency in the Dark arts, spells that required you to lose part of yourself doing.

Voldemort had killed and kidnapped, tortured and recruited. His followers were called Deatheaters.

This was all because of his ideology. Pure-blood supremacy. He believed that muggleborns, or "mudbloods" aren't real witches and wizards and as a result, don't deserve to practice magic. Voldemort thought they should die.

He thinks people like Lily and Rose should die.

As they sat at the feast for their fourth year, Rose picked at her food.

Mar looked up at her with a questioning look. "What's got your knickers in a knot? The fact that you've already got four quidditch practices scheduled?" The girl said, laughing.

It was true. Rose made the quidditch team as a seeker, James as a chaser, and Sirius as a beater. Their captain, a seventh year Gryffindor, Phineas Abbott, had already scheduled four practices.

Rose shook her head. "No... it's You-Know-who. I mean, more disappearance's and murders have happened over the summer, specifically muggle's and muggleborns. And there are already people in school who I know are planning to become a death eater," she said, taking a particular look at the Slytherin table.

"What? And your little slimy friend isn't? With the people he hangs out with?" Sirius piped up from down the table.

The boys had settled down with teasing the girls over the years but they still didn't leave Sev alone. Although instead of tease, James now took to asking Lily on a date every single day without fail. She always said no. He was an immature and arrogant prick.

"It's different! He's not planning to join... they're just people he talks to. Doesn't mean he wants to kill us," Lily defended.

"Yeah but they do. Avery and Nott?" James added, looking at the two. Rose sighed, picking at her food once again.

With James asking Lily out, it became clear that the students were becoming more mature now. Crush's became girlfriends and boyfriends.

Sirius, however, had no time for titles. He had one girl in his bedroom after the next. It felt like he had probably slept with every girl in their year and above.

Just at the feast he was bragging about bedding a girl on the train. In his words "It was like a dementors kiss. Sucked the soul right out of me."

Rose thought he was immature and a player. She didn't have time for someone who didn't care about others and besides, quidditch and her studies kept her busy.

Remus was in the same boat. And with him getting sick every month, he didn't seem to have the time for those things either.

But little did Rose know, Sirius was planning something. Something that would ruin his relationship with her.


"Okay lads, start of term bet. Who's got one?" Sirius asked his friend group as they settled into their dorms.

"Oooh! I got it! I bet you can't get Rose to go to Hogsmeade with you! And I also bet you can't get her into bed," James said, adding the last part suggestively. He knew Sirus had the hots for her but was too busy fooling around.

"Come on James... that'll be too easy!" Sirius replied, his mind already on the money. "Remus?"

The studious boy looked at the other two, pursing his lips. "What if she finds out? Sirius, she'd never forgive you," he reasoned.

Black scoffed. "She won't find out. Besides, it's just a bit of fun."

Remus contemplated it for a moment before answering. "Fine... you're on. Ten galleons."

"Peter?" Potter asked the smaller boy.

He stuttered for a moment before agreeing to it.

"Alright boys... bets on."


Something seemed to be wrong with Sirius.

He was actually studying. The boy would actually sit in the common room with the others and do his homework, even if he complained while he did it.

Rose took notice of this fact.

Sirius even seemed to leave Sev alone if she was with him. She was starting to feel for the boy, she knew his home life was hard. Maybe he was making a change for the better.

He had asked her to Hogsmeade for the first trip of the term but she declined first, Rose knew he'd been with another girl earlier that week. She didn't feel comfortable doing that.

But when Sirius went a whole two months studying and only pulling harmless pranks, Rose felt compelled to him.

She didn't want to ruin his spirit or fire but she wished he was a bit more mature. That he would pull funny pranks that didn't hurt or embarrass anyone. And it finally seemed like he was maturing.

"I mean, maybe? When you're not around he's still the immature rag of a boy..." Marlene said when asked about Sirius. She refused to study, claiming the book was going to kill her and that she felt like she was cheating on her bed.

"I don't know... he seems okay. I think you should do whatever you want, Rose," Said Alice dreamily, braiding Marlene's long blonde hair.

"You're just saying that because Frank asked you to go..." Marlene retorted, raising her eyebrows. Frank Longbottom, a sixth year, asked Alice to go to Hogsmeade with him.

Alice's cheeks were tinted pink but she said nothing.

"I don't know, Rosy. I mean maybe it's just like James. I don't want to see you hurt," Lily added, sighing as she tried to name the stars on her Astronomy paper.

"I think he's actually changed, Lil. Really," Rose said, stubbornly defending her friend.

She would prove he was changed, advocate for him in the group.

So when Sirius inevitably asked her to go to Hogsmeade, the last time before Christmas, she said yes.

He seemed so genuinely excited, he even kissed her cheek.

Rose was nervous though, this would be her first date, ever. She got all dolled up and put her lavender hair in a ponytail.

The metamorphmagus decided to keep her hair a different colour, just so that teachers could stop confusing her and Lily.

On the morning of the Hogsmeade date, Rose was coming down the stairs early, giddy. Her friends waited in their dorm to give Sirius and her space.

Rose's mind was on what they were going to go, what they were going to buy, if they were going to go the Three Broomsticks.

But she heard voices in the common room and stopped to listen.

"I can't believe you got her to say yes!" It sounded like James's voice.

"I honestly didn't think she would. But all that goddamn studying and boring shit seemed to do the trick. What can I say, Potter? I'm just the better catch. Pay up!" It was Sirius. Rose could feel her heart drop. No...

"Man, this bet was stupid. Now I'm out ten Galleons," This time it was Remus.

"Wait... you haven't even got her in your bed! I don't want to give all my money yet!" Potter exclaimed, objecting.

"Please, she'll be in my bed by the end of the date. I told you, it was just a bit of fun. She's already fallen for me," Sirius replied, laughing.

He was laughing.

Rose could feel her face burning, her eyes were brimming with tears. That goddamn bitch.

Before she let herself be humiliated even further, Rose marched down the rest of the stares, going straight for Black.

"Ready to go darling-" he began before being cut off. A loud smack filled the room. Sirius held his face.

"How dare you humiliate me like that! A bet, really? One whether I'll get in your bed and fuck you?" Rose yelled, her hair a bright shade of red.

Sirius's eyes widened, realizing she had heard him. "Listen... I-I can explain!" He tried but she was having none of it.

"No! Don't! I defended you, against everyone else! They knew you were trouble but I was stupid enough to believe the mighty Sirius Black actually changed, that you had any shred of respect for me," Rose ranted, her eyes filled with fury.

"What did you think was I was gonna say? "Oh my god, you're such a legend. You make me so wet with your recklessness. You've gained my respect and you're so funny. Please take me to your dorm and fuck me" You're fucking delusional, Black. So try your best to remember; you're not a pimp. You're a borderline sex offender," Rose mocked before turning to the other boys as they watched her in fear.

"And you! You three were in on this? Throwing around money at my expense? I expected something like this from you, James," she accused, pointing at the Potter boy.

"But you, Remus? Peter? I can't believe you two! I am so utterly-" a tear spilled from her eye as Rose pulled her scarf off. "Humiliated. Go have fun with some other bitch you had lined up. Since I'm just a bit of fun." She threw the scarf as hard as she could at Black, despair was evident on her face.

Without a word of rebuttal, Rose marched back to her dorm, her rage and humiliation overwhelming.

Evans ripped open the dorm door as the girls turned, smiles on their faces. But it all quickly washed away when Rose fell into her bed, sobbing.

"Rose!" Lily exclaimed, running over to her crying sister.

"What happened, rosy?" Alice asked, rubbing her friends back.

"I-I was so stupid! How could I be that dumb?" Rose asked herself.

"Wha-?" Marlene asked, looking at the other two girls, at a loss.

Rose sighed dramatically. "It was all a stupid bet! The boys bet Sirius he couldn't get me to go to Hogsmeade with him or get in his bed. They were collecting their bets as I walked downstairs," she admitted, burying her face in Lily's robes.

They widened their eyes, anger overwhelming each one of them. "But you didn't—have... sex... right?" Mar asked timidly.

"No! God, of course not. Sirius was so sure I would jump into his bed he was pre-collecting," Rose explained.

Marlene cracked her knuckles, standing. The revelation that Sirius had done something to hurt Rose infuriating. "Okay. That's it. Time to beat some Black ass," she said, stomping over to the door. The other girls had to stifle their laughter at her statement.

"No. He's not worth it. Ugh. Look at me. He's made me cry," Rose said quietly, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She looked at the clock on the wall.

"You three go, you're going to be late."

"No. Rose, we aren't gonna leave you here by yourself," Lily said to her sister. Marlene looked at Lily with wide eyes. Alice smacked her arm.

"Yes, you are. I have some homework I need to do and I do t want to ruin your day. Go!" Rose encouraged, smiling weakly at her friends.

After some more convincing, the three reluctantly left. As soon as they were out the door, Rose broke down again, crying into her pillow.

She couldn't believe she fell for it. Was she that easy?


Sirius waited at the bottom of the stairs to the girls dormitories nervously. He fucked up. Big time. And he knew it.

When he heard a door open he perked up. But when he saw an angry Marlene, Alice, who was never angry, and Lily, he backed away from the stairs quickly.

"You are a real piece of work Black, you know that? Can't even look past your big, ugly head for a minute to think about someone else," Marlene said, tightening her hand into a fist.

He looked down without saying anything. "Don't even try to apologize today. She's up there crying her eyes out. She was so happy about this. You disgust me," said Lily protectively, exiting the common room with her friends.

The four boys looked at each other quietly. "So... can I have my money back?" Peter asked. All three boys rolled their eyes.

Rose managed to avoid Sirius the rest of the year. Even going as far as to skip the annual Potter Christmas ball. She focused on her studies and stayed with her friends, spending more time with Sev, Lily, Mar, and Ali.

But alas, at the train station, Sirius managed to catch her.

"Rose!" He called as she went to walk through the barrier. He grabbed her arm.

"Black let go of her-" Lily began but Rose shook her head.

"Lil I'll be fine. Go see mom and dad," Rose said, letting her sister walk through the barrier.

"Listen. I-Uh. I wanted to apologize for what happened before Christmas. I really do mean it. I wasn't thinking and everyone is miserable without you. So... forgive me?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. You're forgiven. But that's it. We aren't bffs," explained Rose. The boy nodded and she walked though the barrier, heading home.

This year was a mess.

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