Raising Kiara

By piscesandpizza

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Lucia; a young and beautiful woman with her whole life ahead of her was shot dead protecting the biggest secr... More

Character aesthetics


35.4K 935 208
By piscesandpizza

Kian huffs in frustration after scouring his kitchen cupboards for food and finding nothing suitable for Kiara.

He makes his way over to the two on the sofa and his eyes soften once he sees them cozying up together.

"You could have taken her hat and coat off Rowan." Kian chastises upon seeing Kiara still wearing her teddy coat and bobble hat.

"Oh...yeh." Rowan replies, only just remembering that she'd need help doing it.

Responsible one or not, he still isn't used to being around children so small.

Maybe if they had both watched her grow up from being a baby they'd have a better understanding of how independent she is and the things she needs help doing.

But since they've been handed the child out of the blue they needed to really learn what stages she's at in every aspect of her development.

"There's nothing for her to eat. We'll have to order something for now and do a food shop soon." Kian complains, crouching down infront of Kiara who's face lights up seeing her dad.

He smiles at his daughter after realising how moody he's sounding whilst taking off her hat and coat, draping them over the sofa behind her.

Rowan turns to the little girl by his side and picks up one of her tiny hands, mentally cooing after realising how soft they are.

He strokes the back of her hand with his thumb to gain her attention and begins to speak once her attention is on him.

"What's your favourite food munchkin?" Rowan queries.

"Emmm..." Kiara points a finger to her chin in thought.

To anyone else it's a normal thing to ask but in her three year old mind it's the most important question she's ever been asked.

She can't make the decision lightly.

"Pancakes." The child declares, grinning from ear to ear at the thought of the delicious food.

Kian flashes a small smile in response and shrugs his shoulders.

"Well okay but-"

"Kian!" Rowan hisses, interrupting his brother before he can make any promises to the little girl.

"You can't give her pancakes. She needs to eat something proper."

Rowan lectures the child's father, tilting his head with a knowing look in a warning to stop him getting any stupid ideas.

"Well pancakes sounds more proper then any of the sh...stuff we have in the cupboards."

Kian counters, saving himself from swearing for the second time that day.

He'd have never ever seen himself filtering his language this time last week. Not for another good ten years atleast.

Rowan ignores his brother and turns back to Kiara.

"What about dinner time foods? Which one of those do you like best honey?" Rowan asks.

Kiara tilts her head, deep in thought again.

"Chicken nugg-is." She eventually decides.

Her expression is bright and hopeful as she begs her uncle with her eyes to accept her answer this time around.

Rowan smiles at her and gives her hand a small shake.

"Good choice. How would you like some chips and chicken nuggets to eat then?" Rowan asks the toddler, completely taking over for her clueless dad.

She shakes her head, yes furiously, causing her hair to fly everywhere.

Rowan and Kian giggle at the adorable sight infront of them.

"Where will be open to order from at this time?" Kian questions his brother.

It was early hours in the morning and still dark outside.

Rowan had clearly been staying up late worried about the lack of communication from his brother whilst the other two had just landed in LA and arrived home.

There'll be less takeaway places open but still some. It was LA after all. The time of day never stopped anybody from ordering food.

"I don't know do McDonalds deliver twenty four seven?" Rowan asks back.

"I'll check." Kian says, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

It lights up with thousands of unopened notifications since he's barely touched his phone since meeting his daughter.

He sits down on the other side of Kiara and gets to ordering them some food whilst the other two go back to their film.

Rowan never thought he would actually sit and enjoy a Disney princess film but with Kiara around, they're all experiencing allot of firsts.

And throughout all of that time, Rowan never lets go of her little hand.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Eventually the house phone situated next to the elevator doors had rang out alerting the brothers of the arrival of their takeaway.

Kian answered the phone to his doorman who called to inform him of a delivery man claiming to have food for Kian Wiley.

Kian assured his doorman, Alan, that it was fine to send them up in the elevator and with that he stood by the doors, ready to collect his food the moment it arrived.

Poor Kiara's little stomach had been growling the entire half an hour they had been waiting for it to arrive and Kian was losing his patience with the useless delivery drivers like he never had before.

It's the middle of the night. What the fuck is taking them so long, he thought.

He was taking his stress and anger out on the delivery company for being the source of his daughters hunger.

He didn't like that there was something she needed that he couldn't yet provide. He wondered how parents keep on top of these things every single day. How they don't go shouting at innocent people for the most minor inconveniences that effect their children.

As he stood anxiously tapping his foot with growing impatience, a new fear popped into his head.

What if the delivery guy recognised him?

He was bound to.

Would he run off to some gossip magazine and tell them about the little girl in his apartment that looked just like him?

Before Kian had a chance to instruct Rowan to take her into a different room, the lift dinged and the doors slid open, revealing a skinny man holding a pile of pizza boxes and cartons of food.

Kian stepped forwards so that the man couldn't even so much as enter their place and snatched the boxes from his arms, shielding his view from Kiara.

The man's eyes widened slightly, a telltale sign that he recognised Kian which Kian registered.

He stopped himself from physically growling and shoving the man away from him in defense.

But the fire in Kian's eyes only intensified when the man stood on his toes to look over his shoulder into the building.

"Nice place." The man whistled.

"Thanks. Bye." Kian gritted.

He so badly wanted to say more then that. To swear at the man for being a nosey prick.

But he restrained himself and tilted his head, staring the man down with a less then amused expression on his face.

Kian leaned around him and pressed the button to close the doors and send him on his way back downstairs.

Which means he loses the opportunity to swing at the man for what next comes out of his mouth.

"Cute kid. What's her name?"

Kian growls and balls his free hand into a fist.

He looks up to the ceiling, telling himself to calm down and refrain from punching the wall which would most definitely scare Kiara.

Once he's reasonably calm he makes his way to their dining table to set down the food and plate some up for Kiara.

Rowan breaks his trance from the Disney film he was watching and stands up from the sofa.

He turns to Kiara and holds his hand out, offering her to take it.

"Come on little one. Let's get you fed." Rowan says.

Kiara's big blue eyes meet his and fall down to his outstretched hand.

She reaches out to take it and he helps her safely down off the couch, leading her over to the table where her dad had plated up their pizza and Kiara's chicken nuggets and chips.

Rowan bends down and picks the toddler up by her waist, placing her down in a chair only to instantly burst into a fit of laughter.

All that can be seen from Kian's point of view is eyebrows and half a pair of eyes which causes him to join in on his brother's laughter.

Kiara also begins to giggle, finding it comical that she can no longer see anything infront of her except the edge of the table.

"Can't see." She claims between rounds of giggles.

"Hold on a minute baby." Rowan chuckles.

Minutes later Kiara is lifted up again and moved to the seat next to her which now had her pink car seat on top of it so that she could reach the table.

"Hi dada." Kiara waves at her father in greeting, now being able to actually see him rather then just hearing his contagious laugh.

"Hey cutie." He waves back with a smirk.

Kian walks around the table and places the plate filled to the brim with chicken nuggets and chips infront of her.

"Kian, what the hell? She's not going to be able to eat all of that! The portion is bigger then her!"

Rowan exclaims, looking to his little brother with wide eyes.

"Well she can eat what she can, don't whine at me. I didn't make the portion size." Kian shrugs nonchalantly, sitting down in the seat beside his little girl to keep an eye on her.

"You literally just did." Rowan deadpans. He shakes his head and goes to sit down opposite Kiara.

"Whatever. It's not the end of the world." Kian rolls his eyes, picking up a slice of his pizza and going to take a bite.

He's interrupted by a little hiss and then a dramatic gasp.

"Owchy. Is hot." Kiara drops the said hot chicken nugget back onto her plate after attempting to pick it up to eat.

Kian and Rowan's faces fill with concern as they drop their own food in alarm, prepared to help the little girl however they can.

Kian gently takes a hold of her wrist.

"Does your hand still hurt?" He asks worriedly.

Kiara nods her head in confirmation and Kian shoots up from his seat.

His eyebrows knit together in concern as he picks her up from under her armpits and makes his way to the sink.

Kian props the child on his knee as he balances and turns the cold tap on.

He holds her hand under the cold stream of water for a minute or so, watching her little features for any more signs of pain.

Kiara keeps her focus on her dad's hand on her wrist and the water that falls onto the palm of her hand.

The girl isn't phased by the situation at all, much to her father's obliviousness, as it is usually a daily occurrence for her.

Her mother would always warn her to wait for her food to cool down but Kiara was always impatient and ended up hissing in pain.

She never learnt.

Kian's thoughts were flooded with guilt.

That's yet another thing he should have considered instead of focusing on his own food selfishly amd expecting her to get on with it and eat her food.

He had to keep a closer eye on her.

"I'm sorry sunshine, I should have checked it first." Kian apologises.

Kiara looks to her dad with a small frown on her face.

It wasn't his fault, she thought. She was the one who didn't wait for it to cool down.

"S'okay. All better." She placates.

Kiara holds her hand up to show him and accidentally splashed Kian in the process who closes his eyes to blink the water away.

"Oopsy." She comments.

Her mouth falls to the shape of an 'o' as it registers that she just got water in his eyes.

Kian blinks it away, smiling none the less, amused by her innocent mistake.

"C'mon silly girl. Let's dry your hand and have some food." Kian suggests.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n. Sorry for the wait and this chapterrrr idk I've been distracted by the snow and stuff. My head aint in it today.

I promise i'll get an early night and stuff and bash out a better chapter quicker tomorrowwww x

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