Fuck you

By loveis_crazy

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I'm too lazy to go through it and edit it 😐 One day I will so enjoy how horribly written this is for now More

Some extra info


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By loveis_crazy

So it's been a week and my stomach is killing me the next day I had work so I went in and while I was grabbing cookies off the rack my body went weak and Ava called Isaac and he picked me up she said I can take a week off

I've also been throwing up a lot and the stomach pains are just horrible so Isaac called in so he can take me to the doctors

Before you start with some "you're pregnant" shit I've taken 4 test all negative so I have no idea what this is it's not cramps because this feels 20 times worse

"Are you ready baby" Isaac asks

"Yeah" I say and slowly get up groaning in pain

"It's okay today we will figure this all out" he says trying to reassure me

Slowly but surely we get to the car and it's just the worst the seats in the car suck so I lay the seat all the way down and lay in a ball position

This dumbass hits a speed bump but never slowed down

"Ow" I cry out

"I'm so sorry baby" he says rubbing my back

Eventually we get there and he helps me out and grabs a wheelchair and I sit in it he takes me to the waiting room

he asks me questions so he can fill out the paper work once we finish it we turn it in and he comes back next to me

"So what do you think is wrong" he asks

"Well I'm not pregnant so honestly I have no idea what else it could be"

"Isabella Allen" the nurse calls and I instantly look at Isaac

"Your an idiot" I say laughing of course when I put him in charge he puts his last name

"What I just wanted to hear what it would sound like I really like it ima have to lock it down soon" he says winking at me

"Right this way" the nurse says and Isaac takes me and follows the nurse to a room

"So what brings you in today" The nurse asks

"Well for the past week I have had these horrible cramping pains and I've been throwing up a lot so I took a pregnancy test well 4 of them and they all came back negative so I don't know what's wrong"

"Also at work she fainted and she's fainted a couple of times at home too" Isaac tells her

"Well let me go grab the doctor for you guys" she says and walks out

"Ahhh I'm nervous" I say stressed

"I'm right here your gonna be fine" he says grabbing my hand

"Hello Mrs.Allen and Mr.Allen" the doctor says walking in with a nurse and stuff behind him "so today I was hoping my nurse here could do a little scan of your stomach it's like an ultrasound very simple thing just so we can see before we try to do x-rays is that okay" he asks

"Of course" Isaac says nodding

"Well I will be back after" the doctor says and walks out

"Okay Mrs.Allen if I could get you to lay down on here" I look at Isaac and he helps me get onto the bed thing "okay now I'm going to lift your shirt up a little and Unbutton your jeans for more room is that okay" she asks I nod and she pulls it up a little and I unbutton my jeans and pull them down a little

"Okay so this is some gel that's gonna help make this smoother so it's going to be cold at first but nothing major" she tells me and puts it on she then grabs that weird remote thing and moves it around for a bit then stops "I'll be right back I need to get the doctor" she says and walks out

"Oh fuck that didn't sound good" I say looking at Isaac

"Everything is fine" he says brushing my hair out of my face

"Alright Mrs.Allen let's check this out" the doctor says walking back in "hmm well we have good new and bad news which would you like first" he asks

"Bad then good" I tell him

"Well I don't know how to say this but your uterus appears to be behind your rib cage"

"How is that possible" we both ask at the same time

"Well there's a couple of things, this actually happens a lot, one of the main reasons could be rough sex" I look at Isaac shaking my head and laughing

"Are you sure maybe we should take some x-rays to be sure" Isaac says

"Well we actually can't have her take x-rays" he answers

"And why is that" I ask

"Well the good news is your pregnant" he says I look at Isaac with my eyes really wide and he's just smiling awe 😭

"So what's the solution"

"No sex for about 6 weeks" he answers then isaacs eyes got wide and I laugh

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