"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...

By RaveHaynes

221K 6.7K 5.3K

A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... More

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Dinner With Mom, Again?"
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Good News."
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"Tong Tian."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang Visits."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."
"Saved By Our Friend."

"Let Me Go!"

906 38 18
By RaveHaynes

There was so many things at the market that it felt as if they actually had everything and anything. If you needed rare art, they had it. If you needed a new wardrobe, they had that as well. There was jewelry of all kinds. The accessories were of a wider variety than the women had ever seen and they purchased quite a few things.
Ying Yue walked up to a dessert stall and looked at the chocolate dipped bananas, brownies, and crepes. To the left of her, she eyed the third coconut ice cream stall she had seen. It looked so good and the heat itself made her want to buy at least three.
Yang Meng had bought a coconut from a man with a bushy beard. He had been yelling, coconuts, so loud that Yang Meng's mouth started to water. He drank down the coconut water in record time and hogged You Qi's.
Two girls passed them and giggled. They thought it was cute to see a real life BL couple walking around in the market.
Wang Wei purchased a bowl of fruit with his own money and handed it to Jiang Yifei. She blushed and took the bag from him, digging into it and avoiding eye contact. She thought it was too sweet that he did that.
Gu Hai saw the gesture and smiled. "Good man," he said to himself.
"What," asked Bai LuoYin.
Gu Hai cupped his lover's cheeks in one hand and turned his head so that he saw what he had seen.
"How nice," mumbled Bai LuoYin. He tried to smile, failed, and slapped Gu Hai's hand away.
The elderly woman sitting in the stall laughed at them and thought they were cute. She picked up two candies from the bowl that she was selling from and gave one to each of them.
Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai thanked her by purchasing two little Buddha statues. His large hat and round belly made his smile all the more authentic.
Yang Meng looked thoughtful. He couldn't decide if he wanted the blue or green shirt. He put two fingers to the bottom of his chin and fell deeper into thought. You Qi walked up behind him and observed. Yang Meng didn't have to turn around to know it was his lover, the smell of his cologne alone gave him away.
You Qi leaned into his ear and whispered, "It doesn't matter which one you choose, I'm going to take it off of you anyway."
Yang Meng felt himself turn red. His eyes went wide and he looked around to see if anyone had heard.
"I brought a new toy for us to try out," You Qi breathed into his ear.
Yang Meng's heart raced from the heat and the mention of something sexual. The more toys they tried together, the more he liked it. He wondered what the new toy was and was suddenly eager to get back to the hotel. He pretended to ignore You Qi and headed to the next stall.
You Qi followed his petite lover closer. Tonight, he wanted to make love to Yang Meng. It had been two days now that they hadn't made love.
The group shopped for almost three hours. They covered almost half of the market and was getting hungry.
Gu Hai held ten bags in his hands. His stomach growled and he lead everyone to a food stall. They ordered, ate, and shopped until the women wanted to get off of their feet.
When they got back to the hotel, the sun was still up. Jiang Yifei suggested that they all have a swim in the pool to cool down from the heat. It was located in the back of the hotel and was decorated just as good as the rest of the place. She and Ying Yue sat in the water on the shallow end, while the guys dove in the deep end, splashing one another like children. Even Wang Wei was in on the action. Gu Hai grabbed him by the neck and dunked him under the water with great force. It made Bai LuoYin laugh out loud and You Qi attacked him. Yang Meng jumped in to help his best friend and ended up in the grip of Gu Hai the great.
Gu Hai lifted Yang Meng over his head and tossed his frail body halfway across the middle of the pool. He made it look so effortless that Jiang Yifei was impressed by his strength.
"They all have great physiques," Ying Yue complimented.
Jiang Yifei nodded, though her eyes were locked on Wang Wei's body. She loved how his six pack looked more like an eight pack. There was so much definition to his body that she knew he had to work out almost every day just to stay in shape. She recalled the way that he ate at the restaurant. He was a man with a big appetite, something she thought was very attractive.
"I wonder if Wang Wei has siblings," Jiang Yifei said out loud. She hadn't meant to, but was glad that it slipped out when Ying Yue spoke.
"Maybe you two should go on a real date. That way, you two can learn about each other,"
"A date?!"
"Yes, a date. We are here in this beautiful country, why not," Ying Yue said, spreading her hands out wide.
"I wouldn't know where to go."
"I'll take care of that," Ying Yue winked an eye at her.
Jiang Yifei gave her suspicious eyes. "How," she said.
Ying Yue laughed. "Don't worry about that. How about you dress really nice tonight. Wear that pink dress with the white dots. I like that one."
Jiang Yifei sighed heavily. She hadn't been on a date in so long. She eyed Wang Wei and then cupped her hands together as if she made a bowl. She dipped them into the pool and then threw some water over her neck and chest. She looked down at her growing belly and signed again.
"What's wrong," asked Ying Yue.
"How can he like me so much? I'm carrying another man's baby. Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream," she said.
"When he started working for Gu Hai, he knew the situation. Bai LuoYin briefed him on what the situation is. I'm sure that doesn't bother him," Ying Yue said, doing her best to comfort her friend.
"I just find it odd that he finds me attractive. A pregnant woman in her late twenties," Jiang Yifei said, looking sad.
Ying Yue knew that her friend was doubting herself. It was understandable. "If you think that you need to take it slow, then do that. You do not have to rush into anything. I think that you should have fun with it. Don't expect too much and when he surprises you even more, you'll grow to love and trust him a little at a time."
Jiang Yifei smiled at her friend. She was thankful for her. Out of all the women in China, she had been the one to become friends with her. Ying Yue was truly one of a kind. Her advice made sense. She reached over and hugged Ying Yue tightly. When their bellies bumped one anothers, they broke out into laughter.
Bai LuoYin heard them and made his way towards them. "What's so funny," he asked curiously. When the women shook their heads at him, he began to splash them with water, gently, but enough to bring screams and playful laughter.
"Shall I save you from this villian?!" Gu Hai said, swimming up to them.
"Yes!" Ying Yue yelped, covering her face with a hand, still in laughter.
Gu Hai grabbed Bai LuoYin around the waist from the back with one hand and pulled him back and away from them. They both went under the water and surfaced in a bear hug, this time, Bai LuoYin was facing Gu Hai.
Jiang Yifei's heart exploded inside of her chest from how cute they both looked. The look in Gu Hai's eyes was of pure adornment. His eyes was so focused on Bai LuoYin's face, you could tell that he was taking it in as if he were taking a mental picture. She glanced at Wang Wei, who was sitting on the side of the pool watching her. She longed for a man to look at her like that. She looked down at her stomach and sighed again. Maybe Ying Yue was right, she would try her best to forget about being pregnant and concentrate more on Wang Wei and how he made her feel in the moment.
Wang Wei jumped down into the water and made his way towards the vision that had captured his eyes for the last half an hour. He swam up to Jiang Yifei and extended his hand at her. She took it and let him lead her a little deeper into the pool. "Try to float," he said, "you'll feel light on your feet."
Jiang Yifei trusted his hands to steady her as she lifted off of her feet. She arched her back and the water lifted her until she was floating. The clear blue sky looked so nice. She felt Wang Wei's hand under her lower back and head and she felt her stress and anxiety leave her mind. It felt so good, she thought to herself. She stole a glance at Wang Wei and he was smiling down at her.
"Feels great, huh," he said.
She nodded her head slightly.
Ying Yue smiled from where she sat. Wang Wei was so right for her friend, she thought to herself.
When they were finished swimming and horsing around in the pool, everyone went back to their rooms for a shower, something to eat, and relaxation.
This was Gu Hai's chance to seek his revenge. After Bai LuoYin had showered and ate, he sat in the bedroom watching TV. He felt so relaxed until Gu Hai entered the room with a grin upon his face.
"No," Bai LuoYin said.
Gu Hai frowned, "What," he asked defensively.
"No, I'm not in the mood for sex," Bai LuoYin said sternly, his eyes not leaving the television screen. He raised the remote control in his hands, aimed it at the TV, and pressed a button as if that was the end of the conversation.
Gu Hai ignored him and climbed into bed like the confident king that he was, his movements that of a lion. He brought his face close to his lover's cheek and he planted a gentle kiss. "Fine," he said.
Bai LuoYin's eyeball moved to the right, while his head remained straight, and he watched as Gu Hai got comfy under the covers. What the hell was he up to?
An hour into the movie that they were both watching, Gu Hai said, "I'm going to make some tea, do you want some?"
"Sure," Bai LuoYin said. He was very much into the action movie and was barely paying attention.
Gu Hai went into the kitchen area and put a pot of water to boil. He pulled out two cups, sugar, and one tea bag. Too bad Bai LuoYin underestimated him. He snuck to the closet in the hallway, next to the front door, opened it, and reached for his bag. He took a second to turn and listen, making sure Bai LuoYin didn't come into the room. When he heard nothing, he opened the small pocket on the side of his bag and pulled out another tea bag. It was wrapped in cellophane and smelt of chamomile. He zipped up the bag, put it back, and tip-toed back to the kitchen. When the water was done boiling, he placed the teabag into the cup that was meant for his lover, added one sugar, stirred it up and was off to the bedroom again. He could help but grin internally.
Bai LuoYin took the cup in his hands and sipped its contents immediately. It smelled great and it felt good going down his throat.
Now, it was Gu Hai's turn to eyeball Bai LuoYin without turning his head. He watched as Bai LuoYin took that first sip and thought, just you wait.
After the movie was done, Bai LuoYin clicked through a few more channels until he yawned. He was sleepy. His eyelids felt heavier than normal and he thought that he was just tired from all the swimming he had done earlier.
Gu Hai watched as Bai LuoYin drifted off to sleep. He would be out cold for a while. The dose of tea had an added effect that would put Bai LuoYin to sleep for at least an hour, just enough time for Gu Hai to do what he needed to do. "Bai LuoYin," he whispered. When there was no movement, he threw the covers off of him and went to work.
Gu Hai dashed to the closet again to retrieve his bag of naughty things. He took it back into the bedroom and pulled out a long rope and two pairs of handcuffs. He began to turn Bai LuoYin onto his stomach and stopped mid-motion when he let out a soft moan. When Bai LuoYin didn't say another word, he continued. He positioned Bai LuoYin towards the center of the king sized bed and used the rope to tie him up in the position called, hog-tying. He binded his ankles and arms behind his back and secured the handcuffs to his wrists and ankles for added protection. Bai LuoYin was well trained in the military, he would know how to get out of almost anything. He didn't worry too much though, Bai LuoYin would be too distracted with what was going on with his own body to try and break free.
Gu Hai lay down beside Bai LuoYin and brought his face up to his. He wanted his face to be the first thing Bai LuoYin saw when he opened his eyes. He wanted to take in all the pleasure from that first moment.
An hour later, Bai LuoYin stirred.
"Hello," Gu Hai half sang.
It took a while for Bai LuoYin to open his eyes. He blinked and tried to focus on Gu Hai's face and the way he looked. The first thing that came to his mind was that Gu Hai was waking him up for sex, something he had done many times, at all hours of the night when they were supposed to be sleeping. "Gu," he managed to say and tried to push him away with his hand. When he realized that he couldn't, he became more aware. His eyes opened wide and he jerked his head to the right. A slight pain poked at his shoulders and he looked at Gu Hai again. "What the heck?!"
Gu Hai smiled at him. He had proped his head on the palm of his hand and was layed out beside him as if he was admiring his handy work.
"Gu Hai! What are you doing?!" Bai LuoYin hissed. He threw his head to the left and tried to headbutt Gu Hai, but he quickly moved out of the way.
"Why, I'm admiring your beauty, my love," Gu Hai said with a hint of sarcasm.
Bai LuoYin turned his head at a painful angle to look at his husband, his face turned red as he spoke. "Let me go," he said as calmly as possible. He knew that his hands and feet were bound, but he was more worried about what Gu Hai would try to do. At first, he thought he could handle it. Whatever Gu Hai was up to, it had to involve sex. He figured he would let Gu Hai do what he wanted, get some pleasure out of it, and then be set free.
But, Gu Hai's eyes gleamed as he got up off of the bed. He walked around to the other side of the bed and watched as Bai LuoYin fought to follow his movements. "You're going to pay very dearly for being a bad boy at Yan Ya Jing's house," he promised.
Bai LuoYin laughed. His body shook on the bed and he buried his face into the mattress as he broke out into hysterical laughter. When he was done, he turned to Gu Hai with red eyes. "Is this your revenge for that night," he asked.
"No," Gu Hai said, "this is." He held up the small bottle in his hands and watched as Bai LuoYin looked puzzled.
"What is that?" he demanded.
"Something that will make you beg," Gu Hai said with all the wickedness he could muster into his voice. "When I'm finished with you, you'll be begging for me to stop."
Bai LuoYin looked at the clear liquid, then at his husband. He would never do anything to hurt him physically, so what was in the bottle, he thought to himself. Gu Hai would tie him up, but he would never, ever, draw a single drop of blood from his body. He was too curious now. "What is that and where did you get it," he asked.
"This is my secret," Gu Hai said. "You don't need to know that information. The only thing that you need to know is that you'll be begging for my touch." He moved onto the bed and disappeared out of sight.
Bai LuoYin could feel him behind his body, but couldn't turn his head enough to see exactly what he was doing. "Let me go, Gu Hai!"
Gu Hai laughed, bent over him, brought his lips to his ear, and whispered, "Say, please."
Bai LuoYin began to rock his body from side to side. Whatever Gu Hai was about to do, he was going to make it difficult for him to achieve it.
Instead of holding him down, Gu Hai playfully slapped his ass cheek. "Stop it," Gu Hai laughed.
"Let me go and I'll do whatever you like," Bai LuoYin promised. He stopped moving, buried his head into the sheets, cocked his butt into the air, and cooed like a dove. "Please, Gu Hai," he murmured softly. His words were filled with lust, and every ounce of sexual tone he had in his voice.
Gu Hai gripped his ass cheek, met his ear again, and said, "You're going to go wild tonight, my love, I'm going to break you, make you worship my very being, but mostly my touch." He sat up, reached for Bai LuoYin's pajama pants, and with one quick motion, tore them apart like paper. He tore his underwear apart as well and Bai LuoYin yelped. Two, creamy, plump, ass cheeks, poked out from the torn pajama pants. They were firm and looked like the ripest peaches he had ever seen.
"Let me go!" Bai LuoYin screamed out loud, this time a little louder.

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