Love is Magical (Edward Culle...

由 dani1754

579K 13.6K 1.9K

Lillian Knight comes from a long line of powerful witches. As a baby, she was blessed by the ancestors and na... 更多

Chapter 1 ~Goodbye Cali~
Chapter 2 ~Hello Forks~
Chapter 3 ~First Day Part 1~
Chapter 4 ~First Day Part 2~
Chapter 5 ~He's Back~
Chapter 6 ~The Fieldtrip~
Chapter 7 ~La Push~
Chapter 8 ~Port Angeles~
Chapter 9 ~The Truth~
Chapter 10 ~Backstories~
Chapter 11 ~Meet the Family~
Chapter 12~Dinner Time & Late Night Talks~
Chapter 13 ~Baseball~
Chapter 14 ~Goodbye Forks~
Chapter 15 ~Phoenix~
Chapter 16 ~Hospital Beds & Prom~
New Moon
Chapter 1 ~Birthday~
Chapter 2 ~Party Fail~
Chapter 3 ~They Left~
Chapter 4 ~A Surprise~
Chapter 4 ~Months~
Chapter 5 ~Will's Rising~
Chapter 6 ~Healing~
Chapter 7 ~Motorcycles~
Chapter 8 ~School & Movie Night~
Chapter 9 ~Jake Left Too~
Chapter 10 ~The Meadow~
Chapter 11 ~The Wolves~
Chapter 12 ~Explanations~
Chapter 13 ~The Cliffs~
Chapter 14 ~The Return of Alice~
Chapter 15 ~Hello Italy~
Chapter 16 ~Meeting Will & Voting~
Chapter 1 ~Marry Me~
Chapter 2 ~Family Trip & Hunt For Victoria~
Chapter 3 ~The Wolves & The Intruder
Chapter 4 ~Working Together~
Chapter 5 ~The Kiss~
Chapter 6 ~Graduation Party~
Chapter 7 ~Training~
Chapter 8 ~The Battle Plan~
Chapter 9 ~Before the Battle~
Chapter 10 ~The Battle~
Chapter 11 ~A Visit From The Volturi~
Chapter 12 ~Official~
Breaking Dawn Part 1
Chapter 1 ~Before the Wedding~
Chapter 2 ~The Wedding~
Chapter 3 ~The Reception~
Chapter 4 ~The Honeymoon~
Chapter 5 ~Another Surprise~
Chapter 6 ~The Wolves Know~
Chapter 7 ~The Right Thing To Do~
Chapter 8 ~Disagreements~
Chapter 9 ~Acceptance & The Distraction~
Chapter 10 ~It's Time~
Chapter 11~The Transformation~
Breaking Dawn Part 2
Chapter 1 ~A New Beginning~
Chapter 2~Imprinting & New Home~
Chapter 3~The Twins' Awakening
Chapter 4 ~Time & Irina
Chapter 5~Immortal Children & Gathering Witnesses
Chapter 6~Aro's Witnesses
Chapter 7~Training
Chapter 9~The Confrontation~
Chapter 10~The Battle~
Chapter 11~The Ending~
Author's Note!

Chapter 8~J. Jenks & The Night Before~

2.6K 88 2
由 dani1754

Lily's POV:

The next day, I decided to take the twins to Charlie's for the day while I went to Seattle.

Charlie's been dating Sue Clearwater, so Seth and Leah are going to be over at the house. Jake was going to drive and meet us there.

I was in the car with Danny and the kids as we drove to Charlie's.

"Surprised you took a break from Jedi training" Danny told me.

I shrugged, "I thought the kids needed to get out of the house for a while and since you were going to see Leah at Charlie's house, I thought it'd be okay for the kids to come visit."

"I know that's what you told Edward" Danny said, giving me a look like I was up to something.

He shrugged, "Whatever. I'm just glad to be away from some of the red eyes."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Come, you gotta admit that Dracula one and two are creepy as hell" he said and we laughed.

After that, we made it to Charlie's and saw him, Sue, Leah, Seth, and Jake coming outside.

Katie and Hope ran and hugged Jake and Seth while Will said hi to Charlie and Sue.

"Wow, look at you! You guys have grown half a foot. Seriously! Like six inches" Charlie told the twins.

"Come on inside, lunch is on the table" Sue said.

"We got a tree to decorate, huh?" Charlie asked and the kids nodded.

"I've actually got a few errands to run. I'll be back soon" I told them as Danny gave me another look as he stood by Leah.

"Come on. Let's go" Charlie said to the kids as they ran inside with the others.

I drove to Seattle, to meet with the man Alice told me to contact. Her note gave me a sense of hope. Maybe she had a plan for us after all, and maybe J. Jenks was the key.

I was meeting him in a restaurant. I walked to the host, "Hi, I'm meeting Mr. Jenks."

He smiled and directed me to the table where Mr. Jenks was sitting.

He stood up, "Mrs. Cullen" he put out his hand.

"Hi" I greeted and shook his hand.

"I'm so happy you called" he said as we sat down.

"I always meet my clients here, it's more uh... comfortable than the office" he told me.

I nodded, "And it's more public" I pointed out, making him smile.

"So what type of work do you do, J?" I asked.

"Well, you know, this and that. It's always different which keeps it interesting" he answered.

"Have you known Alice and Jasper long?" I asked.

"I've been working with them for more than twenty years. And my late partner, knew Jasper fifteen years before that. He's uh... unusually well preserved" he told me.

"Yes, he is" I said.

"I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation" Mr. Jenks said.

"He didn't tell you where he was going, did he?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, no, no. He uh...just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order."

"I assume that his order is ready?" I asked.

"Of course. I've never been late with a delivery" he told me and slid an envelope to me.

I opened it and saw passports and documents for Will, Katie, Hope, Bree, Jake, and Seth.

"There a problem?" Mr. Jenks asked.

I shook my head, "No. My husband and I thought that we'd all be traveling together."

"Jasper said only six were traveling. His instructions were very clear" Mr. Jenks told me.

I put the passports and documents back in the envelope, "It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen" I said sadly.

I left and drove to pick up the kids as thoughts were running through my head.

Alice's vision was clear. Will, Katie, and Hope would have a future. But Edward and I wouldn't be apart of it.

I picked up the kids as we went back to the house. They were telling me about what they did at Charlie's house.

When we got home, we went into the living room and the kids ran to their father and hugged him.

Edward smile at them with love in his eyes as they told him what they did today.

I leaned on the wall and smiled at their interaction. But my smile faltered when I thought about Alice's instructions for the kids.

I went into another room and grabbed three backpacks for the kids that had money in each backpack for them.

I put a few spell books in the twins' backpacks so they can continue to practice their magic. I put a Protector's sword and dagger in Will's backpack for him.

Then I wrote a letter to them, "To my beautiful children, I thought we would have forever together. But forever isn't as long as I'd hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues. It was too keep all of you safe.

Everything you, Jake, Seth, and Bree need are in these bags. They will protect and take care of you. The boys will help you learn about the Ticuna legends.

My beautiful girls, continue to practice your magic. I know you'll become powerful witches. You both will do great things in the future, I know it. I love you both very much.

Will, my sweet boy, continue your training as a protector. It's your duty to protect your sisters, just like Uncle Danny protects me. The sword and dagger are for you to use to protect your sisters. I love you, my sweet boy.

All three of you are miracles to your father and I. You were blessings to not only us, but to your aunts and uncles and your grandparents. Always stay together, always protect each other.

May we meet again" I wrote and sighed sadly.

I put the letters in the backpacks, "It's a romantic notion, isn't it?" I heard someone ask. Alistair.

"That a righteous few can defy a great evil. I must admit, you even had me believing. For a moment" he chuckled.

"Well good luck. You're gonna need it. Cheers" he said before walking out.


The next day was Christmas and we spent it at Charlie's with the Clearwaters, Danny, and Jake.

I looked out the window and saw the snow sticking to the ground. It made me anxious, the Volturi were going to be here soon.

I heard footsteps behind me, it was Edward. He wrapped his arms around me.

"The snow is sticking" I told him.

"Hey, we still have today" he told me.

I looked in the kitchen and saw Sue helping Charlie, which made me happy.

"I'm glad Charlie found somebody to take care of him after Bella left" I said.

After I took Bella's memories and changed them, making her go live with her mom in Florida, Charlie was lonely again and I felt guilty.

"Lily, no one's giving up here" Edward told me.

"All right! Present time! Let's go!" Charlie said, "Seth, Leah, Danny, stop eating. Jake, you start. Get it going."

We walked into the living room and saw Jake and Seth give the twins presents and Danny gave Will his present.

I passed Charlie an envelope, "Well Charlie, we didn't have time to wrap yours, but here it is" I told him.

Charlie sat in the recliner and looked at the envelope as I sat on Edward's lap, "It's a 5-day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Sue" I added.

"You leave tomorrow" Edward said.

"Wow, that's really nice. Thank you" Charlie said before shaking his head, "Tomorrow? I can't... I can't leave tomorrow."

"I made arrangements for you at work" Sue said as she entered the room.

"Sneaky. And extravagant" Charlie said.

"And non-refundable, I'm afraid" Edward said.

"You two trying to get rid of me?" Charlie asked causing us to go quiet.

"Because it's working!" He chuckled.

"Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cutthroat" he said as Sue sat on his lap.

"We might even hook a Rainbow or some Bulls" she added.

"Woman knows her trout" Charlie said as I sat next to the twins on the floor.

"Hey my beautiful girls. Let me see" I asked, referring to the gifts the opened.

They showed me the bracelets they got, "Did Jake and Seth make these?" and they nodded.

"Wanna put it on?" I asked and they nodded.

I put Katie's on first then Hope's and they smiled, "It's so pretty" they said.

"They are pretty" I agreed as Hope sat in my lap and I looked at Will.

"What did Uncle Danny and Aunt Leah get you?" I asked him. Now that Danny and Leah are getting married, the kids call her Aunt Leah which makes Danny and Leah really happy.

He smiled and held up a skateboard.

"There better be a helmet and pads that come with it" I said.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine" Will told me.

"That's exactly what Danny told our mom right before he rode his skateboard into a pond then got attacked by geese" I said and everyone laughed.

I looked at Will, "You're wearing a helmet" and he muttered, "Fine."

3rd POV:

Everyone headed to the clearing where the confrontation was going to be. Jacob had pieces of wood and dropped it on the ground.

Benjamin used his ability to make fire from his fingertips and started the fire.

"That's what I'm talkin' about. A little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories" Jacob said, sitting next to Benjamin and looked at the other vampires.

"Or just standing there like frickin' statues" he added.

Suddenly, Garrett appeared and sat by them, "Name any American battle. I was there."

"Little Bighorn" Jacob said.

"I cane this close to biting Custer. But the Indians got him first" Garrett told them.

Then Kate appeared, sitting on Garrett's knee, "Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople. He didn't win that one on his own."

Then Liam, his mate, and daughter appeared next, "If you're talking battles, you're talking the Eleven Year' War. No one does rebellion like the Irish" Liam said.

"You lost the Eleven Years' War" Garrett said.

"Aye. But it was one hell of a rebellion" Liam replied.

Then the others followed and sat around the camp fire.

"When we ruled, everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favor seekers. Such was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints" Vladimir started.

"We were honest about what we were" Stefan added.

"We sat still for a very long time. We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify" Vladimir continued.

"Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles" Stefan added.

"We've been waiting 1,500 years to return the favor. We have been ready to do battle for ages" Vladimir finished.

Edward and Carlisle stood together and watched the others talk while Lily was with Will, Katie, and Hope in a tent.

"I can't help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because I fell in love with a witch" Edward told Carlisle.

"You found your mate. You deserve to be happy" Carlisle said.

"But at what cost?" Edward asked.

"Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do" Carlisle said, looking at his mate and two of his children.

Edward looked at his wife, who was holding their children.

"Carlisle, I've never thanked you" Edward said, making Carlisle look at him, "For this extraordinary life" he added.

Carlisle gave him a smile and put his hand on Edward's shoulder as they watched over the others.

Meanwhile, Lily sat in the tent with her children. Will, Katie, and Hope opened the lockets Lily gave them.

It contained a family photo of the five of them and Finn in the meadow and a message, 'Plus que ma proper vie' engraved in it.

"This means 'More than my own life', and that's how much I love all of you" Lily told them.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna need you to stay with Jake, Seth, and Bree" Lily told them sadly, "No matter what. Even if I tell them that... that they have to take you somewhere" she added.

The twins started to cry as Will tried to fight back his tears and be strong for his sisters.

Lily pulled all three of them to her and held them close, "Hey. It's all right. You're all gonna be safe. Always. I won't let anyone hurt you" she told them.

She kissed all of their heads before singing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' and laid them down to sleep.


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