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Galing kay fluorescentfilm

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"It's like she's always there when I need her. The antidote for all of my problems." ✧ 𝘏𝘒𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘚𝘡𝘺𝘭𝘦... Higit pa

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Galing kay fluorescentfilm

Harry and I decided to rent out an airbnb for my birthday party, since my friends were attending and we didn't want his address to get leaked. Harry insisted on paying for it, much to my dismay, but we compromised by me telling him I'd be purchasing all of the decor and food.

The airbnb was a quaint little spot by the beach, one bedroom with a big enough space to host a party. It had a pool and a little fire pit. It was adorable and perfect for my get together, despite me not wanting to even spend my birthday with people.

Harry and I showed up last night, lugging in all that we'd brought, food and drink wise. We had decided to stay overnight and just get ready here in the morning, instead of driving back to Harry's and getting ready.

He and I spent a quiet night by the beach, sharing a bottle of nice pinot grigio and talking about old stories. We laughed about when we were kids, funny how we never thought we'd find ourselves in this position. He even serenaded me with his guitar that he never failed to bring with him places, and ended the night with a passionate make-out session.

Frankly, the more time I spent with him the more I fell in love. I loved laying next to him in bed while he slept, studying all the aspects of his face. Of course, it never lasted long because Harry had a sixth sense for spotting when people were staring at him.

Even though we had grown closer and more comfortable with our dynamic, we had yet to really be intimate with each other. We hadn't talked about how we felt crossing that line, progressing our situationship further. Of course, I thought about ripping his clothes off twenty-two out of twenty-four hours everyday, but I didn't know what his thoughts were.

Despite my constant over-thinking, here we were on a Saturday setting out food and drinks for a bunch of people I barely spoke to. I had gotten Maia to round up all the people I could possibly enjoy interaction with and had her invite them, sharing the address. I also invited Harley, my ex coworker and Bradley.

Now, inviting Bradley was maybe not the greatest idea, but he and I were friends and it might be rude if I didn't invite him. Especially because he's so nice. I told him he could bring his girlfriend, he got a new one. Her name was Trinity and she was very sweet.

"Harry?" I said turning to look at him, he looked up and raised his eyebrows at me, "Do you think this outfit is good?"

His eyes scanned up my body, I was wearing a pair of corduroy flares and a silk button up. "You look absolutely beautiful, as always." He stepped forward and gently pushed me against the counter, his hands interlocking behind my lower back and pulling me close.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him, "You're such a kiss up." I gently poked his chest. He smoothed the back of my hair.

"Does it earn me a kiss, though?" He cheesed.

I narrowed my eyes and whispered, "Never."

I pushed him away and sprinted away into the living room, Harry chasing me. We ran in circles around the couch, him trying to catch me but me being too fast for him. "Give it up, Styles! You're not getting shit from me!" I yelled at him, my voice cracking because of how hard I was trying not to laugh.

"That's what you think." He looked at me with a mischievous smiled painted on his heart-shaped lips. He made a run for it and came after me, I squealed and headed for the hallway but losing traction on the wood floors due to my socks, slipping and falling.

Harry flopped on top of me, tickling my sides with his fingers while I smacked at his chest. "I give up!" I said in between laughs. He finally let go, both of us breathing heavily and giggling every once in awhile. We laid on the floor, his arm around my waist and my head on his chest.

"Can I have my kiss now?" He looked at me.

I chuckled, "Yes."

I planted a soft kiss on his lips, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away and sitting up. But I was yanked backwards by Harry. He pushed me against the floor, both his hands on either side of my head. He looked into my eyes, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. I glanced between his eyes and lips, my bottom lip tucked between my teeth.

He finally leaned in, brushing his lips softly against mine before connecting them completely. He captured my bottom lip in between his, sucking lightly. He released it, pulling away to trail wet kisses down my neck to my collar bone. His nose tip drug across the surface of my skin, his hot breath fanning across. I shivered at the sensation, pleasurable but also ticklish.

He moved back up to my lips, gently sliding his tongue into my mouth without hesitation. It wasn't aggressive, it was soft but firm. Our tongues danced together while our lips were connected, our breathing becoming uneven as the tone changed and the pace picked up. It was more passionate and needy, than sweet and tender.

Harry's left hand trailed down my rib cage, molding to the skin of my hip and thigh before he hooked it under my knee and pulled my leg up to wrap around the back of his legs. He grasped the underside of my thigh, making the pit of my stomach do a flip.

I ran my hands down his chest, my fingers tucking into the waist band of his pants and lightly brushing the bare skin of his hip bone. Harry groaned, biting down on my bottom lip causing a soft moan to emit from my throat.

I felt him smile, pulling away. "Casey, let's stop while we're ahead, yeah?"

I huffed but nodded my head, the audacity of him getting me all worked up. But, I wanted to respect his boundaries and plus, we were lying on the hard floor and my back was kind of hurting. He got up from the floor, offering his hand and pulling me up.

"I should ask for a kiss more often." He winked at me.

"Cheeky." I stated before walking back into the kitchen, swishing my hips on purpose because I knew he'd be watching.


"Casey! Oh my god! Happy birthday, Bitch!" Maia yelled as she came running into the kitchen. She embraced me tightly, a bottle of vodka knocking against my spine in the process. "Hey, thanks!" I said in response.

"So, I invited everyone from our friend group, and told them they could bring a plus one if they wanted. I hope that's okay." She stated.

I nodded, grabbing my bottle of Mike's hard off the counter. "Yeah, just as long as nothing gets out of hand." I smiled.

She glanced around, "Where's Harry?"

My stomach sunk and I realized she had no idea that we were even a thing. Which meant, Maia was going to flirt intensely with him all night. He and I weren't planning to be all over each other tonight, but it was bound to happen that we would stick together.

"He's off doing something." I said, taking a big swig of my drink.

Right as I said that, he happened to walk into the front door from outside. "Case, I got the extra ice." He held up a bag.

His eyes darted from me to Maia and I could tell he knew what was going to be going down. "Hello!" He greeted politely.

"Oh my god! Hi Harry." She practically tackled him and gave him a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and I watched as he patted her back with his free hand. She let go, pulling away. "It's so great to see you both!"

"You too." Harry and I said in unison.

I was already dreading the party, but now I was hating it even more. I really just wanted to spend some quality time with Harry. I grabbed the bag of ice from him, setting it down in the sink.

"Maia, do you mind watching the door for guests?" I asked her, faking a polite tone.

"Absolutely, I'm on it." She grinned.

I pulled Harry aside, "I'm sorry, it looks like you're gonna have girls all over you tonight. No one knows about us." I explained.

He chuckled, "I only want one girl all over me, and that's you." He pressed a soft kiss to my temple, rubbing my back.

"Ugh, I hate that." I groaned.

Harry just chuckled even more, I scowled at him. "What's funny?" I asked him.

He gazed down at me, "I like when you're jealous. It's cute, and it lets me know that you really want me."

I pushed his chest, "Goodbye Mr. cheesy rom-com."

I busied myself with finishing up getting appetizers done, making sure drinks were thoroughly chilled, and everything was in place. I told Maia that no one should bring gifts, just a party favor to contribute to the lot of beverages or food.

Pretty soon, the house was filled with people I knew milling around and helping themselves to refreshments. I was currently in a conversation with Harley. She had, of course, drug her shit brother along with her to try and set me up again.

"Casey, honestly I think you just need a little more time to get to know him! He's amazing." She reasoned.

I smiled politely, "Harley, I'm kind of interested in someone already. That ship has sailed and has been long gone since he was very offensive when we first met. I appreciate you, but I'm going to have to say no."

"Alright. It's really your loss." She smiled but I could tell I had probably offended her in some way.

I moved around to try and locate Harry, hoping to not get caught into another black hole conversation. I had almost made it to the kitchen until I was stopped by brunette hair and an irish accent. I had an "oh shit" realization in that moment because I had never told Niall that I wasn't interested in him like that.

"Casey!" Niall yelled over the noise around us.

"Oh hi!" I gave him a friendly hug.

His hands wrapped around my waist, a drink in one hand, while he held me close. I was stiff but I also felt terrible because I, technically, had ghosted him. "How are you?" I asked.

"Good, good! I was worried about you because you never texted me back that night after our date. I thought I had offended you somehow." He chuckled but I could tell there was hurt behind it.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry about that! It's been insanely busy lately, I meant to tell you that I think we should be just friends but I kept forgetting. I'm sorry." I set my hand on his upper arm.

"I kind of figured that someone else was more interesting than me, it's okay. You either like me or you don't, but I'm happy being friends." He smiled.

Niall was such a good sport and that's why I adored him so much. "You're amazing, but I'm in love with someone. It was never anything against you." I explained.

He rolled his eyes, "You don't think I can't tell?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "You look at Harry like he makes the fucking sun shine." Niall laughed.

"I hate it here!" I covered my eyes and cringed. Was I really that transparent?

"No, no. Don't be embarrassed! I'm glad for you, I just hope he knows." He stated.

I looked back up at him, a smile stretching across my face, "He does." I said plainly.

We conversed for a little while longer, me eventually excusing myself to go get another drink. I grabbed a soda from the table, cracking the can open and taking a swig.

The night was already exhausting and I didn't know where Harry was. I didn't like socializing without him, and call me clingy but I really only wanted to be with him.

I walked around again, stopping for some polite hello's and catching up with friends. I eventually found Harry pinned against a wall by a circle of women who were all, no doubt, only here because he was here.

I noticed that Maia stood protectively next to him, obviously trying to signal that she had first pick. It was irritating to me, but I could tell he was trying to be nice. He had a smile and was conversing, but his eyes didn't have that same glint that it has when he enjoys talking to someone.

I walked up to the group, smiling at girls who gave me looks. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Harry do you think you could help me with something in the bedroom?" I asked him.

I've never seen a man scurry from a group of pretty women so fast. "Yeah. Let's go." He replied before resting his hand on the small of my back, escorting me to the room.

We made it out of the busy main house, shutting the bedroom door behind us. I sat on the edge of the bed while Harry stood by the dresser. "What did you need me to help you with?" He asked.

"I just wanted you all to myself. This party is a little over the top for me." I explained, a smirk tugging at my lips.

Harry grinned, "You're extra clingy tonight, why is that?"

I rolled my eyes and flung myself backwards onto the bed. "Can't I just want to have my boyfriend all to myself?" I asked.

The room had gone dead silent, I sat up and Harry was staring at me with his mouth slightly agape. I quirked an eyebrow, trying to analyze what I'd said that was wrong. "What?" I asked confused.

He walked forward, leaning his hands on either side of my hips against the bed. His face eye level with mine. I could feel his breath, it was soft and warm. "I'm your boyfriend?" He asked.

It was then that I'd realized what I'd said. I blushed profusely and scooted back from him. "Well, I don't know what else to call you because we are best friends but we aren't best friends with benefits. And it can get confusing, but I didn't mean it like that unless you wanted me to mean it like that." I rambled.

Harry leaned forward, gently connecting our lips. It was soft and passionate, a whole new meaning to the word. It took my breath away, but I didn't want to stop. He pulled away for a moment, our foreheads pressed against each other, tension hanging heavy in the air. "I want you to mean it like that."

With that, my hands snaked up to his neck, pulling him closer. He leaned me back onto the bed, his hands finding my waist and pulling my body against his. I tugged at the curls that sat at the nape of his neck, eliciting a moan from him.

Harry's lips trailed from my mouth, down my jaw, and against my neck. His hot breath fanning the skin and causing goosebumps to rise. I shivered as he kissed the spot under my ear, his mouth connected with it and sucking lightly.

He grazed it with his teeth, sending a shock through my body and igniting a fire in the pit of my stomach. I latched my legs around his hips, slotting him in between my legs.

I could feel him harden, his hand finding it's way to the front of my shirt and unbuttoning a few buttons. He ducked his head, kissing the skin of my sternum. I leaned my head back in pleasure of the anticipation that's building.

He untucked my shirt from my jeans, it falling completely open leaving my breasts on full display for him. He looked back at me, his green eyes full of lust, but also love and admiration.

"No bra?" His voice was deep and gravelly.

I shrugged sheepishly, "I didn't think it would matter."

He smirked and his hand came to rest in the valley of my breasts, "We can't go any further until everyone is gone. After everything is over, you're completely mine."

I shivered at his tone, it was possessive and dominant. He was claiming me and even though I hated that sort of thing, it made my stomach erupt in butterflies. "Whatever you say." My voice came out soft.

Harry smiled, his hand tracing around my stomach and hips. He sighed deeply and then grabbed the ends of my shirt, lining them up and rebuttoning all of the buttons. The action was endearing, I was practically melting into a puddle.

He leaned up and pressed another gentle kiss to my lips before pulling away, "So what's our excuse as to why we took so long?"

I chuckled, "Tell them we had to answer a call from my family."

It wasn't the best excuse, but Harry was like family so it wouldn't be too suspicious. "Alright. Now, I'll leave first and you can join us in a couple of minutes." He stated.

He stood up, glanced down at his jeans and readjusted himself. He tousled his hair back into place and straightened everything out before heading back into the party.

I got up and flicked the en suite bathroom light on. Staring at my reflection. My lips were swollen, hair tousled, and clothing wrinkled. But what stood out the most was the dark hickey that sat on my neck.

I groaned and cursed Harry for leaving it there, I grabbed my makeup bag and started my attempt to cover up the hideous thing.

Secretly, I was relishing in it. He had marked me as his own and I was loving every minute of it. Harry was mine. It was all I wanted.

A/N: sorry it took so long for the update. please don't hate me.

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