By Grace[BWWM]

By JasmynTailor

444K 15.5K 5.2K

Blossom and Bloom Graceful and Tender - She couldn't believe her ears, or her eyes. Her husband, the man she... More

Bonus Chapter


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By JasmynTailor

Vanessa looked down at the beautiful ruby on her ring finger and tried to resist the urge to put it in her mother and sister's face.

She was getting married. She was getting married to Reid!

She knew that they talked about getting married but she didn't expect an engagement so soon. She wasn't complaining though, being with Reid was the best thing in the world and now she could be with him every day.

"Are you listening to me? Of course you're not! You're smiling like a woman in love," Eva laughed and she took her hand. "Wow, it gets prettier every time I look at it," She mused.

She took a little time out of her day to visit her family and catch up. And of course, to show her ring.

Vanessa smiled and wiggled her hand. "I am in love, Eva. Reid's going to be my husband and I'm over the moon!" She was happier than ever and so was Lailah.

Once she woke up from her nap he gave her a beautiful Disney necklace, and Lailah loved it. It touched Vanessa's heart to know that Reid cherished Lailah. It was beautiful.

"You're glowing, Nessa." Jenna commented lightly with a smile on her face. She turned around and nodded at Lucas Jr. "Come see your sister before you go to class,"

Lucas Jr. closed his laptop and walked over to the couch and sat next to Vanessa. "Eva was right, this thing is nice. You deserve it, sis. Happiness looks good on you," He kissed her cheek and grabbed his backpack.

"Bye! If I don't leave now, I'll be late!" He said from the door and walked out.

Vanessa wanted him to stay so she could hug him and kiss his sweet head. Her little brother was a sweetie pie.

"So, Lailah, are you happy that your mommy is marrying Reid?" Eva sat on the floor next to Lailah and played with her toys.

Lailah's eyes sparkled and she nodded like a bobblehead. "I love my mommy and my new daddy! He so sweet! And he face is squishy like a toy! And he gave me this!" She babbled and showed Eva her new necklace.

Eva gasped and pulled Lailah into her lap. "Wow! That's so cool! It looks like the rose from Beauty and the Beast!"

Lailah looked at Eva in shock and she covered Eva's mouth. "What!" She screamed. "Mommy! I have a rose! Like the beast!"

Vanessa gasped and fell off on the couch, making Lailah giggle. "I can't believe it, honey!"

Lailah shook her head and walked over to Vanessa and shook her. "Get up, mommy! If you sick, we call daddy!" She said seriously and placed her hand onto Vanessa's forehead. "Oh no! I be your Doctor until daddy comes," She ran to her playroom and came back with a kit.

Jenna looked at Eva and eyed Lailah.

"I think I'm sick, Dr. Lailah! Could you take me to your hospital?" Eva asked dramatically.

Lailah sighed and picked up her kit. "Sorry, mommy. Eva is sick!" She kissed Vanessa's head and gave her a sticker from the kit. "You're all better!"

"Thank you, Doctor." Vanessa said gratefully and Lailah ran to the back with Eva following.

Jenna picked up her laptop from the coffee table and opened it. "So, are you moving in with Reid, or is he moving in with you?"

They hadn't actually talked about it, but it was just a known fact that Vanessa and Lailah were moving in with him. "We're moving in with him. He already has a room set up for Lailah, he's the sweetest. It's a princess-themed room and she loves it," He was so considerate.

"That's sweet," Jenna hummed and typed on her laptop. "I'm looking at venues in Anaheim, what kind are you two looking for?" She asked and Vanessa shook her head.

She didn't want to get married in Anaheim. "Actually, I want to talk to Reid about a destination wedding." It sounded like a fun idea and she thought that Reid would be interested as well.

"You do know that you have to get on a plane for a destination wedding?" Jenna asked hesitantly.

Vanessa nodded. "When we went to Miami to visit Cabbrieli, I actually liked the ride home. It was peaceful and Reid's plane gave us privacy." The fact that she could walk around and do whatever she wanted on the plane made it attractive.

"That's good. I'm glad that you're opening up to new ideas," Jenna closed her laptop and placed her hand on Vanessa's knee. "Are you ready to be married again? I mean, can you handle it?" She asked sincerely worried.

"I am. It's surprising how ready I am, logically, it should've been a while longer before I was ready, but I'm happy with Reid. This time my mind is clear and I'm thinking for myself. I want this," God blessed her immensely with Reid.

"Is he respectful of your body?" Jenna asked.

Vanessa tried not to blush. "Yeah, mom. I never thought that simply being kissed could make me happy. With Mason, I always felt the need to make him happy." She grimaced at the thought of kissing him.

"Reid's kiss," Her heart stuttered at the lovely memory. "It's something that I never imagined. I'm sorry for being brash," She ran her fingers through her hair and smiled sheepishly.

Jenna clutched her heart and smoothed out Vanessa's hair. "That isn't brash. Kissing is supposed to feel nice and enjoyable,"

"The first time that we kissed I didn't want to let him go." Vanessa sighed. She was glad to have her mother as a voice of reason.

"I'm glad that you're getting a real chance at love. I know that Reid will take care of you and I know that you'll do the same." Jenna popped her tongue as if she were surprised by something. "Do you want more children?"

Vanessa's eyes lit up as she nodded. "Yes. Reid is a wonderful father and I'd love to see him with our babies," That would be a sight to see. He would be so delicate with the baby.

"I'm not trying to be negative, but Reid is much older than you. What will you do if he passes away soon? Have you considered that?"

Vanessa blew raspberries and closed her eyes to think of an answer. "I've only thought about it once. It came to my mind one day and it scared me, but I love him. Being with him possibly for a short amount of time is better than never knowing him." She loved him and that included his age. He was 53 and she didn't mind.

"That's beautiful,"

Vanessa bit her lip and gazed at her ring. She was a little afraid that something would happen to Reid, but fear is a fleeting emotion. She had control over it and she chose to be positive and live in the now. Tomorrow would worry about itself.


Reid took Vanessa's left hand and twirled her around. "That ring looks divine on your finger. I can't wait to marry you,"

After her conversation with her mother, Reid called and asked her to come over, and without a second thought, she agreed. Thankfully, her mother volunteered to keep Lailah for the night. Said that Reid needed to have some uninterrupted time with his new fiancée.

Vanessa leaned into his embrace and kissed his cheek. "Want to just fly to Vegas and get married now? My mom is watching Lailah," She murmured in his ear and kissed it.

Reid chuckled heartily and his grip tightened on her waist. "You don't know how good that idea sounds," He spun her gracefully and dipped her. "Pack a small bag and we will leave in an hour,"

Vanessa's eyes widened and she placed her hands on his shoulders. "You're not joking? I-i was just saying that, but if you mean it," She looked him in the eye, trying to read his emotions.

He looked serious for sure, but maybe he had a good poker face.

He caressed her cheek and a smirk rested on his deviously handsome face. Godness, he was undeniably handsome. "I'm not a joking man, cara. I want to marry you right now." His tone was hard, yet still held the gentleness.

She wanted to do it. It was definitely unexpected, but with Reid, she liked the unexpected things.

"Okay. Let's do it," She said absolutely certain. There was no time to waste.

Reid held her by the waist and spun her in the air. "Dio solo sa quanto tu mi abbia reso felice. Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore, Vanessa Portalo." (God only knows how happy you've made me. I love you with my entire heart, Vanessa Portalo.)

She rested her head on his chest and hummed. She was ready, but she felt like she was missing something. "Reid! We can't get married yet! I didn't get you a ring! I don't even know your size,"

"Pack a small bag and when we get to Vegas, we will shop for rings." She loved how no-nonsense he was. If there was an issue, he had a way to solve it.

She pulled away from him and nodded. "I'll go pack," Her hand brushed his cheek and she walked up the stairs to her closet.

Thanks to Reid she had a fully stocked closet in his bedroom. God, he was a blessing of a man. She was finally getting what she deserved in a relationship, and she hoped and prayed that he felt the same.

After packing a week of clothes, she always overpacked, Vanessa sent a message to her mother telling her that she and Reid were going away for the day.

It would be a nice surprise to give her parents once she came back from Vegas a married woman. Her mother would be a little upset, but she would have to get over it.

"Cara, are you ready?" Reid peeked his head in her closet and winked. He was such a charmer.

Vanessa put her phone in her pocket and zipped her suitcase. "Yep! I let my mom know that we're going away. I wasn't very specific about anything," She trailed off.

"Very well, my love. The plane is ready and Marco has found a ring shop for us to visit before going to a chapel," Reid explained as he picked up her suitcase. "Are you sure that this is what you want? I want you to have the wedding day of your dreams, we don't need to do this if this isn't what you desire." He put down the suitcase and took her hands. His eyes filled with concern.

Vanessa tried not to swoon at his caring nature. It was what she wanted and he just wanted to be sure. God, she loved him. "I already had a wedding that was my 'dream', all I want is to be your wife, Reid. You're my greatest friend and being with you forever is my dream," She kissed him gently and walked to the door.

Reid watched her with a love-struck look in his dashing eyes. "The way you say that you love me without even saying those words, my love. You are a darling woman. Let's go make you Mrs. Portalo," He picked up her suitcase and led the way to his car.

This was about to be real. She was going to be Mrs. Portalo. It had to be a dream, she prayed that she could stay asleep for just a little while longer. Just long enough to see herself become Mrs. Portalo.

She looked up to the sky as Reid put their luggage in the trunk and prayed. "God, please let this be real. And if it is, thank You so much for giving me a man after Your heart. He's truly wonderful," She blew a kiss to the sky and got in the passenger's seat.

God loves me. She smiled and clutched her heart. He really does.


Vanessa and Reid were calm, yet jittery just as an almost married couple should be.

Vanessa was sitting in front of a mirror fixing the flyaways and praying that God would help her nerves. She was excited as could be, but she was wondering why her life was going so well.

It was all God, obviously. That was the only logical answer.

Up to a few months ago, her life was a little dull and mundane.

Now, she barely went to her office, which was a good thing. She spent more time with her angelic little girl, and of course, she had the love from a man named Reid.

She wasn't lucky. Not at all. She was loved by God.

"You look vibrant, Vanessa." She encouraged herself and pinched her cheeks. "Go and marry the man you love. You deserve it."


Reid looked at himself in the mirror and winked. "A Vanessa piacerà. Prestante, Alreidoculus. Molto bene e sicuro di me." (Vanessa will like this. Handsome, Alreidoculus. Very nice and confident.)

He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and admired it. Vanessa was going to love it.

It was almost time for the most important day of his life. He was finally getting married. It was a long time coming, but it was finally time.

Vanessa Grace was a heavenly woman and he couldn't wait to hear the officiant say, 'You may now kiss the bride.'

God gifted him with Vanessa and he'd be cursed if he mistreated her in any way. She was precious in God's and his own sight.

"Sarà amata e trattata con la massima cura. Grazie a te, Dio di tutte le creazioni. Mi avete benedetto al di là di ogni misura." (She will be loved and treated with the utmost care. Thank You, God of all creations. You have blessed me beyond all measures.)

A smile grew on his face as he walked out to the chapel.

"Mr. Portalo, are you ready?" The officiant asked kindly.

Reid looked at the double doors where he knew Vanessa was waiting and he nodded. "Yes."

The officiant smiled and nodded at the musician.

The bridal march began to play and the doors opened.

"Oh mio Dio. Sembra una bellissima non-maestrale." (Oh my God. She looks unearthly beautiful.) He whispered at the sight of his love.

Vanessa was the definition of graceful beauty.

The way she carried herself, her smile, her hair, her teeth, her everything.

She was wearing a long white silky gown. She was jaw-droppingly beautiful.

As she neared the altar, she waved at him and smiled shyly. His heart stuttered.

"You look so handsome," She whispered once she made it to the altar.

Reid took her hands and pressed a kiss onto her cheek. "And you are more beautiful than nature itself. I love you,"

The officiant cleared his throat and they both looked at him.

"It gives me joy every time that I have the honor to join a pair in holy matrimony." The officiant said kindly and smiled at them both. "Are you ready to say your vows?" He asked Reid.

Reid took one look at Vanessa and nodded. "Vanessa Grace. Ephesians 5:25-28 says, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word. He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself." He grabbed her left hand and kissed it.

"My whole adult life, I worked and raised my son, and when I looked up, I realized how empty I truly was. The day I met you, Vanessa Grace, was the day that I was made whole. You thanked me for helping you, but I should've thanked you. Thank you for giving my life a new meaning. Every day I wake up and think of ways I can make you smile. I am all work and no play, but God knew that I needed your quiet, yet vivacious charm." His vision fogged a little, but he was going to finish.

Vanessa giggled and wiped his tears away. She was crying more than he was but being the sweetheart she was, she thought of him first.

"That's what I love about you, cara mia. You are a true woman of Godly character. If I live to be 100 years old, I know that there will never be another woman so perfect for me. Today I vow to live out Ephesians 5, 1 Corinthians 13, and to always put God first in everything that I do. I vow to cherish you and choose love every day. I vow to take care of you and never let a day go by and not tell you how much I love you." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Sei il mio amore eterno." (You are my eternal love.)

Vanessa bit her lip and wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly. Her tears wet his neck as she cried.

He rubbed her back gently and kissed her cheek. He loved her so much. He loved how emotional she was. It was part of what made her Vanessa.

"My sweet," He murmured in her ear and kissed her again.

Vanessa giggled meekly and pulled away. "I'm sorry for being so emotional," She blew raspberries. "I love you, Reid. I love your smile and your genuine heart. I love how you have a unique name, Alreidoculus. I love how dedicated you are to everything that you do. You're a hardworking man and I'm blessed to have you in my life."

"One day I looked up after having a good cry and I saw a handsome stranger. I thought that he was a foreigner, so after a little while, I saw him again. He changed my life and I fell in love with his heart. Reid, you," She blew out a shaky breath. "You saved me. You gave me a new and refined outlook on love. You chose to be with me, even though I was afraid. I didn't know why I trusted you so easily at the time, but now I know. You hone so strongly the characteristics of Jesus. That's why I love you. You, God, you are a beautiful man, Reid. I vow to respect who you are and always keep God at the forefront of our marriage. I just love you, Reid." She kissed his hands. "I love you."

His heart was overwhelmed by Vanessa's vows.

"Do you, Alreidoculus Portalo, take Vanessa Grace to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Reid looked at the officiant as if he was crazy. "I do. Of course, she is my forever love." He slid the wedding ring onto her dainty finger and kissed it. "You are mine now." He was a little possessive now. She was his forever and ever.

Vanessa blushed and swayed her shoulders. She was so darling.

"Do you, Vanessa Grace, take Alreidoculus Portalo to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She took his hand and slid a shiny silver ring onto his finger.

"And now be the power vested-Oh, okay," The officiant said in shock as Reid kissed Vanessa.

Reid didn't want to wait. Vanessa was officially his. They were Mr. and Mrs. Portalo.

And now it was time for Vanessa's surprise. He couldn't wait to tell her.

A honeymoon in Florence.


Authors Note

So today I have a lot to say about something outside of the chapter.

Yesterday I watched a video, which will be in the media, and it made me want to write even more stories about a black woman falling in love.

I started writing my stories because I didn't see enough where a black woman was just a woman. Where the black woman wasn't a stripper who changed a white man's life with her curvaceous body and daring attitude. Where the black woman wasn't a sassy neck-twisting loud mouth. Or where the black woman wasn't the wise friend, ole reliable! Where she wasn't a baby mama with a dead-end job. Where the story states that she's black, but her face claim is Zendaya, who is biracial....bruh...they have so many black women in the world, get on Pinterest and spend a little time searching! (that actually makes me upset.)

I don't have problems with those stories, I just don't want people to only see that kind of representation of black women.

I want us to have something to choose from. I don't want us to ever settle. Always believe that there's something else better for you.

With that being said, y'all better be ready for a new set of stories! I have so many God-given ideas and I can't wait to share them with y'all. Be ready to see a black woman just being herself. She doesn't have an awkward personality, she isn't quirky, she's just a woman who's black! I'm excited y'all

I hope y'all are ready.

Benevolent, the retelling of Beauty and the Beast is in the works and the cast is lovely....

Back to the chapter notes!

We finally saw Lucas Jr...he's a backburner character..ooop

Lailah loves Reid y'all and it's the sweetest thing in the world!

The talk that Jenna and Vanessa had...we never have to worry about Reid dying though. I never kill off characters, and I love Reid way too much to ever do that to him. Mason would be murdered in cold blood before I'd ever think about hurting my lovable Italian man...

Moving on,

Reid doesn't play. Vanessa wanted to get married and so he was like, okay then. let's go! I love that about him. He's so dang wonderful and attractive.

The vows YALL! For those of you who read His Serendipity...I hope this makes up for what I did...I was still 18 and I thought it would be cute to have total strangers say deep vows to each other...forgive me

Anywho, those vows made me cry. I loved Reid's and I'd love for my husband to have vows like that at our wedding, what a dream that would be.

Let me know how you liked the chapter!

Ciao for now!

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