Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)...

By Crimson_Ros3

417K 17.2K 6K

Soulmates, she was never sure what to think of them. Everyone is born with the words that their soulmate will... More

Ch.1 - Prologue
Ch.2 - Robots
Ch.3 - A New Tune
Ch.4 - Quirk Apprehension Test
Ch.5 - Epiphany
Ch.6 - Acceptance
Ch.7 - USJ
Ch.8 - Outcome
Ch.9 - Consternation
Ch.10 - A Kickstart
Ch.11 - Let the Games Begin
Ch.12 - Headbands
Ch.13 - Zap
Ch.15 - Rabbits
Ch.16 - Encounter
Ch.17 - Conflagration
Ch.18 - Fuzzy
Ch.19 - Rescue Trial
Ch.20 - Smokescreen
Ch.21 - Rendezvous
Ch.22 - Shadows Have Shadows
Ch.23 - Falling In Love
Ch.24 - Veracity
Ch.25 - Pâro
Ch.26 - Monachopsis
Ch.27 - Stress
Ch.28 - Wonderwall
Ch.29 - Unfair Setups
Ch.30 - Alexithymia
Ch.31 - Glide
Ch.32 - Long Time No See
Ch.33 - Switch
Ch.34 - Eccedentesiast
Ch.35 - Petrichor
Ch.36 - Expressive
Ch.37 - Glare
Ch.38 - Diamond
Ch.39 - Altercation
Ch.40 - The End

Ch.14 - Detonation

10.1K 503 141
By Crimson_Ros3

Ch.14 - Detonation

As the second match of the semi-finals commenced, the crowd's roar being a constant, Senshi was walking lethargically to Recovery Girl's office. The girl knocked on the door lightly, hearing a muffled "Come in." from the other side. Senshi walked in and was immediately greeted by Recovery Girl.

"Oh hello dearie, I've been expecting you to come. Just take a seat on the bed here." Recovery Girl said, pointing to a hospital looking bed. Senshi did just that, and was extremely tempted to fall asleep.

Recovery Girl placed a kiss on Senshi's cheek, healing the girl as she did so; also giving Senshi a new jacket. Senshi's attention was more drawn to the TV on the wall, which was currently playing the sports festival. Bakugo and Tokoyami were fighting, yet it seemed that Bakugo had the upper hand. Thus far Tokoyami's dark shadow seemed to be one of the best quirks here, yet Bakugo's explosions seemed to be the kryptonite to the shadow. Yet even with that disadvantage, Tokoyami seemed to still be putting up somewhat of a fight.

Tokoyami was on the defensive, which was something he hadn't been since the start of the tournament. Of course Bakugo was shouting insults as he forced the bird boy to surrender with a blinding explosion. It turned out that Tokoyami's weakness was light, and explosions had a lot of light.

So this was it, Bakugo vs Senshi, the final showdown. Senshi didn't have much of a plan, but she could think of a way to counter his moves; especially since she'd been training with the boy for the past two weeks. Bakugo would most likely want to blow Senshi away, and that would be a problem seeing as gases can pass through Senshi's fields. If Senshi tried to trap Bakugo in a force field, he would most likely break it; there were multiple ways her fields could break, being over filled, or simply too worn down. 

Bakugo also knew most of Senshi's moves, yet what he saw Senshi do in her previous match was something he'd never seen before. Both knew each other's fighting style well, and only time could tell if it would work out well enough. Though Senshi was tired, and seeing as her quirk ran on her energy/vitality, it would leave her at a disadvantage.

So, who would win? That was the question everyone wanted to know, people standing in cities watching the electronic billboards, people at home watching on their TVs, or even people watching the matches on trains; people wanted to know.

"It's time for the final match sports fans! And I know this is going to be good! Please welcome the king of colterol damage, Bakugo Katsuki!-" Bakugo walked out onto the concrete stage, his face in a deep scowl. " And the queen of capturing, Tate Senshi!" Senshi walked out onto the stage, with a focused look on her face.

"Let the final match of the sports festival, begin!"

Senshi was the first to attack, sending discs of energy at the boy like a swarm of bees. The discs were thin and actually rather flimsy, but that was to savour Senshi's energy. Bakugo was blowing them up while screaming "Damn it!", Senshi's hand remaining outstretched in Bakugo's direction.

Running towards the boy was her next movement, still firing discs at Bakugo as his explosions broke them. Then, Senshi trapped him in a dome, one that was just about his height and width; meaning it was extremely claustrophobic. Senshi wasn't expecting to win from that, Bakugo was too stubborn to lose that quickly.

The ground began to shake in intervals, Bakugo's explosions being the reason. The smoke created escaping the dome, yet even if Present Mic contemplated this being the end, the dome shattering ended his sentence. Senshi knew it was going to happen, but it was okay,

if he was going to use his quirk this much, he was never going to win.

Both charging forwards, Bakugo using his explosions as fuel, Senshi using her energy, both met in the middle. Bakugo going to punch Senshi, yet feinting at the last moment, propelling over her.

He was going to hit her in the back, she knew it. Spinning around to meet his explosion with her leg, he was only move back a slight bit before going to attack again. For every punch Bakugo aimed, an explosion accompanied it. Yet to counter this, for every punch and kick Senshi sent, a blast of energy came with it.

As the two backed up and were circling each other, Bakugo let off a stun explosion, one that was meant to deter Senshi. He'd done this before in training, because not only was it good at blinding the opponent, it left a smoke screen. Bakugo ran through the smoke screen, expecting Senshi to be there, yet she wasn't.

Having a girl effective back flip off of her own platform in mid air was pretty distracting, but if that girl was the one you're fighting, it is only more surprising. 

As the smoke screen went up, Senshi blasted herself up onto a platform, and once the smoke had blown away, she jumped off; but not in way a normal person would. Back flipping off was Senshi's choice, and keeping her legs outstretched in order to land a kick. Though before she could land, Bakugo blasted himself up to where Senshi was.

Senshi's body effectively up-side-down and Bakugo being right-side-up was quite the photo moment, the two having their arms outstretched their quirks at the surface of their palms. That's the moment that was photographed.

But it's what occurred next that was the most surprising.

If you put an already powerful explosion with ever more hot energy, what do you make? A nuclear detonation.

Blue and orange were the main visible things, white being at the centre of the two colours. Present Mic was keeping everyone on edge as they waited not so patiently for the results of the explosion. It was similar to that of Todoroki and Midoriya's fight, a tenacious gust of wind blowing people back.

Senshi was breathing heavily, her back being supported by the only reason she was here. Senshi had a energy wall behind her, and she was extremely close to the out of bounds line. She was breathing heavily, no doubt winded from the force. Her once high pony tail had began to fall down at the back of her head, wisps of hair escaping from the elastic band. Half of her uniform jacket was burnt, showing half of her her sports bra; she didn't care though, it was similar to wearing a bikini.

Bakugo on the other hand was laying chest down, his head up looking eagerly at the smoke wall. His hair was dishevelled from the blast, and his jacket was torn in places too.

Both stood up, it wasn't over. Both were shaken slightly from the blast, Bakugo's arms twitching from the force. Senshi's back hurt and it was obvious why, her hands burnt slightly from the heat. But even so, both ran at each other.

It was clear to both that using their quirks would be a last resort, unless one of them was faking their exhaustion (which neither were). Bakugo aimed a punch as Senshi's nose, Senshi catching his fist, as his other arm went for her slightly exposed chest. Senshi kicked both of his arms away and went for his face, her legs aiming to sweep his legs from under him.

Yet somehow Bakugo was able to catch Senshi' leg which was aiming for his, and knock her to the floor; pinning her. Senshi wasn't having that, even if she was more than happy to come second, Bakugo would be extremely mad at her for giving up only a five minutes into the fight.

Letting out a blast from her hands and feet, both were flung into the air, Bakugo going the highest. They were both at least ten meters/thirty-two feet in the air, Bakugo being higher. Senshi was tired, and could tell that if Bakugo was going to do what she predicted, she'd be done for.

Bakugo began to spark his palms as he fell, forcing him to travel down faster, aiming for the girl under him. Senshi had placed a shield over her, so when Bakugo tried to land on her, it'd giver her time to get away. Needless to say Bakugo landed on the small platform, and jumped down.

Senshi had stood back up, her lip and nose somehow bleeding now. Both were circling each other, coming up with a way to win. Bakugo's fore-arms were twitching badly, and Bakugo was sure he'd either pulled the muscles or ripped them. Senshi felt her vision blurring from exhaustion, and her palms were burning from the heat that her quirk carried, not only that her fore-arms were hurting too because in an essence, hers and Bakugo's quirks were somewhat similar;  Senshi knew she didn't have much time.

So, it was all or nothing, right?

Senshi powered her quirk up, using blasts from both her hands and feet to charge at the boy. Bakugo was alert now, and saw how her features showed pain and exhaustion; oh how he could relate to that. But he blast himself forward too, he didn't know what she was planning and that scared him slightly. But to be honest, Senshi didn't know what she was doing any more. All logic that she had going into this fight gone due to her mind hurting from fatigue, a fog like feeling in her head.

It was another display of beautiful colours, oranges, blues, whites and a smoky background.

It was slightly euphoric.

And as one of them was blasted away, closing their eyes as their back slammed against the edge of the arena, the fight was over.

The fighting area of the stadium was filled with smoke, as spectators blinked their eyes to rid themselves of the dancing spots in their vision. People were frantic, all wanting to know who had come out victorious from this astonishing fight. 

The members of class 1A who weren't fighting were slightly shocked, it was intense to say the least. Two extreme blasts went off, both ones that rivalled Todoroki and Midoriya's with ease. They had never really thought about the two fighting, what would come of it (maybe one green haired boy had), but it seemed that they were the perfect match of offense and defence.

The smoke cleared up, and revealed the true winner. Senshi being unconscious, and very much out of bounds; looking much like Midoriya did six matches ago. Bakugo was lying chest down on the concrete, looking forward at the girl. Both were injured, and bleeding.

"Tate is out of bounds, that means, Bakugo is the winner of the sports festival!" Midnight announced. The moment the final word left Midnight's mouth, Bakugo let his head fall to the grown, his neck feeling as weak as a pipe cleaner.  

He'd done it, he'd lived up to his promise to win, and therefore his job was done; for today at least.


Both of them were unconscious, their chests rising and falling each time they took a breath. Thankfully neither of them were severely injured, Recovery Girl's healing being enough for both of them. Though before that, they both did have quite the few injuries, bruises that were black and blue, cuts here and there, yet most of all burns.

Senshi had a bandage wrap on her fore-arms, Bakugo too. Both of them had band aids or bandages here and there; it being no surprise to Recovery Girl whatsoever.

Senshi was the first to awake, her feeling an ache throughout her body; yet it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it'd be. Though as she cracked her eyes open- which was quite the task- she recognised Recovery Girl's temporary office; it all made sense now.

Senshi craned her neck up, seeing the old woman typing something on her computer. Apparently the sudden movement attracted the attention of Recovery Girl, as the woman walked over.

"I'm glad that you're alright dearie, you hit your back quite bad you know. You first years are so reckless." Recovery Girl huffed, Senshi chuckling slightly. Recovery Girl handed Senshi a glass of water, telling the young girl to drink it. Why? Senshi had no clue but gladly accepted it. "The award ceremony is in ten minutes, or until your friend over there wakes up."

Senshi looked at the unconscious Bakugo, his features so abnormally calm.

"Is he okay?" Senshi quietly asked.

"Oh yes he'll be fine, you put up quite the fight." Recovery Girl confirmed. Truth was, Senshi didn't know if she won or not, but based on the TV that was playing re-plays of the final three fights, she could only guess that Bakugo won.

Senshi had a solemn expression, she was happy about her positioning and knew that Bakugo wanted to win much more than her. If it was up to Senshi, she wouldn't have even fought, letting her soulmate simply take the award. But Senshi knew that Bakugo would have never forgiven her, Bakugo was the type to work for his victory. 

Bakugo began to stir from his sleep, hearing the sounds of the TV and nothing much else. He sat up abruptly, rubbing his eyes from the sleep he had so desperately needed. Recovery Girl came over to him, checking him over and also telling him off for getting up so quickly.

Senshi simply watched the TV, still being slightly lethargic. She obviously needed to say something, the atmosphere was begging for it. "Congratulations on your win." Senshi said.

Bakugo looked over to the girl and huffed. "It was nothing, maybe you're an okay fighter." exaggerating the 'maybe'. Senshi breathed out a laugh, it was Bakugo's way of complimenting someone it seemed.

Recovery Girl cleared her throat, the two soulmates looking at her expectantly. "It's time you two go for the awards ceremony, it's downstairs." 

The two got up off of their beds and began to walk.

Bakugo was slightly confused, how was Senshi not upset about coming second; it was a total loss! He never failed to be confused by her, the way she made him feel, the way she acted, the way she reacted to things; it confused him.

As the two walked down the windowless corridors, the only light being from the ceiling lights above, Bakugo began to talk. "Aren't you pissed at not winning?"

Senshi looked at him surprisingly, and answered his question. "Oh no Bakugo, winning isn't necessarily coming first, winning is beating those beneath you."

Bakugo had a lot to think about now.

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