Raising Kiara

By piscesandpizza

684K 21K 4.9K

Lucia; a young and beautiful woman with her whole life ahead of her was shot dead protecting the biggest secr... More

Character aesthetics


34.5K 1K 402
By piscesandpizza

A/n. Omg this story is more popular then any other of my stories after one day of being published!
Tysm for the love huns🥺

Sorry if the last half of yesterday's chapter was shit, i was half asleep 😂

Once the two were safely in the air and the seatbelt sign had stopped flashing, Kian couldn't resist scooping Kiara up into his arms.

He never wanted to let her go again. Not after missing out on so much time with her.

The girl melted straight into his embrace, his hugs reminding her of her late mother's.

She couldn't believe that he was right infront of her eyes after only knowing him as the man on the tv screen all her life.

Her mam would tell her that he was very busy in America and travelling the world. She'd tell her daughter that he was a very popular person who was hard to contact, not that the baby understood.

Kiara felt ecstatic that he had made time to see her. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world and so she didn't want to leave his side for a second either.

"Clouds?" Kiara questioned, looking up to her father whilst pointing at the sky outside her window.

"Yeh clever girl."

Kian responded with a proud smile, squeezing her in praise.

"Where mamma is?" The toddler follows up.

Kian would have been proud of how intuitive his genius daughter is if his heart wasn't shattered for his daughter once again.

He bit back a sympathetic cry and laid a gentle kiss on Kiara's forehead, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame.

"Yeh baby. My mamma and my dad are up here too." Kian whispers.

Kian already grieves more than the little girl who is yet to learn what death truly means.

He knows what it's like to lose someone and he wouldn't wish the pain on his worst enemy never mind his daughter.

"They together?" Kiara asks.

"I think they just might be."

Kian whispers back before they both fall into a comfortable silence that sends them into a deep sleep.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Kian is awoken when he feels something small tugging at his hair.

In his sleepy haze his mind accuses his immature brother of waking him up to tell him about something stupid he'd done the day before at work.

But when he cracks open an eye he is met with the cutest chubby face inches away from his own.

Kiara had woken up from her sleep a few minutes prior and took a liking to her father's wild hair that looks so much like her own.

Deciding to play around like the child he secretly still is, Kian closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep since his daughter is completely oblivious.

The next time Kian feels her chubby little fingers gently tugging at a chunk of his hair, he playfully growls and snaps his eyes open, startling the toddler on his torso that lets out a suprised gasp.

Kian wiggles his fingers and imitates claws with his hands pretending to be a rabid animal hunting down their prey.

Kiara squeals in fear and begins to wiggle backwards away from her silly dad.

Kian catches her back with one hand before she can fall and attacks her little tummy with tickles with the other hand.

She screams in shock and giggles her heart out.

Kian continues his attack, smiling at his new favourite sound. His little girls giggles are the best therapy anyone could ever need.

He digs his fingers into her sides, under her chin and finally, under her armpits before allowing the flushed girl to stop and breathe.

Kiara gasps for air before finding the strength to sit up straight and face her father.

Her face is coloured red which disguises her freckles yet her wide smile is still plastered on her face.

"Hi cheeky, did you have a nice sleep?" Kian finally questions.

Kiara nods her head, yes, whilst reaching down to play with the watch and rings on her dad's hand.

Kian takes the opportunity to check the screen behind Kiara and see how much longer they have before landing.

Two hours fourty minutes, the text on the screen next to the small cartoon plane icon reads.

That means him and Kiara had slept for around seven hours.

She even gets her sleeping habits from me. Kian thought. Although Donna did warn him she was tired after having very little sleep during the past few days.

Kian still had a feeling that she could sleep for a sport like her father. This was the reason his older brother often woke him up when he'd been asleep too long for his liking.

Or who knows, maybe she'd take after her uncle Rowan and join him in prodding her father awake in the early hours.

But Kiara is an exception. She's the only person Kian would be happily woken up by.

Now what to do to entertain a toddler on a plane for three hours.

Kian sighed trying to think of ideas of things to do with a child in the enclosed space.

"I need a wee-wee."

Kiara blurts causing her father's eyes to widen as though he just met an alien.

Kian didn't know what to do or how to act.

Could she do it herself? Do three year olds still wear nappies? Would he have to...help her?

He grimaced at the thought and slowly lifted her to her feet by her waist, holding her out as if she had already done her buisness then and there.

Kiara still had a grip on one of his rings with one of her hands and looked to her dad confused.

Why was he holding her like that? Did she do something wrong?

Kian let go of the small, wide eyed child and patted her on the head awkwardly as though she was a dog.

"Um...can you do it yourselfff or do you wear nappies?" He trailed off, his brows furrowing as he braced himself for her answers.

Kian sometimes forgot just how young she was and that she wouldn't always understand him.

"No nappiesss, I'm not a baby!"

Kiara's tone suggests it's the silliest thing she's ever heard someone say.

She doesn't comprehend that her young father is being one hundred percent genuine because in her mind he was being his playful self and teasing her.

Kian lets out a relieved sigh yet his face still remains scrunched in concern for the task ahead of him.

That doesn't rule out the possibility that he might have to clean her up after she's done her business, which at this time yesterday, would have been his worst nightmare.

Kian slowly rises to his feet and takes a hold of the little girl's hand, leading her down the aisle to the first class bathroom.

Once they arrive he locks the door and turns to the toddler beside him.

"So can you do it yourself or do I need to do something?" Kian asks again.

"Me do it. I'm a big girl." Kiara responds much to her father's relief.

His shoulders visibly sag as he exhales his pent up breath.

Thank god for that.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Strangely, Kian's confidence in his parenting abilities rose after the little toilet trip on the plane even though he didn't do a thing but lift Kiara up to the sink.

That was one of his worries crossed off his list of hurdles to jump.

The next was giving her a bath which he would procrastinate doing until the very last minute.

Maybe he could convince Rowan to do it, he thought. It would save him from growing grey hairs at the age of twenty two.

When they had returned to their designated area, Kian gave Kiara free reign of Disney plus on her tv screen and plugged in his headphones for her to use.

She chose to watch Tangled and then Moana; two of her favourite films Kian had learnt.

Although he was starting to think every film she'd ever seen was her favourite film since she's said that about everything she's watched so far.

Kian found himself feeling beyond grateful that his child was so easily pleased. She has a surprisingly long attention span for a toddler, and is more then happy to just be spending time with her dad.

Leaving the airport was like a breeze compared to checking in and going through the security to get onto the plane.

This lifted Kian's spirits and in the car ride to his penthouse he found himself buzzing with excitement like a giddy child on Christmas eve. Even more so then the actual child buckled up in her Disney car seat next to him.

"Are you excited to see your new house Kiara?" Kian asked.

The child in question spins around to look at him, breaking her entranced gaze from the bustling streets of LA whizzing by her window.

"Yeh! Hot tub?" She asks, her three year old mind trailing back to the most important selling point her father had told her so far.

He had been describing his luxurious apartment to her throughout the journey but her ears picked up nothing after the words 'hot tub'.

Kian chuckles at her adorable excitement and ruffles her hair up lovingly.

"Of course baby. We'll have to find you a swimming costume first though. Do you have a swimming costume?" Kian asks.

"Yay! 'Punzle one!"

She squeals, patting her chest with her palms trying to demonstrate how she has a swimming costume with a picture of rapunzle on the front.

"Wow that's so cool! I bet you look adorable in it." Kian gasps animatedly, looking back at the child with an amazed expression.

Kiara wears a proud expression upon hearing her dad's comment. The innocent girl truly believes her father is jealous of her amazing one piece costume which Kian silently cooes at in his head.

Once they arrive at the entrance of the buildings private car park, Kian passes over a key card to the driver to allow the barriers to open and let them in.

"Sorry, do you mind giving me a hand loading the bags into the lift over there. I'll pay you extra."

Kian leans over the centre console in the taxi to gain the driver's attention which he succeeds in doing the moment he mentions extra pay.

The driver is out of the door faster then Usain Bolt and taking Kiara's suitcase out of the boot.

Once the father and daughter were crammed in Kian's private lift on their way up to the top floor, Kian started mulling over how the hell he was going to break this to his brother.

Would he believe he was the child's father?

Sure they looked identical but Kian could hardly believe it himself.

Would he be good with kids and help him take care of her?

Neither of them had grown up around any kids at all so they had no experience.

They didn't know the first thing about what children need.

Kian was worried he already wasn't doing enough.

Should he have a list of rules to enforce on the small toddler?

He never considered having to decide bed times or punishments suitable for her should she start throwing tantrums and misbehaving.

But Kian highly doubted his sweet Kiara would ever cause him any trouble.

The ride to the top floor fortunately wasn't long enough for Kian to make any decisions and before he knew it he came face to face with his worst case scenario.

He watched as his older brother's head snapped towards the lift as the doors slid open. His lips parted in shock from where he sat on the sofa after his furrowed gaze landed on the small bundle in his arms.



What colour setting do you all like to keep your stories on? And what font size? WAIT WHAT FONT????

I keep mine on the yellow-ish one and my text is on the biggest setting.

Just know, if any of you say black i think you're a psychopath xx

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