𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 || 𝚆�...

By fa1rydream

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⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒈... More



864 15 1
By fa1rydream

─── ・ 。゚☆ : * . ☽ . * : ☆ 。゚・ ───

Third person point of view
Katherine wakes up with an aching body and rather swollen eyes. Her shift covered body is laid on her bed, the curtains of the bedroom are wide open. Katherine breaths the air, smelling the mix of sea water and gun powder scent.

A glass of water is placed on the side table. Katherine drinks the half of it, then put the glass back on the table. Suddenly, she hears footsteps from outside her bedroom.

Someone knocks at the door. "Come in,"

It is Marie. She walks into Katherine's bedroom with a worried face, clutching her hands. "Good morning, Marie," Katherine greeted.

"Good morning, Miss Katherine. I am so glad you are awake now. I am so worried about you!" Marie quickly helps Katherine to get up, even though she does not need to.

Katherine immediately remembers the pirate incident that happened last night. "Oh! The attack, last night! What happened to me? Last time I remember I was hiding in the kitchen... And Elizabeth, where is she now?! I remember she was using the code of parley and being brought by the pirates, she's supposed to be coming back afterwards!" Marie looks down, making Katherine's heart skips a beat. The woman gives Katherine a worried face.

"You were found asleep in the kitchen cupboard this morning. Miss Elizabeth..." Marie sighs, "it is possible that they have taken her... She haven't come back since last night..."

"They what?!!"

"They have... Taken her..."

"How about Theo? Where is he??" Katherine looks calm, but her raising voice shows at least a bit of panic.

"He was with you this morning, Miss Katherine. We do not know where is he now..."

Katherine sighs and force a smile, "He must've been having fresh breakfast from the attacked market..."

After thinking for a few moment, she thought that her father is safe, because he was with Commodore Norrington. 'But how about Will? He's safe, of course. He's a strong man, right? But I still need to check on him. And ask his help to look for Elizabeth.' Katherine thought. Katherine quickly gets up towards her wardrobe.

Marie notices the girl is about to look for the Blacksmith. "Miss Katherine, forgive me but, Governor Swann leaves a message to not let you out... You are still in recovery... You need to rest. I am very sure that Mr. Turner is all safe," Marie holds Katherine's arms. Katherine sighs, she stands silent for a second, then she takes Marie's hand.

"Marie, I am fully recovered now. At least, physically. I just need to make sure that Will is safe, and help him if he got hurt. Please?" Katherine persuaded, lying to her beloved maid.

Marie looks at the girl with full of worry, then sigh. "Please be careful." she whispered, as Katherine smiles. She hugs Marie tightly, and softly releasing the woman.

"Of course, Marie. Thank you so much,"

Katherine decides to wear a simple blue dress, so she doesn't catch much attention. With the help of Marie, she wears a new linen shift, a linen petticoat, a cream coloured stay, and a pair of big pockets. Katherine puts on her belt with her sword on her waist. Then, she wears the dress she chose before. Finally, she puts on a pair of brown leather boots, and half tie her dark hair with a white ribbon.

Katherine walks towards the door, but then she stops. She turns to her vanity, and open the middle drawer. A wooden jewellery box, with white lily painting and gold decorations, is placed inside. Katherine stands silently whilst staring at it. Slowly, she reaches out her hand to take the wooden box from its place. A slight sorrow looms over Katherine's eyes, but then she sighs and smile.

Katherine slowly opens the wooden box. It reveals a necklace, placed inside the box. A golden necklace, with simple decoration, surrounding a gemstone. A light blue aquamarine gemstone, portraying the colour of the sea. Katherine feels strange; sadness, doubtfulness, and longings, mix in her heart.

The aquamarine necklace is not just any necklace. It is special, notably because of the giver. It was Meredith Swann, Katherine's mother, who gave the aquamarine necklace to her second daughter. She gave Katherine the gemstone right before her tragic death. Katherine takes the aquamarine necklace from its place, then she gently rubs the gemstone.

A nostalgic feeling flows through Katherine, a feeling about her beloved mother. The journey she will encounter, is saving her sister, and Katherine is sure enough she will face quite much danger. Katherine sighs, she attaches the aquamarine necklace on her neck, hoping for her mother's blessings.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Marie. I promise I will be back soon." spoke Katherine, hugging Marie for the last time.

Katherine quickly gets out of her bedroom. There are a few things she needs to bring, just in case. Quietly, Katherine sneaks into her father's office, and take a pistol also a bunch of coins, and put them inside her pocket.

She hurriedly walks out of the room. Katherine steps into the kitchen, and grab two fresh apples. She eats one fastly, and keep the other one inside her pocket.

After finishing her small breakfast, Katherine runs out of her messy house, heading to the town.

「 𓊝 」

So many buildings ruined and burned, soldiers bringing either an injured person or a dead body, and people picking up the remains of their living.

As a daughter of a governor, Katherine feels guilty she cannot help much. But even her own voice, no one would ever listen. Except for one person, who is now laying unconscious on the ground, surrounded by chickens.

Katherine goes down to the person, Will. She kneels beside him, gently brushing the dirt on his face. She takes a moment to admire Will's charming face, then she softly shakes his shoulder.




Will slowly opens his eyes, a dark haired girl is kneeling beside him, touching his cheek gently. "Katherine?"

"Good Lord," He mumbled, looking around at the messy town.

The girl, Katherine, smiles at him. She helps him get up, and take out an apple from her pocket. "Here, to fill your stomach a bit," Katherine hands the apple to Will.

"Freshly stolen from the kitchen," joked Katherine, as they both chuckle.

"Your eyes," Will notices her rather swollen eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Much better now." Katherine softly smiles to reassure him. "Will. I need your help. They've taken-"

"Elizabeth." Will continued.

"It was all my fault. I could've protected her, I could've protected everyone. Mr. Baileys dead, I know I'm not that close to him but his death could've been avoided if only I wasn't acting like a faint-hearted poltroon."

Katherine feels like crying again, but her eyes are dry from last night's breakdown.

"Oh, Katherine..." Will pulls her into his arms, giving her the comfort she's been yearning for long.

"It's not your fault. It was never. Those pirates were never and will never be good hearted men. I know you did your best to protect everyone." the blacksmith softly releases Katherine from him, as she wipes her sparkly eyes. "I want to assure you, we will safely bring Elizabeth back to Port Royal."

Will gives her a comforting smile, as she smiles back and let out a deep breath.

"Let's go find the commodore." she said, as Will nods and grab her hand, fluttering Katherine's heart.

「 𓊝 」

Katherine and Will arrive at Fort Charles, where Commodore Norrington, along with Lieutenant Gillette and Governor Swann, gather on a map spread on a table. Katherine feels doubt to show up in front of her father, but then she remembers, this is for her sister. "They've taken her," Will started.

"Commodore Norrington, Lieutenant Gillette..." Katherine pauses, not sure how to call her own father right now. "Father... Gentlemen. We're here inform that the pirates have taken Elizabeth Swann." Katherine continued, specifying Will's words.

The three, Commodore Norrington, Lieutenant Gillette, and Father, only stares nonchalantly at Katherine and Will. When the governor looks at his second daughter, his expression did not become happier, but still full of worries. "Sorry," Katherine mouthed to her father.

"We're aware of the situation." Commodore Norrington finally answered, flatly, without removing his face from the map. "Mr. Murtogg, remove this young man and this young lady."

Murtogg walks towards Will, but he shrugs off while Katherine glares at the soldier. Murtogg moves backwards nervously. "We have to hunt them down! And save her!" said Will.

"And where do you propose we start? If you have any information concerning Miss Elizabeth, please, share it." said the Governor desperately, making Katherine's heart ache.

"That Jack Sparrow," Murtogg speaks up, "he talked about the Black Pearl,"

"Mentioned it is more what he did," Mullroy corrected his partner.

"Ask him where the ship is! We can make a deal with him, he could lead us to Elizabeth!" exclaimed Katherine.

"That pirate tried to kill you. We could never trust a word he said. Nor any other pirate." Father disapproved fiercely, as Katherine looks down at the floor.

'Well, yes Father has a point but...'

Will tries to continue. "We could strike a bargain-"

"No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell. Ergo, he is not their ally, and therefore of no value. We will determine their most likely course, and launch a search mission that sails with the tide."

Katherine furrows her brows. 'Is this the same person who purposed my sister?' Will furiously slams his axe to the map. Even Katherine herself is surprised.

"That's not good enough!" Will shouted.

"This is Elizabeth's life! She's hanging by a thread!" Katherine joined her best friend.

Commodore Norrington pulls off Will's axe. He gives it back to Will, and slowly push Katherine and Will out of the area. "Mr. Turner, you are not a military man, you are not a sailor. You are a blacksmith. And Miss Swann... You are a young woman. This is not the moment for rash actions."

Commodore Norrington lowers his voice, "Do not make the mistake of thinking both of you are the only person here who cares for Elizabeth." both Katherine and Will glare at the commodore angrily.

Katherine couldn't hold her anger any longer, she furiously speaks to him, "You know what, Norrington, if only you weren't so eager on marrying my sister, this wouldn't have happened. She- She was so nervous and confused she couldn't think straight. Good luck on winning her heart."

The room is speechlessly silent, especially Commodore Norrington. Never in his life he had anyone, especially a girl, dares to degrade him as Katherine did. Everyone in that room stares at Katherine in shock, and confuse.

"Katherine!" Father snapped.

Quickly, Will pulls his best friend away and they walk out of that place.

"That man! He cares more of his ego than my own sister who's in grave danger!" grumbled Katherine as they walk away.

"Seems like the 'commodore' on his name is only for decoration purpose only." Will added.

Suddenly, Katherine feels guilty from her actions. "But... Maybe I was being too rude to him..."

Will let out a chuckle and caress her shoulder, "Don't worry, I don't think so. Someone has to put him in his place,"

"Now what do we do?" Katherine asked.

"If the Commodore does not want to help us, then we do it ourselves!"

"Let's go to the prison!" Katherine grabs Will's hand tightly, drawing a smile on his face.

「 𓊝 」

The prison is part of Fort Charles' building. The entrance is guarded by two soldiers. Katherine and Will hides near the gate, waiting for the guards to walk away.

It is the middle of the day, so after waiting for a few minutes, the guards walk away to have a break. Katherine and Will quickly sneak into the gate, and hurriedly walk down the stairs to the jail. They hear clicking sounds, that stops when they get in.

Katherine and Will look around to find Jack Sparrow's cell, which is not far from the entrance. There is something hanging on the keyhole, showing that Jack Sparrow was trying to unlock the cell. The pirate is lying on the jail floor, gazing nonchalantly at the ceiling.

"You! Sparrow!" Will called the pirate.

"Aye?" Jack Sparrow lifts his head.

"Are you... Familiar with that ship, the Black Pearl?" asked Katherine.

"I've heard of it." answered Jack Sparrow, placing back his head.

"Where does it make berth?" Will continued.

The pirate lifts his head again, astonished by the two. "'Where does it make berth'? Have you not heard the stories?"

Will slowly shakes his head, along with Katherine. She may knew the story of Jack Sparrow, but Katherine did not know much about the black ship that she have seen twice in her lifetime. Jack Sparrow puts back his head again, and slowly wave his hand.

"Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta. It's an island that cannot be found, except," Jack Sparrow lifts his head and grin, "by those who already know where it is."

"The ship is real enough. Therefore Isla de Muerta must be a real place," exclaimed Katherine, gripping a prison bar.

"Where is it?" asked Will impatiently to the pirate.

Jack Sparrow checks on his fingernails, uninterested. "Why ask me?"

"Because you're a pirate," spoke Katherine softly, showing a pleading expression.

"And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it, sweetheart?" grinned Jack Sparrow.

Will moves forward to grab a prison bar, "Never." he coldly answered for Katherine. The girl gives Will a strange look, then she smiles a little.

Everyone become silent. Jack Sparrow lies on the floor, checking on his nails again. Will moves backward awkwardly, then he exchanges eye contact with Katherine.

"They took my sister." Katherine spoke up. "Elizabeth. You remember her, right?"

Jack Sparrow observes Katherine and Will. "What's in it for you?" he questioned the blacksmith, but Will only stares at Katherine. Suddenly, the pirate lifts his body excitedly.

"Oh...! So it is that you found a girl!" exclaimed Jack Sparrow, Will stares at him while Katherine looks at the two, confused.

"I see. Well, if you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue, and so win the little sister's heart, you'll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me," spoke the pirate.

Katherine realises that Jack Sparrow was talking about her, being 'Will's girl'. The blacksmith glances at her and exchange eye contact. As blush starts to form on Katherine's face, she looks away nervously, then she give him an awkward smile.

Will scratches the back of his neck, his face is blushing as well. "We can get you out of here," he said to Jack Sparrow. Katherine nods to the pirate to reassure him.

"How's that? The key's run off." said the pirate, annoyed.

"Do you mean Cerby?" questioned Katherine. Will and Jack Sparrow stare at her confusedly. "I mean, Cerberus, the dog who guarded this prison, right? I know him, we're good friends. I can get him for you if you want," suggested Katherine excitedly.

"That will take too much time, sweetheart," said Jack Sparrow, Katherine becomes slightly disappointed.

Jack Sparrow narrows his eyes, observing Katherine. "You seem somewhat familiar,"

"Well, you have kindly threatened me before," said Katherine, she smiles sarcastically.

Jack Sparrow's eyes move to Katherine's lower neck, spotting her aquamarine necklace. He shows a weird look, rather surprised. "Where did you get that...?" He questioned, as Katherine looks down to her neck.

Katherine stares at the pirate suspiciously. "This is... A gift. What's the concern about?" asked Katherine, vigilantly holding the gemstone. Jack Sparrow raises his eyebrows, and grin to Katherine. "Mm-hm... No matter, dear,"

"I helped build these cells." Will speaks up, he points at the hinges of the cell door, "These are half-pin barrel hinges. With the right leverage and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free."

The blacksmith turns around, he takes a wooden bench across Jack Sparrow's cell. Katherine helps him, together they put the leg of the bench into the hole of the prison bar. Jack Sparrow looks at Will, studying him. "What's your name?"

Will stops his move, he stares back at the pirate, "Will Turner."

Jack Sparrow shows an impressed look, making Katherine suspicious, again.

"That would be short for William, I imagine," Jack Sparrow says, "good strong name. No doubt named for your father, aye?"

Will looks at the pirate, furrowing his eyebrows of confusion. "Yes," he answered. For a second, Jack Sparrow sits silently, he seems to be considering something.

"Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Turner, Miss Swann, I've changed me mind." Jack Sparrow stands up. "If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and the bonny lass. Do we have an accord?" Jack Sparrow holds out his hand to Will. The blacksmith stares at the pirate's hand for a moment, then he grasps it. "Agreed."

"Agreed." Jack Sparrow repeated.

"Agreed." spoke Katherine. Jack Sparrow nods and smile, holding out his hand to her. The two shake hands.

"Get me out," said Jack Sparrow, gesturing to lift the cell door.

Katherine and Will lift the door, the hinges easily fall off from its places. Then, Will grabs the cell door and throw it away, causing a loud metal sound. "Hurry! Someone would have heard that." he said.

"Not without my effects!" spoke Jack Sparrow. He runs to a hanger, where his stuffs, some manacles, chains, and keys placed. Katherine stands beside Will, she cleans some dirt on her hands by dusting off her palms.

Jack Sparrow takes his effects including his pistol excitedly, drawing Will's attention. "Why bother with that? You could've escape if you killed me before but you won't willing to use it." said Will. Katherine studies the situation, finding out that her best friend and the pirate had a fight before.

'Well, after all he's a swordsman against pirates. And they are in good terms now.' Katherine thought.

"Are you advising me that was a mistake?" Jack Sparrow points his pistol to Will. Katherine goes closer to Will immediately, she narrows her eyes to the pirate. The both of them slowly reach the right side of their waists, where they placed their weapons.

"When you only got one shot, it's best to wait for your opportune moment. That wasn't it... Nor is this." Jack Sparrow spoke slowly, then he half-cocks his pistol.

Will is still confused, but he chooses to be quiet. Katherine rubs Will's arm, then she holds his hand. Will grasps back her hand. They look at each other, as Jack Sparrow walks outside. Katherine nods to Will, and they immediately follow the pirate.

Together with Captain Jack Sparrow, they run out from Fort Charles to start their journey to seek for Elizabeth Swann.

─── ・ 。゚☆ : * . ☽ . * : ☆ 。゚・ ───

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