The Dorm Room Testament

By iamkindakewl

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Jesus has always wanted to move out and explore new things. What happens when he moves away to collage and me... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning

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By iamkindakewl

                                                       ~~~ 7 am~ Saturday~ Early August~ ~~~

       Jesus has always been bad at saying goodbye, but this time it was especially difficult, he was saying goodbye to his mother. Now don't think that Jesus didn't have a father, because he did. His father was always working, but his mother has always been there for him. So as you can believe,  saying goodbye for collage was difficult. 

    "I am going to miss you so much son," His mother Mary said "I wish your father were here to say goodbye as well, but he couldn't get the day off."

  " Its okay mother, I will miss you too. I know that father is here in spirit." Jesus said reassuringly.

  " Are you sure you packed everything? Your toothbrush, socks, shampoo-" Marry was cut off.

 "Yes mother, don't worry so much. Remember, some of my friends from my old band 'The Apostles' are going to the same collage? Simon, Andrew, James, and my boyfriend Judas." Jesus said reminding her of who he would be with for the rest of the semester. 

  "Okay," Mary continued " And remember that if anything bad happens, your cousin John lives in the area."

  "Thank you, now I should really get going before my flight leaves. I love you." Jesus says as he wraps his loving mother into a tight embrace. Mary hugged back as they said their final goodbyes. 

    Jesus flight was from his home town in Washington DC to C.G.H University in New York City. His flight was around an hour and a half. His friends had already gotten their the day before and Jesus had stayed hoping he would be able to say goodbye to his father.  Unfortunately that had not happened.

                                                                              ~~~ Time skip~~~

  It was around noon when Jesus had finally gotten to campus. He was meant to be there an hour earlier but there had been much more traffic than expected. 

  Jesus stopped by the office and got everything he needed before heading to his dorm room. He got his room number and hopelessly wondered around the halls until he came across the numbered door 213. He looked down at his keys and they read 213. He takes a deep breath before entering the dorm room.

  Upon entering the dorm he is overwhelmed by the sweet smell of jasmine tea, he gets a warm feeling in his stomach at how homie the half decorated dorm room already looks. " Oh, are you my roommate?" a soft and warm voice speaks.

"Huh? Oh! Yes. M-my name is Jesus, My last names Christ." Jesus said mentally kicking himself for being shy.

"Well its nice to meet you Jesus Christ, My name is Siddhartha Gautama, but please, call me Buddha." The young adult named 'Buddha' smiled warmly.

Buddha was relatively short, standing around 5'3. He had dark brown hair wrapped in a tight man bun on the top of his head. He had thin eyebrows and light brown eyes. He wore a warm facial expression. His skin tone was an olive brown. 

   Jesus couldn't help but blush as he further examined Buddhas features. 'Stop it, face, don't blush! You have a boyfriend.' Jesus thought to himself. 'This is going to be a good year, I can feel It'...

A/N: this chapter kinda sucks, its also really short, but it will get better. im going to try to update everyday.  anyways, im not trying to offend anyone with this, im not a very religious person. i am trying my best with grammar and spelling. word count, 600. thanks all for now. * eats teletubbie cutely *

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