the mystery of the shadow

By MaryamAliSoni

18 0 0

a story about a girl named jazy with all troubles in her life where now she faces a girl Alice and the myster... More

the mystery of the shadow

18 0 0
By MaryamAliSoni

My name is jazy and I am 25 years I was born on Jan 27 1990 so it all begains in march 11 2011 I just went to the adoptation center because I don't want to Mary so I went and talked to the doctor

Then I went to adopt a child I chose a girl and a boy the girl was Alice and boy Jake when I saw them I saw the girl sad but the boy happy I told them to sit in the car

I was upset . We reached home Alice dint even say a word , I took them Both to my mansion , I took them Both to thier rooms , I sat and took out thier clothes from the bag then I saw a frame with a picture of a women a child and a girl I thought it was personal so I kept it a side .

Days past and past and when ever I see Alice I feel upset because Alice only smiles at the frame never on me I wonder what is in it.evrey day I hear a sound or sometimes I see a shadow and also some times I see scratches on my body the next day Jake started calling me mom I felt happy but also sad because Alice never calls me mom.that night I hear a sound coming closer and closer then suddenly

I saw the shadow near me then it went in me.

The next day I started acting weird Alice started calling me mom but Jake wasn't in one way I was happy but also sad after some hours the shadow went out of me and I fainted then I decided to know the truth I went to the adoptation center and ask what happen why all this is happening to me the doctor over thier told that the things that are happening with you is because of Jake and Alice mother Rebecca I ask the doctor that is she alive the doctor said no because she fell from the building.

I went back home over thier I tried asking Alice to answer me to say me what happened why is she very sad from me she dint answer I sat on my bed in my bedroom then Jake came he saw me upset he ask me that what happen then I thought that Jake maybe knowing about this I ask him that why is your mother doing this to me if your mother died it's not my fault Jake answer , it was not your fault but it is the fault of the person who is in you family then I ask who Jake said it was your mother your mother threw my mother from the building just because my mom was dating with your dad when they were in university my mom and your mom were best friends but your mother did not see the friendship and push my mother from the building in anger then after saying that Jake left I felt really bad or in a way sad so now Rebecca wants to kill my whole family means me . I was walking on the corridors and I say blood and beside it my name written in blood on the floor also on the windows I got creeped out I ran to my bedroom I lock the door then I found a hand on my bed on the hand was written my name then I screamed what do you want a sound came that I want your heart I want your blood I want my kids I answered that I won't give the kids and a strange power came and hang me from my neck she dint leave me I thought it was my last day of my life then jack came screaming then she left me jack came to me and said what happen I answer nothing and in my mind the fear was yet thier then things got worse when ever I go open the shower blood comes when I sleep someone pulls me when I scream no one hears me I dint know what to do but one day Jake knew it all that what was happening with me.

Jake told me that her week Ness is Alice just say her what used to happen with you she will come in your side I be lived on Jake and went to Alice I told every thing Alice heard me then she screamed what I told it is the truth she dint belive at first but then she realized that I was the one who should be called night me Alice and Jake were waiting till 2.00 because at that time Alice mother comes to me and the she came alive saw her she told her mother that maybe what jazy mother did was not right but jazy is not like that she takes really good care of us Rebecca thought that was right after words she had peace and Alice and Jake lived with me forever and Alice called me mom also Jake now I am not upset anymore

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