By harrycherrystyles

250K 4.4K 8.3K

One simple nickname was all it took for the two broken souls to start something they didn't know they could f... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
•Forty One•
•Forty Two•
•Forty Three•
*EXTRA* •Alternate Ending•


1.9K 30 89
By harrycherrystyles

*5 Years Later*

"Mommy! Mommy! I did it!"

I cheered out at my beautiful six year old son as he ran towards me after he scored the winning goal at his soccer game finals at school.

It was approaching the end of October, Fall was basically here but the temperature was still quite warm.

Halloween was coming very soon and I couldn't wait to show my baby the costume that I made for him.

The one he's been talking about since October arrived.

A steampunk pirate costume.

Ever since he saw a picture of one in a magazine that Zayn was looking at, he became obsessed.

Zayn and I were going to be Catwoman and Batman, which Edward approved of.

The leaves were changing colors, the green grass contrasted with the yellows and reds that were starting to fill the branches of the nearby trees.

I felt a nice breeze blow against my skin, through my hair, setting me in the happiest of moods as I watched my boy run with an unlimited supply of energy.

His chestnut curls flowed around his glistening face, thanks to the sweat, his big, bright green eyes glowed as bright as the sun with happiness.

"I saw! Oh, mommy is so proud of you!"

He crashed right into my arms and I picked him up with a grunt and kissed all over his face, happy shrieks and laughs escaped his full tiny lips as he wrapped his small arms around my neck.

"Hey! What about me?"

I turned my head to see Zayn smiling as he ran up to us and pecked my lips softly then our son's head.

"Dad is proud of you too. I'm sure Uncle Niall and Chace are around here somewhere"

"I'm right here! How's my little champ of a nephew doing?"

I handed Edward off to Niall who was wearing a jersey with Edward's number on it and his last name on the back.

Edward's smile grew even bigger on his small face as Chace jogged up to them with balloons and a water bottle.

"Yes! I didn't miss anything for once! Your Uncle Chace is so proud of you too!"

Edward cheered out in excitement and pumped his fists in the air as they all howled in excitement.

"How are you holding up babe?"

Zayn hugged around me and I leaned back against him with a pretty big smile on my face.

"For once, I feel really good. Like I know Harry was watching over him and helping him score that last goal. You know, when Chace told me that the 'drunk driver' was actually a setup organized by my mother to take Harry out I thought I'd never be okay again. She always had to have the last word. I hope she rots in her jail cell for the rest of her life... but for Harry, I'll find it in me to forgive her and move on, for Edward's sake as well as yours"

I turned my head and left a small, sweet kiss to Zayn's jaw which caused him to turn my head further and plant another kiss to my lips.

"Yeah.. your mother really held a grudge after Thomas was killed. It's crazy that she somehow found the right connections outside of her prison cell. I'm just glad Chace brought them all to justice. No one else should be able to hurt us. Especially now that we have Edward"

"Even if there are, we have Chace on our side. I have a feeling that Harry will also watch out for all of us, especially Edward"

"I'm sure he will, there's no way he'd let his look alike be second best at anything or get hurt in any way. Edward has been excelling in his paintings too by the way. You, however, not so much"

I scoffed and smacked at his arm as he laughed down at me.

"Seriously Natalia, I think you've changed this boy's life for the better the day you got him out of that horrible place"

"He was perfect.. I couldn't have just left him there. Something told me that he and I were meant to be in each other's lives. He's changed mine for the better too you know"

I snuggled back in Zayn's embrace then started reminiscing the last five years as I stared off in the distance, looking at nothing in particular.

Last year, Zayn and I had officially started dating one another and he did make me pretty happy.

He was so patient with me, waiting for me to pull myself together for four whole years as I mourned over Harry.

I had gone out on dates with other men to try and put myself back out there but they just didn't feel.. right.

When Zayn finally spoke up about how he had felt about me for the past two years, it somehow felt okay, like Harry approved.

I felt less alone and I did feel like I would come to love him someday.

Zayn was always around and he had become my best friend first.

At first, I would just yell at him to leave me alone and that he would never be able to replace Harry.

There were times he would leave but he would always be around in a different room to let me cool off.

He never actually left me alone and deep down I was appreciative for that.

It took that whole first year of grieving over Harry and being a sour bitch to finally realize that Zayn was only trying to help me for the better.

After the second year, Zayn and I were inseparable, we had become so close that he was starting to make me forget how much everything hurt.

He was the only person that I trusted completely.

Don't get me wrong, I could trust Niall and Chace too but I could confidently say that Zayn would always be there no matter what.

During the third year, and I'm only taking a guess here, was when Zayn started to realize how he felt about me.

He was beginning to get soft around me and even painted a portrait of me for my birthday that now hangs in the living room next to a portrait of Harry that he made for me the year before.

God he did such a good job.

I would catch myself just staring at both of them as I sat in the living room.

I have a really talented boyfriend.

Apparently Zayn wanted to take Edward and I to Paris so he could show me the collection he did in my honor.

My heart still melts a little at the fact he did that for me.

I admit that I wasn't seeing any type of his affections coming off as him having feelings for me at the time but then last year's confession happened and it all made sense.

Not even three months had gone by in our relationship and Zayn had suggested that it was about time that I adopted a kid since, according to him, I looked so sad all the time and needed a child running around to liven the place up.

Apparently Bruno was looking pretty lonely as well.

Plus he reminded me of the promise I made to Harry and I was intending to keep it.

Zayn sold his place and moved in with Edward and I fairly recently, his paintings covered every bit of the walls and I absolutely loved it.

I even gave him one of the empty rooms downstairs with a nice view, to use as his studio.

Edward walked in on Zayn painting one time and I could've sworn his eyes widened so big and glossed over that he could've starred in an anime show.

Not as big as mine when I caught my first full glance of Zayn's sleeve of tattoos on his right arm.

The beanie and torn up top he was wearing really made him look attractive.

His facial hair fit his sculpted features, I wanted to run my hands across his jaw, down his arms and hold him around his waist while staring into his honey brown orbs.

Even though we were already dating, this was probably the first time I saw him as a man, one that I would consider taking to bed.

In that moment, I felt guilty looking at Zayn that way, immediately thinking of Harry.

But then I remembered Harry's words to me, to find someone to love me.

I think he also wanted me to find someone to love back.

When I looked back over at Edward, he was so starstruck and amazed at what could be created by one's own hand that Zayn started teaching him how to paint and mix colors then and there.

He was an exceptionally talented young boy and I couldn't be more proud to be his mom, even if he wasn't truly mine.

The day I found out that my father took away my ability to have children of my own, I was so angry for such a long time.

After all that anger left, I fell into a state of depression and my therapist helped pull me out of that funk but it did take a while.

I finally agreed after a straight month of Zayn's pestering and we visited about four orphanages before finally, on the fifth one, that's when I saw him.

His dull, lifeless curly brown hair covered his face but I was immediately drawn to him.

He looked and felt so familiar somehow.

His appearance was not the best as he was completely covered in dirt, his elbows and knees were dry on top of that.

I glanced around at the other kids and they looked so clean that they almost shined under the lights of the orphanage playroom.

The woman running the playroom caught me looking over at the curly haired boy and had the audacity to suggest that she had 'better' children.

I glared over at her with a confused expression then back at Zayn who shook his head then continued to ignore her statement while still approaching the sad looking boy.

I don't get why places like this advertise children who they personally feel like is better, every child in this place deserves a chance at being selected for a home.

This little boy was mine, I could feel it in my soul.

Oh how right I was in the end.

He was holding his knees right up to his chest in the darkest corner of the room, basically hiding from everyone else as they laughed and played with one another.

I noticed a couple kids trying to get my attention away from the sad boy but I continued to ignore them and everyone else who tried to stop me at this point.

I was starting to get pissed off at how hard everyone was trying to keep me away from this little boy.

What was so wrong with him that he couldn't have happiness?

Zayn carefully rubbed up and down on my arms  soothingly as he followed behind me, letting me approach this in my own way and I was grateful for him for letting me do so.

He knew how much this moment meant to me.

No one bothered to even approach this poor little kid and that made my heart break for him.

He should be playing and laughing too, not hiding and wasting away.

As soon as I reached him I kneeled down and lightly tapped his shoulder.

He immediately tensed up and I took a small step back and sat down right next to him.

"Hi there sweetie. My name is Natalia Jones, what's yours?"

As soon as he heard my voice he physically relaxed and looked over to me.

His big sad round green eyes met mine and I knew it was fate.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I slowly reached out to him and cleared his face free of his hair and just looked at him, admiring his beauty.

He looked so much like Harry, I couldn't believe I actually found someone who looked like him.

Just like he asked.

"My god... you're so beautiful"

His sad green forests widened over at me as he started shaking his head.

"But.. but I'm a boy, only girls are called beautiful"

I shook my head back at him and sniffled as I continued to run my hand through his hair.

"Anyone can be beautiful. Whoever told you that mess was a liar. They were most likely jealous because you are one of the most beautiful children in this room"

His eyes searched mine and for a second; I got scared he would reel himself back in and hide his face again but then he spoke up.

"Am I handsome too?"

I cried out a small laugh and nodded as I ran my knuckles down the side of his face softly.

"The most handsome little boy I've ever seen"

The moment that little angel smiled up at me, my heart completely melted.


I gasped as he spoke Harry's middle name.


"My name. It's Edward"

If that wasn't fate bringing us together then I don't know what the hell that was.

"How would you like to come home and live with me and this fine man behind me?"

His eyes wandered over to Zayn then back to me and his eyes started to tear up.

"You actually want me? No one ever wants me"

"Oh baby.. of course I want you. Come here"

He shot up and into my embrace and I couldn't help but start to cry.

I didn't realize it at first, but Edward was crying too.

We held onto each other so tight and I kissed the side of his head repeatedly.

Zayn helped me stand up and smiled down at the little boy and pat his head soothingly.

That seemed to make him cry even harder and it hurt to see him so sad.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?"

I sniffled and tried to wipe my eyes by carefully holding him with one arm at a time.

"M-my dad u-used to p-pat my h-head"

Zayn's face held such horror on it that I wanted to comfort him too.

I reached over to him and kissed his lips softly, Edward covering his eyes with his mouth slightly open in shock.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made all of us stop and stare.

Zayn and I glared over at the woman as she had a look of disgust on her face.

"Are you sure he's your first and only choice? As I've mentioned before, we have so much better children. Cleaner children than... him. You didn't even look at the others"

I hardened my facial expression as I glared even more intensely over to the annoying woman and let her have it.

"Well HE has a name you nasty witch. Not that you deserve to know what it is but it's Edward. And I want him, dirt and all. He is the sweetest little boy I have ever come to know while your 'shiny and clean' children are all brats. I can sense it. You will look at this little boy with respect as I carry him out of here. Now where can we finalize things? But I'd rather do it with someone else if you don't mind. I don't like you. At all"

The woman's mouth dropped open and Edward let out the cutest chuckle I've ever heard.

"Come on cutie, let's get you home"

Zayn walked up to us and we left that horrible woman back with her 'better children' and I could've sworn I heard some of them crying as they realized Edward was chosen over them.

As we were filling out paperwork with a much kinder young woman, we found out that Edward had a horrifying past, he was the only survivor in a life threatening car accident.

Both his parents and his older sister were killed immediately but he managed to make it out alive with minor injuries.

My heart just kept shattering over and over for this precious angel.

I'm so glad we're getting him out of here.

I mentioned how cruel of an attitude the woman in the playroom had and how she used a method of advertising to try and get me to choose another child over Edward and this once kind woman changed her demeanor so quick I started shaking.

"I'll talk with her immediately. This is the fourth time I've heard this complaint by other couples. I assure you Natalia Jones, Zayn Malik, that she will be dealt with"

She stood up rather quickly and shook our hands with a forced smile and an apology then rushed out of the small office and straight over to the playroom.

I slowly started following her but Zayn stopped me in my tracks.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

"I want to see that woman get her as... butt chewed out"

Zayn shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"I would love nothing more than to get front row seats to that but come on now. I'm sure Edward wants to see his new home and take a nice warm bath before taking a nap"

I glanced down at the sleepy boy in my arms and sighed out in defeat.

"Fine. But you owe me big time for making me miss this"

We brought Edward straight home that day and it didn't take long for him to adapt to his new environment.

Bruno loved the shît out of Edward and I'm sure Zayn and the boys would take a bullet for him.

Edward loved Niall and Chace and I couldn't be more happy that his relationship with everyone was good.

Edward reminded me of the love of my life and I once again felt full.

Although the hole Harry left in my heart would never be completely full again, Edward filled it enough to where I no longer felt empty.

I brought myself back to present time and couldn't help but smile over at my beautiful son as he ran back over to his teammates who cheered his name as he held the large and shiny first place trophy.

Niall and Chace joined Zayn and I, all of us just watching as my boy was being praised and worshiped by a few cute little girls who watched the game from the sidelines.

"I'm calling it now. The kid is going to be a heartbreaker"


"What? I'm just calling it as it is. Look for yourself"

I glanced back over at Edward and saw he was now talking to the girls, with a few of his close friends behind him, and accepting all the flowers that they picked for him.

My jaw dropped and Chace just nodded with a smirk on his lips.

"Told ya. Heartbreaker in the making"

"Just like Harry"

Niall spoke up with a small smile on his lips and I couldn't help but smile along with him.

"You're all unbelievable"

"Hey! I didn't say anything!"

I looked back at Zayn who held an exaggerated shocked expression on his pretty face.

"I could feel you thinking it too dummy"

He rolled his eyes at me then smiled wide and kneeled down as Edward started running towards us.

"I'm ready to go home now! Can we go home? I have to tell Bruno about my victory! Can my friends come over too? Please mommy?"

He poked his bottom lip out and stared up at me with his beautiful green eyes that glistened mischievously just like Harry's did when he wanted something.

"Sure baby. Have them bring their parents over here so I can talk with them"

He cheered out loud then ran all the way back across the field to his friends.

"That boy has so much energy. I can't believe he's still running that fast after that game"

"Trust me dear, he'll sleep through the night"

I side eyed Zayn and all he could do was stare at me and gulp rather loudly at the sensual way I was staring over at him.

"You think they'll want to swim?"

He lifted an eyebrow at me and I smiled over at him.

"I don't see why not. Will you two be coming over?"

I looked over at Niall and Chace who were looking at me already with a look of desperation on their faces.

"We were hoping you'd ask us that! Bring on the heated pool!"

They started running over to their cars and I shook my head at their enthusiasm.

I could feel Zayn right behind me, planting a sweet kiss to the back of my neck and I hummed.

"Come on mommy, let's go meet the other parents"

I squinted my eyes at him and he just smiled innocently at me.

"What? Do you not like when I call you that?"

I turned to full on face him then leaned up nice and close to his ear as I placed both of my hands on his chest.

"It wouldn't be fair to call you daddy back in a place so public... oops, I already did"

I licked along the shell of his ear and without even looking to see his reaction I turned and started walking over to my son and his friend's families.

After explaining to them where I lived and how I'd have four adults total around they felt much better about letting me take their kids to my home.

I hope they're as careful as my boy around the house because there's a good amount of breakables around and I would hate for any of Zayn's paintings to get ruined.

As I made sure everyone was settled in either my car or Niall's I looked to find Zayn still standing where I left him with his mouth dropped open.

I let out a laugh and cupped my hands around my mouth as I called at the stunned man I call a boyfriend.

"Zayn! Come on, you're minimizing their swim time!"

The kids behind me started yelling out at Zayn and he immediately snapped out of it and ran over to the car and got in the drivers seat.

"Sorry about that everyone, I was blessed by an angel just now"

"Really dad? What was it like?! Was it like me? Mommy always calls me angel. Did I bless you?"

I could hear one of the other kids in the back whisper 'did he sneeze?' and I just about died with laughter.

"Your performance and that last goal was a blessing, yes son. But this angel was a woman and she gave me a whole other type of blessing that you're not ready to hear about yet"

"Awww come on dad!"

"How about some music everyone?"

I interrupted this conversation before Zayn could say anymore.

Everyone cheered except for Edward who squinted his eyes over at the back of Zayn's head.

I turned on the radio only to connect my phone to the Bluetooth setting and played the most appropriate song for moments like these.

We Will Rock You by Queen blasted throughout the speakers and the boys absolutely lost their shît as they screamed along with the lyrics.

I glanced over at Zayn and he was already smiling.

He reached his hand over to hold mine and I gladly accepted it, entwining our fingers together and bringing his knuckles up to lips so I could kiss them.

By the time we all met up at the house, I could hear all the gasps and awes from the backseat.

"You really live here Edward?"

"It's like a palace!"

We all climbed out as soon as we were safely parked and met up with Niall and Chace who were waiting with the other boys.

"About time you slowpokes! Was that Queen I heard blasting through the speakers though? Because I'm sure our song has your guys' beat"

Niall folded his arms over his chest with a proud smile.

"Oh yeah? Which one?"

I folded my arms over my chest and tilted my head slightly to challenge him to continue.


Everyone that was in Niall's car screamed the lyrics to the one of the other most famous songs by Queen and we all joined in.

"See? We have you guys beat"

I held a hand up and everyone silenced.

"But you have to admit, our song gets you more hyped and ready to celebrate"

Niall and Chace folded their arms across their chests as my group got ready.


Everyone cheered and lost their shît as we screamed those lyrics even louder.

"Alright alright... they're both great songs. Come on lads, let's go celebrate in the pool!"

The young boys all cheered and ran after Niall and Chace who were almost as energetic as all of them.

Zayn and I carefully watched over them as the young boys started running up the stairs and to Edward's room so that they could change.

Niall and Chace just took off their shirts since they were already wearing their swim trunks.

"You two were awfully prepared. Were you that confident that I would ask you to come over?"

"You can't say no to us Natalia. Admit it, you love having us over"

They smiled over at me and all I did was shake my head playfully with a big smile.

I suddenly got a flashback of Harry and I when we attended Kat's party where we were supposed to 'meet' for the first time.

Harry looked down at me with on of the most annoyed expressions I have ever seen on him while reaching up to brush against his lips with my own.

I placed my hands on his chest, slowly inching them up towards his shoulders, and I could feel his heart beat slowly increasing in speed right in that toned chest of his.

"Time for me to find myself a worthy one night stand"

Our lips brushed ever so softly against one another which I could tell drove him completely and utterly insane.

I pulled back while smiling up at him playfully, beginning to turn around and walk into the crowd but Harry had other plans.

Plans that would end up working out in my favor.

He gripped one of my wrists and dragged us into a nearby room and locked us in what appeared to be some type of walk-in closet.

"You have been driving me fûcking crazy ever since I came home with you"

"I didn't ask you to come Styles"

"Will you just shut the hell up for one goddamn minute Natalia?"

I just glared into his now glistening green eyes which I could tell were starting to fill with lust.

Oh no you don't you bastard.

He doesn't deserve me after the way he treated me in the car.

He trapped my body with his own against the back wall and I just glared off to the side as his lips connected with the right side of my neck.

I'll admit, I felt a little tingly inside as his warm heart shape lips tasted my now heating skin.

"Sweet like honey.."

He stuck out his tongue and licked a stripe along my semi sore jaw and I tried so hard to keep my moan in but the gasp that escaped my lips when he bit down failed me.

"You act so tough and hard but I'm sure even God knows that you can't resist me"

"Don't flatter yourself. I can just as easily say no to you just as fast as that gasp came out of my mouth"

"Oh sweetheart, you can't say no to me"

I could tell that my pupils dialated at the nickname being said with his thick accent.


He leaned down close to my face, looking down at my lips before he slowly licked them making my head spin along with the smell of alcohol on his breath.


"Yes sweetheart?"


I saw the surprise in his eyes as I just smiled at him and pushed him back but not before teasing him with a sensual kiss under his jaw then making my way back out to the party.

I felt so empowered with myself and I couldn't help but smile wide like the Cheshire Cat and dance in the middle of everyone.

That was the first time he called me Sweetheart, god, I miss hearing that nickname.


I blinked a couple times as Niall and Chace stared at me with a concerned look on their faces.

I hadn't realized I was crying until Zayn used one of his thumbs to wipe away the runaway tears.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. But to answer your question, yes, I do love having you all here"

They smiled lightly and came up to me and embraced me in a group hug.


Multiple tiny feet ran down the stairs and attacked all of us in a giant group hug and we all couldn't stop laughing.

With everything that has gone on in my life, I can say with full confidence, I do not regret a single thing that has happened to me ever since I met Harry Edward Styles.

The love of my life.

My Sweetheart.


Well... I would be saying The End here but I have one more surprise for y'all before I can officially say goodbye to all these beautiful characters and this book... I hope everyone will enjoy it and hate me less :,)

How are we feeling after this epilogue?

I feel so emotional because I'm basically done with Sweetheart and it's been my baby for a LONG time... wow... so crazy

For those of you who have been here since the start of it and have made it to the end with me, I appreciate THE HELL out of you. I really do <3

Enough with the mushy stuff, let's get to the questions!

So, Natalia and Zayn ended up being a couple! Did you expect this?

Natalia kept her promise and adopted a beautiful little boy who looked like Harry... ARE YOU CRYING TOO?!

I love how close Natalia and the boys are... I just love them so much.. OMFG IM SO EMOTIONAL

Thoughts on how Natalia handled the lady at the orphanage? I wanted to punch that bitch into next week I stg

Anything else you want to comment on about the epilogue?

Don't forget to vote and comment please and thank you! Your feedback means the absolute world to me and has really made this story so fun to write. Your voices have motivated me to continue all the way to the end and you have all been so loyal right up to this point. I really appreciate you all and couldn't be more grateful than I am in this moment :)

I love you Whoreos 💘

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