✔︎One Sided

BeanQueen_29 tarafından

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This Is a BakuDeku fanfic. Izuku's dream of being a hero changes after he got diagnosed to be quirkless. Th... Daha Fazla

Info: Optional
1: The Beginning
2: Years
3: Discussing the Future
4: Switching Homes
5: After Party
6: The News
7: Training
8: Everyone has Their Moment
9: High School Years
10: His New Life
11: Study Sessions
12: Weird feeling
13: Moving On
14: Hometown
15: Heroes and citizens
17: Dog Day
18: Lost You
19: Phycologist
20: Letting it Out
21: Silently Waiting
22: Unexpected Visitors
23: Inside his Mind
24: Clueless boy
25: Uncovering the past
26: Listening to Your Troubles
27:Everything is Revealed
28: Choices and Decisions
29: Stubborn People
30: Get to Know you Better
31: Moments of Happiness
32: A Stressful Day
33: Keeping Away
34: Too Much of a Coincidence
35: Wanting You Hurts
36: Emotional
37: Finding Myself in Your Arms
38: The Forgiveness that Connects Us

16: Where It all begins

2.4K 91 20
BeanQueen_29 tarafından

Izuku was currently walking down the street on his way to the pharmacist to get some pain killers. He has been taking a lot of them recently. Ever since he moved to Japan, his brain would replay a short clip of a memory. They only lasted a couple of seconds but after the short flash, his vision always blurred and his hearing played loud white noises making everything muffled. His headaches would only last a short amount of time but they hurt like hell.

Today, however, was different.

A tall shadow resembling a person stood in front of Izuku. You could see by the strange glow of the stranger's mouth that he was talking but no words reached Izuku's ears.

The man's hand rested on top of Izuku's shoulder and smoke started to come from between the shadows fingers. Although he could not hear what the man was saying, he could feel a slight sting on his shoulder.

When the smaller boy looked up at the stange shadow, he could define some features by tracing the outline of his body with his eyes. The shadow was bending down towards izuku's left side with his head slightly tilted. He was still talking but he still couldn't hear anything. By the looks of this position you could see his somewhat sharp jawline. Izuku guessed he was in middle school . Upon further inspection, his eyes travelled up to his head where lies a mane of stick straight hair that resembled spikes of a hedgehog.

Before Izuku could make further inspection, the man released his grip on the smaller one's shoulder, relieving the sting in the process, and walked away, but before the silhouette completely vanished it uttered a couple more words and sudden pain went through Izuku's heart. With that the man finally vanished into nothing while Izuku's vision started to change its surrounding of his apartment bathroom and make him collapse to the food.

This... vision, memory, whatever it was, was longer than all the other ones. It started when the greenette was drying his hair in front of the mirror. As he was drying it, he dropped the hairdryer on his shoulder, burning a scar that was there for as long as Izuku remembers. The burn of the hot hair dryer must have been the reason to trigger this memory.

Izuku knew the scar was caused by someone's hand but he didnt know who. However now he had an idea of who did it even if it only showed a foggy outline of who caused it. His brain won't allow him to register any more details other then spiky hair, tall and muscular build, and had a fire related quirk due to the burn. These were the only facts that Izuku had as clues to find out who burned his shoulder. 

He was shaken out of his thoughts when he bumped into something. He snapped his head back from the sudden contact and stumbled back a bit. Izuku placed his hand over his mouth muffling his words.


He sat there on the dirty concrete floor trying to stop his nose from bleeding. To be honest he was quite uncomfortable but he really wanted to do something about his stupid nose. Eventually he got up off the floor and turned his head only to wheeze in pain.

"Great, now I got whiplash, just what I needed. What a great morning you have Izu! What else does the lord have planned for you today?!" he whispered sarcastically using both hands to hold his nose and rub the pain on his neck. As he kept walking he felt a pair of eyes on him so he started walking a bit faster to avoid any trouble. Since there were many people on the streets, he thought he could blend in further into the crowd. Some people were sending him questioning looks from how quickly he walked while holding his nose and neck. He was trying to not touch anyone so he wouldn't have to waste any seconds to apologize for bumping into anyone. As he got further into the crowd he started to feel safer so he slowed his pace.

Right as he was about to walk normally, he spotted the little pharmacy. He smiled before walking happily to it, adding a little skip to his foot, dropping both his hands to his sides. He made his way inside the cute little medical building and walked up to the counter. Once he reached it he hit the little bell to notify that there was a customer in need.


He smiled happily at the little sound it made. Everything tiny and cute made him smile. He grabbed a tissue from the counter and wiped his bloody nose and hand and threw it away in a small bin next to his feet. A few seconds came by and a lady popped up ready to serve her customer.

"How can I help you?"

"I was coming here to get some pain killers?"

The lady behind the desk nodded and turned around to go get Izuku his pain killers. As he was waiting he decided together more things too; bandaids, gauze, alcohol, peroxide, and a peanut butter bar. He made his way back to the front desk with all his supplies in hand and placed them on the counter. A few seconds later she came out of the corner and placed a bottle of pills.

"That would be 2300Y please" she said while placing all of his things in a bag.

Izuku nodded and handed her the money and made his way out with all of his supplies. However he felt a similar presence. He looked around but couldn't see anyone. So he hesitantly turned back around and made his way at home so he could get ready for his work shift. He continued walking, taking a shortcut. However that was possibly a wrong decision because there were barely any people down this small road. He walked a bit fast so he could get to his apartment building quickly however he heard pitter patter on the concrete floor making their way towards the greenette. Izuku panicked but kept his cool thinking it was just some rando running.

"AHHHHH!" Izuku screamed when he felt a force on his back knocking him to the floor. Izuku was too scared to look at who it was so he just backed away as far as possible leaving his supplies on the floor thinking whoever it was, would be satisfied with what he had in his grocery bag. Izuku was curled in a ball of the floor keeping his arms above his head with his eyes sealed shut.

"P-please don't hurt me, I-I ill give you anything! just leave me alone..." Izuku whispered loud enough for the man to hear.

He started hyperventilating when he felt something crawl on top of him. His breathing got quicker and quicker as he still kept his eyes closed. Even though his breathing was heavy he could still, somewhat hear. What he wasn't expecting was loud panting, with each breath the man took, the air went straight onto Izuku's face. The smell was weird and not very human like. Suddenly he felt something smooth and wet on his face. Izuku couldn't help but spit out whatever wetness he was being covered with every time it entered his mouth.

Very slowly, Izuku opened his eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the light of the sun again. He was shocked to see that there was a, not a man on top of him, but a fairly large dog. Izuku sighed a breath of relief before smiling and nervously looked around him to see if anyone witnessed his embarrassing behaviour. Thankfully he saw no one on the empty road but before he could do anything else he felt another lick against his cheek and then a loud bark, hurting his ear drums since the dog was still on top of him. Izuku got up off the floor and dusted his body and hair off and went to get his bag full of groceries. When he stood from his slouched posture from picking up the mess, the dog hopped in front of him and had its rear end in the air, while the front of its body pressed flat on the floor with his tongue striking out panting very loudly.

"You want to play?!" Izuku said in a high pitched voice while patting his legs.

The dog jumped side to side barking some more. Izuku looked around, digging in his pockets before pulling out a stress ball. He always has one in case of emergencies. He threw the ball pretty far and let the dog run towards it. Izuku took this moment to observe the type of breed it was. It was a husky. Long dark brown fur covering its upper half of its body while the lower half, from the chest down was pure white. Eyes were daytime sky blue with thin black slits for pupils. The dog's tail was permanently curled with the tip touching the huskies back.

While the dog made its way back to Izuku with a red ball in its mouth, He noticed something shiny dangling underneath the dog's neck. When the dog dropped the ball and sat back down ready for another toss, Izuku grabbed the shiny object, discovering it was a collar. There was a name on it too...

"Miss?" He questioned himself.

The dogs ears perked up upon hearing the familiar name. Izuku smiled at the interaction before petting the dogs head. The dog wailed its tail in happiness and leaned her head into the touch. Izuku frowned at a thought.

"If you have an owner... and you're out here... that means you're lost," Izuku thought. He retracted his hand and tried thinking of a plan. The dog sat and waited for the person in front of her to do something. Izuku beamed, pointing his pointer finger in the air and looked at the dog grabbing its face and rubbing it up and down making her ears flop all over the place.

"I KNOW! You can come with me back at my apartment. You can stay there till your owner comes and picks you up! How does that sound? Do you wanna stay with me?!" he squeaks when speaking to the dog. Once the dog was released from Izuku's hands, she barked and ran around him. Izuku giggled, grabbed his things from off the floor, and made their way to his house.

The dog followed right by his side the whole time. She was happily prancing making her fur and tail bounce.

"You must be very well trained considering you can catch, sit, and follow without a leash. But you look so young, maybe a year? Hmmm... maybe we should get you some stuff like food, toys, and maybe... treats?" the dog barked at the other familiar words. Izuku laughed a bit and patted the dogs head.

Izuku saw his hotel and started lightly jogging, making the dog follow him before he went any faster. The dog followed behind the running boy happily before they both stopped in front of some doors. Izuku turned around and pointed at the dog.

"Ok i need you to sit and stay" the dog complied and sat down on the floor. Izuku nodded happily and went inside.

"Evening sir"

"Evening. I was wondering if pets were allowed in this facility?" Izuku asked, twiddling with the hem of his jacket nervously for what she was about to say.

The woman smiled "Yes. We actually even have a little backyard behind the building where a bunch of dogs play! Although there is a limit to what breed you bring. Like no half wolf, or any breed that are known to be dangerous or illegal."

Izuku nodded "are huskies ok?"

The receptionist only nodded her head confirming his statement. Izuku smiled widely making his way to the door again and opening it widely revealing Miss wagging her tail and panting.

"Cmon girl! Lets go" the dog soon followed the greenette willingly. Izuku went to the elevator but hesitated and looked at the dog. He decided that maybe they should take the stairs because he didn't know how Miss acted with elevators.

Izuku kind of regretted the decision of taking the stairs since he was on the fifth floor.

'Huff...at least... huff huff... I can get... huff.. Some exercise.... Huff huff..." Izuku said almost out of breath. He was skipping two steps trying to keep up with the dog. He didn't want the dog to continue the flight of stairs. Izuku finally made it to the fifth floor but the dog kept going up. Izuku stood still not saying anything to see what the dog would do. As if on cue the dog suddenly stopped and turned around. Her ears were perket up and her mouth was closed as she had her nose in the air trying to locate the greenette. Izuku laughed a bit at the actions causing a small echo. The dog shot her eyes down between the railing seeing the human who she was following and ran down the steps. Izuku opened the door for the both of them and made their way to Izuku's room.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Miss made her way to the carpet floor and flopped on the floor. Izuku laughed before making his way to the kitchen and placed his bag of medical AID on the counter. He then went to go take a quick shower not before ordering a couple of dog supplies online like bones, toys and such. Izuku knew she wasn't going to be able to stay long since he was going to look for the rightful owner but he wanted the dog to feel like she was at home, or at least welcomed. 

After showering and getting dressed he decided to take the dog to get other puppy stuff so maybe they could encounter the original owner.

During their long walk to the pet shop, no one could recognize the dog. The dog looked happy but Izuku knew she would be happier with the owner. As they entered the shop the dog and Izuku went their separate ways. The dog interacted with the other animals while Izuku bought all of the essentials.

Izuku was only planning on buying food, a bed, and a toy or two that's it. However he ended up buying a leash, extra treats, because he was planning on spoiling her, more toys, and something for the dog to chew on to avoid any furniture to be ripped and de-fluffed. Exiting the building, Izuku had Miss on the new leash on one hand and a big, heavy, bag full of other dog stuff. Slowly, Izuku and Miss finally got to the apartment building. Once he entered the building, the boy dropped everything on the floor and flopped onto the couch.

"Long day huh Miss..."

He received a bark. He smiled and decided to set up all of the dog stuff. Now instead of a neatly modern themed apartment, he had an apartment decorated with colorful dog toys. Miss happily laid down on the bed and fell asleep. Izuku checked the time. His eyes widened for a split second before laughing.

"6:37 in the afternoon. So much changed in so little time" he looked at the sleeping dog and smiled. He sighed before going over to go cook some dinner. Today he was going to make some delicious Katsudon. He finally received the recipe his mother uses but he'll find out if it tastes just as good as hers.

As all of his things were cooking, he decided to make some online posters about the missing dog. He posted about her on all of his social medias making sure to give her name, breed, sex, a picture and his email so whoever the owner is can contact him. Right after he posted the information he turned to the dog remembering she had a collar and maybe there could be a number on it. Before he decided to check the collar, he closed his phone and put all of his food in a bowl. He slowly made his way towards Miss, not wanting to wake her and gently turned the circular pendant. There was no number on it but an address. Izuku wrote it down so he could check if the owner was home tomorrow.

After they both ate, Izuku got ready for bed and checked online to see if anyone emailed him yet about the post he sent out. He saw no emails so he plugged his phone in and went to bed with Miss sleeping on the other side of the king size bed.

Okumaya devam et

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