Percy Jackson, Grandson of Vo...

By Magizen

427K 10.4K 8.1K

Names hold power. In the world of gods, the name Perseus Jackson is a respected name, a name that has the res... More

Tours End, Camps farewell...and wizards?
Finding Perseus Jackson
Paint wars and Moldyshorts
Pigs disease, blue cookies, and a jailbreak
Making enemies with the wrong family
Gringotts Goblins
Meeting Remus Lupin
The horror called...SHOPPING!!!
More shopping, when will it end?!!!!!
Gaining Titles
Percy chats with Charlie and Bill
Sortie the Sorting Hat
Learning the Cure
Studying time is...time skipped!!!
Officially at Hogwarts
Nightmare, Trickery, and Professor Binns
Percy creates a Miracle during Potions
Nico loses it...literally
Harry has a what?!
Celebrity Status
Ideas and Astronomy
Percy scolds the gods
3 Months Later
"Then pursue me"
Unknown Number and Visitors
Seeking Answers
The scars of war are never light
A little bit of fun
New teachers
Co-teachers, Storms, and a Lion
What do you mean you didn't awaken?!
Visiting Ava Evans
A brother...
-Extra- The Moon and her Lion
Problems, problems, problems


7.6K 209 176
By Magizen


'I have a half-sister, I'm not alone' Harry realizes, the thoughts echoing in his head. Beside him, Hermione and Ron were equally shocked, all staring at Dumbledore with mouths hanging open. Harry finds his voice as excitement courses through him. "Where is she?"

"This...that's the tricky part." Dumbledore says. "Wizards and witches can get into most places, but the secret of magic can never be revealed to muggles, which is the problem here. Your half-sister is Ava Evans, her father is Chris Singer, he died when he turned 18. Ava was adopted by Chris's sister who was 21 at the time, her name's Christine Fletcher."

"How is that tricky, can't we just call her and tell her about her relationship with Harry?" Ron asks.

"No, it would never work, not considering who she is in the muggle world. Ava Evans is a famous violinist, constantly she had bodyguards surrounding her, and she rarely goes out in public. The number of people claiming to be related to her is probably astronomical. We would never be able to get near her considering the bodyguards, and the fact that there are constantly people watching her, trying to get pictures doesn't help. The chance of us getting caught, even if we use magic is too high to risk it." Dumbledore says.

"But that's my half-sister, I need to see her!" Harry yells, anger evident in his eyes. 'Dumbledore's supposed to be smart, how could we get caught if we use magic! I need to see my sister, it's not fair that Voldemort gets a grandson, and I get a half-sister I can't even go to see.'

"Harry, calm down. I understand your feelings but exposing the wizarding world creates a threat far worse than Voldemort. We could be wiped out entirely, have caution Harry." Dumbledore soothes. "I am not saying you can't meet her we will find a way. However, she is a very famous person in the muggle world, getting a chance to see her isn't simple."

"Do you have an idea?" Hermione asks.

"Not yet, but the council is also helping to find a way to get in contact with her. Be patient, don't do anything rash." Dumbledore says.

Harry leaves Dumbledore's office in a rage. 'Dumbledore is supposed to be on my side, why is he against me?' Recalling something, Harry's rage deepens, and he changes directions. Ron and Hermione hurry after him, both realizing where Harry's going.


Percy's head hurt, he blamed it on himself for overreacting. He truly thought Jason was in love with someone and would leave him. Percy knew that even if Jason fell in love, they'd still be friends and visit each other, but it's not the same. Percy needs them at his side, if he can't see them, he panics, thinking he's...alone.

The final war left a deep mark on him, everyone dying, one by one, until it was just him...alone. Percy covered his eyes, letting out a small sigh of irritation. Even when Nico and Jason comforted him, saying they love him, Percy didn't 100% believe them. 'I'm the cause of everyone's death, why would they love me, why do they want to be my friends, why stay at my side, why?'

So many why's and no answers in sight. Percy growled lightly when Nico tried to sit on his bed, at the moment he needed to think without these two constantly trying to take away his problems, make him forget that there are problems. These two have been for so long trying to help him forget, but he can't forget, and forcing down the memories, the emotions, the's only making it worse when he does remember.

Nico sits down anyway. Percy debates on pushing him off the bed, but he doesn't want to do that, what if Nico gets upset and decides that it isn't worth it to be his friend. "Perce, talk to us, what's going on?"

Nico murmurs, Jason sitting on the other side of the bed. Jason lies down, wrapping his arms around Percy and drawing him into a hug. Percy removes his hand from his eyes, making sure to conceal his emotions. Nico lies down, rubbing soothing circles on his back. Percy places his head against Jason's chest, listening to his heartbeat. The steady heartbeat soothes him, reminds him he isn't alone.

"Perce" Nico whispers, silently willing Percy to speak.

"I recalled the fight, people dying...there was so much death." Percy murmurs in a tiny voice. "I watched as they fell one by one, no matter how hard I fought, I...I could only watch them die. One by one, like dominoes, they all..." Percy stops, trying to keep from crying. He hated being weak, a leader is supposed to be strong, but at the same time, showing weakness is a sign of strength.

"Shh, love, don't think on that." Nico murmurs, Percy quieting, noting the new nickname. He rather liked it, the word love, it reminded him that Nico and Jason loved him, he isn't alone, he has two friends.

"The ring A-Anna-nab-" Percy stops, not able to continue saying that name without crying. "it-it broke, right in front of me, I couldn't...she...she died. My fault, I should've seen the betrayal...I failed everyone" Percy completely breaks down, tears silently streaming down his face as he lies there trembling.

Nico and Jason are shocked, it's very rare for Percy to ever mention Annabeth, not since the final war ended. "I didn't want her to die. She was my friend, my best friend, my girlfriend..." Percy stopped, not wanting to continue. At that moment, a knock sounded on the door. Nico and Jason simultaneously growled. It was so, so hard to get Percy to open up, and now someone just has to interrupt it.

Percy's eyes returned to their emotionless appearance as the tears vanish from his eyes. Nico and Jason are absolutely enraged now, Percy can tell they're upset about being interrupted, and he has to keep his own emotions in check so whoever it is outside doesn't die.

Jason decides to answer the door. Percy remains on the bed, idly listening to the voices as Nico whispers comforting words to him.

"Oh, you three, what do you want." Jason's voice sounds out.

"Don't talk to us like that, this earthquake might not be your fault, but you three are definitely planning something." A voice growls, Percy recognizing it as Ron's.

"Look, you three can say what you want about Neeks or me, but never, ever, blame something on Percy." Jason says in a low threatening voice. Percy sighs, it seems he better get up and go over there before things go wrong.

"What, is he a baby? You three are all pathetic. When I was 17 I killed the Dark Lord, his grandfather. What were you three doing? Crying to your mom about how your favorite TV show was canceled." Harry says, and Percy stills. 'Can I kill him? Could, should, but Hecate...I'm going to kill him.'

Percy walks over, Jason feeling a chill as Percy stands beside him. Nico is at Percy's side, all three looking ready to commit murder. Well, Nico and Jason do, Percy is rather emotionless. "I'm a year younger than you Harry, I'm 17 this year, you don't know what I'll accomplish, or have already accomplished." 'I've become prince of Olympus, made a camp, fought in a war...yeah, life sucks'

"Boys, oh perfect there you are!" Percy, Jason and Nico still hearing the voice. Harry, Ron and Hermione who were all about to insult the three turned to see someone unfamiliar. 'These three are rather lucky, guess I won't kill them.'

Percy nudges Jason and Nico, the two regretfully looking at the still angry Harry, Ron and Hermione. Percy knew those three weren't just upset about Percy being Voldemort's grandson, it seemed like something else was angering them and he decided to take it out on them. Percy hated that, the idea of the strong taking out their anger on the weak, but for now, he'd be good and not get bloody.

"Who are you?" Harry asks, distrust evident in his gaze. Hecate walks over with grace, Kunai walking beside her in the form of a normal fox. Seeing Percy, Kunai runs over and jumps into Percy's arms.

"Wait, your Professor Hecate, the one teaching Dueling without Wands."

"I prefer combat without wands, dueling is rather formal and friendly, combat is an entirely different story." Hecate says. "Now, if you three don't mind leaving, I have to talk with these three about something."

"About what?" Harry asks.

"Well, if you must know, I need three helpers in my class, and I've heard these three have experience fighting without wands, so that's why I'm here." Hecate explains, not seeming irritated at all. Percy can still sense an underlying anger in her demeanor, it seems she heard Harry's words.

"Don't choose them, choose us, we're way more talented than them." Ron said with loads of arrogance.

"Incredible, now hurry and go, these three are the ones I'm asking." Hecate says, making a shooing motion. Harry, Ron and Hermione leave, but not before Hermione whispers 'baby' when passing Percy. Percy has to grab Jason and Nico's hands to keep them from lashing out.

Once their gone, Professor Hecate turns to Percy, Jason and Nico with a smile. "No." Percy says, shutting the door. Hecate expected that, she could tell Jason, Nico and even Percy were angry and needed some alone time, so she left, not forgetting to tell Dumbledore the three agreed.

"Percy, can I light the school on fire?" Nico asks.


"Perce-Perce, can I electrocute all the students?" Jason asks.


Ten minutes later, multiple ideas denied, Percy fell asleep, welcomed by the familiar nightmares.


It was cold, so, so cold. Not the cold that makes you shiver, but the cold that makes your heart hurt, as if someone's squeezing it. Percy felt this type of cold as he struggled to stand. His entire body hurt, long falls do that to you. He was positive he would die, but at the last moment Blackjack had swooped down, getting under him.

Percy felt sick just recalling the sight of his beloved Pegasus. The momentum of their fall was to fast for Blackjack to try to get the two back into the sky, instead, he was the first to hit the ground. Blackjack took most of the impact, his wing wrapped around Percy to protect him as much as possible. Percy wanted to die, why did Blackjack do it? Percy's flaw was loyalty, he should've been the one to die, not Blackjack.

Percy knew it was his fault, if he hadn't been worried about Annabeth, if he hadn't been in such a rush to find her...none of this would've happened. The sea green ring on his left hand had shattered when he hit the ground so hard. The ring Annabeth chose for him, the ring that meant so much to him, gone, and it only took a second.

Percy coughed, blood splattering the ground, his dark eyes filled with pain and fury glared at his reflection in a window. "I hate you"

Almost made it to 2,000 words, anyway, this ones for aviv3684 who really, really wanted me to update. So this is the first actual flashback you get to witness, so yay, you're finally understanding a bit of Percy's past after the Titan War. Now, I'm really, really, really curious. Who do you think "she" is? The one who betrayed Percy, any ideas? (No, I won't tell you if you're right or wrong, I'm just doing this so I can see if anyone can guess who "she" is.) Also, my goal of 1,000 votes has long been met, so yay, guess I'll just keep writing and see how many more people enjoy the story. - Magizen

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