Lost in your eyes

De Annaabott

59.6K 2.1K 818

Snape x fem student *Slow burn* This is the story of Natalia Rokwood coming from a muggle family to Hogwarts... Mais

Hogwarts Is Calling
Year 1- Severus Snape
Year 4-Lockhart v/s Snape
Jealous ?
Extra lessons
Year 5- Dementors
Don't leave me
A Mistake
Her Boggart
Year 6- Amortentia
Breaking the walls
First task and Skeeter
No turning back
He Is Back
Order Of Phoenix
Year 7- Spinners End
Dolores Umbridge
Battle at Ministry
Auror Camp
A New Member
🎁 Bonus Chapter 🎁
Wrong Timing
History Repeats
I Lost Her
Not Again
Truth Is Bitter
Lost In Your Eyes
The Bravest Man
Always and Forever

You are mine

1.6K 50 5
De Annaabott

(Great hall) :

Lia was sitting with the twins having her lunch. The trio and Neville too joined them. Everything was fine till Umbridge came to them .

"Ms Foster, why do I always see you at the gryffindor table? Aren't you a slytherin. Get back to your house table "

"So what if I am a slytherin, I can still be with my friends from other houses".

"Then what is the purpose of sorting? You must be loyal to your house, and be with them, that is how it should be " , Umbridge pointed her finger at the slytherin table asking her to go there.

"There is no such rules which restricts students from sitting with their friends. As for the purpose of sorting, I think it is to bring a teamspirit and unity not to create groupisms ", Lia said shrugging her shoulders.

"Why is that you keep disobeying your professors, disrespecting them, Haven't you learned from your previous detentions, what the consequences will be like?", Umbridge said looking at all of them "A group comprising all the liers and rebels, all of you deserve to be in a permanent detention".

She just like to torture others. I have done this from year one and not even Severus or McGonagall asked me not to. What is with her? Just get lost you Umbitch. Not only Lia but all others too were growing angry.

Before Umbridge could go further Severus interrupted. He has been observing her from the staff table. He noticed Umbridge going straight to her as she entered the hall. From the look Natalia was giving her, he know she is almost at her breaking point and will end up earning another detention. He don't want that to happen. So he went to her,

"Ms Rokwood " his voice made all of them look at him, Umbridge turned around to look at him.

Lia looked at him, he was maintaining the cold look, and there was anger in that tone.

"Severus, I was about to come to you, this girl in your house, she just don't know how to behave, no discipline, disobedient, never show interest in her lessons, zero respect for the professors", Umbridge complained to Severus.

"Respect can't be taken by force, that must be earned", Lia said looking at Umbridge.

"See what she is like, Is this the way to talk? "

"Ms Rokwood, I have been receiving more complaints about you. And I have noticed you are not paying attention to your studies lately. Your assignments are failures, you can't even brew a simple potion well. Where is your focus now a days. And no respect for your professors"

Severus was accusing her and none were true, she had no idea why he was lying, as far as she know she had done her assignments perfectly, she didn't fail any potions "I think you're mistaken Professor.. "

"I am mistaken! You did the mistakes and you have the audacity to say I'm mistaken. You are crossing your limits Ms Rokwood, If you continue like this I will have to reconsider your prefect status, or even your presence in my class is necessary or not ", Severus said a bit loud.

Lia was totally shocked, she didn't expect him to take side with Umbridge, "But sir.. "

"I don't want any student of my house be a lazy, insolent rule breaker like the one you're being now. This must be disciplined. And Ms Rokwood you will be serving detentions with me from now till you learn to behave. And I don't want any escuses. Is. That. Clear. "

Lia noticed a smirk appear his lips disappearing too fast, too hard to notice. She understood what he was upto.

"But Severus she is already having a... " Umbridge tried to speak.

"No one will support her. She will be doing the punishment I assign. Its my duty to discipline students of my house ", his voice raised bit more than usual "And you, don't you dare disobey me. You will be there from this day. Is that clear Ms Rokwood? "

She noded her head ,"Yes sir".

Severus stormed out of there without giving a chance to Umbridge to deny the arrangement.

Umbridge stood still looking at him, she didn't dare to interrupt his angry words and that was what Severus expected. Umbridge looked at Lia "Well then I guess you will be serving detentions with Severus. Looks like he can discipline you better than me".

Lia bit her cheeks hard trying not to laugh, faking a disappointed or feared look. She was happy, how couldn't she be, that meant she don't have to do Umbridge's detention, instead she got opportunity to spend time with Severus.

Umbridge left with triumph of her victory, but didn't realise she failed hard there, before Severus' brilliant plan.

"That was like you got promoted from one hell to the next, won't be any better with that git" Harry said to her.

Lia clenched her fist, if he know what Severus is like.. You don't know him Harry.. You just don't know..

"Better than Umbridge in all aspects. Excuse me, I am off to library", she stood up as she don't want to hear them insulting Severus anymore. She saw that Fred and George were looking at her intently as she left.

All of a sudden as she turned around a corner a hand pulled her to a corner. She found herself against a wall, her way blocked by the twins.

"What are you two doing? "

"What was that in the hall, between you and Snape? " Fred asked arms crossed on his chest.

"You were there, you saw what happened. He was angry at me and gave me a detention " .

"Do you think we believe in that? We very well know that you will never fail in your works. So whatever accusations Snape made doesn't make sense "
"Yes and we have been noticing the change of your opinions and attitudes towards him. What is going on exactly? "

Lia's eyes widened in surprise, she hadn't told them till now. She thought she was able to hide it, she don't know how Severus will react if she tell them the truth.

"Actually he was helping me to escape Umbridge's detention ", she said "He know what she was doing, so.. ".

"I told you " Fred exclaimed to George who was shocked.

"Snape was helping you... Lia.. Don't be angry... But are you two.. You and Snape... a thing " George asked unsure.

"Yes, we are ".

Her answer was another shock to them.

"How long? "

"Since last year. But is that really obvious? I tried to keep it secret, you know we can't risk it, he is my professor "

"Not really, not at all. But we know you well, so just able to notice the minute changes"

"Still.. You and Snape! "

"Please stop it. Don't let it out"

"I can't believe this Freddie" George said faking a cry "There was a girl who told us she will die than being Snapey's girlfriend.. I miss her.. "

"I miss her too Georgie" Fred said holding George, like he was consoling him.

Lia shook her head in disbelief, "You two are impossible "

"We know, we are incredible " they said in unison.


Timeskip - December
Snape's chamber :

Severus was trying to figure out a counterspell for Umbridge's spell. Lia thought that he was working on something useless and was surprised as he managed to heal the mark with his new spell.

The two got into a small argument as he told her not to use the spell to heal Harry's scar. He said Umbridge will notice it and that will make it more tough for him. And finally Severus won the argument and she had to let it go.

Lia was reading her book sitting on the couch in his bedroom when he came in finishing his grading work. He sat besides her and wrapped his hand around her shoulder, she leaned to him as she continued her reading and his fingers lazily played with her hair. He was lost in some thoughts that was disturbing him.

"Severus are you alright? ", she asked as she felt him breathing heavily.

"Yeah", he sighed, "Natalia... It is Christmas holidays from tomorrow. Are you.. leaving? "

"Yes. You know I have never been away from them before I came here, Now we only have few times together, so I don't want to miss that".

Severus know she will be leaving, he had noticed that it was only once she stayed here during the holidays. Now that she was there in his chambers every day, he was getting used to her presence. He will sure miss her. But there was something more that worried him.

"What are you doing for christmas Severus? Any plans? " she inquired.

"I have no plans. I don't usually.. celebrate. Either be staying or will leave, don't make any difference ", he held her close tightening his hold around her, "Natalia can I ask you something? ".


"You love your parents much right "

"Of course I do. Is that even a question" , she shook her head continuing her reading.

"Will you go against them or do something they don't like? "

"No. I can't even imagine hurting them. Why are you asking such weird questions? ", she was confused at his questions.

"Do you think they... will approve.. our relationship? What if they don't like... this? "

"They won't, They have respected my decision and....."

"This is not like any other things, this is about your life. Do you think your parents will like an old grumpy person like me in their daughter's life? I don't even know... how a family will be like, how to behave or mingle in society. They won't approve a relationship with me".

"Severus, you are over thinking. They won't, they....."

"Please tell me this, if they ask you to stay away from me, will you... Will you leave me? ", he had been thinking about this since this morning and it was hurting him to think about her leaving him. She said she won't go against her parents, so what if they don't like me?... Who will prefer someone like me?...they will never accept me.. They won't let her to be with someone like me... Will I lose her....Can I handle another loss? ...I am so used to her being with me... It's like my life depend on her now..... I can't handle without her... I can't...

He had forgotten to breath as she kept silent at his question. His heart nearly stopped as she pulled away and got up from there. He felt he will fall dead the moment she says she will leave. But everything became calm and normal as she turned around and sat on his lap cupping his face.

Lia was taken aback by his question, hearing his fear of losing her.

"Severus I have promised you that I won't leave you and I mean it "

"I know that Natalia, but I was.. "

"Shhh.. ", she placed her finger on his lips, "Listen to me first. I am really serious about this relationship. And for your information my parents already know about us. I have told them about you, about your past, our relationship, and almost everything. Except for your role as a double agent. That won't be easy for them to hear my boyfriend risk his life on daily basis working alongside with a dark wizard".

"They know about us! " he looked at her in surprise, he was not expecting that in the least .

"Yes. And they have no objections with this. They told me that they would like to meet you. So I was planning to ask you to visit me on this holidays if you are not having any other plans ".

"Visit your house! Me? ", he was baffled.

"Yes, you.I want to introduce you, my boyfriend, properly to my parents".

"But I don't know .. I haven't...I never did visits. What if I do something wrong? "

"Just be yourself, and I know they will like you more when they get to know you".

"Are you sure? ", he gulped.

"If you are serious about this, you should, it is fine if you have other plans ".

He fell silent for a moment thinking about the possibilities, "okay I will...I will.. But for you ".

"Touché" she teased.

"Don't tease me. I told you I will try it for you and I mean it", he sternly said.

"Thank you so so much ", she said pinching both his cheeks with a smile.

"Ouwww, that hurts Natalia", he rolled his eyes at her rubbing his cheeks.

"Aww I am sorry ", she made a puppy face and kissed on his right cheek, "Fine now ".

A small smirk appeared on his lips, he placed finger on the other cheek smiling at her.

She placed a kiss on his left cheek "Better now? ".

His finger moved to his lips with a small smirk tugging on his lips.

"I don't remember pinching there", she said rolling her eyes .

"But that works better, try it " he said with mischievous glint in his eyes.

Chuckling at this she leaned in and gave a short peck on his lips pulling back fast giving him no time to react.

"I hate you", he turned away disappointed which made her laugh.

"I am sure you do", she help his chin turning his face to her again, leaning in she claimed his lips, kissing him passionately. Her hands went to his hair grabbing a fistful pulling him closer. Severus gasped before melting into the sensation.

******Mature content ahead *******

His hands went to grab her waist flushing her to his hard chest. Grabbing his hair she pushed him back to the couch, hovering over him her lips growing aggressive on his, nipping and sucking his thin soft lips. His hands roamed her body fervently as he was running out of air.

He gasped pulling back for air, but she had no idea to stop. She continued to place sloppy kiss along his jawline, sucking and licking his skin. He groaned as her lips made her way towards his neck and easily found his sweet spot. He let out a moan in pleasure as she licked his sweet spot, blowing air at the wet spot she sucked hard suddenly taking him by surprise.

"Natalia... ", he threw his head back as she left hickeys all over his neck.

"You are mine", she huskily purred into his ears sending a strange shiver down his body.

He could feel himself growing hard as she made her way back to his lips, sucking and licking his skin coating it with her saliva. Slowly teasing him she reached back to his lips and his lips captured hers more eagerly kissing her.

Her fingers travel down to his chest to unbutton his vest as their, she bit his lip making him gasp as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance, Severus slipped his hands under her t shirt and started massaging her lower back. She moaned into the kiss as his fingers worked on her skin. Using this chance Severus dominated her, his tongue shot back to her mouth exploring her taste.

She was growing impatient at his countless buttons when she felt his bulge beneath her. Severus broke the kiss gasping as she started grinding her hips against his.

He looked at her and saw her smirking at his response, "Are you sure about this? ".

"More than anything ", she finished unbottoning his shirts.

Severus shrugged off his cloths excited waiting for her to begin. Lia took a look at his bare chest and abs, her fingers traced every scar on his body making sure he was comfortable with it. He leaned back letting her explore his body sighing, his breath hitched as her finger was replaced by her lips, caressing his skin.

He couldn't hold any longer as she started leaving hickeys along his collar bone. His hands tugged her t-shirt up pulling it over her head breaking the contact.

He hungrily looked at her exposed skin.His fingers traced her curves as he stared at lace bra holding her breasts, leaving much less for his imagination.

"So beautiful ".

She gasped as his hands reached her covered breast kneading them and her nipples grew erect in seconds to his satisfaction. His lips found his way attacking her neck leaving marks over her smooth skin. Her moans were music to his ears. She was growing impatient as he continued to caress her chest, his hands kneading her mound and his bulge twitching against her heat. She unbuckled his belt and pulled the zipper down.

"Not here", he got, she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to his bed and gently placed her down.

He pulled down his pants down leaving him in his boxers with a huge tent. She blushed at the sight, biting her lips, remembering how she played with his member back at his house.

With smirk he placed his indexfinger on forehead slowly dragging her nose..., lips... neck...chest.. between her breast travelling down further, she arched her back in response. His finger stopped at the waist band of her jeans and he lightly tugged at it looking at her for permission.

She noded her head and his hands reached to unbutton them. She helped him to remove them as he struggled with her tight jeans and tossed it aside. Severus took his time to ravish her with his eyes travelling all along her length, she was sitting on his bed in nothing but a lace bra amd panties.

As Severus moved closer to her she started crawling back on his bed with a smile. Severus followed her movements, climbing over the bed he crawled towards her. She stopped as her back hit the headboard and with a smirk he moved closer and crashed his lips on hers, her hands went to his hair immediately deepening the kiss.

His hands reached her back to unclasp her bra and pulled it off her quickly. Severus pulled away from the kiss too early, as she looked at him confused, his hand gripped her thighs and with one tug she was lying flat on her back with him entrapping her beneath him.

She squeeled in surprise as Severus enjoyed seeing her under him. His eyes fell on her round breasts with inviting erect peaks.

"So perfect ", his hand impatiently cupped her right breasts and started playing with it, his thumb teased her peak.

"Severus.. ", she moaned aloud as he played with her breast and he immediately casted a wandless muffliato. He began to place gentle kisses on the marks he left on her skin.

She felt so weak under his touch, her body writhed under him, her panties growing wet. She reached her hand over his bulge and rubbed his cloths member, trying to get more of this.

Severus groaned stopping her hands, "This is your first time Natalia, you are not ready for that, not yet".

He placed a peck on her lips before going back to caress her chest. He flicked his tongue over the peak, making her. He teased her to his satisfaction before taking the peak in his mouth, he suckled her breast circling his tongue over her nipples.

"Severus... Mmmm... "

His one hand kept kneading the other mound teasing and pinching her nipple and the other he used to support himself from crushing her under him.

Whimpering her hands clutched the sheets tight closing her eyes. Severus took all his time teasing her and then switched his attention to the right peak, taking it in his mouth and giving the same treatment. His free hand travelled down under her panties towards her core.

"Mmmm.. " she bucked her hips as his fingers traced her damp wet folds.

Severus groaned to her skin as his fingers doused with her arousal, all for him. His sucking became more hard and he rolled her clit between his fingers.

"Ohhh... Severus.... Oh.. Fuck" she cursed.

He was taking care of all the sensitive parts of her at once and that was a pure bliss to her, she shut her eyes tight enjoying the sensations, there is no much use even she if she open her eyes now, her vision was getting blurry at this overwhelming pleasure.
"Mm.. Severus .."

Her moans and wetness made him impatient, he kissed his way down to her heat. Yanking off the last piece of clothing on her body, she was left naked to his lusty eyes.

"Dripping already ", he smirked spreading her legs for him.

Lia saw him summonig his wand, her confusion was cleared as he tapped his wand over her lower abdomen casting a contraceptive spell.

He had to do that now or he know he can get carried away with the pleasure and will forget about it. He don't want to risk getting her pregnant now. Levitating his wand back to the side table he returned his focus back to her dripping sex.

He started placing sloppy kisses on her right inner thighs making his way up her core, teasingly slow. She was waiting eagerly for him to reach where she craved him.

"Severus... Please.. ", she whinned in disappointment as he switched his attention to her left inner thighs, kissing and sucking his way up with a smirk .

She was waiting for him to slowly make his way up, but he was determined to surprise her. His lips pulled away in midway and all of sudden enclosed her clit.

"Ohhh....", She bucked her hips towards him in pleasure.

"Mmmmm.... Severuss... ", she threw her head back as he started sucking her clit teasing and licking with his tongue. Her nails digged into the material of the sheets.

"Ahhh... ", his middle finger entered her without any warning and pumped in and out of her. She could feel his smirk over her clit as he continued sucking along with fingering.

She let out another gasp as he added a second finger and hit right on her g spot hooking his fingers. Her hand went to grip his hair pressing him more into her, she didn't plan to do that, it just happened naturally.

Severus obliged her needs sucking hard. He felt her walls clench around his fingers, he know she was at the edge and he sucked hard pressing more into her and thrusted his finger faster and it didn't take much time for her to cum all over his fingers.


Removing his fingers he started licking it clean making sure not waste a drop. His shaft was aching to get free, painfully erect inside the boxers.

"I guess you are ready, do you want me to continue or..? ", he want to make sure she is fine with this, she don't have any second thoughts.

"Please " she whimpered.

That was all the encouragement he required, he pulled down his boxers impatient, his shaft sprung up eager to get burried into her heat.

He placed a kiss on her swollen clit, kissing every inch of her he reached her lips. He positioned his shaft at her entrance.

"Sure? " he asked again .....


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